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VoyagerWithEPT/Voyager-1/Voyager-1 (2004-1709)/WinLoad.c

120 lines
4.4 KiB

4 years ago
#include "WinLoad.h"
SHITHOOK WinLoadImageShitHook;
SHITHOOK WinLoadAllocateImageHook;
BOOLEAN HyperVloading = FALSE;
BOOLEAN ExtendedAllocation = FALSE;
UINT64 AllocationCount = 0;
CHAR8 ModulePathCStr[0x100];
4 years ago
EFI_STATUS EFIAPI BlLdrLoadImage(VOID* Arg1, CHAR16* ModulePath, CHAR16* ModuleName, VOID* Arg4, VOID* Arg5, VOID* Arg6, VOID* Arg7, PPLDR_DATA_TABLE_ENTRY lplpTableEntry,
VOID* Arg9, VOID* Arg10, VOID* Arg11, VOID* Arg12, VOID* Arg13, VOID* Arg14, VOID* Arg15, VOID* Arg16)
if (!StrCmp(ModuleName, L"hv.exe"))
HyperVloading = TRUE;
UnicodeStrToAsciiStr(ModuleName, ModulePathCStr);
UnicodeStrToAsciiStr(ModulePath, ModulePathCStr);
4 years ago
EFI_STATUS Result = ((LDR_LOAD_IMAGE)WinLoadImageShitHook.Address)(Arg1, ModulePath, ModuleName, Arg4, Arg5, Arg6, Arg7, lplpTableEntry,
Arg9, Arg10, Arg11, Arg12, Arg13, Arg14, Arg15, Arg16);
// continue hooking until we hook hyper-v...
if (!HookedHyperV)
4 years ago
// hv.exe has been loaded into memory...
if (!HookedHyperV && !StrCmp(ModuleName, L"hv.exe"))
4 years ago
HookedHyperV = TRUE;
PLDR_DATA_TABLE_ENTRY TableEntry = *lplpTableEntry;
4 years ago
EFI_IMAGE_DOS_HEADER* HypervDosHeader = TableEntry->ModuleBase;
if (HypervDosHeader->e_magic != EFI_IMAGE_DOS_SIGNATURE)
return Result;
4 years ago
EFI_IMAGE_NT_HEADERS64* HypervNtHeader = (UINT64)HypervDosHeader + HypervDosHeader->e_lfanew;
if (HypervNtHeader->Signature != EFI_IMAGE_NT_SIGNATURE)
return Result;
4 years ago
EFI_IMAGE_SECTION_HEADER* pSection = ((UINT64)&HypervNtHeader->OptionalHeader) +
4 years ago
for (UINT16 i = 0; i < HypervNtHeader->FileHeader.NumberOfSections; ++i, ++pSection)
4 years ago
if (!AsciiStrCmp(&pSection->Name, ".reloc"))
voyager_t VoyagerData;
4 years ago
4 years ago
TableEntry->ModuleBase + pSection->VirtualAddress + pSection->Misc.VirtualSize,
4 years ago
DBG_PRINT(".reloc section base address -> 0x%p\n", TableEntry->ModuleBase + pSection->VirtualAddress);
DBG_PRINT(".reloc section end (aka golden record base address) -> 0x%p\n", TableEntry->ModuleBase + pSection->VirtualAddress + pSection->Misc.VirtualSize);
VOID* VmExitHook = MapModule(&VoyagerData, PayLoad);
if (!VmExitHook)
return Result;
4 years ago
VOID* VmExitFunction = HookVmExit
4 years ago
if (!VmExitFunction)
return Result;
4 years ago
pSection->Characteristics = SECTION_RWX;
pSection->Misc.VirtualSize += PayLoadSize();
4 years ago
DBG_PRINT("VmExitHook (PayLoad Entry Point) -> 0x%p\n", VmExitHook);
HypervNtHeader->OptionalHeader.SizeOfImage += PayLoadSize();
TableEntry->SizeOfImage += PayLoadSize();
4 years ago
DBG_PRINT("[%s] Image Base -> 0x%p, Image Size -> 0x%x\n", __FUNCTION__, (*lplpTableEntry)->ModuleBase, (*lplpTableEntry)->SizeOfImage);
return Result;
UINT64 EFIAPI BlImgAllocateImageBuffer(VOID** imageBuffer, UINTN imageSize, UINT32 memoryType, UINT32 attributes, VOID* unused, UINT32 flags)
// The second allocation for hv.exe is used for the actual image... Wait for the second allocation before extending the allocation...
// these allocations are not subject to change. its not a randomized or controlled order. It is what it is :|
4 years ago
// hv.exe
// [BlImgAllocateImageBuffer] Alloc Base -> 0x7FFFF9FE000, Alloc Size -> 0x17C548
// [BlImgAllocateImageBuffer] Alloc Base -> 0xFFFFF80608120000, Alloc Size -> 0x1600000
// [BlImgAllocateImageBuffer] Alloc Base -> 0xFFFFF80606D68000, Alloc Size -> 0x2148
// [BlLdrLoadImage] Image Base -> 0xFFFFF80608120000, Image Size -> 0x1600000
if (HyperVloading && !ExtendedAllocation && ++AllocationCount == 2)
ExtendedAllocation = TRUE;
imageSize += PayLoadSize();
4 years ago
// allocate the entire hyper-v module as rwx...
UINT64 Result = ((ALLOCATE_IMAGE_BUFFER)WinLoadAllocateImageHook.Address)(imageBuffer, imageSize, memoryType, attributes, unused, flags);
if(!ExtendedAllocation) // keep hooking until we extend an allocation...
DBG_PRINT("Allocated memory -> 0x%p, size -> 0x%x\n", *imageBuffer, imageSize);
4 years ago
return Result;