#pragma once #include #include #include #include #pragma comment(lib, "ntdll.lib") #if _DEBUG #define DBG_ASSERT(...) assert(__VA_ARGS__) #define DBG_PRINT(...) printf(__VA_ARGS__) #else #define DBG_ASSERT(...) assert(__VA_ARGS__) #define DBG_PRINT(...) printf(__VA_ARGS__) #endif #define MM_COPY_MEMORY_PHYSICAL 0x1 #define MM_COPY_MEMORY_VIRTUAL 0x2 inline const char piddb_lock_sig[] = "\x48\x8D\x0D\x00\x00\x00\x00\xE8\x00\x00\x00\x00\x4C\x8B\x8C\x24"; inline const char piddb_lock_mask[] = "xxx????x????xxxx"; inline const char piddb_table_sig[] = "\x48\x8D\x0D\x00\x00\x00\x00\xE8\x00\x00\x00\x00\x48\x8D\x1D\x00\x00\x00\x00\x48\x85\xC0\x0F"; inline const char piddb_table_mask[] = "xxx????x????xxx????xxxx"; constexpr auto PAGE_SIZE = 0x1000; constexpr auto STATUS_INFO_LENGTH_MISMATCH = 0xC0000004; constexpr auto SystemModuleInformation = 11; constexpr auto SystemHandleInformation = 16; constexpr auto SystemExtendedHandleInformation = 64; typedef struct PiDDBCacheEntry { LIST_ENTRY list; UNICODE_STRING driver_name; ULONG time_stamp; NTSTATUS load_status; char _0x0028[16]; // data from the shim engine, or uninitialized memory for custom drivers }PIDCacheobj; typedef struct _SYSTEM_HANDLE { PVOID Object; HANDLE UniqueProcessId; HANDLE HandleValue; ULONG GrantedAccess; USHORT CreatorBackTraceIndex; USHORT ObjectTypeIndex; ULONG HandleAttributes; ULONG Reserved; } SYSTEM_HANDLE, * PSYSTEM_HANDLE; typedef struct _SYSTEM_HANDLE_INFORMATION_EX { ULONG_PTR HandleCount; ULONG_PTR Reserved; SYSTEM_HANDLE Handles[1]; } SYSTEM_HANDLE_INFORMATION_EX, * PSYSTEM_HANDLE_INFORMATION_EX; typedef struct _RTL_PROCESS_MODULE_INFORMATION { HANDLE Section; PVOID MappedBase; PVOID ImageBase; ULONG ImageSize; ULONG Flags; USHORT LoadOrderIndex; USHORT InitOrderIndex; USHORT LoadCount; USHORT OffsetToFileName; UCHAR FullPathName[256]; } RTL_PROCESS_MODULE_INFORMATION, * PRTL_PROCESS_MODULE_INFORMATION; typedef struct _RTL_PROCESS_MODULES { ULONG NumberOfModules; RTL_PROCESS_MODULE_INFORMATION Modules[1]; } RTL_PROCESS_MODULES, * PRTL_PROCESS_MODULES; typedef LARGE_INTEGER PHYSICAL_ADDRESS, * PPHYSICAL_ADDRESS; typedef struct _MM_COPY_ADDRESS { union { PVOID VirtualAddress; PHYSICAL_ADDRESS PhysicalAddress; }; } MM_COPY_ADDRESS, * PMMCOPY_ADDRESS; typedef CCHAR KPROCESSOR_MODE; typedef enum _MODE { KernelMode, UserMode, MaximumMode } MODE; typedef enum _POOL_TYPE { NonPagedPool, NonPagedPoolExecute, PagedPool, NonPagedPoolMustSucceed, DontUseThisType, NonPagedPoolCacheAligned, PagedPoolCacheAligned, NonPagedPoolCacheAlignedMustS, MaxPoolType, NonPagedPoolBase, NonPagedPoolBaseMustSucceed, NonPagedPoolBaseCacheAligned, NonPagedPoolBaseCacheAlignedMustS, NonPagedPoolSession, PagedPoolSession, NonPagedPoolMustSucceedSession, DontUseThisTypeSession, NonPagedPoolCacheAlignedSession, PagedPoolCacheAlignedSession, NonPagedPoolCacheAlignedMustSSession, NonPagedPoolNx, NonPagedPoolNxCacheAligned, NonPagedPoolSessionNx } POOL_TYPE; typedef enum _MEMORY_CACHING_TYPE { MmNonCached, MmCached, MmWriteCombined, MmHardwareCoherentCached, MmNonCachedUnordered, MmUSWCCached, MmMaximumCacheType, MmNotMapped } MEMORY_CACHING_TYPE; typedef struct _KAPC_STATE { LIST_ENTRY ApcListHead[MaximumMode]; struct _KPROCESS* Process; union { UCHAR InProgressFlags; struct { BOOLEAN KernelApcInProgress : 1; BOOLEAN SpecialApcInProgress : 1; }; }; BOOLEAN KernelApcPending; union { BOOLEAN UserApcPendingAll; struct { BOOLEAN SpecialUserApcPending : 1; BOOLEAN UserApcPending : 1; }; }; } KAPC_STATE, * PKAPC_STATE, * PRKAPC_STATE; using PEPROCESS = PVOID; using ZwOpenProcess = NTSYSAPI NTSTATUS (__fastcall*)( PHANDLE ProcessHandle, ACCESS_MASK DesiredAccess, POBJECT_ATTRIBUTES ObjectAttributes, CLIENT_ID* ClientId ); using ZwAllocateVirtualMemory = NTSTATUS(__fastcall*)( _In_ HANDLE ProcessHandle, _Inout_ PVOID* BaseAddress, _In_ ULONG_PTR ZeroBits, _Inout_ PSIZE_T RegionSize, _In_ ULONG AllocationType, _In_ ULONG Protect ); using MmCopyVirtualMemory = NTSTATUS (__fastcall*)( IN PEPROCESS FromProcess, IN PVOID FromAddress, IN PEPROCESS ToProcess, OUT PVOID ToAddress, IN SIZE_T BufferSize, IN KPROCESSOR_MODE PreviousMode, OUT PSIZE_T NumberOfBytesCopied ); using PsLookupProcessByProcessId = NTSTATUS (__fastcall*)( HANDLE ProcessId, PEPROCESS* Process ); using MmCopyMemory = NTSTATUS(__stdcall*)( PVOID, MM_COPY_ADDRESS, SIZE_T, ULONG, PSIZE_T ); using MmGetVirtualForPhysical = PVOID(__fastcall*)( __in PHYSICAL_ADDRESS PhysicalAddress ); using MmGetPhysicalAddress = PVOID (__fastcall*)( __in PVOID BaseAddress ); using ExAllocatePool = PVOID (__fastcall*) ( POOL_TYPE PoolType, SIZE_T NumberOfBytes ); using IoAllocateMdl = PVOID(__fastcall*)( __drv_aliasesMem PVOID VirtualAddress, ULONG Length, BOOLEAN SecondaryBuffer, BOOLEAN ChargeQuota, PVOID Irp ); using MmBuildMdlForNonPagedPool = void (__fastcall*)( PVOID MemoryDescriptorList ); using MmMapLockedPagesSpecifyCache = PVOID (__fastcall*)( PVOID MemoryDescriptorList, KPROCESSOR_MODE AccessMode, MEMORY_CACHING_TYPE CacheType, PVOID RequestedAddress, ULONG BugCheckOnFailure, ULONG Priority ); using KeUnstackDetachProcess = void (__fastcall*)( PRKAPC_STATE ApcState ); using KeStackAttachProcess = void (__fastcall*)( PEPROCESS PROCESS, PRKAPC_STATE ApcState ); using ExFreePool = void* (__fastcall*)( PVOID P ); using ZwLockVirtualMemory = NTSTATUS (__fastcall*)( IN HANDLE, IN OUT PVOID, IN OUT PULONG, IN ULONG ); typedef union _virt_addr_t { void* value; struct { std::uint64_t offset : 12; std::uint64_t pt_index : 9; std::uint64_t pd_index : 9; std::uint64_t pdpt_index : 9; std::uint64_t pml4_index : 9; std::uint64_t reserved : 16; }; } virt_addr_t, *pvirt_addr_t; static_assert(sizeof(virt_addr_t) == sizeof(PVOID), "Size mismatch, only 64-bit supported."); typedef union _pml4e { std::uint64_t value; struct { std::uint64_t present : 1; // Must be 1, region invalid if 0. std::uint64_t ReadWrite : 1; // If 0, writes not allowed. std::uint64_t user_supervisor : 1; // If 0, user-mode accesses not allowed. std::uint64_t PageWriteThrough : 1; // Determines the memory type used to access PDPT. std::uint64_t page_cache : 1; // Determines the memory type used to access PDPT. std::uint64_t accessed : 1; // If 0, this entry has not been used for translation. std::uint64_t Ignored1 : 1; std::uint64_t page_size : 1; // Must be 0 for PML4E. std::uint64_t Ignored2 : 4; std::uint64_t pfn : 36; // The page frame number of the PDPT of this PML4E. std::uint64_t Reserved : 4; std::uint64_t Ignored3 : 11; std::uint64_t nx : 1; // If 1, instruction fetches not allowed. }; } pml4e, * ppml4e; static_assert(sizeof(pml4e) == sizeof(PVOID), "Size mismatch, only 64-bit supported."); typedef union _pdpte { std::uint64_t value; struct { std::uint64_t present : 1; // Must be 1, region invalid if 0. std::uint64_t rw : 1; // If 0, writes not allowed. std::uint64_t user_supervisor : 1; // If 0, user-mode accesses not allowed. std::uint64_t PageWriteThrough : 1; // Determines the memory type used to access PD. std::uint64_t page_cache : 1; // Determines the memory type used to access PD. std::uint64_t accessed : 1; // If 0, this entry has not been used for translation. std::uint64_t Ignored1 : 1; std::uint64_t page_size : 1; // If 1, this entry maps a 1GB page. std::uint64_t Ignored2 : 4; std::uint64_t pfn : 36; // The page frame number of the PD of this PDPTE. std::uint64_t Reserved : 4; std::uint64_t Ignored3 : 11; std::uint64_t nx : 1; // If 1, instruction fetches not allowed. }; } pdpte, * ppdpte; static_assert(sizeof(pdpte) == sizeof(PVOID), "Size mismatch, only 64-bit supported."); typedef union _pde { std::uint64_t value; struct { std::uint64_t present : 1; // Must be 1, region invalid if 0. std::uint64_t rw : 1; // If 0, writes not allowed. std::uint64_t user_supervisor : 1; // If 0, user-mode accesses not allowed. std::uint64_t PageWriteThrough : 1; // Determines the memory type used to access PT. std::uint64_t page_cache : 1; // Determines the memory type used to access PT. std::uint64_t accessed : 1; // If 0, this entry has not been used for translation. std::uint64_t Ignored1 : 1; std::uint64_t page_size : 1; // If 1, this entry maps a 2MB page. std::uint64_t Ignored2 : 4; std::uint64_t pfn : 36; // The page frame number of the PT of this PDE. std::uint64_t Reserved : 4; std::uint64_t Ignored3 : 11; std::uint64_t nx : 1; // If 1, instruction fetches not allowed. }; } pde, * ppde; static_assert(sizeof(pde) == sizeof(PVOID), "Size mismatch, only 64-bit supported."); typedef union _pte { std::uint64_t value; struct { std::uint64_t present : 1; // Must be 1, region invalid if 0. std::uint64_t rw : 1; // If 0, writes not allowed. std::uint64_t user_supervisor : 1; // If 0, user-mode accesses not allowed. std::uint64_t PageWriteThrough : 1; // Determines the memory type used to access the memory. std::uint64_t page_cache : 1; // Determines the memory type used to access the memory. std::uint64_t accessed : 1; // If 0, this entry has not been used for translation. std::uint64_t Dirty : 1; // If 0, the memory backing this page has not been written to. std::uint64_t PageAccessType : 1; // Determines the memory type used to access the memory. std::uint64_t Global : 1; // If 1 and the PGE bit of CR4 is set, translations are global. std::uint64_t Ignored2 : 3; std::uint64_t pfn : 36; // The page frame number of the backing physical page. std::uint64_t reserved : 4; std::uint64_t Ignored3 : 7; std::uint64_t ProtectionKey : 4; // If the PKE bit of CR4 is set, determines the protection key. std::uint64_t nx : 1; // If 1, instruction fetches not allowed. }; } pte, * ppte; static_assert(sizeof(pte) == sizeof(PVOID), "Size mismatch, only 64-bit supported."); using ExAllocatePool = PVOID(__stdcall*) (POOL_TYPE, SIZE_T); using ExAllocatePoolWithTag = PVOID(__stdcall*)(POOL_TYPE, SIZE_T, ULONG); using MmCopyMemory = NTSTATUS(__stdcall*)(PVOID, MM_COPY_ADDRESS, SIZE_T, ULONG, PSIZE_T); using DRIVER_INITIALIZE = NTSTATUS(__stdcall*)(uintptr_t, size_t); using ExAcquireResourceExclusiveLite = BOOLEAN(__stdcall*)(void*, bool); using RtlLookupElementGenericTableAvl = PIDCacheobj * (__stdcall*) (void*, void*); using RtlDeleteElementGenericTableAvl = bool(__stdcall*)(void*, void*); using ExReleaseResourceLite = bool(__stdcall*)(void*); using PsGetProcessSectionBaseAddress = void* (__fastcall*)(PEPROCESS);