-- Tencent is pleased to support the open source community by making xLua available. -- Copyright (C) 2016 THL A29 Limited, a Tencent company. All rights reserved. -- Licensed under the MIT License (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at -- http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT -- Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. local unpack = unpack or table.unpack local function async_to_sync(async_func, callback_pos) return function(...) local _co = coroutine.running() or error ('this function must be run in coroutine') local rets local waiting = false local function cb_func(...) if waiting then assert(coroutine.resume(_co, ...)) else rets = {...} end end local params = {...} table.insert(params, callback_pos or (#params + 1), cb_func) async_func(unpack(params)) if rets == nil then waiting = true rets = {coroutine.yield()} end return unpack(rets) end end local function coroutine_call(func) return function(...) local co = coroutine.create(func) assert(coroutine.resume(co, ...)) end end local move_end = {} local generator_mt = { __index = { MoveNext = function(self) self.Current = self.co() if self.Current == move_end then self.Current = nil return false else return true end end; Reset = function(self) self.co = coroutine.wrap(self.w_func) end } } local function cs_generator(func, ...) local params = {...} local generator = setmetatable({ w_func = function() func(unpack(params)) return move_end end }, generator_mt) generator:Reset() return generator end local function loadpackage(...) for _, loader in ipairs(package.searchers) do local func = loader(...) if type(func) == 'function' then return func end end end local function auto_id_map() local hotfix_id_map = require 'hotfix_id_map' local org_hotfix = xlua.hotfix xlua.hotfix = function(cs, field, func) local map_info_of_type = hotfix_id_map[typeof(cs):ToString()] if map_info_of_type then if func == nil then func = false end local tbl = (type(field) == 'table') and field or {[field] = func} for k, v in pairs(tbl) do local map_info_of_methods = map_info_of_type[k] local f = type(v) == 'function' and v or nil for _, id in ipairs(map_info_of_methods or {}) do CS.XLua.HotfixDelegateBridge.Set(id, f) end --CS.XLua.HotfixDelegateBridge.Set( end xlua.private_accessible(cs) else return org_hotfix(cs, field, func) end end end --和xlua.hotfix的区别是:这个可以调用原来的函数 local function hotfix_ex(cs, field, func) assert(type(field) == 'string' and type(func) == 'function', 'invalid argument: #2 string needed, #3 function needed!') local function func_after(...) xlua.hotfix(cs, field, nil) local ret = {func(...)} xlua.hotfix(cs, field, func_after) return unpack(ret) end xlua.hotfix(cs, field, func_after) end local function bind(func, obj) return function(...) return func(obj, ...) end end --为了兼容luajit,lua53版本直接用|操作符即可 local enum_or_op = debug.getmetatable(CS.System.Reflection.BindingFlags.Public).__bor local enum_or_op_ex = function(first, ...) for _, e in ipairs({...}) do first = enum_or_op(first, e) end return first end -- description: 直接用C#函数创建delegate local function createdelegate(delegate_cls, obj, impl_cls, method_name, parameter_type_list) local flag = enum_or_op_ex(CS.System.Reflection.BindingFlags.Public, CS.System.Reflection.BindingFlags.NonPublic, CS.System.Reflection.BindingFlags.Instance, CS.System.Reflection.BindingFlags.Static) local m = parameter_type_list and typeof(impl_cls):GetMethod(method_name, flag, nil, parameter_type_list, nil) or typeof(impl_cls):GetMethod(method_name, flag) return CS.System.Delegate.CreateDelegate(typeof(delegate_cls), obj, m) end local function state(csobj, state) local csobj_mt = getmetatable(csobj) for k, v in pairs(csobj_mt) do rawset(state, k, v) end local csobj_index, csobj_newindex = state.__index, state.__newindex state.__index = function(obj, k) return rawget(state, k) or csobj_index(obj, k) end state.__newindex = function(obj, k, v) if rawget(state, k) ~= nil then rawset(state, k, v) else csobj_newindex(obj, k, v) end end debug.setmetatable(csobj, state) return state end local function print_func_ref_by_csharp() local registry = debug.getregistry() for k, v in pairs(registry) do if type(k) == 'number' and type(v) == 'function' and registry[v] == k then local info = debug.getinfo(v) print(string.format('%s:%d', info.short_src, info.linedefined)) end end end return { async_to_sync = async_to_sync, coroutine_call = coroutine_call, cs_generator = cs_generator, loadpackage = loadpackage, auto_id_map = auto_id_map, hotfix_ex = hotfix_ex, bind = bind, createdelegate = createdelegate, state = state, print_func_ref_by_csharp = print_func_ref_by_csharp, }