#include #include #include #include #include #include "client.hpp" #include "msrexec/msrexec.hpp" #include "msrexec/vdm.hpp" #include "vdm/vdm_ctx.hpp" using map_symbols_t = std::map>; using extern_symbols_t = std::vector>; auto get_map_symbols(std::string map_path) -> map_symbols_t { std::ifstream map_file(map_path); if (!map_file.is_open()) return { {}, {} }; std::string line; map_symbols_t result; while (std::getline(map_file, line)) { const auto colon_index = line.find(":"); if (colon_index == std::string::npos) break; const auto section_number = std::strtoul(line.substr(1, colon_index).c_str(), NULL, 16); const auto section_offset = std::strtoull(line.substr( colon_index + 1, 16).c_str(), NULL, 16); auto symbol = line.substr( colon_index + 16 + 8, line.length() - (colon_index + 16 + 7)); symbol[symbol.length()] = '\0'; result[symbol] = { section_number, section_offset }; } return result; } int __cdecl main(int argc, char** argv) { if (argc <= 5) { std::printf("[!] invalid usage... please review the following:\n"); std::printf("\t> client.exe --ip --port 1234 --DemoDll --pid 14234\n"); std::printf("\t> client.exe --ip --port 1234 --DemoImGui --pid 14234\n"); std::printf("\t\t> --pid, provide a process id to inject into...\n"); std::printf("\t\t> --ip, must be specific I.E\n"); std::printf("\t\t> --port, port number to connect too...\n"); std::printf("\t\t> --DemoDll, streams demo dll...\n"); std::printf("\t\t> --DemoImGui, streams demo imgui project...\n"); std::printf("\t> client.exe --ip --port 1234 --DemoDrv --MSREXEC --maps ntoskrnl.exe.map\n"); std::printf("\t> client.exe --ip --port 1234 --DemoDrv --VDM --maps ntoskrnl.exe.map\n"); std::printf("\t\t> --pid, provide a process id to inject into...\n"); std::printf("\t\t> --ip, must be specific I.E\n"); std::printf("\t\t> --MSREXEC, use MSREXEC to map the driver...\n"); std::printf("\t\t> --VDM, use VDM to map the driver...\n"); std::printf("\t\t> --maps, map files for unexported symbols...\n"); std::printf("\t\t> --DemoDrv, maps demo driver into the kernel...\n"); return -1; } int result{}; SOCKET client_socket; WSADATA startup_data; ADDRINFOA addr_info, * addr_result = nullptr; memset(&addr_info, NULL, sizeof addr_info); if ((result = WSAStartup(MAKEWORD(2, 2), &startup_data))) { std::printf("[!] failed to startup wsa... reason = %d\n", result); return -1; } if ((result = getaddrinfo(argv[2], argv[4], &addr_info, &addr_result))) { std::printf("[!] failed to get address info = %s:%s, reason = %d\n", argv[2], argv[4], result); return -1; } if ((client_socket = socket(addr_result->ai_family, addr_result->ai_socktype, addr_result->ai_protocol)) == INVALID_SOCKET) { std::printf("[!] failed to create socket... reason = %d\n", WSAGetLastError()); return -1; } if ((result = connect(client_socket, addr_result->ai_addr, addr_result->ai_addrlen)) == SOCKET_ERROR) { std::printf("[!] failed to connect to server... reason = %d\n", WSAGetLastError()); return -1; } std::printf("[+] connected to theo server (%s:%s)\n", argv[2], argv[4]); theo::theo_data packet; packet.type = theo::theo_packet_type::init; // determine which file we are asking to map... for (auto idx = 0u; idx < argc; ++idx) { if (!strcmp(argv[idx], "--DemoDll")) { packet.file = theo::theo_file_type::demo_dll; break; } else if (!strcmp(argv[idx], "--DemoDrv")) { packet.file = theo::theo_file_type::demo_drv; break; } else if (!strcmp(argv[idx], "--DemoImGui")) { packet.file = theo::theo_file_type::demo_imgui; break; } } switch (packet.file) { case theo::theo_file_type::demo_dll: case theo::theo_file_type::demo_imgui: { std::uint32_t pid_offset = 0u, pid = 0u; for (auto idx = 3; idx < argc; ++idx) if (!strcmp(argv[idx], "--pid")) pid_offset = idx + 1; if (!pid_offset || !(pid = std::atoi(argv[pid_offset]))) { std::printf("[!] invalid pid...\n"); return -1; } const auto phandle = OpenProcess(PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS, FALSE, pid); if (phandle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { std::printf("[!] failed to open handle...\n"); return -1; } theo::malloc_t _alloc = [&](std::size_t size, std::uint32_t prot) -> void* { const auto result = VirtualAllocEx ( phandle, nullptr, size, MEM_COMMIT | MEM_RESERVE, prot ); if (!result) { std::printf("[!] failed to allocate virtual memory...\n"); exit(-1); } return result; }; theo::memcpy_t _memcpy = [&](void* dest, const void* src, std::size_t size) -> void* { SIZE_T bytes_handled; if (!WriteProcessMemory(phandle, dest, src, size, &bytes_handled)) { std::printf("[!] failed to write memory... reason = 0x%x\n", GetLastError()); std::getchar(); } return dest; }; theo::resolve_symbol_t _resolver = [&](const char* symbol_name) -> std::uintptr_t { static std::map symbol_table; if (!symbol_table[symbol_name]) { auto loaded_modules = std::make_unique(64); std::uintptr_t result = 0u, loaded_module_sz = 0u; if (!EnumProcessModules(phandle, loaded_modules.get(), 512, (PDWORD)&loaded_module_sz)) return {}; for (auto i = 0u; i < loaded_module_sz / 8u; i++) { wchar_t file_name[MAX_PATH] = L""; if (!GetModuleFileNameExW(phandle, loaded_modules.get()[i], file_name, _countof(file_name))) continue; if ((result = reinterpret_cast( GetProcAddress(LoadLibraryW(file_name), symbol_name)))) break; } symbol_table[symbol_name] = result; return result; } return symbol_table[symbol_name]; }; theo::client mapper(client_socket, packet, { _alloc, _memcpy, _resolver }); std::printf("[+] streaming module...\n"); const auto module_entry = reinterpret_cast( mapper.handle()); std::printf("[+] module entry -> 0x%p\n", module_entry); if (module_entry) { std::uint32_t tid = 0u; CreateRemoteThread(phandle, NULL, NULL, module_entry, NULL, NULL, (LPDWORD)&tid); } break; } case theo::theo_file_type::demo_drv: { std::uint32_t maps_offset = 0u; std::vector> extern_symbols; for (auto idx = 5; idx < argc; ++idx) { if (!strcmp(argv[idx], "--maps")) { maps_offset = idx + 1; break; } } if (maps_offset) { for (auto idx = maps_offset; idx <= argc - 1; ++idx) { extern_symbols.push_back ({ std::filesystem::path(argv[idx]).stem().string(), get_map_symbols(argv[idx]) }); } } std::printf("[+] number of map files = %d\n", extern_symbols.size()); for (auto idx = 0u; idx < extern_symbols.size(); ++idx) std::printf("[+] %s number of symbols = %d\n", extern_symbols[idx].first.c_str(), extern_symbols[idx].second.size()); theo::resolve_symbol_t _kresolver = [&, &extern_symbols = extern_symbols](const char* symbol_name) -> std::uintptr_t { std::uintptr_t result = 0u; utils::kmodule::each_module ( [&](PRTL_PROCESS_MODULE_INFORMATION drv_info, const char* drv_path) -> bool { const auto drv_name = reinterpret_cast( drv_info->OffsetToFileName + drv_info->FullPathName); // false if we found the symbol... return (!(result = utils::kmodule::get_export(drv_name, symbol_name))); } ); if (!result) { for (auto& [drv_name, drv_symbols] : extern_symbols) { // each kernel module... find a driver with a matching map file name... // I.E ntoskrnl.exe.map == ntoskrnl.exe... utils::kmodule::each_module ( [&, &drv_name = drv_name, &drv_symbols = drv_symbols] (PRTL_PROCESS_MODULE_INFORMATION drv_info, const char* drv_path) -> bool { const auto _drv_name = reinterpret_cast( drv_info->OffsetToFileName + drv_info->FullPathName); // if this is the driver, load it, loop over its sections // calc the absolute virtual address of the symbol... if (!strcmp(_drv_name, drv_name.c_str())) { const auto drv_load_addr = reinterpret_cast( LoadLibraryExA(drv_path, NULL, DONT_RESOLVE_DLL_REFERENCES)); std::uint32_t section_count = 1u; utils::pe::each_section ( [&, &drv_symbols = drv_symbols] (PIMAGE_SECTION_HEADER section_header, std::uintptr_t img_base) -> bool { if (section_count == drv_symbols[symbol_name].first) { result = reinterpret_cast(drv_info->ImageBase) + section_header->VirtualAddress + drv_symbols[symbol_name].second; // we found the symbol... return false; } ++section_count; // keep going over sections... return true; }, drv_load_addr ); } // keep looping over modules until we resolve the symbol... return !result; } ); // if we found the symbol then break out of the loop... else keep looping... if (result) break; } } // finally return the result... return result; }; for (auto idx = 0u; idx < argc; ++idx) { if (!strcmp(argv[idx], "--MSREXEC")) { const auto [drv_handle, drv_key, drv_status] = msrexec::load_drv(); if (drv_status != STATUS_SUCCESS || drv_handle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { std::printf("> failed to load driver... reason -> 0x%x\n", drv_status); return -1; } writemsr_t _write_msr = [&](std::uint32_t key, std::uint64_t value) -> bool { return msrexec::writemsr(key, value); }; vdm::msrexec_ctx msrexec(_write_msr); theo::malloc_t _kalloc = [&](std::size_t size, std::uint32_t prot) -> void* { void* alloc_base; msrexec.exec ( [&](void* krnl_base, get_system_routine_t get_kroutine) -> void { using ex_alloc_pool_t = void* (*)(std::uint32_t, std::size_t); const auto ex_alloc_pool = reinterpret_cast( get_kroutine(krnl_base, "ExAllocatePool")); alloc_base = ex_alloc_pool(NULL, size); } ); return alloc_base; }; theo::memcpy_t _kmemcpy = [&](void* dest, const void* src, std::size_t size) -> void* { void* result = nullptr; msrexec.exec ( [&](void* krnl_base, get_system_routine_t get_kroutine) -> void { const auto kmemcpy = reinterpret_cast( get_kroutine(krnl_base, "memcpy")); result = kmemcpy(dest, src, size); } ); return result; }; theo::client mapper(client_socket, packet, { _kalloc, _kmemcpy, _kresolver }); std::printf("[+] streaming kernel module...\n"); const auto module_entry = reinterpret_cast( mapper.handle()); std::printf("[+] driver entry -> 0x%p\n", module_entry); std::getchar(); if (module_entry) { int result; msrexec.exec([&result, drv_entry = module_entry] (void* krnl_base, get_system_routine_t get_kroutine) -> void { using drv_entry_t = int(*)(); result = reinterpret_cast(drv_entry)(); }); } const auto unload_status = msrexec::unload_drv(drv_handle, drv_key); if (unload_status != STATUS_SUCCESS) { std::printf("> failed to unload driver... reason -> 0x%x\n", unload_status); return -1; } break; } else if (!strcmp(argv[idx], "--VDM")) { const auto [drv_handle, drv_key, drv_status] = vdm::load_drv(); if (drv_status != STATUS_SUCCESS || drv_handle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { std::printf("> failed to load driver... reason -> 0x%x\n", drv_status); return -1; } // read physical memory using the driver... vdm::read_phys_t _read_phys = [&](void* addr, void* buffer, std::size_t size) -> bool { return vdm::read_phys(addr, buffer, size); }; // write physical memory using the driver... vdm::write_phys_t _write_phys = [&](void* addr, void* buffer, std::size_t size) -> bool { return vdm::write_phys(addr, buffer, size); }; // use VDM to syscall into ExAllocatePool... vdm::vdm_ctx vdm(_read_phys, _write_phys); theo::malloc_t _kalloc = [&](std::size_t size, std::uint32_t prot) -> void* { using ex_alloc_pool_t = void* (*)(std::uint32_t, std::uint32_t); static const auto ex_alloc_pool = reinterpret_cast( utils::kmodule::get_export( "ntoskrnl.exe", "ExAllocatePool")); return vdm.syscall(ex_alloc_pool, NULL, size); }; // use VDM to syscall into memcpy exported by ntoskrnl.exe... theo::memcpy_t _kmemcpy = [&](void* dest, const void* src, std::size_t size) -> void* { static const auto kmemcpy = reinterpret_cast( utils::kmodule::get_export( "ntoskrnl.exe", "memcpy")); return vdm.syscall(kmemcpy, dest, src, size); }; theo::client mapper(client_socket, packet, { _kalloc, _kmemcpy, _kresolver }); const auto module_entry = reinterpret_cast( mapper.handle()); std::printf("[+] driver entry -> 0x%p\n", module_entry); std::getchar(); if (module_entry) { // call driver entry... its up to you to do this using whatever method... // with VDM you can syscall into it... with msrexec you will use msrexec::exec... const auto entry_result = vdm.syscall( reinterpret_cast(module_entry)); } const auto unload_status = vdm::unload_drv(drv_handle, drv_key); if (unload_status != STATUS_SUCCESS) { std::printf("> failed to unload driver... reason -> 0x%x\n", unload_status); return -1; } break; } } break; } default: { std::printf("[!] invalid demo file option...\n"); return -1; } } std::printf("[+] press enter to close...\n"); std::getchar(); }