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30 lines
894 B

#pragma once
#include <comp/symbol_table.hpp>
#include <decomp/decomp.hpp>
namespace theo::comp {
using resolve_t = std::function<std::uintptr_t(std::string&&)>;
using copy_t = std::function<void(void*, std::uint32_t)>;
using alloc_t = std::function<std::uintptr_t(std::uint32_t,
class comp_t {
explicit comp_t(decomp::decomp_t& dcmp, comp::symbol_table_t syms);
explicit comp_t(decomp::decomp_t& dcmp,
comp::symbol_table_t syms,
alloc_t alloc,
copy_t copy,
resolve_t resolve);
void allocator(alloc_t alloc);
void copier(copy_t copy);
void resolver(resolve_t resolve);
std::uintptr_t resolve(std::string&& sym);
resolve_t m_resolver;
copy_t m_copier;
alloc_t m_allocator;
} // namespace theo::comp