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VoyagerWithEPT/Voyager-1/Voyager-1 (1703-1511)/PayLoad.h

22 lines
550 B

#pragma once
#include "Utils.h"
4 years ago
#include <Library/ShellLib.h>
extern VOID* PayLoad;
#pragma pack(push, 1)
4 years ago
typedef struct _VOYAGER_T
UINT64 VmExitHandlerRva;
UINT64 HypervModuleBase;
UINT64 HypervModuleSize;
UINT64 ModuleBase;
UINT64 ModuleSize;
4 years ago
#pragma pack(pop)
4 years ago
#define WINDOWS_BOOTMGFW_PATH L"\\efi\\microsoft\\boot\\bootmgfw.efi"
#define PAYLOAD_PATH L"\\efi\\microsoft\\boot\\payload.dll"
UINT32 PayLoadSize(VOID);
4 years ago
EFI_STATUS LoadPayLoadFromDisk(VOID** PayLoadBufferPtr);
VOID* PayLoadEntry(VOID* ModuleBase);