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3 years ago
#pragma once
#include "types.h"
enum class VmxStatus : unsigned __int8 {
kOk = 0, //!< Operation succeeded
kErrorWithStatus = 1, //!< Operation failed with extended status available
kErrorWithoutStatus = 2, //!< Operation failed without status available
#define PAGE_SIZE 0x1000
#define PAGE_SIZE2M PAGE_SIZE * 512
#define PAGE_ALIGN(Va) ((PVOID)((ULONG_PTR)(Va) & ~(PAGE_SIZE - 1)))
#define PAGE_ALIGN2M(Va) ((PVOID)((ULONG_PTR)(Va) & ~(PAGE_SIZE2M - 1)))
// Contains a single steal hook information
typedef struct HookInformation {
void* patch_address; // An address where a hook is installed
// Physical address of the above two copied pages
ULONG64 pa_base_for_rw;
ULONG64 pa_base_for_exec;
bool isEnable;
}HookInformation, * PHookInformation;
// Data structure shared across all processors
typedef struct SharedShadowHookData {
HookInformation hooks[MAX_HOOKS]; // Hold installed hooks
}SharedShadowHookData, *PSharedShadowHookData;
typedef struct ShadowPte
ept_pte shadowPte[512];
// EPT entry and common fields
VmxStatus UtilInveptGlobal(ept_pointer eptPoint);
NTSTATUS VoyagerEptAddFakePage(u64 uHookAddr, u64 uPageRead, u64 uPageExec);
NTSTATUS VoyagerEptDelteFakePage(u64 uHookAddr);
bool VoyagerHandleEptViolation(EptViolationQualification* eptQualification,void* fault_va);
void changeEPTAttribute(ept_pointer eptp, guest_phys_t guest_pa, bool bCanExecute);
void disablePageProtection(ept_pointer eptp, guest_phys_t guest_pa);
void split_2mb_to_4kb(ept_pointer eptp, guest_phys_t guest_pa, host_phys_t host_pa);
void merge_4kb_to_2mb(ept_pointer eptp, guest_phys_t guest_pa, host_phys_t host_pa);
bool map_4k(ept_pointer eptp,guest_phys_t guest_pa, guest_phys_t host_pa);
HookInformation* ShpFindPatchInfoByPage(SharedShadowHookData* shared_sh_data, void* address);
HookInformation* ShpFindPatchInfoBy2MPage(SharedShadowHookData* shared_sh_data, void* address);
HookInformation* ShpFindPatchInfoByAddress(SharedShadowHookData* shared_sh_data, void* address);