/** @file
  The file provides services to retrieve font information.

Copyright (c) 2006 - 2018, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR>
This program and the accompanying materials are licensed and made available under
the terms and conditions of the BSD License that accompanies this distribution.
The full text of the license may be found at


  @par Revision Reference:
  This Protocol was introduced in UEFI Specification 2.1.


#ifndef __HII_FONT_H__
#define __HII_FONT_H__

#include <Protocol/GraphicsOutput.h>
#include <Protocol/HiiImage.h>

{ 0xe9ca4775, 0x8657, 0x47fc, { 0x97, 0xe7, 0x7e, 0xd6, 0x5a, 0x8, 0x43, 0x24 } }




#define EFI_HII_OUT_FLAG_CLIP         0x00000001
#define EFI_HII_OUT_FLAG_WRAP         0x00000002
#define EFI_HII_OUT_FLAG_CLIP_CLEAN_Y 0x00000004
#define EFI_HII_OUT_FLAG_CLIP_CLEAN_X 0x00000008
#define EFI_HII_OUT_FLAG_TRANSPARENT  0x00000010
#define EFI_HII_IGNORE_IF_NO_GLYPH    0x00000020
#define EFI_HII_IGNORE_LINE_BREAK     0x00000040
#define EFI_HII_DIRECT_TO_SCREEN      0x00000080

  Definition of EFI_HII_ROW_INFO.
typedef struct _EFI_HII_ROW_INFO {
  /// The index of the first character in the string which is displayed on the line.
  UINTN   StartIndex;
  /// The index of the last character in the string which is displayed on the line.
  /// If this is the same as StartIndex, then no characters are displayed.
  UINTN   EndIndex;
  UINTN   LineHeight; ///< The height of the line, in pixels.
  UINTN   LineWidth;  ///< The width of the text on the line, in pixels.

  /// The font baseline offset in pixels from the bottom of the row, or 0 if none.
  UINTN   BaselineOffset;

/// Font info flag. All flags (FONT, SIZE, STYLE, and COLOR) are defined.
/// They are defined as EFI_FONT_INFO_***

#define EFI_FONT_INFO_SYS_FONT        0x00000001
#define EFI_FONT_INFO_SYS_SIZE        0x00000002
#define EFI_FONT_INFO_SYS_STYLE       0x00000004
#define EFI_FONT_INFO_SYS_FORE_COLOR  0x00000010
#define EFI_FONT_INFO_SYS_BACK_COLOR  0x00000020
#define EFI_FONT_INFO_RESIZE          0x00001000
#define EFI_FONT_INFO_RESTYLE         0x00002000
#define EFI_FONT_INFO_ANY_FONT        0x00010000
#define EFI_FONT_INFO_ANY_SIZE        0x00020000
#define EFI_FONT_INFO_ANY_STYLE       0x00040000

typedef struct {
  UINT16             FontSize;      ///< character cell height in pixels
  CHAR16             FontName[1];

  Describes font output-related information.

  This structure is used for describing the way in which a string
  should be rendered in a particular font. FontInfo specifies the
  basic font information and ForegroundColor and BackgroundColor
  specify the color in which they should be displayed. The flags
  in FontInfoMask describe where the system default should be
  supplied instead of the specified information. The flags also
  describe what options can be used to make a match between the
  font requested and the font available.
typedef struct _EFI_FONT_DISPLAY_INFO {
  EFI_FONT_INFO_MASK            FontInfoMask;
  EFI_FONT_INFO                 FontInfo;


  This function renders a string to a bitmap or the screen using
  the specified font, color and options. It either draws the
  string and glyphs on an existing bitmap, allocates a new bitmap,
  or uses the screen. The strings can be clipped or wrapped.
  Optionally, the function also returns the information about each
  row and the character position on that row. If
  EFI_HII_OUT_FLAG_CLIP is set, then text will be formatted only
  based on explicit line breaks and all pixels which would lie
  outside the bounding box specified by Width and Height are
  ignored. The information in the RowInfoArray only describes
  characters which are at least partially displayed. For the final
  row, the LineHeight and BaseLine may describe pixels that are
  outside the limit specified by Height (unless
  EFI_HII_OUT_FLAG_CLIP_CLEAN_Y is specified) even though those
  pixels were not drawn. The LineWidth may describe pixels which
  are outside the limit specified by Width (unless
  EFI_HII_OUT_FLAG_CLIP_CLEAN_X is specified) even though those
  pixels were not drawn. If EFI_HII_OUT_FLAG_CLIP_CLEAN_X is set,
  then it modifies the behavior of EFI_HII_OUT_FLAG_CLIP so that
  if a character's right-most on pixel cannot fit, then it will
  not be drawn at all. This flag requires that
  is set, then it modifies the behavior of EFI_HII_OUT_FLAG_CLIP
  so that if a row's bottom-most pixel cannot fit, then it will
  not be drawn at all. This flag requires that
  then text will be wrapped at the right-most line-break
  opportunity prior to a character whose right-most extent would
  exceed Width. If no line-break opportunity can be found, then
  the text will behave as if EFI_HII_OUT_FLAG_CLIP_CLEAN_X is set.
  This flag cannot be used with EFI_HII_OUT_FLAG_CLIP_CLEAN_X. If
  EFI_HII_OUT_FLAG_TRANSPARENT is set, then BackgroundColor is
  ignored and all 'off' pixels in the character's drawn
  will use the pixel value from Blt. This flag cannot be used if
  Blt is NULL upon entry. If EFI_HII_IGNORE_IF_NO_GLYPH is set,
  then characters which have no glyphs are not drawn. Otherwise,
  they are replaced with Unicode character code 0xFFFD (REPLACEMENT
  CHARACTER). If EFI_HII_IGNORE_LINE_BREAK is set, then explicit
  line break characters will be ignored. If
  EFI_HII_DIRECT_TO_SCREEN is set, then the string will be written
  directly to the output device specified by Screen. Otherwise the
  string will be rendered to the bitmap specified by Bitmap.

  @param This             A pointer to the EFI_HII_FONT_PROTOCOL instance.

  @param Flags            Describes how the string is to be drawn.

  @param String           Points to the null-terminated string to be

  @param StringInfo       Points to the string output information,
                          including the color and font. If NULL, then
                          the string will be output in the default
                          system font and color.

  @param Blt              If this points to a non-NULL on entry, this points
                          to the image, which is Width pixels wide and
                          Height pixels high. The string will be drawn onto
                          this image and EFI_HII_OUT_FLAG_CLIP is implied.
                          If this points to a NULL on entry, then a buffer
                          will be allocated to hold the generated image and
                          the pointer updated on exit. It is the caller's
                          responsibility to free this buffer.

  @param BltX, BltY       Specifies the offset from the left and top
                          edge of the image of the first character
                          cell in the image.

  @param RowInfoArray     If this is non-NULL on entry, then on
                          exit, this will point to an allocated buffer
                          containing row information and
                          RowInfoArraySize will be updated to contain
                          the number of elements. This array describes
                          the characters that were at least partially
                          drawn and the heights of the rows. It is the
                          caller's responsibility to free this buffer.

  @param RowInfoArraySize If this is non-NULL on entry, then on
                          exit it contains the number of
                          elements in RowInfoArray.

  @param ColumnInfoArray  If this is non-NULL, then on return it
                          will be filled with the horizontal
                          offset for each character in the
                          string on the row where it is
                          displayed. Non-printing characters
                          will have the offset ~0. The caller is
                          responsible for allocating a buffer large
                          enough so that there is one entry for
                          each character in the string, not
                          including the null-terminator. It is
                          possible when character display is
                          normalized that some character cells

  @retval EFI_SUCCESS           The string was successfully updated.

  @retval EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES  Unable to allocate an output buffer for RowInfoArray or Blt.

  @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER The String or Blt was NULL.

  @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER Flags were invalid combination.
  IN        EFI_HII_OUT_FLAGS     Flags,
  IN CONST  EFI_STRING            String,
  IN OUT    EFI_IMAGE_OUTPUT      **Blt,
  IN        UINTN                 BltX,
  IN        UINTN                 BltY,
  OUT       EFI_HII_ROW_INFO      **RowInfoArray OPTIONAL,
  OUT       UINTN                 *RowInfoArraySize OPTIONAL,
  OUT       UINTN                 *ColumnInfoArray OPTIONAL


  This function renders a string as a bitmap or to the screen
  and can clip or wrap the string. The bitmap is either supplied
  by the caller or allocated by the function. The
  strings are drawn with the font, size and style specified and
  can be drawn transparently or opaquely. The function can also
  return information about each row and each character's
  position on the row. If EFI_HII_OUT_FLAG_CLIP is set, then
  text will be formatted based only on explicit line breaks, and
  all pixels that would lie outside the bounding box specified
  by Width and Height are ignored. The information in the
  RowInfoArray only describes characters which are at least
  partially displayed. For the final row, the LineHeight and
  BaseLine may describe pixels which are outside the limit
  specified by Height (unless EFI_HII_OUT_FLAG_CLIP_CLEAN_Y is
  specified) even though those pixels were not drawn. If
  EFI_HII_OUT_FLAG_CLIP_CLEAN_X is set, then it modifies the
  behavior of EFI_HII_OUT_FLAG_CLIP so that if a character's
  right-most on pixel cannot fit, then it will not be drawn at
  all. This flag requires that EFI_HII_OUT_FLAG_CLIP be set. If
  EFI_HII_OUT_FLAG_CLIP_CLEAN_Y is set, then it modifies the
  behavior of EFI_HII_OUT_FLAG_CLIP so that if a row's bottom
  most pixel cannot fit, then it will not be drawn at all. This
  flag requires that EFI_HII_OUT_FLAG_CLIP be set. If
  EFI_HII_OUT_FLAG_WRAP is set, then text will be wrapped at the
  right-most line-break opportunity prior to a character whose
  right-most extent would exceed Width. If no line-break
  opportunity can be found, then the text will behave as if
  EFI_HII_OUT_FLAG_CLIP_CLEAN_X is set. This flag cannot be used
  EFI_HII_OUT_FLAG_TRANSPARENT is set, then BackgroundColor is
  ignored and all off" pixels in the character's glyph will
  use the pixel value from Blt. This flag cannot be used if Blt
  is NULL upon entry. If EFI_HII_IGNORE_IF_NO_GLYPH is set, then
  characters which have no glyphs are not drawn. Otherwise, they
  are replaced with Unicode character code 0xFFFD (REPLACEMENT
  CHARACTER). If EFI_HII_IGNORE_LINE_BREAK is set, then explicit
  line break characters will be ignored. If
  EFI_HII_DIRECT_TO_SCREEN is set, then the string will be
  written directly to the output device specified by Screen.
  Otherwise the string will be rendered to the bitmap specified
  by Bitmap.

  @param This       A pointer to the EFI_HII_FONT_PROTOCOL instance.

  @param Flags      Describes how the string is to be drawn.

  @param PackageList
                    The package list in the HII database to
                    search for the specified string.

  @param StringId   The string's id, which is unique within

  @param Language   Points to the language for the retrieved
                    string. If NULL, then the current system
                    language is used.

  @param StringInfo Points to the string output information,
                    including the color and font. If NULL, then
                    the string will be output in the default
                    system font and color.

  @param Blt        If this points to a non-NULL on entry, this points
                    to the image, which is Width pixels wide and
                    Height pixels high. The string will be drawn onto
                    this image and EFI_HII_OUT_FLAG_CLIP is implied.
                    If this points to a NULL on entry, then a buffer
                    will be allocated to hold the generated image and
                    the pointer updated on exit. It is the caller's
                    responsibility to free this buffer.

  @param BltX, BltY Specifies the offset from the left and top
                    edge of the output image of the first
                    character cell in the image.

  @param RowInfoArray     If this is non-NULL on entry, then on
                          exit, this will point to an allocated
                          buffer containing row information and
                          RowInfoArraySize will be updated to
                          contain the number of elements. This array
                          describes the characters which were at
                          least partially drawn and the heights of
                          the rows. It is the caller's
                          responsibility to free this buffer.

  @param RowInfoArraySize If this is non-NULL on entry, then on
                          exit it contains the number of
                          elements in RowInfoArray.

  @param ColumnInfoArray  If non-NULL, on return it is filled
                          with the horizontal offset for each
                          character in the string on the row
                          where it is displayed. Non-printing
                          characters will have the offset ~0.
                          The caller is responsible to allocate
                          a buffer large enough so that there is
                          one entry for each character in the
                          string, not including the
                          null-terminator. It is possible when
                          character display is normalized that
                          some character cells overlap.

  @retval EFI_SUCCESS           The string was successfully updated.

  @retval EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES  Unable to allocate an output
                                buffer for RowInfoArray or Blt.

  @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER The String, or Blt, or Height, or
                                Width was NULL.
  @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER The Blt or PackageList was NULL.
  @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER Flags were invalid combination.
  @retval EFI_NOT_FOUND         The specified PackageList is not in the Database,
                                or the stringid is not in the specified PackageList.

  IN        EFI_HII_OUT_FLAGS     Flags,
  IN        EFI_HII_HANDLE        PackageList,
  IN        EFI_STRING_ID         StringId,
  IN CONST  CHAR8                 *Language,
  IN OUT    EFI_IMAGE_OUTPUT      **Blt,
  IN        UINTN                 BltX,
  IN        UINTN                 BltY,
  OUT       EFI_HII_ROW_INFO      **RowInfoArray    OPTIONAL,
  OUT       UINTN                 *RowInfoArraySize OPTIONAL,
  OUT       UINTN                 *ColumnInfoArray  OPTIONAL


  Convert the glyph for a single character into a bitmap.

  @param This       A pointer to the EFI_HII_FONT_PROTOCOL instance.

  @param Char       The character to retrieve.

  @param StringInfo Points to the string font and color
                    information or NULL if the string should use
                    the default system font and color.

  @param Blt        This must point to a NULL on entry. A buffer will
                    be allocated to hold the output and the pointer
                    updated on exit. It is the caller's responsibility
                    to free this buffer.

  @param Baseline   The number of pixels from the bottom of the bitmap
                    to the baseline.

  @retval EFI_SUCCESS             The glyph bitmap created.

  @retval EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES    Unable to allocate the output buffer Blt.

  @retval EFI_WARN_UNKNOWN_GLYPH  The glyph was unknown and was
                                  replaced with the glyph for
                                  Unicode character code 0xFFFD.

  @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER   Blt is NULL, or Width is NULL, or
                                  Height is NULL

  IN CONST  CHAR16                Char,
  OUT       EFI_IMAGE_OUTPUT      **Blt,
  OUT       UINTN                 *Baseline OPTIONAL


  This function iterates through fonts which match the specified
  font, using the specified criteria. If String is non-NULL, then
  all of the characters in the string must exist in order for a
  candidate font to be returned.

  @param This           A pointer to the EFI_HII_FONT_PROTOCOL instance.

  @param FontHandle     On entry, points to the font handle returned
                        by a previous call to GetFontInfo() or NULL
                        to start with the first font. On return,
                        points to the returned font handle or points
                        to NULL if there are no more matching fonts.

  @param StringInfoIn   Upon entry, points to the font to return
                        information about. If NULL, then the information
                        about the system default font will be returned.

  @param  StringInfoOut Upon return, contains the matching font's information.
                        If NULL, then no information is returned. This buffer
                        is allocated with a call to the Boot Service AllocatePool().
                        It is the caller's responsibility to call the Boot
                        Service FreePool() when the caller no longer requires
                        the contents of StringInfoOut.

  @param String         Points to the string which will be tested to
                        determine if all characters are available. If
                        NULL, then any font is acceptable.

  @retval EFI_SUCCESS            Matching font returned successfully.

  @retval EFI_NOT_FOUND          No matching font was found.

  @retval EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES   There were insufficient resources to complete the request.

  IN OUT    EFI_FONT_HANDLE       *FontHandle,
  OUT       EFI_FONT_DISPLAY_INFO **StringInfoOut,

/// The protocol provides the service to retrieve the font informations.
  EFI_HII_STRING_TO_IMAGE     StringToImage;
  EFI_HII_GET_GLYPH           GetGlyph;
  EFI_HII_GET_FONT_INFO       GetFontInfo;

extern EFI_GUID gEfiHiiFontProtocolGuid;
