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VoyagerWithEPT/Voyager/PayLoad (AMD)/pg_table.cpp

138 lines
4.5 KiB

#include "pg_table.h"
namespace pg_table
void* translate(void* virtual_address, const ptable_entries entries)
virt_addr_t virt_addr{ virtual_address };
virt_addr_t cursor{ hyperv_pml4 };
if (entries) entries->pml4e = reinterpret_cast<ppml4e>(cursor.value)[virt_addr.pml4_index];
if (!reinterpret_cast<ppml4e>(cursor.value)[virt_addr.pml4_index].present)
return nullptr;
// set the cursor to self reference so that when we read
// the addresses pointed to by cursor its going to be a pdpt...
cursor.pdpt_index = virt_addr_t{ hyperv_pml4 }.pml4_index;
cursor.pd_index = virt_addr_t{ hyperv_pml4 }.pml4_index;
cursor.pt_index = virt_addr.pml4_index;
if (entries) entries->pdpte = reinterpret_cast<ppdpte>(cursor.value)[virt_addr.pdpt_index];
if (!reinterpret_cast<ppdpte>(cursor.value)[virt_addr.pdpt_index].present)
return nullptr;
// set the cursor to self reference so that when we read
// the addresses pointed to by cursor its going to be a pd...
cursor.pdpt_index = virt_addr_t{ hyperv_pml4 }.pml4_index;
cursor.pd_index = virt_addr.pml4_index;
cursor.pt_index = virt_addr.pdpt_index;
if (entries) entries->pde = reinterpret_cast<ppde>(cursor.value)[virt_addr.pd_index];
if (!reinterpret_cast<ppde>(cursor.value)[virt_addr.pd_index].present)
return nullptr;
// set the cursor to self reference so that when we read
// the addresses pointed to by cursor its going to be a pt...
cursor.pdpt_index = virt_addr.pml4_index;
cursor.pd_index = virt_addr.pdpt_index;
cursor.pt_index = virt_addr.pd_index;
if (entries) entries->pte = reinterpret_cast<ppte>(cursor.value)[virt_addr.pt_index];
if (!reinterpret_cast<ppte>(cursor.value)[virt_addr.pt_index].present)
return nullptr;
return reinterpret_cast<void*>(
reinterpret_cast<ppte>(cursor.value)[virt_addr.pt_index].pfn << 12);
void* translate(void* virtual_address, u32 pml4_pfn, const ptable_entries entries)
virt_addr_t virt_addr{ virtual_address };
const auto cursor = get_cursor_page();
if (!reinterpret_cast<ppml4e>(cursor)[virt_addr.pml4_index].present)
return nullptr;
if (entries) entries->pml4e = reinterpret_cast<ppml4e>(cursor)[virt_addr.pml4_index];
if (!reinterpret_cast<ppdpte>(cursor)[virt_addr.pdpt_index].present)
return nullptr;
if (entries) entries->pdpte = reinterpret_cast<ppdpte>(cursor)[virt_addr.pdpt_index];
if (!reinterpret_cast<ppde>(cursor)[virt_addr.pd_index].present)
return nullptr;
if (entries) entries->pde = reinterpret_cast<ppde>(cursor)[virt_addr.pd_index];
if (!reinterpret_cast<ppte>(cursor)[virt_addr.pt_index].present)
return nullptr;
if (entries) entries->pte = reinterpret_cast<ppte>(cursor)[virt_addr.pt_index];
return reinterpret_cast<void*>(
reinterpret_cast<ppte>(cursor)[virt_addr.pt_index].pfn << 12);
void set_cursor_page(u32 phys_pfn)
cpuid_eax_01 cpuid_value;
__cpuid((int*)&cpuid_value, 1);
.initial_apic_id].pfn = phys_pfn;
// flush tlb for this page and then ensure the instruction stream
// is seralized as to not execute instructions out of order and access the page
// before the TLB is flushed...
void* get_cursor_page()
cpuid_eax_01 cpuid_value;
__cpuid((int*)&cpuid_value, 1);
constexpr auto cursor_page = 0x00007F7FFFE00000;
virt_addr_t virt_addr{ reinterpret_cast<void*>(cursor_page) };
virt_addr.pt_index = cpuid_value
return virt_addr.value;
bool init_pg_tables()
auto pdpt_phys = reinterpret_cast<u64>(translate(pdpt));
auto pd_phys = reinterpret_cast<u64>(translate(pd));
auto pt_phys = reinterpret_cast<u64>(translate(pt));
if (!pdpt_phys || !pd_phys || !pt_phys)
return false;
hyperv_pml4[254].present = true;
hyperv_pml4[254].pfn = pdpt_phys >> 12;
hyperv_pml4[254].user_supervisor = false;
hyperv_pml4[254].rw = true;
pdpt[511].present = true;
pdpt[511].pfn = pd_phys >> 12;
pdpt[511].user_supervisor = false;
pdpt[511].rw = true;
pd[511].present = true;
pd[511].pfn = pt_phys >> 12;
pd[511].user_supervisor = false;
pd[511].rw = true;
for (auto idx = 0u; idx < 512; ++idx)
pt[idx].present = true;
pt[idx].user_supervisor = false;
pt[idx].rw = true;
return true;