/*************************************************************************************************** Zyan Disassembler Library (Zydis) Original Author : Joel Hoener * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all * copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE * SOFTWARE. ***************************************************************************************************/ // NOTE: This file must be valid C AND C++ as well for OSS-Fuzz! /** * @file * * This file implements a tool that is supposed to be fed as input for fuzzers like AFL, reading a * control block from `stdin`, allowing the fuzzer to reach every possible code-path, testing any * possible combination of disassembler configurations. */ #include #include #include #ifdef ZYAN_WINDOWS # include # include #endif /* ============================================================================================== */ /* Enums and types */ /* ============================================================================================== */ /** * Main fuzzer control block data structure. */ typedef struct ZydisFuzzControlBlock_ { ZydisMachineMode machine_mode; ZydisAddressWidth address_width; ZyanBool decoder_mode[ZYDIS_DECODER_MODE_MAX_VALUE + 1]; ZydisFormatterStyle formatter_style; ZyanU64 u64; // u64 used for all kind of non-overlapping purposes ZyanUPointer formatter_properties[ZYDIS_FORMATTER_PROP_MAX_VALUE + 1]; char string[16]; ZyanU16 formatter_max_len; } ZydisFuzzControlBlock; /* ============================================================================================== */ /* Macros */ /* ============================================================================================== */ // Limit maximum amount of bytes #define ZYDIS_FUZZ_MAX_BYTES (1024 * 10 /* 10 KiB */) #if defined(ZYDIS_FUZZ_AFL_FAST) || defined(ZYDIS_LIBFUZZER) # define ZYDIS_MAYBE_FPUTS(x, y) #else # define ZYDIS_MAYBE_FPUTS(x, y) fputs(x, y) #endif /* ============================================================================================== */ /* Stream reading abstraction */ /* ============================================================================================== */ typedef ZyanUSize (*ZydisStreamRead)(void* ctx, ZyanU8* buf, ZyanUSize max_len); ZyanUSize ZydisStdinRead(void *ctx, ZyanU8* buf, ZyanUSize max_len) { ZYAN_UNUSED(ctx); return fread(buf, 1, max_len, ZYAN_STDIN); } #ifdef ZYDIS_LIBFUZZER typedef struct { ZyanU8 *buf; ZyanISize buf_len; ZyanISize read_offs; } ZydisLibFuzzerContext; ZyanUSize ZydisLibFuzzerRead(void* ctx, ZyanU8* buf, ZyanUSize max_len) { ZydisLibFuzzerContext* c = (ZydisLibFuzzerContext*)ctx; ZyanUSize len = ZYAN_MIN(c->buf_len - c->read_offs, max_len); // printf("buf_len: %ld, read_offs: %ld, len: %ld, max_len: %ld, ptr: %p\n", // c->buf_len, c->read_offs, len, max_len, c->buf + c->read_offs); if (!len) { return 0; } ZYAN_MEMCPY(buf, c->buf + c->read_offs, len); c->read_offs += len; return len; } #endif // ZYDIS_LIBFUZZER /* ============================================================================================== */ /* Main iteration */ /* ============================================================================================== */ // We disable enum sanitization here because we actually want Zydis to be tested with // possibly invalid enum values in mind, thus need to be able to create them here. ZYAN_NO_SANITIZE("enum") static int ZydisFuzzIteration(ZydisStreamRead read_fn, void* stream_ctx) { ZydisFuzzControlBlock control_block; #ifdef ZYAN_WINDOWS // The `stdin` pipe uses text-mode on Windows platforms by default. We need it to be opened in // binary mode (void)_setmode(_fileno(ZYAN_STDIN), _O_BINARY); #endif if (read_fn( stream_ctx, (ZyanU8*)&control_block, sizeof(control_block)) != sizeof(control_block)) { ZYDIS_MAYBE_FPUTS("Not enough bytes to fuzz\n", ZYAN_STDERR); return EXIT_SUCCESS; } control_block.string[ZYAN_ARRAY_LENGTH(control_block.string) - 1] = 0; ZydisDecoder decoder; if (!ZYAN_SUCCESS(ZydisDecoderInit(&decoder, control_block.machine_mode, control_block.address_width))) { ZYDIS_MAYBE_FPUTS("Failed to initialize decoder\n", ZYAN_STDERR); return EXIT_FAILURE; } for (int mode = 0; mode <= ZYDIS_DECODER_MODE_MAX_VALUE; ++mode) { if (!ZYAN_SUCCESS(ZydisDecoderEnableMode(&decoder, (ZydisDecoderMode)mode, control_block.decoder_mode[mode] ? 1 : 0))) { ZYDIS_MAYBE_FPUTS("Failed to adjust decoder-mode\n", ZYAN_STDERR); return EXIT_FAILURE; } } ZydisFormatter formatter; if (!ZYAN_SUCCESS(ZydisFormatterInit(&formatter, control_block.formatter_style))) { ZYDIS_MAYBE_FPUTS("Failed to initialize formatter\n", ZYAN_STDERR); return EXIT_FAILURE; } for (int prop = 0; prop <= ZYDIS_FORMATTER_PROP_MAX_VALUE; ++prop) { switch (prop) { case ZYDIS_FORMATTER_PROP_DEC_PREFIX: case ZYDIS_FORMATTER_PROP_DEC_SUFFIX: case ZYDIS_FORMATTER_PROP_HEX_PREFIX: case ZYDIS_FORMATTER_PROP_HEX_SUFFIX: control_block.formatter_properties[prop] = control_block.formatter_properties[prop] ? (ZyanUPointer)&control_block.string : 0; break; default: break; } if (!ZYAN_SUCCESS(ZydisFormatterSetProperty(&formatter, (ZydisFormatterProperty)prop, control_block.formatter_properties[prop]))) { ZYDIS_MAYBE_FPUTS("Failed to set formatter-attribute\n", ZYAN_STDERR); return EXIT_FAILURE; } } ZyanU8 buffer[32]; ZyanUSize input_len = read_fn(stream_ctx, buffer, sizeof(buffer)); ZydisDecodedInstruction instruction; // Fuzz decoder. ZyanStatus status = ZydisDecoderDecodeBuffer(&decoder, buffer, input_len, &instruction); if (!ZYAN_SUCCESS(status)) { return EXIT_FAILURE; } // Fuzz formatter. char format_buffer[256]; // Allow the control block to artificially restrict the buffer size. ZyanUSize output_len = ZYAN_MIN(sizeof(format_buffer), control_block.formatter_max_len); ZydisFormatterFormatInstruction(&formatter, &instruction, format_buffer, output_len, control_block.u64); // Fuzz tokenizer. const ZydisFormatterToken* token; status = ZydisFormatterTokenizeInstruction(&formatter, &instruction, format_buffer, output_len, control_block.u64, &token); // Walk tokens. while (ZYAN_SUCCESS(status)) { ZydisTokenType type; ZyanConstCharPointer value; if (!ZYAN_SUCCESS(status = ZydisFormatterTokenGetValue(token, &type, &value))) { ZYDIS_MAYBE_FPUTS("Failed to get token value\n", ZYAN_STDERR); break; } status = ZydisFormatterTokenNext(&token); } if (instruction.operand_count > 0) { // Fuzz single operand formatting. We reuse rt-address for operand selection. // It's casted to u8 because modulo is way cheaper on that. ZyanU8 op_idx = (ZyanU8)control_block.u64 % instruction.operand_count; ZydisFormatterFormatOperand(&formatter, &instruction, op_idx, format_buffer, output_len, control_block.u64); // Fuzz single operand tokenization. ZydisFormatterTokenizeOperand(&formatter, &instruction, op_idx, format_buffer, output_len, control_block.u64, &token); // Address translation helper. ZyanU64 abs_addr; ZydisCalcAbsoluteAddress(&instruction, &instruction.operands[op_idx], control_block.u64, &abs_addr); } // Mnemonic helpers. ZydisMnemonicGetString((ZydisMnemonic)control_block.u64); ZydisMnemonicGetStringWrapped((ZydisMnemonic)control_block.u64); // Flag helpers. ZydisCPUFlagAction flag_action = (ZydisCPUFlagAction)control_block.u64; ZydisCPUFlags flags; ZydisGetAccessedFlagsByAction(&instruction, flag_action, &flags); // Instruction segment helper. ZydisInstructionSegments segments; ZydisGetInstructionSegments(&instruction, &segments); // Feature enable check helper. ZydisIsFeatureEnabled((ZydisFeature)control_block.u64); // Register helpers. ZydisRegisterEncode((ZydisRegisterClass)(control_block.u64 >> 8), (ZyanU8)control_block.u64); ZydisRegisterGetId((ZydisRegister)control_block.u64); ZydisRegisterGetClass((ZydisRegister)control_block.u64); ZydisRegisterGetWidth(control_block.machine_mode, (ZydisRegister)control_block.u64); ZydisRegisterGetLargestEnclosing(control_block.machine_mode, (ZydisRegister)control_block.u64); ZydisRegisterGetString((ZydisRegister)control_block.u64); ZydisRegisterGetStringWrapped((ZydisRegister)control_block.u64); ZydisRegisterClassGetWidth(control_block.machine_mode, (ZydisRegisterClass)control_block.u64); return EXIT_SUCCESS; } /* ============================================================================================== */ /* Entry point */ /* ============================================================================================== */ #ifdef ZYDIS_LIBFUZZER #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif int LLVMFuzzerInitialize(int *argc, char ***argv) { ZYAN_UNUSED(argc); ZYAN_UNUSED(argv); if (ZydisGetVersion() != ZYDIS_VERSION) { fputs("Invalid zydis version\n", ZYAN_STDERR); return EXIT_FAILURE; } return EXIT_SUCCESS; } int LLVMFuzzerTestOneInput(ZyanU8 *buf, ZyanUSize len) { ZydisLibFuzzerContext ctx; ctx.buf = buf; ctx.buf_len = len; ctx.read_offs = 0; ZydisFuzzIteration(&ZydisLibFuzzerRead, &ctx); return 0; } #ifdef __cplusplus } // extern "C" #endif #else // !ZYDIS_LIBFUZZER int main(void) { if (ZydisGetVersion() != ZYDIS_VERSION) { fputs("Invalid zydis version\n", ZYAN_STDERR); return EXIT_FAILURE; } #ifdef ZYDIS_FUZZ_AFL_FAST while (__AFL_LOOP(1000)) { ZydisFuzzIteration(&ZydisStdinRead, ZYAN_NULL); } return EXIT_SUCCESS; #else return ZydisFuzzIteration(&ZydisStdinRead, ZYAN_NULL); #endif } #endif // ZYDIS_LIBFUZZER /* ============================================================================================== */