# BEDaisy reverse engineering of bedaisy.sys (battleyes kernel driver). By registering on image load callbacks and IAT hooking BEDaisy's `MmGetSystemRoutineAddress` we can simply hook any imports we want and have control flow over subsequent functions. # APCS The below function will be executed in each thread that bedaisy registers an APC on. ```cpp __int64 __usercall apc_callback@(char _CL@, char _BH@, __int64 *a3@) { __int64 v4; // rbx __asm { rcl bh, cl } v4 = *a3; *(_DWORD *)(v4 + 2160) = RtlWalkFrameChain(*a3 + 0x70, 256i64, 0i64); return KeSetEvent(v4 + 88, 0i64, 0i64); } ```