/** @file IPMI 2.0 definitions from the IPMI Specification Version 2.0, Revision 1.1. This file contains all NetFn Transport commands, including: IPM LAN Commands (Chapter 23) IPMI Serial/Modem Commands (Chapter 25) SOL Commands (Chapter 26) Command Forwarding Commands (Chapter 35b) See IPMI specification, Appendix G, Command Assignments and Appendix H, Sub-function Assignments. Copyright (c) 1999 - 2018, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.
This program and the accompanying materials are licensed and made available under the terms and conditions of the BSD License which accompanies this distribution. The full text of the license may be found at http://opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php THE PROGRAM IS DISTRIBUTED UNDER THE BSD LICENSE ON AN "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. **/ #ifndef _IPMI_NET_FN_TRANSPORT_H_ #define _IPMI_NET_FN_TRANSPORT_H_ #pragma pack(1) // // Net function definition for Transport command // #define IPMI_NETFN_TRANSPORT 0x0C // // Below is Definitions for IPM LAN Commands (Chapter 23) // // // Definitions for Set Lan Configuration Parameters command // #define IPMI_TRANSPORT_SET_LAN_CONFIG_PARAMETERS 0x01 // // Constants and Structure definitions for "Set Lan Configuration Parameters" command to follow here // // // LAN Management Structure // typedef enum { IpmiLanReserved1, IpmiLanReserved2, IpmiLanAuthType, IpmiLanIpAddress, IpmiLanIpAddressSource, IpmiLanMacAddress, IpmiLanSubnetMask, IpmiLanIpv4HeaderParam, IpmiLanPrimaryRcmpPort, IpmiLanSecondaryRcmpPort, IpmiLanBmcGeneratedArpCtrl, IpmiLanArpInterval, IpmiLanDefaultGateway, IpmiLanDefaultGatewayMac, IpmiLanBackupGateway, IpmiLanBackupGatewayMac, IpmiLanCommunityString, IpmiLanReserved3, IpmiLanDestinationType, IpmiLanDestinationAddress, IpmiIpv4OrIpv6Support = 0x32, IpmiIpv4OrIpv6AddressEnable, IpmiIpv6HdrStatTrafficClass, IpmiIpv6HdrStatHopLimit, IpmiIpv6HdrFlowLabel, IpmiIpv6Status, IpmiIpv6StaticAddress, IpmiIpv6DhcpStaticDuidLen, IpmiIpv6DhcpStaticDuid, IpmiIpv6DhcpAddress, IpmiIpv6DhcpDynamicDuidLen, IpmiIpv6DhcpDynamicDuid, IpmiIpv6RouterConfig = 0x40, IpmiIpv6StaticRouter1IpAddr, IpmiIpv6DynamicRouterIpAddr = 0x4a } IPMI_LAN_OPTION_TYPE; // // IP Address Source // typedef enum { IpmiUnspecified, IpmiStaticAddrsss, IpmiDynamicAddressBmcDhcp, IpmiDynamicAddressBiosDhcp, IpmiDynamicAddressBmcNonDhcp } IPMI_IP_ADDRESS_SRC; // // Destination Type // typedef enum { IpmiPetTrapDestination, IpmiDirectedEventDestination, IpmiReserved1, IpmiReserved2, IpmiReserved3, IpmiReserved4, IpmiReserved5, IpmiOem1, IpmiOem2 } IPMI_LAN_DEST_TYPE_DEST_TYPE; typedef union { struct { UINT8 NoAuth : 1; UINT8 MD2Auth : 1; UINT8 MD5Auth : 1; UINT8 Reserved1 : 1; UINT8 StraightPswd : 1; UINT8 OemType : 1; UINT8 Reserved2 : 2; } Bits; UINT8 Uint8; } IPMI_LAN_AUTH_TYPE; typedef struct { UINT8 IpAddress[4]; } IPMI_LAN_IP_ADDRESS; typedef union { struct { UINT8 AddressSrc : 4; UINT8 Reserved : 4; } Bits; UINT8 Uint8; } IPMI_LAN_IP_ADDRESS_SRC; typedef struct { UINT8 MacAddress[6]; } IPMI_LAN_MAC_ADDRESS; typedef struct { UINT8 IpAddress[4]; } IPMI_LAN_SUBNET_MASK; typedef union { struct { UINT8 IpFlag : 3; UINT8 Reserved : 5; } Bits; UINT8 Uint8; } IPMI_LAN_IPV4_HDR_PARAM_DATA_2; typedef union { struct { UINT8 Precedence : 3; UINT8 Reserved : 1; UINT8 ServiceType : 4; } Bits; UINT8 Uint8; } IPMI_LAN_IPV4_HDR_PARAM_DATA_3; typedef struct { UINT8 TimeToLive; IPMI_LAN_IPV4_HDR_PARAM_DATA_2 Data2; IPMI_LAN_IPV4_HDR_PARAM_DATA_3 Data3; } IPMI_LAN_IPV4_HDR_PARAM; typedef struct { UINT8 RcmpPortMsb; UINT8 RcmpPortLsb; } IPMI_LAN_RCMP_PORT; typedef union { struct { UINT8 EnableBmcArpResponse : 1; UINT8 EnableBmcGratuitousArp : 1; UINT8 Reserved : 6; } Bits; UINT8 Uint8; } IPMI_LAN_BMC_GENERATED_ARP_CONTROL; typedef struct { UINT8 ArpInterval; } IPMI_LAN_ARP_INTERVAL; typedef struct { UINT8 Data[18]; } IPMI_LAN_COMMUNITY_STRING; typedef union { struct { UINT8 DestinationSelector : 4; UINT8 Reserved : 4; } Bits; UINT8 Uint8; } IPMI_LAN_SET_SELECTOR; typedef union { struct { UINT8 DestinationType : 3; UINT8 Reserved : 4; UINT8 AlertAcknowledged : 1; } Bits; UINT8 Uint8; } IPMI_LAN_DEST_TYPE_DESTINATION_TYPE; typedef struct { IPMI_LAN_SET_SELECTOR SetSelector; IPMI_LAN_DEST_TYPE_DESTINATION_TYPE DestinationType; } IPMI_LAN_DEST_TYPE; typedef union { struct { UINT8 AlertingIpAddressSelector : 4; UINT8 AddressFormat : 4; } Bits; UINT8 Uint8; } IPMI_LAN_ADDRESS_FORMAT; typedef union { struct { UINT8 UseDefaultGateway : 1; UINT8 Reserved2 : 7; } Bits; UINT8 Uint8; } IPMI_LAN_GATEWAY_SELECTOR; typedef struct { IPMI_LAN_SET_SELECTOR SetSelector; IPMI_LAN_ADDRESS_FORMAT AddressFormat; IPMI_LAN_GATEWAY_SELECTOR GatewaySelector; IPMI_LAN_IP_ADDRESS AlertingIpAddress; IPMI_LAN_MAC_ADDRESS AlertingMacAddress; } IPMI_LAN_DEST_ADDRESS; typedef union { IPMI_LAN_AUTH_TYPE IpmiLanAuthType; IPMI_LAN_IP_ADDRESS IpmiLanIpAddress; IPMI_LAN_IP_ADDRESS_SRC IpmiLanIpAddressSrc; IPMI_LAN_MAC_ADDRESS IpmiLanMacAddress; IPMI_LAN_SUBNET_MASK IpmiLanSubnetMask; IPMI_LAN_IPV4_HDR_PARAM IpmiLanIpv4HdrParam; IPMI_LAN_RCMP_PORT IpmiLanPrimaryRcmpPort; IPMI_LAN_BMC_GENERATED_ARP_CONTROL IpmiLanArpControl; IPMI_LAN_ARP_INTERVAL IpmiLanArpInterval; IPMI_LAN_COMMUNITY_STRING IpmiLanCommunityString; IPMI_LAN_DEST_TYPE IpmiLanDestType; IPMI_LAN_DEST_ADDRESS IpmiLanDestAddress; } IPMI_LAN_OPTIONS; typedef union { struct { UINT8 AddressSourceType : 4; UINT8 Reserved : 3; UINT8 EnableStatus : 1; } Bits; UINT8 Uint8; } IPMI_LAN_IPV6_ADDRESS_SOURCE_TYPE; typedef struct { UINT8 SetSelector; IPMI_LAN_IPV6_ADDRESS_SOURCE_TYPE AddressSourceType; UINT8 Ipv6Address[16]; UINT8 AddressPrefixLen; UINT8 AddressStatus; } IPMI_LAN_IPV6_STATIC_ADDRESS; // // Set in progress parameter // typedef union { struct { UINT8 SetInProgress:2; UINT8 Reserved:6; } Bits; UINT8 Uint8; } IPMI_LAN_SET_IN_PROGRESS; typedef union { struct { UINT8 ChannelNo : 4; UINT8 Reserved : 4; } Bits; UINT8 Uint8; } IPMI_SET_LAN_CONFIG_CHANNEL_NUM; typedef struct { IPMI_SET_LAN_CONFIG_CHANNEL_NUM ChannelNumber; UINT8 ParameterSelector; UINT8 ParameterData[0]; } IPMI_SET_LAN_CONFIGURATION_PARAMETERS_COMMAND_REQUEST; // // Definitions for Get Lan Configuration Parameters command // #define IPMI_TRANSPORT_GET_LAN_CONFIG_PARAMETERS 0x02 // // Constants and Structure definitions for "Get Lan Configuration Parameters" command to follow here // typedef union { struct { UINT8 ChannelNo : 4; UINT8 Reserved : 3; UINT8 GetParameter : 1; } Bits; UINT8 Uint8; } IPMI_GET_LAN_CONFIG_CHANNEL_NUM; typedef struct { IPMI_GET_LAN_CONFIG_CHANNEL_NUM ChannelNumber; UINT8 ParameterSelector; UINT8 SetSelector; UINT8 BlockSelector; } IPMI_GET_LAN_CONFIGURATION_PARAMETERS_REQUEST; typedef struct { UINT8 CompletionCode; UINT8 ParameterRevision; UINT8 ParameterData[0]; } IPMI_GET_LAN_CONFIGURATION_PARAMETERS_RESPONSE; // // Definitions for Suspend BMC ARPs command // #define IPMI_TRANSPORT_SUSPEND_BMC_ARPS 0x03 // // Constants and Structure definitions for "Suspend BMC ARPs" command to follow here // // // Definitions for Get IP-UDP-RMCP Statistics command // #define IPMI_TRANSPORT_GET_PACKET_STATISTICS 0x04 // // Constants and Structure definitions for "Get IP-UDP-RMCP Statistics" command to follow here // // // Below is Definitions for IPMI Serial/Modem Commands (Chapter 25) // // // Definitions for Set Serial/Modem Configuration command // #define IPMI_TRANSPORT_SET_SERIAL_CONFIGURATION 0x10 // // Constants and Structure definitions for "Set Serial/Modem Configuration" command to follow here // // // EMP OPTION DATA // typedef union { struct { UINT8 NoAuthentication : 1; UINT8 MD2Authentication : 1; UINT8 MD5Authentication : 1; UINT8 Reserved1 : 1; UINT8 StraightPassword : 1; UINT8 OemProprietary : 1; UINT8 Reservd2 : 2; } Bits; UINT8 Uint8; } IPMI_EMP_AUTH_TYPE; typedef union { struct { UINT8 EnableBasicMode : 1; UINT8 EnablePPPMode : 1; UINT8 EnableTerminalMode : 1; UINT8 Reserved1 : 2; UINT8 SnoopOsPPPNegotiation : 1; UINT8 Reserved2 : 1; UINT8 DirectConnect : 1; } Bits; UINT8 Uint8; } IPMI_EMP_CONNECTION_TYPE; typedef union { struct { UINT8 InactivityTimeout : 4; UINT8 Reserved : 4; } Bits; UINT8 Uint8; } IPMI_EMP_INACTIVITY_TIMEOUT; typedef union { struct { UINT8 IpmiCallback : 1; UINT8 CBCPCallback : 1; UINT8 Reserved : 6; } Bits; UINT8 Uint8; } IPMI_CHANNEL_CALLBACK_CONTROL_ENABLE; typedef union { struct { UINT8 CbcpEnableNoCallback : 1; UINT8 CbcpEnablePreSpecifiedNumber : 1; UINT8 CbcpEnableUserSpecifiedNumber : 1; UINT8 CbcpEnableCallbackFromList : 1; UINT8 Reserved : 4; } Bits; UINT8 Uint8; } IPMI_CHANNEL_CALLBACK_CONTROL_CBCP; typedef struct { IPMI_CHANNEL_CALLBACK_CONTROL_ENABLE CallbackEnable; IPMI_CHANNEL_CALLBACK_CONTROL_CBCP CBCPNegotiation; UINT8 CallbackDestination1; UINT8 CallbackDestination2; UINT8 CallbackDestination3; } IPMI_EMP_CHANNEL_CALLBACK_CONTROL; typedef union { struct { UINT8 CloseSessionOnDCDLoss : 1; UINT8 EnableSessionInactivityTimeout : 1; UINT8 Reserved : 6; } Bits; UINT8 Uint8; } IPMI_EMP_SESSION_TERMINATION; typedef union { struct { UINT8 Reserved1 : 5; UINT8 EnableDtrHangup : 1; UINT8 FlowControl : 2; UINT8 BitRate : 4; UINT8 Reserved2 : 4; UINT8 SaveSetting : 1; UINT8 SetComPort : 1; UINT8 Reserved3 : 6; } Bits; UINT8 Uint8; UINT16 Uint16; } IPMI_EMP_MESSAGING_COM_SETTING; typedef union { struct { UINT8 RingDurationInterval : 6; UINT8 Reserved1 : 2; UINT8 RingDeadTime : 4; UINT8 Reserved2 : 4; } Bits; UINT8 Uint8; } IPMI_EMP_MODEM_RING_TIME; typedef struct { UINT8 Reserved; UINT8 InitString[48]; } IPMI_EMP_MODEM_INIT_STRING; typedef struct { UINT8 EscapeSequence[5]; } IPMI_EMP_MODEM_ESC_SEQUENCE; typedef struct { UINT8 HangupSequence[8]; } IPMI_EMP_MODEM_HANGUP_SEQUENCE; typedef struct { UINT8 ModelDialCommend[8]; } IPMI_MODEM_DIALUP_COMMAND; typedef struct { UINT8 PageBlackoutInterval; } IPMI_PAGE_BLACKOUT_INTERVAL; typedef struct { UINT8 CommunityString[18]; } IPMI_EMP_COMMUNITY_STRING; typedef union { struct { UINT8 Reserved : 4; UINT8 DialStringSelector : 4; } Bits; UINT8 Uint8; } IPMI_DIAL_PAGE_DESTINATION; typedef union { struct { UINT8 TapAccountSelector : 4; UINT8 Reserved : 4; } Bits; UINT8 Uint8; } IPMI_TAP_PAGE_DESTINATION; typedef struct { UINT8 PPPAccountSetSelector; UINT8 DialStringSelector; } IPMI_PPP_ALERT_DESTINATION; typedef union { IPMI_DIAL_PAGE_DESTINATION DialPageDestination; IPMI_TAP_PAGE_DESTINATION TapPageDestination; IPMI_PPP_ALERT_DESTINATION PppAlertDestination; } IPMI_DEST_TYPE_SPECIFIC; typedef union { struct { UINT8 DestinationSelector : 4; UINT8 Reserved : 4; } Bits; UINT8 Uint8; } IPMI_EMP_DESTINATION_SELECTOR; typedef union { struct { UINT8 DestinationType : 4; UINT8 Reserved : 3; UINT8 AlertAckRequired : 1; } Bits; UINT8 Uint8; } IPMI_EMP_DESTINATION_TYPE; typedef union { struct { UINT8 NumRetriesCall : 3; UINT8 Reserved1 : 1; UINT8 NumRetryAlert : 3; UINT8 Reserved2 : 1; } Bits; UINT8 Uint8; } IPMI_EMP_RETRIES; typedef struct { IPMI_EMP_DESTINATION_SELECTOR DestinationSelector; IPMI_EMP_DESTINATION_TYPE DestinationType; UINT8 AlertAckTimeoutSeconds; IPMI_EMP_RETRIES Retries; IPMI_DEST_TYPE_SPECIFIC DestinationTypeSpecific; } IPMI_EMP_DESTINATION_INFO; typedef union { struct { UINT8 Parity : 3; UINT8 CharacterSize : 1; UINT8 StopBit : 1; UINT8 DtrHangup : 1; UINT8 FlowControl : 2; } Bits; UINT8 Uint8; } IPMI_EMP_DESTINATION_COM_SETTING_DATA_2; typedef union { struct { UINT8 BitRate : 4; UINT8 Reserved : 4; } Bits; UINT8 Uint8; } IPMI_EMP_BIT_RATE; typedef struct { IPMI_EMP_DESTINATION_SELECTOR DestinationSelector; IPMI_EMP_DESTINATION_COM_SETTING_DATA_2 Data2; IPMI_EMP_BIT_RATE BitRate; } IPMI_EMP_DESTINATION_COM_SETTING; typedef union { struct { UINT8 DialStringSelector : 4; UINT8 Reserved : 4; } Bits; UINT8 Uint8; } IPMI_DIAL_STRING_SELECTOR; typedef struct { IPMI_DIAL_STRING_SELECTOR DestinationSelector; UINT8 Reserved; UINT8 DialString[48]; } IPMI_DESTINATION_DIAL_STRING; typedef union { UINT32 IpAddressLong; UINT8 IpAddress[4]; } IPMI_PPP_IP_ADDRESS; typedef union { struct { UINT8 IpAddressSelector : 4; UINT8 Reserved : 4; } Bits; UINT8 Uint8; } IPMI_DESTINATION_IP_ADDRESS_SELECTOR; typedef struct { IPMI_DESTINATION_IP_ADDRESS_SELECTOR DestinationSelector; IPMI_PPP_IP_ADDRESS PppIpAddress; } IPMI_DESTINATION_IP_ADDRESS; typedef union { struct { UINT8 TapServiceSelector : 4; UINT8 TapDialStringSelector : 4; } Bits; UINT8 Uint8; } IPMI_TAP_DIAL_STRING_SERVICE_SELECTOR; typedef struct { UINT8 TapSelector; IPMI_TAP_DIAL_STRING_SERVICE_SELECTOR TapDialStringServiceSelector; } IPMI_DESTINATION_TAP_ACCOUNT; typedef struct { UINT8 TapSelector; UINT8 PagerIdString[16]; } IPMI_TAP_PAGER_ID_STRING; typedef union { UINT8 OptionData; IPMI_EMP_AUTH_TYPE EmpAuthType; IPMI_EMP_CONNECTION_TYPE EmpConnectionType; IPMI_EMP_INACTIVITY_TIMEOUT EmpInactivityTimeout; IPMI_EMP_CHANNEL_CALLBACK_CONTROL EmpCallbackControl; IPMI_EMP_SESSION_TERMINATION EmpSessionTermination; IPMI_EMP_MESSAGING_COM_SETTING EmpMessagingComSetting; IPMI_EMP_MODEM_RING_TIME EmpModemRingTime; IPMI_EMP_MODEM_INIT_STRING EmpModemInitString; IPMI_EMP_MODEM_ESC_SEQUENCE EmpModemEscSequence; IPMI_EMP_MODEM_HANGUP_SEQUENCE EmpModemHangupSequence; IPMI_MODEM_DIALUP_COMMAND EmpModemDialupCommand; IPMI_PAGE_BLACKOUT_INTERVAL EmpPageBlackoutInterval; IPMI_EMP_COMMUNITY_STRING EmpCommunityString; IPMI_EMP_DESTINATION_INFO EmpDestinationInfo; IPMI_EMP_DESTINATION_COM_SETTING EmpDestinationComSetting; UINT8 CallRetryBusySignalInterval; IPMI_DESTINATION_DIAL_STRING DestinationDialString; IPMI_DESTINATION_IP_ADDRESS DestinationIpAddress; IPMI_DESTINATION_TAP_ACCOUNT DestinationTapAccount; IPMI_TAP_PAGER_ID_STRING TapPagerIdString; } IPMI_EMP_OPTIONS; // // Definitions for Get Serial/Modem Configuration command // #define IPMI_TRANSPORT_GET_SERIAL_CONFIGURATION 0x11 // // Constants and Structure definitions for "Get Serial/Modem Configuration" command to follow here // // // Definitions for Set Serial/Modem Mux command // #define IPMI_TRANSPORT_SET_SERIAL_MUX 0x12 // // Constants and Structure definitions for "Set Serial/Modem Mux" command to follow here // // // Set Serial/Modem Mux command request return status // #define IPMI_MUX_SETTING_REQUEST_REJECTED 0x00 #define IPMI_MUX_SETTING_REQUEST_ACCEPTED 0x01 // // Definitions for serial multiplex settings // #define IPMI_MUX_SETTING_GET_MUX_SETTING 0x0 #define IPMI_MUX_SETTING_REQUEST_MUX_TO_SYSTEM 0x1 #define IPMI_MUX_SETTING_REQUEST_MUX_TO_BMC 0x2 #define IPMI_MUX_SETTING_FORCE_MUX_TO_SYSTEM 0x3 #define IPMI_MUX_SETTING_FORCE_MUX_TO_BMC 0x4 #define IPMI_MUX_SETTING_BLOCK_REQUEST_MUX_TO_SYSTEM 0x5 #define IPMI_MUX_SETTING_ALLOW_REQUEST_MUX_TO_SYSTEM 0x6 #define IPMI_MUX_SETTING_BLOCK_REQUEST_MUX_TO_BMC 0x7 #define IPMI_MUX_SETTING_ALLOW_REQUEST_MUX_TO_BMC 0x8 typedef union { struct { UINT8 ChannelNo : 4; UINT8 Reserved : 4; } Bits; UINT8 Uint8; } IPMI_MUX_CHANNEL_NUM; typedef union { struct { UINT8 MuxSetting : 4; UINT8 Reserved : 4; } Bits; UINT8 Uint8; } IPMI_MUX_SETTING_REQUEST; typedef struct { IPMI_MUX_CHANNEL_NUM ChannelNumber; IPMI_MUX_SETTING_REQUEST MuxSetting; } IPMI_SET_SERIAL_MODEM_MUX_COMMAND_REQUEST; typedef union { struct { UINT8 MuxSetToBmc : 1; UINT8 CommandStatus : 1; UINT8 MessagingSessionActive : 1; UINT8 AlertInProgress : 1; UINT8 Reserved : 2; UINT8 MuxToBmcAllowed : 1; UINT8 MuxToSystemBlocked : 1; } Bits; UINT8 Uint8; } IPMI_MUX_SETTING_PRESENT_STATE; typedef struct { UINT8 CompletionCode; IPMI_MUX_SETTING_PRESENT_STATE MuxSetting; } IPMI_SET_SERIAL_MODEM_MUX_COMMAND_RESPONSE; // // Definitions for Get TAP Response Code command // #define IPMI_TRANSPORT_GET_TAP_RESPONSE_CODE 0x13 // // Constants and Structure definitions for "Get TAP Response Code" command to follow here // // // Definitions for Set PPP UDP Proxy Transmit Data command // #define IPMI_TRANSPORT_SET_PPP_UDP_PROXY_TXDATA 0x14 // // Constants and Structure definitions for "Set PPP UDP Proxy Transmit Data" command to follow here // // // Definitions for Get PPP UDP Proxy Transmit Data command // #define IPMI_TRANSPORT_GET_PPP_UDP_PROXY_TXDATA 0x15 // // Constants and Structure definitions for "Get PPP UDP Proxy Transmit Data" command to follow here // // // Definitions for Send PPP UDP Proxy Packet command // #define IPMI_TRANSPORT_SEND_PPP_UDP_PROXY_PACKET 0x16 // // Constants and Structure definitions for "Send PPP UDP Proxy Packet" command to follow here // // // Definitions for Get PPP UDP Proxy Receive Data command // #define IPMI_TRANSPORT_GET_PPP_UDP_PROXY_RX 0x17 // // Constants and Structure definitions for "Get PPP UDP Proxy Receive Data" command to follow here // // // Definitions for Serial/Modem connection active command // #define IPMI_TRANSPORT_SERIAL_CONNECTION_ACTIVE 0x18 // // Constants and Structure definitions for "Serial/Modem connection active" command to follow here // // // Definitions for Callback command // #define IPMI_TRANSPORT_CALLBACK 0x19 // // Constants and Structure definitions for "Callback" command to follow here // // // Definitions for Set user Callback Options command // #define IPMI_TRANSPORT_SET_USER_CALLBACK_OPTIONS 0x1A // // Constants and Structure definitions for "Set user Callback Options" command to follow here // // // Definitions for Get user Callback Options command // #define IPMI_TRANSPORT_GET_USER_CALLBACK_OPTIONS 0x1B // // Constants and Structure definitions for "Get user Callback Options" command to follow here // // // Below is Definitions for SOL Commands (Chapter 26) // // // Definitions for SOL activating command // #define IPMI_TRANSPORT_SOL_ACTIVATING 0x20 // // Constants and Structure definitions for "SOL activating" command to follow here // typedef union { struct { UINT8 SessionState : 4; UINT8 Reserved : 4; } Bits; UINT8 Uint8; } IPMI_SOL_SESSION_STATE; typedef struct { IPMI_SOL_SESSION_STATE SessionState; UINT8 PayloadInstance; UINT8 FormatVersionMajor; // 1 UINT8 FormatVersionMinor; // 0 } IPMI_SOL_ACTIVATING_REQUEST; // // Definitions for Set SOL Configuration Parameters command // #define IPMI_TRANSPORT_SET_SOL_CONFIG_PARAM 0x21 // // Constants and Structure definitions for "Set SOL Configuration Parameters" command to follow here // // // SOL Configuration Parameters selector // #define IPMI_SOL_CONFIGURATION_PARAMETER_SET_IN_PROGRESS 0 #define IPMI_SOL_CONFIGURATION_PARAMETER_SOL_ENABLE 1 #define IPMI_SOL_CONFIGURATION_PARAMETER_SOL_AUTHENTICATION 2 #define IPMI_SOL_CONFIGURATION_PARAMETER_SOL_CHARACTER_PARAM 3 #define IPMI_SOL_CONFIGURATION_PARAMETER_SOL_RETRY 4 #define IPMI_SOL_CONFIGURATION_PARAMETER_SOL_NV_BIT_RATE 5 #define IPMI_SOL_CONFIGURATION_PARAMETER_SOL_VOLATILE_BIT_RATE 6 #define IPMI_SOL_CONFIGURATION_PARAMETER_SOL_PAYLOAD_CHANNEL 7 #define IPMI_SOL_CONFIGURATION_PARAMETER_SOL_PAYLOAD_PORT 8 typedef union { struct { UINT8 ChannelNumber : 4; UINT8 Reserved : 4; } Bits; UINT8 Uint8; } IPMI_SET_SOL_CONFIG_PARAM_CHANNEL_NUM; typedef struct { IPMI_SET_SOL_CONFIG_PARAM_CHANNEL_NUM ChannelNumber; UINT8 ParameterSelector; UINT8 ParameterData[0]; } IPMI_SET_SOL_CONFIGURATION_PARAMETERS_REQUEST; // // Definitions for Get SOL Configuration Parameters command // #define IPMI_TRANSPORT_GET_SOL_CONFIG_PARAM 0x22 // // Constants and Structure definitions for "Get SOL Configuration Parameters" command to follow here // typedef union { struct { UINT8 ChannelNumber : 4; UINT8 Reserved : 3; UINT8 GetParameter : 1; } Bits; UINT8 Uint8; } IPMI_GET_SOL_CONFIG_PARAM_CHANNEL_NUM; typedef struct { IPMI_GET_SOL_CONFIG_PARAM_CHANNEL_NUM ChannelNumber; UINT8 ParameterSelector; UINT8 SetSelector; UINT8 BlockSelector; } IPMI_GET_SOL_CONFIGURATION_PARAMETERS_REQUEST; typedef struct { UINT8 CompletionCode; UINT8 ParameterRevision; UINT8 ParameterData[0]; } IPMI_GET_SOL_CONFIGURATION_PARAMETERS_RESPONSE; #pragma pack() #endif