// AsmJit - Machine code generation for C++ // // * Official AsmJit Home Page: https://asmjit.com // * Official Github Repository: https://github.com/asmjit/asmjit // // Copyright (c) 2008-2020 The AsmJit Authors // // This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied // warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages // arising from the use of this software. // // Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose, // including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it // freely, subject to the following restrictions: // // 1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not // claim that you wrote the original software. If you use this software // in a product, an acknowledgment in the product documentation would be // appreciated but is not required. // 2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be // misrepresented as being the original software. // 3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution. #ifndef ASMJIT_CORE_BUILDER_H_INCLUDED #define ASMJIT_CORE_BUILDER_H_INCLUDED #include "../core/api-config.h" #ifndef ASMJIT_NO_BUILDER #include "../core/assembler.h" #include "../core/codeholder.h" #include "../core/constpool.h" #include "../core/formatter.h" #include "../core/inst.h" #include "../core/operand.h" #include "../core/string.h" #include "../core/support.h" #include "../core/type.h" #include "../core/zone.h" #include "../core/zonevector.h" ASMJIT_BEGIN_NAMESPACE //! \addtogroup asmjit_builder //! \{ // ============================================================================ // [Forward Declarations] // ============================================================================ class BaseBuilder; class Pass; class BaseNode; class InstNode; class SectionNode; class LabelNode; class AlignNode; class EmbedDataNode; class EmbedLabelNode; class ConstPoolNode; class CommentNode; class SentinelNode; class LabelDeltaNode; // Only used by Compiler infrastructure. class JumpAnnotation; // ============================================================================ // [asmjit::BaseBuilder] // ============================================================================ //! Builder interface. //! //! `BaseBuilder` interface was designed to be used as a \ref BaseAssembler //! replacement in case pre-processing or post-processing of the generated code //! is required. The code can be modified during or after code generation. Pre //! or post processing can be done manually or through a \ref Pass object. \ref //! BaseBuilder stores the emitted code as a double-linked list of nodes, which //! allows O(1) insertion and removal during processing. //! //! Check out architecture specific builders for more details and examples: //! //! - \ref x86::Builder - X86/X64 builder implementation. class ASMJIT_VIRTAPI BaseBuilder : public BaseEmitter { public: ASMJIT_NONCOPYABLE(BaseBuilder) typedef BaseEmitter Base; //! Base zone used to allocate nodes and passes. Zone _codeZone; //! Data zone used to allocate data and names. Zone _dataZone; //! Pass zone, passed to `Pass::run()`. Zone _passZone; //! Allocator that uses `_codeZone`. ZoneAllocator _allocator; //! Array of `Pass` objects. ZoneVector _passes {}; //! Maps section indexes to `LabelNode` nodes. ZoneVector _sectionNodes {}; //! Maps label indexes to `LabelNode` nodes. ZoneVector _labelNodes {}; //! Current node (cursor). BaseNode* _cursor = nullptr; //! First node of the current section. BaseNode* _firstNode = nullptr; //! Last node of the current section. BaseNode* _lastNode = nullptr; //! Flags assigned to each new node. uint32_t _nodeFlags = 0; //! The sections links are dirty (used internally). bool _dirtySectionLinks = false; //! \name Construction & Destruction //! \{ //! Creates a new `BaseBuilder` instance. ASMJIT_API BaseBuilder() noexcept; //! Destroys the `BaseBuilder` instance. ASMJIT_API virtual ~BaseBuilder() noexcept; //! \} //! \name Node Management //! \{ //! Returns the first node. inline BaseNode* firstNode() const noexcept { return _firstNode; } //! Returns the last node. inline BaseNode* lastNode() const noexcept { return _lastNode; } //! Allocates and instantiates a new node of type `T` and returns its instance. //! If the allocation fails `nullptr` is returned. //! //! The template argument `T` must be a type that is extends \ref BaseNode. //! //! \remarks The pointer returned (if non-null) is owned by the Builder or //! Compiler. When the Builder/Compiler is destroyed it destroys all nodes //! it created so no manual memory management is required. template inline Error _newNodeT(T** out, Args&&... args) { *out = _allocator.newT(this, std::forward(args)...); if (ASMJIT_UNLIKELY(!*out)) return reportError(DebugUtils::errored(kErrorOutOfMemory)); return kErrorOk; } //! Creates a new \ref InstNode. ASMJIT_API Error _newInstNode(InstNode** out, uint32_t instId, uint32_t instOptions, uint32_t opCount); //! Creates a new \ref LabelNode. ASMJIT_API Error _newLabelNode(LabelNode** out); //! Creates a new \ref AlignNode. ASMJIT_API Error _newAlignNode(AlignNode** out, uint32_t alignMode, uint32_t alignment); //! Creates a new \ref EmbedDataNode. ASMJIT_API Error _newEmbedDataNode(EmbedDataNode** out, uint32_t typeId, const void* data, size_t itemCount, size_t repeatCount = 1); //! Creates a new \ref ConstPoolNode. ASMJIT_API Error _newConstPoolNode(ConstPoolNode** out); //! Creates a new \ref CommentNode. ASMJIT_API Error _newCommentNode(CommentNode** out, const char* data, size_t size); //! Adds `node` after the current and sets the current node to the given `node`. ASMJIT_API BaseNode* addNode(BaseNode* node) noexcept; //! Inserts the given `node` after `ref`. ASMJIT_API BaseNode* addAfter(BaseNode* node, BaseNode* ref) noexcept; //! Inserts the given `node` before `ref`. ASMJIT_API BaseNode* addBefore(BaseNode* node, BaseNode* ref) noexcept; //! Removes the given `node`. ASMJIT_API BaseNode* removeNode(BaseNode* node) noexcept; //! Removes multiple nodes. ASMJIT_API void removeNodes(BaseNode* first, BaseNode* last) noexcept; //! Returns the cursor. //! //! When the Builder/Compiler is created it automatically creates a '.text' //! \ref SectionNode, which will be the initial one. When instructions are //! added they are always added after the cursor and the cursor is changed //! to be that newly added node. Use `setCursor()` to change where new nodes //! are inserted. inline BaseNode* cursor() const noexcept { return _cursor; } //! Sets the current node to `node` and return the previous one. ASMJIT_API BaseNode* setCursor(BaseNode* node) noexcept; //! Sets the current node without returning the previous node. //! //! Only use this function if you are concerned about performance and want //! this inlined (for example if you set the cursor in a loop, etc...). inline void _setCursor(BaseNode* node) noexcept { _cursor = node; } //! \} //! \name Section Management //! \{ //! Returns a vector of SectionNode objects. //! //! \note If a section of some id is not associated with the Builder/Compiler //! it would be null, so always check for nulls if you iterate over the vector. inline const ZoneVector& sectionNodes() const noexcept { return _sectionNodes; } //! Tests whether the `SectionNode` of the given `sectionId` was registered. inline bool hasRegisteredSectionNode(uint32_t sectionId) const noexcept { return sectionId < _sectionNodes.size() && _sectionNodes[sectionId] != nullptr; } //! Returns or creates a `SectionNode` that matches the given `sectionId`. //! //! \remarks This function will either get the existing `SectionNode` or create //! it in case it wasn't created before. You can check whether a section has a //! registered `SectionNode` by using `BaseBuilder::hasRegisteredSectionNode()`. ASMJIT_API Error sectionNodeOf(SectionNode** out, uint32_t sectionId); ASMJIT_API Error section(Section* section) override; //! Returns whether the section links of active section nodes are dirty. You can //! update these links by calling `updateSectionLinks()` in such case. inline bool hasDirtySectionLinks() const noexcept { return _dirtySectionLinks; } //! Updates links of all active section nodes. ASMJIT_API void updateSectionLinks() noexcept; //! \} //! \name Label Management //! \{ //! Returns a vector of \ref LabelNode nodes. //! //! \note If a label of some id is not associated with the Builder/Compiler //! it would be null, so always check for nulls if you iterate over the vector. inline const ZoneVector& labelNodes() const noexcept { return _labelNodes; } //! Tests whether the `LabelNode` of the given `labelId` was registered. inline bool hasRegisteredLabelNode(uint32_t labelId) const noexcept { return labelId < _labelNodes.size() && _labelNodes[labelId] != nullptr; } //! \overload inline bool hasRegisteredLabelNode(const Label& label) const noexcept { return hasRegisteredLabelNode(label.id()); } //! Gets or creates a \ref LabelNode that matches the given `labelId`. //! //! \remarks This function will either get the existing `LabelNode` or create //! it in case it wasn't created before. You can check whether a label has a //! registered `LabelNode` by calling \ref BaseBuilder::hasRegisteredLabelNode(). ASMJIT_API Error labelNodeOf(LabelNode** out, uint32_t labelId); //! \overload inline Error labelNodeOf(LabelNode** out, const Label& label) { return labelNodeOf(out, label.id()); } //! Registers this \ref LabelNode (internal). //! //! This function is used internally to register a newly created `LabelNode` //! with this instance of Builder/Compiler. Use \ref labelNodeOf() functions //! to get back \ref LabelNode from a label or its identifier. ASMJIT_API Error registerLabelNode(LabelNode* node); ASMJIT_API Label newLabel() override; ASMJIT_API Label newNamedLabel(const char* name, size_t nameSize = SIZE_MAX, uint32_t type = Label::kTypeGlobal, uint32_t parentId = Globals::kInvalidId) override; ASMJIT_API Error bind(const Label& label) override; //! \} //! \name Passes //! \{ //! Returns a vector of `Pass` instances that will be executed by `runPasses()`. inline const ZoneVector& passes() const noexcept { return _passes; } //! Allocates and instantiates a new pass of type `T` and returns its instance. //! If the allocation fails `nullptr` is returned. //! //! The template argument `T` must be a type that is extends \ref Pass. //! //! \remarks The pointer returned (if non-null) is owned by the Builder or //! Compiler. When the Builder/Compiler is destroyed it destroys all passes //! it created so no manual memory management is required. template inline T* newPassT() noexcept { return _codeZone.newT(); } //! \overload template inline T* newPassT(Args&&... args) noexcept { return _codeZone.newT(std::forward(args)...); } template inline Error addPassT() { return addPass(newPassT()); } template inline Error addPassT(Args&&... args) { return addPass(newPassT(std::forward(args)...)); } //! Returns `Pass` by name. //! //! If the pass having the given `name` doesn't exist `nullptr` is returned. ASMJIT_API Pass* passByName(const char* name) const noexcept; //! Adds `pass` to the list of passes. ASMJIT_API Error addPass(Pass* pass) noexcept; //! Removes `pass` from the list of passes and delete it. ASMJIT_API Error deletePass(Pass* pass) noexcept; //! Runs all passes in order. ASMJIT_API Error runPasses(); //! \} //! \name Emit //! \{ ASMJIT_API Error _emit(uint32_t instId, const Operand_& o0, const Operand_& o1, const Operand_& o2, const Operand_* opExt) override; //! \} //! \name Align //! \{ ASMJIT_API Error align(uint32_t alignMode, uint32_t alignment) override; //! \} //! \name Embed //! \{ ASMJIT_API Error embed(const void* data, size_t dataSize) override; ASMJIT_API Error embedDataArray(uint32_t typeId, const void* data, size_t count, size_t repeat = 1) override; ASMJIT_API Error embedConstPool(const Label& label, const ConstPool& pool) override; ASMJIT_API Error embedLabel(const Label& label, size_t dataSize = 0) override; ASMJIT_API Error embedLabelDelta(const Label& label, const Label& base, size_t dataSize = 0) override; //! \} //! \name Comment //! \{ ASMJIT_API Error comment(const char* data, size_t size = SIZE_MAX) override; //! \} //! \name Serialization //! \{ //! Serializes everything the given emitter `dst`. //! //! Although not explicitly required the emitter will most probably be of //! Assembler type. The reason is that there is no known use of serializing //! nodes held by Builder/Compiler into another Builder-like emitter. ASMJIT_API Error serializeTo(BaseEmitter* dst); //! \} //! \name Events //! \{ ASMJIT_API Error onAttach(CodeHolder* code) noexcept override; ASMJIT_API Error onDetach(CodeHolder* code) noexcept override; //! \} #ifndef ASMJIT_NO_DEPRECATED ASMJIT_DEPRECATED("Use serializeTo() instead, serialize() is now also an instruction.") inline Error serialize(BaseEmitter* dst) { return serializeTo(dst); } #ifndef ASMJIT_NO_LOGGING ASMJIT_DEPRECATED("Use Formatter::formatNodeList(sb, formatFlags, builder)") inline Error dump(String& sb, uint32_t formatFlags = 0) const noexcept { return Formatter::formatNodeList(sb, formatFlags, this); } #endif // !ASMJIT_NO_LOGGING #endif // !ASMJIT_NO_DEPRECATED }; // ============================================================================ // [asmjit::BaseNode] // ============================================================================ //! Base node. //! //! Every node represents a building-block used by \ref BaseBuilder. It can //! be instruction, data, label, comment, directive, or any other high-level //! representation that can be transformed to the building blocks mentioned. //! Every class that inherits \ref BaseBuilder can define its own high-level //! nodes that can be later lowered to basic nodes like instructions. class BaseNode { public: ASMJIT_NONCOPYABLE(BaseNode) union { struct { //! Previous node. BaseNode* _prev; //! Next node. BaseNode* _next; }; //! Links (an alternative view to previous and next nodes). BaseNode* _links[2]; }; //! Data shared between all types of nodes. struct AnyData { //! Node type, see \ref NodeType. uint8_t _nodeType; //! Node flags, see \ref Flags. uint8_t _nodeFlags; //! Not used by BaseNode. uint8_t _reserved0; //! Not used by BaseNode. uint8_t _reserved1; }; //! Data used by \ref InstNode. struct InstData { //! Node type, see \ref NodeType. uint8_t _nodeType; //! Node flags, see \ref Flags. uint8_t _nodeFlags; //! Instruction operands count (used). uint8_t _opCount; //! Instruction operands capacity (allocated). uint8_t _opCapacity; }; //! Data used by \ref EmbedDataNode. struct EmbedData { //! Node type, see \ref NodeType. uint8_t _nodeType; //! Node flags, see \ref Flags. uint8_t _nodeFlags; //! Type id, see \ref Type::Id. uint8_t _typeId; //! Size of `_typeId`. uint8_t _typeSize; }; //! Data used by \ref SentinelNode. struct SentinelData { //! Node type, see \ref NodeType. uint8_t _nodeType; //! Node flags, see \ref Flags. uint8_t _nodeFlags; //! Sentinel type. uint8_t _sentinelType; //! Not used by BaseNode. uint8_t _reserved1; }; //! Data that can have different meaning dependning on \ref NodeType. union { //! Data useful by any node type. AnyData _any; //! Data specific to \ref InstNode. InstData _inst; //! Data specific to \ref EmbedDataNode. EmbedData _embed; //! Data specific to \ref SentinelNode. SentinelData _sentinel; }; //! Node position in code (should be unique). uint32_t _position; //! Value reserved for AsmJit users never touched by AsmJit itself. union { //! User data as 64-bit integer. uint64_t _userDataU64; //! User data as pointer. void* _userDataPtr; }; //! Data used exclusively by the current `Pass`. void* _passData; //! Inline comment/annotation or nullptr if not used. const char* _inlineComment; //! Type of `BaseNode`. enum NodeType : uint32_t { //! Invalid node (internal, don't use). kNodeNone = 0, // [BaseBuilder] //! Node is \ref InstNode or \ref InstExNode. kNodeInst = 1, //! Node is \ref SectionNode. kNodeSection = 2, //! Node is \ref LabelNode. kNodeLabel = 3, //! Node is \ref AlignNode. kNodeAlign = 4, //! Node is \ref EmbedDataNode. kNodeEmbedData = 5, //! Node is \ref EmbedLabelNode. kNodeEmbedLabel = 6, //! Node is \ref EmbedLabelDeltaNode. kNodeEmbedLabelDelta = 7, //! Node is \ref ConstPoolNode. kNodeConstPool = 8, //! Node is \ref CommentNode. kNodeComment = 9, //! Node is \ref SentinelNode. kNodeSentinel = 10, // [BaseCompiler] //! Node is \ref JumpNode (acts as InstNode). kNodeJump = 15, //! Node is \ref FuncNode (acts as LabelNode). kNodeFunc = 16, //! Node is \ref FuncRetNode (acts as InstNode). kNodeFuncRet = 17, //! Node is \ref InvokeNode (acts as InstNode). kNodeInvoke = 18, // [UserDefined] //! First id of a user-defined node. kNodeUser = 32, #ifndef ASMJIT_NO_DEPRECATED kNodeFuncCall = kNodeInvoke #endif // !ASMJIT_NO_DEPRECATED }; //! Node flags, specify what the node is and/or does. enum Flags : uint32_t { //! Node is code that can be executed (instruction, label, align, etc...). kFlagIsCode = 0x01u, //! Node is data that cannot be executed (data, const-pool, etc...). kFlagIsData = 0x02u, //! Node is informative, can be removed and ignored. kFlagIsInformative = 0x04u, //! Node can be safely removed if unreachable. kFlagIsRemovable = 0x08u, //! Node does nothing when executed (label, align, explicit nop). kFlagHasNoEffect = 0x10u, //! Node is an instruction or acts as it. kFlagActsAsInst = 0x20u, //! Node is a label or acts as it. kFlagActsAsLabel = 0x40u, //! Node is active (part of the code). kFlagIsActive = 0x80u }; //! \name Construction & Destruction //! \{ //! Creates a new `BaseNode` - always use `BaseBuilder` to allocate nodes. ASMJIT_INLINE BaseNode(BaseBuilder* cb, uint32_t type, uint32_t flags = 0) noexcept { _prev = nullptr; _next = nullptr; _any._nodeType = uint8_t(type); _any._nodeFlags = uint8_t(flags | cb->_nodeFlags); _any._reserved0 = 0; _any._reserved1 = 0; _position = 0; _userDataU64 = 0; _passData = nullptr; _inlineComment = nullptr; } //! \} //! \name Accessors //! \{ //! Casts this node to `T*`. template inline T* as() noexcept { return static_cast(this); } //! Casts this node to `const T*`. template inline const T* as() const noexcept { return static_cast(this); } //! Returns previous node or `nullptr` if this node is either first or not //! part of Builder/Compiler node-list. inline BaseNode* prev() const noexcept { return _prev; } //! Returns next node or `nullptr` if this node is either last or not part //! of Builder/Compiler node-list. inline BaseNode* next() const noexcept { return _next; } //! Returns the type of the node, see `NodeType`. inline uint32_t type() const noexcept { return _any._nodeType; } //! Sets the type of the node, see `NodeType` (internal). //! //! \remarks You should never set a type of a node to anything else than the //! initial value. This function is only provided for users that use custom //! nodes and need to change the type either during construction or later. inline void setType(uint32_t type) noexcept { _any._nodeType = uint8_t(type); } //! Tests whether this node is either `InstNode` or extends it. inline bool isInst() const noexcept { return hasFlag(kFlagActsAsInst); } //! Tests whether this node is `SectionNode`. inline bool isSection() const noexcept { return type() == kNodeSection; } //! Tests whether this node is either `LabelNode` or extends it. inline bool isLabel() const noexcept { return hasFlag(kFlagActsAsLabel); } //! Tests whether this node is `AlignNode`. inline bool isAlign() const noexcept { return type() == kNodeAlign; } //! Tests whether this node is `EmbedDataNode`. inline bool isEmbedData() const noexcept { return type() == kNodeEmbedData; } //! Tests whether this node is `EmbedLabelNode`. inline bool isEmbedLabel() const noexcept { return type() == kNodeEmbedLabel; } //! Tests whether this node is `EmbedLabelDeltaNode`. inline bool isEmbedLabelDelta() const noexcept { return type() == kNodeEmbedLabelDelta; } //! Tests whether this node is `ConstPoolNode`. inline bool isConstPool() const noexcept { return type() == kNodeConstPool; } //! Tests whether this node is `CommentNode`. inline bool isComment() const noexcept { return type() == kNodeComment; } //! Tests whether this node is `SentinelNode`. inline bool isSentinel() const noexcept { return type() == kNodeSentinel; } //! Tests whether this node is `FuncNode`. inline bool isFunc() const noexcept { return type() == kNodeFunc; } //! Tests whether this node is `FuncRetNode`. inline bool isFuncRet() const noexcept { return type() == kNodeFuncRet; } //! Tests whether this node is `InvokeNode`. inline bool isInvoke() const noexcept { return type() == kNodeInvoke; } #ifndef ASMJIT_NO_DEPRECATED ASMJIT_DEPRECATED("Use isInvoke") inline bool isFuncCall() const noexcept { return isInvoke(); } #endif // !ASMJIT_NO_DEPRECATED //! Returns the node flags, see \ref Flags. inline uint32_t flags() const noexcept { return _any._nodeFlags; } //! Tests whether the node has the given `flag` set. inline bool hasFlag(uint32_t flag) const noexcept { return (uint32_t(_any._nodeFlags) & flag) != 0; } //! Replaces node flags with `flags`. inline void setFlags(uint32_t flags) noexcept { _any._nodeFlags = uint8_t(flags); } //! Adds the given `flags` to node flags. inline void addFlags(uint32_t flags) noexcept { _any._nodeFlags = uint8_t(_any._nodeFlags | flags); } //! Clears the given `flags` from node flags. inline void clearFlags(uint32_t flags) noexcept { _any._nodeFlags = uint8_t(_any._nodeFlags & (flags ^ 0xFF)); } //! Tests whether the node is code that can be executed. inline bool isCode() const noexcept { return hasFlag(kFlagIsCode); } //! Tests whether the node is data that cannot be executed. inline bool isData() const noexcept { return hasFlag(kFlagIsData); } //! Tests whether the node is informative only (is never encoded like comment, etc...). inline bool isInformative() const noexcept { return hasFlag(kFlagIsInformative); } //! Tests whether the node is removable if it's in an unreachable code block. inline bool isRemovable() const noexcept { return hasFlag(kFlagIsRemovable); } //! Tests whether the node has no effect when executed (label, .align, nop, ...). inline bool hasNoEffect() const noexcept { return hasFlag(kFlagHasNoEffect); } //! Tests whether the node is part of the code. inline bool isActive() const noexcept { return hasFlag(kFlagIsActive); } //! Tests whether the node has a position assigned. //! //! \remarks Returns `true` if node position is non-zero. inline bool hasPosition() const noexcept { return _position != 0; } //! Returns node position. inline uint32_t position() const noexcept { return _position; } //! Sets node position. //! //! Node position is a 32-bit unsigned integer that is used by Compiler to //! track where the node is relatively to the start of the function. It doesn't //! describe a byte position in a binary, instead it's just a pseudo position //! used by liveness analysis and other tools around Compiler. //! //! If you don't use Compiler then you may use `position()` and `setPosition()` //! freely for your own purposes if the 32-bit value limit is okay for you. inline void setPosition(uint32_t position) noexcept { _position = position; } //! Returns user data casted to `T*`. //! //! User data is decicated to be used only by AsmJit users and not touched //! by the library. The data has a pointer size so you can either store a //! pointer or `intptr_t` value through `setUserDataAsIntPtr()`. template inline T* userDataAsPtr() const noexcept { return static_cast(_userDataPtr); } //! Returns user data casted to `int64_t`. inline int64_t userDataAsInt64() const noexcept { return int64_t(_userDataU64); } //! Returns user data casted to `uint64_t`. inline uint64_t userDataAsUInt64() const noexcept { return _userDataU64; } //! Sets user data to `data`. template inline void setUserDataAsPtr(T* data) noexcept { _userDataPtr = static_cast(data); } //! Sets used data to the given 64-bit signed `value`. inline void setUserDataAsInt64(int64_t value) noexcept { _userDataU64 = uint64_t(value); } //! Sets used data to the given 64-bit unsigned `value`. inline void setUserDataAsUInt64(uint64_t value) noexcept { _userDataU64 = value; } //! Resets user data to zero / nullptr. inline void resetUserData() noexcept { _userDataU64 = 0; } //! Tests whether the node has an associated pass data. inline bool hasPassData() const noexcept { return _passData != nullptr; } //! Returns the node pass data - data used during processing & transformations. template inline T* passData() const noexcept { return (T*)_passData; } //! Sets the node pass data to `data`. template inline void setPassData(T* data) noexcept { _passData = (void*)data; } //! Resets the node pass data to nullptr. inline void resetPassData() noexcept { _passData = nullptr; } //! Tests whether the node has an inline comment/annotation. inline bool hasInlineComment() const noexcept { return _inlineComment != nullptr; } //! Returns an inline comment/annotation string. inline const char* inlineComment() const noexcept { return _inlineComment; } //! Sets an inline comment/annotation string to `s`. inline void setInlineComment(const char* s) noexcept { _inlineComment = s; } //! Resets an inline comment/annotation string to nullptr. inline void resetInlineComment() noexcept { _inlineComment = nullptr; } //! \} }; // ============================================================================ // [asmjit::InstNode] // ============================================================================ //! Instruction node. //! //! Wraps an instruction with its options and operands. class InstNode : public BaseNode { public: ASMJIT_NONCOPYABLE(InstNode) enum : uint32_t { //! Count of embedded operands per `InstNode` that are always allocated as //! a part of the instruction. Minimum embedded operands is 4, but in 32-bit //! more pointers are smaller and we can embed 5. The rest (up to 6 operands) //! is always stored in `InstExNode`. kBaseOpCapacity = uint32_t((128 - sizeof(BaseNode) - sizeof(BaseInst)) / sizeof(Operand_)) }; //! Base instruction data. BaseInst _baseInst; //! First 4 or 5 operands (indexed from 0). Operand_ _opArray[kBaseOpCapacity]; //! \name Construction & Destruction //! \{ //! Creates a new `InstNode` instance. ASMJIT_INLINE InstNode(BaseBuilder* cb, uint32_t instId, uint32_t options, uint32_t opCount, uint32_t opCapacity = kBaseOpCapacity) noexcept : BaseNode(cb, kNodeInst, kFlagIsCode | kFlagIsRemovable | kFlagActsAsInst), _baseInst(instId, options) { _inst._opCapacity = uint8_t(opCapacity); _inst._opCount = uint8_t(opCount); } //! \cond INTERNAL //! Reset all built-in operands, including `extraReg`. inline void _resetOps() noexcept { _baseInst.resetExtraReg(); resetOpRange(0, opCapacity()); } //! \endcond //! \} //! \name Accessors //! \{ inline BaseInst& baseInst() noexcept { return _baseInst; } inline const BaseInst& baseInst() const noexcept { return _baseInst; } //! Returns the instruction id, see `BaseInst::Id`. inline uint32_t id() const noexcept { return _baseInst.id(); } //! Sets the instruction id to `id`, see `BaseInst::Id`. inline void setId(uint32_t id) noexcept { _baseInst.setId(id); } //! Returns instruction options. inline uint32_t instOptions() const noexcept { return _baseInst.options(); } //! Sets instruction options. inline void setInstOptions(uint32_t options) noexcept { _baseInst.setOptions(options); } //! Adds instruction options. inline void addInstOptions(uint32_t options) noexcept { _baseInst.addOptions(options); } //! Clears instruction options. inline void clearInstOptions(uint32_t options) noexcept { _baseInst.clearOptions(options); } //! Tests whether the node has an extra register operand. inline bool hasExtraReg() const noexcept { return _baseInst.hasExtraReg(); } //! Returns extra register operand. inline RegOnly& extraReg() noexcept { return _baseInst.extraReg(); } //! \overload inline const RegOnly& extraReg() const noexcept { return _baseInst.extraReg(); } //! Sets extra register operand to `reg`. inline void setExtraReg(const BaseReg& reg) noexcept { _baseInst.setExtraReg(reg); } //! Sets extra register operand to `reg`. inline void setExtraReg(const RegOnly& reg) noexcept { _baseInst.setExtraReg(reg); } //! Resets extra register operand. inline void resetExtraReg() noexcept { _baseInst.resetExtraReg(); } //! Returns operand count. inline uint32_t opCount() const noexcept { return _inst._opCount; } //! Returns operand capacity. inline uint32_t opCapacity() const noexcept { return _inst._opCapacity; } //! Sets operand count. inline void setOpCount(uint32_t opCount) noexcept { _inst._opCount = uint8_t(opCount); } //! Returns operands array. inline Operand* operands() noexcept { return (Operand*)_opArray; } //! Returns operands array (const). inline const Operand* operands() const noexcept { return (const Operand*)_opArray; } //! Returns operand at the given `index`. inline Operand& op(uint32_t index) noexcept { ASMJIT_ASSERT(index < opCapacity()); return _opArray[index].as(); } //! Returns operand at the given `index` (const). inline const Operand& op(uint32_t index) const noexcept { ASMJIT_ASSERT(index < opCapacity()); return _opArray[index].as(); } //! Sets operand at the given `index` to `op`. inline void setOp(uint32_t index, const Operand_& op) noexcept { ASMJIT_ASSERT(index < opCapacity()); _opArray[index].copyFrom(op); } //! Resets operand at the given `index` to none. inline void resetOp(uint32_t index) noexcept { ASMJIT_ASSERT(index < opCapacity()); _opArray[index].reset(); } //! Resets operands at `[start, end)` range. inline void resetOpRange(uint32_t start, uint32_t end) noexcept { for (uint32_t i = start; i < end; i++) _opArray[i].reset(); } //! \} //! \name Utilities //! \{ inline bool hasOpType(uint32_t opType) const noexcept { for (uint32_t i = 0, count = opCount(); i < count; i++) if (_opArray[i].opType() == opType) return true; return false; } inline bool hasRegOp() const noexcept { return hasOpType(Operand::kOpReg); } inline bool hasMemOp() const noexcept { return hasOpType(Operand::kOpMem); } inline bool hasImmOp() const noexcept { return hasOpType(Operand::kOpImm); } inline bool hasLabelOp() const noexcept { return hasOpType(Operand::kOpLabel); } inline uint32_t indexOfOpType(uint32_t opType) const noexcept { uint32_t i = 0; uint32_t count = opCount(); while (i < count) { if (_opArray[i].opType() == opType) break; i++; } return i; } inline uint32_t indexOfMemOp() const noexcept { return indexOfOpType(Operand::kOpMem); } inline uint32_t indexOfImmOp() const noexcept { return indexOfOpType(Operand::kOpImm); } inline uint32_t indexOfLabelOp() const noexcept { return indexOfOpType(Operand::kOpLabel); } //! \} //! \name Rewriting //! \{ //! \cond INTERNAL inline uint32_t* _getRewriteArray() noexcept { return &_baseInst._extraReg._id; } inline const uint32_t* _getRewriteArray() const noexcept { return &_baseInst._extraReg._id; } ASMJIT_INLINE uint32_t getRewriteIndex(const uint32_t* id) const noexcept { const uint32_t* array = _getRewriteArray(); ASMJIT_ASSERT(array <= id); size_t index = (size_t)(id - array); ASMJIT_ASSERT(index < 32); return uint32_t(index); } ASMJIT_INLINE void rewriteIdAtIndex(uint32_t index, uint32_t id) noexcept { uint32_t* array = _getRewriteArray(); array[index] = id; } //! \endcond //! \} //! \name Static Functions //! \{ //! \cond INTERNAL static inline uint32_t capacityOfOpCount(uint32_t opCount) noexcept { return opCount <= kBaseOpCapacity ? kBaseOpCapacity : Globals::kMaxOpCount; } static inline size_t nodeSizeOfOpCapacity(uint32_t opCapacity) noexcept { size_t base = sizeof(InstNode) - kBaseOpCapacity * sizeof(Operand); return base + opCapacity * sizeof(Operand); } //! \endcond //! \} }; // ============================================================================ // [asmjit::InstExNode] // ============================================================================ //! Instruction node with maximum number of operands. //! //! This node is created automatically by Builder/Compiler in case that the //! required number of operands exceeds the default capacity of `InstNode`. class InstExNode : public InstNode { public: ASMJIT_NONCOPYABLE(InstExNode) //! Continued `_opArray[]` to hold up to `kMaxOpCount` operands. Operand_ _opArrayEx[Globals::kMaxOpCount - kBaseOpCapacity]; //! \name Construction & Destruction //! \{ //! Creates a new `InstExNode` instance. inline InstExNode(BaseBuilder* cb, uint32_t instId, uint32_t options, uint32_t opCapacity = Globals::kMaxOpCount) noexcept : InstNode(cb, instId, options, opCapacity) {} //! \} }; // ============================================================================ // [asmjit::SectionNode] // ============================================================================ //! Section node. class SectionNode : public BaseNode { public: ASMJIT_NONCOPYABLE(SectionNode) //! Section id. uint32_t _id; //! Next section node that follows this section. //! //! This link is only valid when the section is active (is part of the code) //! and when `Builder::hasDirtySectionLinks()` returns `false`. If you intend //! to use this field you should always call `Builder::updateSectionLinks()` //! before you do so. SectionNode* _nextSection; //! \name Construction & Destruction //! \{ //! Creates a new `SectionNode` instance. inline SectionNode(BaseBuilder* cb, uint32_t id = 0) noexcept : BaseNode(cb, kNodeSection, kFlagHasNoEffect), _id(id), _nextSection(nullptr) {} //! \} //! \name Accessors //! \{ //! Returns the section id. inline uint32_t id() const noexcept { return _id; } //! \} }; // ============================================================================ // [asmjit::LabelNode] // ============================================================================ //! Label node. class LabelNode : public BaseNode { public: ASMJIT_NONCOPYABLE(LabelNode) //! Label identifier. uint32_t _labelId; //! \name Construction & Destruction //! \{ //! Creates a new `LabelNode` instance. inline LabelNode(BaseBuilder* cb, uint32_t labelId = 0) noexcept : BaseNode(cb, kNodeLabel, kFlagHasNoEffect | kFlagActsAsLabel), _labelId(labelId) {} //! \} //! \name Accessors //! \{ //! Returns \ref Label representation of the \ref LabelNode. inline Label label() const noexcept { return Label(_labelId); } //! Returns the id of the label. inline uint32_t labelId() const noexcept { return _labelId; } //! \} #ifndef ASMJIT_NO_DEPRECATED ASMJIT_DEPRECATED("Use labelId() instead") inline uint32_t id() const noexcept { return labelId(); } #endif // !ASMJIT_NO_DEPRECATED }; // ============================================================================ // [asmjit::AlignNode] // ============================================================================ //! Align directive (BaseBuilder). //! //! Wraps `.align` directive. class AlignNode : public BaseNode { public: ASMJIT_NONCOPYABLE(AlignNode) //! Align mode, see `AlignMode`. uint32_t _alignMode; //! Alignment (in bytes). uint32_t _alignment; //! \name Construction & Destruction //! \{ //! Creates a new `AlignNode` instance. inline AlignNode(BaseBuilder* cb, uint32_t alignMode, uint32_t alignment) noexcept : BaseNode(cb, kNodeAlign, kFlagIsCode | kFlagHasNoEffect), _alignMode(alignMode), _alignment(alignment) {} //! \} //! \name Accessors //! \{ //! Returns align mode. inline uint32_t alignMode() const noexcept { return _alignMode; } //! Sets align mode to `alignMode`. inline void setAlignMode(uint32_t alignMode) noexcept { _alignMode = alignMode; } //! Returns align offset in bytes. inline uint32_t alignment() const noexcept { return _alignment; } //! Sets align offset in bytes to `offset`. inline void setAlignment(uint32_t alignment) noexcept { _alignment = alignment; } //! \} }; // ============================================================================ // [asmjit::EmbedDataNode] // ============================================================================ //! Embed data node. //! //! Wraps `.data` directive. The node contains data that will be placed at the //! node's position in the assembler stream. The data is considered to be RAW; //! no analysis nor byte-order conversion is performed on RAW data. class EmbedDataNode : public BaseNode { public: ASMJIT_NONCOPYABLE(EmbedDataNode) enum : uint32_t { kInlineBufferSize = 128 - (sizeof(BaseNode) + sizeof(size_t) * 2) }; size_t _itemCount; size_t _repeatCount; union { uint8_t* _externalData; uint8_t _inlineData[kInlineBufferSize]; }; //! \name Construction & Destruction //! \{ //! Creates a new `EmbedDataNode` instance. inline EmbedDataNode(BaseBuilder* cb) noexcept : BaseNode(cb, kNodeEmbedData, kFlagIsData), _itemCount(0), _repeatCount(0) { _embed._typeId = uint8_t(Type::kIdU8), _embed._typeSize = uint8_t(1); memset(_inlineData, 0, kInlineBufferSize); } //! \} //! \name Accessors //! \{ //! Returns \ref Type::Id of the data. inline uint32_t typeId() const noexcept { return _embed._typeId; } //! Returns the size of a single data element. inline uint32_t typeSize() const noexcept { return _embed._typeSize; } //! Returns a pointer to the data casted to `uint8_t`. inline uint8_t* data() const noexcept { return dataSize() <= kInlineBufferSize ? const_cast(_inlineData) : _externalData; } //! Returns a pointer to the data casted to `T`. template inline T* dataAs() const noexcept { return reinterpret_cast(data()); } //! Returns the number of (typed) items in the array. inline size_t itemCount() const noexcept { return _itemCount; } //! Returns how many times the data is repeated (default 1). //! //! Repeated data is useful when defining constants for SIMD, for example. inline size_t repeatCount() const noexcept { return _repeatCount; } //! Returns the size of the data, not considering the number of times it repeats. //! //! \note The returned value is the same as `typeSize() * itemCount()`. inline size_t dataSize() const noexcept { return typeSize() * _itemCount; } //! \} }; // ============================================================================ // [asmjit::EmbedLabelNode] // ============================================================================ //! Label data node. class EmbedLabelNode : public BaseNode { public: ASMJIT_NONCOPYABLE(EmbedLabelNode) uint32_t _labelId; uint32_t _dataSize; //! \name Construction & Destruction //! \{ //! Creates a new `EmbedLabelNode` instance. inline EmbedLabelNode(BaseBuilder* cb, uint32_t labelId = 0, uint32_t dataSize = 0) noexcept : BaseNode(cb, kNodeEmbedLabel, kFlagIsData), _labelId(labelId), _dataSize(dataSize) {} //! \} //! \name Accessors //! \{ //! Returns the label to embed as \ref Label operand. inline Label label() const noexcept { return Label(_labelId); } //! Returns the id of the label. inline uint32_t labelId() const noexcept { return _labelId; } //! Sets the label id from `label` operand. inline void setLabel(const Label& label) noexcept { setLabelId(label.id()); } //! Sets the label id (use with caution, improper use can break a lot of things). inline void setLabelId(uint32_t labelId) noexcept { _labelId = labelId; } //! Returns the data size. inline uint32_t dataSize() const noexcept { return _dataSize; } //! Sets the data size. inline void setDataSize(uint32_t dataSize) noexcept { _dataSize = dataSize; } //! \} #ifndef ASMJIT_NO_DEPRECATED ASMJIT_DEPRECATED("Use labelId() instead") inline uint32_t id() const noexcept { return labelId(); } #endif // !ASMJIT_NO_DEPRECATED }; // ============================================================================ // [asmjit::EmbedLabelDeltaNode] // ============================================================================ //! Label data node. class EmbedLabelDeltaNode : public BaseNode { public: ASMJIT_NONCOPYABLE(EmbedLabelDeltaNode) uint32_t _labelId; uint32_t _baseLabelId; uint32_t _dataSize; //! \name Construction & Destruction //! \{ //! Creates a new `EmbedLabelDeltaNode` instance. inline EmbedLabelDeltaNode(BaseBuilder* cb, uint32_t labelId = 0, uint32_t baseLabelId = 0, uint32_t dataSize = 0) noexcept : BaseNode(cb, kNodeEmbedLabelDelta, kFlagIsData), _labelId(labelId), _baseLabelId(baseLabelId), _dataSize(dataSize) {} //! \} //! \name Accessors //! \{ //! Returns the label as `Label` operand. inline Label label() const noexcept { return Label(_labelId); } //! Returns the id of the label. inline uint32_t labelId() const noexcept { return _labelId; } //! Sets the label id from `label` operand. inline void setLabel(const Label& label) noexcept { setLabelId(label.id()); } //! Sets the label id. inline void setLabelId(uint32_t labelId) noexcept { _labelId = labelId; } //! Returns the base label as `Label` operand. inline Label baseLabel() const noexcept { return Label(_baseLabelId); } //! Returns the id of the base label. inline uint32_t baseLabelId() const noexcept { return _baseLabelId; } //! Sets the base label id from `label` operand. inline void setBaseLabel(const Label& baseLabel) noexcept { setBaseLabelId(baseLabel.id()); } //! Sets the base label id. inline void setBaseLabelId(uint32_t baseLabelId) noexcept { _baseLabelId = baseLabelId; } //! Returns the size of the embedded label address. inline uint32_t dataSize() const noexcept { return _dataSize; } //! Sets the size of the embedded label address. inline void setDataSize(uint32_t dataSize) noexcept { _dataSize = dataSize; } //! \} #ifndef ASMJIT_NO_DEPRECATED ASMJIT_DEPRECATED("Use labelId() instead") inline uint32_t id() const noexcept { return labelId(); } ASMJIT_DEPRECATED("Use setLabelId() instead") inline void setId(uint32_t id) noexcept { setLabelId(id); } ASMJIT_DEPRECATED("Use baseLabelId() instead") inline uint32_t baseId() const noexcept { return baseLabelId(); } ASMJIT_DEPRECATED("Use setBaseLabelId() instead") inline void setBaseId(uint32_t id) noexcept { setBaseLabelId(id); } #endif // !ASMJIT_NO_DEPRECATED }; // ============================================================================ // [asmjit::ConstPoolNode] // ============================================================================ //! A node that wraps `ConstPool`. class ConstPoolNode : public LabelNode { public: ASMJIT_NONCOPYABLE(ConstPoolNode) ConstPool _constPool; //! \name Construction & Destruction //! \{ //! Creates a new `ConstPoolNode` instance. inline ConstPoolNode(BaseBuilder* cb, uint32_t id = 0) noexcept : LabelNode(cb, id), _constPool(&cb->_codeZone) { setType(kNodeConstPool); addFlags(kFlagIsData); clearFlags(kFlagIsCode | kFlagHasNoEffect); } //! \} //! \name Accessors //! \{ //! Tests whether the constant-pool is empty. inline bool empty() const noexcept { return _constPool.empty(); } //! Returns the size of the constant-pool in bytes. inline size_t size() const noexcept { return _constPool.size(); } //! Returns minimum alignment. inline size_t alignment() const noexcept { return _constPool.alignment(); } //! Returns the wrapped `ConstPool` instance. inline ConstPool& constPool() noexcept { return _constPool; } //! Returns the wrapped `ConstPool` instance (const). inline const ConstPool& constPool() const noexcept { return _constPool; } //! \} //! \name Utilities //! \{ //! See `ConstPool::add()`. inline Error add(const void* data, size_t size, size_t& dstOffset) noexcept { return _constPool.add(data, size, dstOffset); } //! \} }; // ============================================================================ // [asmjit::CommentNode] // ============================================================================ //! Comment node. class CommentNode : public BaseNode { public: ASMJIT_NONCOPYABLE(CommentNode) //! \name Construction & Destruction //! \{ //! Creates a new `CommentNode` instance. inline CommentNode(BaseBuilder* cb, const char* comment) noexcept : BaseNode(cb, kNodeComment, kFlagIsInformative | kFlagHasNoEffect | kFlagIsRemovable) { _inlineComment = comment; } //! \} }; // ============================================================================ // [asmjit::SentinelNode] // ============================================================================ //! Sentinel node. //! //! Sentinel is a marker that is completely ignored by the code builder. It's //! used to remember a position in a code as it never gets removed by any pass. class SentinelNode : public BaseNode { public: ASMJIT_NONCOPYABLE(SentinelNode) //! Type of the sentinel (purery informative purpose). enum SentinelType : uint32_t { //! Type of the sentinel is not known. kSentinelUnknown = 0u, //! This is a sentinel used at the end of \ref FuncNode. kSentinelFuncEnd = 1u }; //! \name Construction & Destruction //! \{ //! Creates a new `SentinelNode` instance. inline SentinelNode(BaseBuilder* cb, uint32_t sentinelType = kSentinelUnknown) noexcept : BaseNode(cb, kNodeSentinel, kFlagIsInformative | kFlagHasNoEffect) { _sentinel._sentinelType = uint8_t(sentinelType); } //! \} //! \name Accessors //! \{ //! Returns the type of the sentinel. inline uint32_t sentinelType() const noexcept { return _sentinel._sentinelType; } //! Sets the type of the sentinel. inline void setSentinelType(uint32_t type) noexcept { _sentinel._sentinelType = uint8_t(type); } //! \} }; // ============================================================================ // [asmjit::Pass] // ============================================================================ //! Pass can be used to implement code transformations, analysis, and lowering. class ASMJIT_VIRTAPI Pass { public: ASMJIT_BASE_CLASS(Pass) ASMJIT_NONCOPYABLE(Pass) //! BaseBuilder this pass is assigned to. BaseBuilder* _cb = nullptr; //! Name of the pass. const char* _name = nullptr; //! \name Construction & Destruction //! \{ ASMJIT_API Pass(const char* name) noexcept; ASMJIT_API virtual ~Pass() noexcept; //! \} //! \name Accessors //! \{ //! Returns \ref BaseBuilder associated with the pass. inline const BaseBuilder* cb() const noexcept { return _cb; } //! Returns the name of the pass. inline const char* name() const noexcept { return _name; } //! \} //! \name Pass Interface //! \{ //! Processes the code stored in Builder or Compiler. //! //! This is the only function that is called by the `BaseBuilder` to process //! the code. It passes `zone`, which will be reset after the `run()` finishes. virtual Error run(Zone* zone, Logger* logger) = 0; //! \} }; //! \} ASMJIT_END_NAMESPACE #endif // !ASMJIT_NO_BUILDER #endif // ASMJIT_CORE_BUILDER_H_INCLUDED