/** @file
  Defines library APIs used by modules to save EFI Boot Script Opcodes.
  These OpCode will be restored by S3 related modules.
  Note that some of the API defined in the Library class may not
  be provided in the Framework version library instance, which means some of these
  APIs cannot be used if the underlying firmware is Framework and not PI.

  Copyright (c) 2006 - 2018, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR>

  This program and the accompanying materials
  are licensed and made available under the terms and conditions
  of the BSD License which accompanies this distribution.  The
  full text of the license may be found at



#ifndef _S3_BOOT_SCRIPT_LIB_H_
#define _S3_BOOT_SCRIPT_LIB_H_

#include <Library/BaseLib.h>
#include <IndustryStandard/SmBus.h>

  Macro that converts PCI Bus, PCI Device, PCI Function and PCI Register to an
  address that can be passed to the S3 Boot Script Library PCI functions.

  @param  Bus       PCI Bus number. Range 0..255.
  @param  Device    PCI Device number. Range 0..31.
  @param  Function  PCI Function number. Range 0..7.
  @param  Register  PCI Register number. Range 0..255 for PCI. Range 0..4095
                    for PCI Express.

  @return The encoded PCI address.

#define S3_BOOT_SCRIPT_LIB_PCI_ADDRESS(Bus,Device,Function,Register)   \
  (UINT64) ( \
  (((UINTN) Bus) << 24) | \
  (((UINTN) Device) << 16) | \
  (((UINTN) Function) << 8) | \
  (((UINTN) (Register)) < 256 ? ((UINTN) (Register)) : (UINT64) (LShiftU64 ((UINT64) (Register), 32))))

/// S3 Boot Script Width.
typedef enum {
  S3BootScriptWidthUint8,        ///< 8-bit operation.
  S3BootScriptWidthUint16,       ///< 16-bit operation.
  S3BootScriptWidthUint32,       ///< 32-bit operation.
  S3BootScriptWidthUint64,       ///< 64-bit operation.
  S3BootScriptWidthFifoUint8,    ///< 8-bit FIFO operation.
  S3BootScriptWidthFifoUint16,   ///< 16-bit FIFO operation.
  S3BootScriptWidthFifoUint32,   ///< 32-bit FIFO operation.
  S3BootScriptWidthFifoUint64,   ///< 64-bit FIFO operation.
  S3BootScriptWidthFillUint8,    ///< 8-bit Fill operation.
  S3BootScriptWidthFillUint16,   ///< 16-bit Fill operation.
  S3BootScriptWidthFillUint32,   ///< 32-bit Fill operation.
  S3BootScriptWidthFillUint64,   ///< 64-bit Fill operation.

  Save I/O write to boot script.

  @param[in] Width     The width of the I/O operations.
  @param[in] Address   The base address of the I/O operations.
  @param[in] Count     The number of I/O operations to perform.
  @param[in] Buffer    The source buffer from which to write data.

  @retval RETURN_OUT_OF_RESOURCES   Not enough memory for the table to perform
                                    the operation.
  @retval RETURN_SUCCESS            The opcode was added.

S3BootScriptSaveIoWrite (
  IN  UINT64                    Address,
  IN  UINTN                     Count,
  IN  VOID                      *Buffer

  Adds a record for an I/O modify operation into a S3 boot script table.

  @param[in] Width      The width of the I/O operations.
  @param[in] Address    The base address of the I/O operations.
  @param[in] Data       A pointer to the data to be OR-ed.
  @param[in] DataMask   A pointer to the data mask to be AND-ed with the data
                        read from the register.

  @retval RETURN_OUT_OF_RESOURCES   Not enough memory for the table to perform
                                    the operation.
  @retval RETURN_SUCCESS            The opcode was added.

S3BootScriptSaveIoReadWrite (
  IN  UINT64                    Address,
  IN  VOID                      *Data,
  IN  VOID                      *DataMask

  Adds a record for a memory write operation into a specified boot script table.

  @param[in] Width     The width of the I/O operations.
  @param[in] Address   The base address of the memory operations
  @param[in] Count     The number of memory operations to perform.
  @param[in] Buffer    The source buffer from which to write the data.

  @retval RETURN_OUT_OF_RESOURCES   Not enough memory for the table to perform
                                    the operation.
  @retval RETURN_SUCCESS            The opcode was added.
S3BootScriptSaveMemWrite (
  IN  UINT64                    Address,
  IN  UINTN                     Count,
  IN  VOID                      *Buffer

  Adds a record for a memory modify operation into a specified boot script table.

  @param[in] Width      The width of the I/O operations.
  @param[in] Address    The base address of the memory operations. Address needs
                        alignment, if required
  @param[in] Data       A pointer to the data to be OR-ed.
  @param[in] DataMask   A pointer to the data mask to be AND-ed with the data
                        read from the register.

  @retval RETURN_OUT_OF_RESOURCES   Not enough memory for the table to perform
                                    the operation.
  @retval RETURN_SUCCESS            The opcode was added.
S3BootScriptSaveMemReadWrite (
  IN  UINT64                    Address,
  IN  VOID                      *Data,
  IN  VOID                      *DataMask

  Adds a record for a PCI configuration space write operation into a specified boot script table.

  @param[in] Width     The width of the I/O operations.
  @param[in] Address   The address within the PCI configuration space.
  @param[in] Count     The number of PCI operations to perform.
  @param[in] Buffer    The source buffer from which to write the data.

  @retval RETURN_OUT_OF_RESOURCES  Not enough memory for the table to perform
                                   the operation.
  @retval RETURN_SUCCESS           The opcode was added.
S3BootScriptSavePciCfgWrite (
  IN  UINT64                    Address,
  IN  UINTN                     Count,
  IN  VOID                      *Buffer

  Adds a record for a PCI configuration space modify operation into a specified boot script table.

  @param[in] Width      The width of the I/O operations.
  @param[in] Address    The address within the PCI configuration space.
  @param[in] Data       A pointer to the data to be OR-ed.The size depends on Width.
  @param[in] DataMask   A pointer to the data mask to be AND-ed.

  @retval RETURN_OUT_OF_RESOURCES   Not enough memory for the table to perform
                                    the operation.
  @retval RETURN__SUCCESS           The opcode was added.
S3BootScriptSavePciCfgReadWrite (
  IN  UINT64                    Address,
  IN  VOID                      *Data,
  IN  VOID                      *DataMask

  Adds a record for a PCI configuration space modify operation into a specified boot script table.

  @param[in] Width     The width of the I/O operations.
  @param[in] Segment   The PCI segment number for Address.
  @param[in] Address   The address within the PCI configuration space.
  @param[in] Count     The number of PCI operations to perform.
  @param[in] Buffer    The source buffer from which to write the data.

  @retval RETURN_OUT_OF_RESOURCES   Not enough memory for the table to perform
                                    the operation.
  @retval RETURN_SUCCESS            The opcode was added.
S3BootScriptSavePciCfg2Write (
  IN UINT16                    Segment,
  IN UINT64                    Address,
  IN UINTN                     Count,
  IN VOID                      *Buffer

  Adds a record for a PCI configuration space modify operation into a specified boot script table.

  @param[in] Width      The width of the I/O operations.
  @param[in] Segment    The PCI segment number for Address.
  @param[in] Address    The address within the PCI configuration space.
  @param[in] Data       A pointer to the data to be OR-ed. The size depends on Width.
  @param[in] DataMask   A pointer to the data mask to be AND-ed.

  @retval RETURN_OUT_OF_RESOURCES   Not enough memory for the table to perform
                                    the operation.
  @retval RETURN_SUCCESS            The opcode was added.
S3BootScriptSavePciCfg2ReadWrite (
  IN UINT16                    Segment,
  IN UINT64                    Address,
  IN VOID                      *Data,
  IN VOID                      *DataMask

  Adds a record for an SMBus command execution into a specified boot script table.

  @param[in] SmBusAddress   Address that encodes the SMBUS Slave Address, SMBUS
                            Command, SMBUS Data Length, and PEC.
  @param[in] Operation      Indicates which particular SMBus protocol it will use
                            to execute the SMBus transactions.
  @param[in] Length         A pointer to signify the number of bytes that this
                            operation will do.
  @param[in] Buffer         Contains the value of data to execute to the SMBUS
                            slave device.

  @retval RETURN_OUT_OF_RESOURCES   Not enough memory for the table to perform
                                    the operation.
  @retval RETURN_SUCCESS            The opcode was added.
S3BootScriptSaveSmbusExecute (
  IN  UINTN                SmBusAddress,
  IN  UINTN                *Length,
  IN  VOID                 *Buffer

  Adds a record for an execution stall on the processor into a specified boot script table.

  @param[in] Duration   The duration in microseconds of the stall.

  @retval RETURN_OUT_OF_RESOURCES   Not enough memory for the table to perform
                                    the operation.
  @retval RETURN_SUCCESS            The opcode was added.
S3BootScriptSaveStall (
  IN  UINTN  Duration

  Adds a record for dispatching specified arbitrary code into a specified boot script table.

  @param[in] EntryPoint   The entry point of the code to be dispatched.
  @param[in] Context      The argument to be passed into the EntryPoint of the code
                          to be dispatched.

  @retval RETURN_OUT_OF_RESOURCES   Not enough memory for the table to perform
                                    the operation.
  @retval RETURN_SUCCESS            The opcode was added.
S3BootScriptSaveDispatch2 (
  IN  VOID  *EntryPoint,
  IN  VOID  *Context

  Adds a record for dispatching specified arbitrary code into a specified boot script table.

  @param[in] EntryPoint   The entry point of the code to be dispatched.

  @retval RETURN_OUT_OF_RESOURCES   Not enough memory for the table to perform
                                    the operation.
  @retval RETURN_SUCCESS            The opcode was added.
S3BootScriptSaveDispatch (
  IN  VOID *EntryPoint

  Adds a record for memory reads of the memory location and continues when the exit
  criteria is satisfied, or after a defined duration.

  Please aware, below interface is different with PI specification, Vol 5:
  "Duration" below is microseconds, while "Delay" in PI specification means
  the number of 100ns units to poll.

  @param[in] Width       The width of the memory operations.
  @param[in] Address     The base address of the memory operations.
  @param[in] BitMask     A pointer to the bit mask to be AND-ed with the data read
                         from the register.
  @param[in] BitValue    A pointer to the data value after to be Masked.
  @param[in] Duration    The duration in microseconds of the stall.
  @param[in] LoopTimes   The times of the register polling.

  @retval RETURN_OUT_OF_RESOURCES   Not enough memory for the table to perform
                                    the operation.
  @retval RETURN_SUCCESS            The opcode was added.

S3BootScriptSaveMemPoll (
  IN  UINT64                    Address,
  IN  VOID                      *BitMask,
  IN  VOID                      *BitValue,
  IN  UINTN                     Duration,
  IN  UINT64                    LoopTimes

  Store arbitrary information in the boot script table. This opcode is a no-op on
  dispatch and is only used for debugging script issues.

  @param[in] InformationLength   Length of the data in bytes
  @param[in] Information        Information to be logged in the boot scrpit

  @retval RETURN_OUT_OF_RESOURCES   Not enough memory for the table to perform
                                    the operation.
  @retval RETURN_SUCCESS            The opcode was added.

S3BootScriptSaveInformation (
  IN  UINT32  InformationLength,
  IN  VOID    *Information
  Adds a record for I/O reads the I/O location and continues when the exit criteria
   is satisfied, or after a defined duration.

  @param  Width                 The width of the I/O operations.
  @param  Address               The base address of the I/O operations.
  @param  Data                  The comparison value used for the polling exit criteria.
  @param  DataMask              The mask used for the polling criteria. The bits in
                                the bytes below Width which are zero in Data are
                                ignored when polling the memory address.
  @param  Delay                 The number of 100ns units to poll. Note that timer
                                available may be of insufficient granularity, so the
                                delay may be longer.

 @retval RETURN_OUT_OF_RESOURCES  Not enough memory for the table to perform the
 @retval RETURN_SUCCESS           The opcode was added.
 @note   The FRAMEWORK version implementation does not support this API
S3BootScriptSaveIoPoll (
  IN UINT64                     Address,
  IN VOID                      *Data,
  IN VOID                      *DataMask,
  IN UINT64                     Delay

  Adds a record for PCI configuration space reads and continues when the exit
  criteria is satisfied ,or after a defined duration.

  @param  Width                 The width of the I/O operations.
  @param  Address               The address within the PCI configuration space.
  @param  Data                  The comparison value used for the polling exit
  @param  DataMask              Mask used for the polling criteria. The bits in
                                the bytes below Width which are zero in Data are
                                ignored when polling the memory address.
  @param  Delay                 The number of 100ns units to poll. Note that timer
                                available may be of insufficient granularity, so the
                                delay may be longer.

 @retval RETURN_OUT_OF_RESOURCES  Not enough memory for the table to perform the
 @retval RETURN_SUCCESS           The opcode was added.
 @note   The FRAMEWORK version implementation does not support this API
S3BootScriptSavePciPoll (
   IN UINT64                     Address,
   IN VOID                      *Data,
   IN VOID                      *DataMask,
   IN UINT64                     Delay
  Adds a record for PCI configuration space reads and continues when the exit criteria
  is satisfied, or after a defined duration.

  @param  Width                 The width of the I/O operations.
  @param  Segment               The PCI segment number for Address.
  @param  Address               The address within the PCI configuration space.
  @param  Data                  The comparison value used for the polling exit
  @param  DataMask              Mask used for the polling criteria. The bits in
                                the bytes below Width which are zero
                                in Data are ignored when polling the memory address
  @param  Delay                 The number of 100ns units to poll. Note that timer
                                available may be of insufficient granularity so the delay
                                may be longer.

  @retval RETURN_OUT_OF_RESOURCES  Not enough memory for the table to perform the
  @retval RETURN_SUCCESS           The opcode was added.
  @note  A known Limitations in the implementation: When interpreting the opcode
         and EFI_BOOT_SCRIPT_PCI_CONFIG2_POLL_OPCODE, the 'Segment' parameter is assumed as
         Zero, or else, assert.
         The FRAMEWORK version implementation does not support this API.

S3BootScriptSavePci2Poll (
   IN UINT16                        Segment,
   IN UINT64                        Address,
   IN VOID                         *Data,
   IN VOID                         *DataMask,
   IN UINT64                        Delay
  Save ASCII string information specified by Buffer to boot script with opcode

  @param[in] String   The Null-terminated ASCII string to store into the S3 boot
                      script table.

  @retval RETURN_OUT_OF_RESOURCES   Not enough memory for the table to perform
                                    the operation.
  @retval RETURN_SUCCESS            The opcode was added.

S3BootScriptSaveInformationAsciiString (
  IN  CONST CHAR8  *String

  This is an function to close the S3 boot script table. The function could only
  be called in BOOT time phase. To comply with the Framework spec definition on
  EFI_BOOT_SCRIPT_SAVE_PROTOCOL.CloseTable(), this function will fulfill following things:
  1. Closes the specified boot script table
  2. It allocates a new memory pool to duplicate all the boot scripts in the specified table.
     Once this function is called, the table maintained by the library will be destroyed
     after it is copied into the allocated pool.
  3. Any attempts to add a script record after calling this function will cause a
     new table to be created by the library.
  4. The base address of the allocated pool will be returned in Address. Note that
     after using the boot script table, the CALLER is responsible for freeing the
     pool that is allocated by this function.

  In Spec PI1.1, this EFI_BOOT_SCRIPT_SAVE_PROTOCOL.CloseTable() is retired. This
  API is supplied here to meet the requirements of the Framework Spec.

  If anyone does call CloseTable() on a real platform, then the caller is responsible
  for figuring out how to get the script to run on an S3 resume because the boot script
  maintained by the lib will be destroyed.

  @return the base address of the new copy of the boot script table.

S3BootScriptCloseTable (

  Executes the S3 boot script table.

  @retval RETURN_SUCCESS       The boot script table was executed successfully.
  @retval RETURN_UNSUPPORTED   Invalid script table or opcode.

S3BootScriptExecute (
  Move the last boot script entry to the position

  @param  BeforeOrAfter         Specifies whether the opcode is stored before
                                (TRUE) or after (FALSE) the positionin the boot
                                script table specified by Position. If Position
                                is NULL or points to NULL then the new opcode is
                                inserted at the beginning of the table (if TRUE)
                                or end of the table (if FALSE).
  @param  Position              On entry, specifies the position in the boot script
                                table where the opcode will be inserted, either
                                before or after, depending on BeforeOrAfter. On
                                exit, specifies the position of the inserted opcode
                                in the boot script table.

  @retval RETURN_OUT_OF_RESOURCES  The table is not available.
  @retval RETURN_INVALID_PARAMETER The Position is not a valid position in the
                                   boot script table.
  @retval RETURN_SUCCESS           The opcode was inserted.
  @note   The FRAMEWORK version implementation does not support this API.
S3BootScriptMoveLastOpcode (
  IN     BOOLEAN                        BeforeOrAfter,
  IN OUT VOID                         **Position OPTIONAL
  Find a label within the boot script table and, if not present, optionally create it.

  @param  BeforeOrAfter         Specifies whether the opcode is stored before (TRUE)
                                or after (FALSE) the position in the boot script table
                                specified by Position.
  @param  CreateIfNotFound      Specifies whether the label will be created if the
                                label does not exists (TRUE) or not (FALSE).
  @param  Position              On entry, specifies the position in the boot script
                                table where the opcode will be inserted, either
                                before or after, depending on BeforeOrAfter. On exit,
                                specifies the positionof the inserted opcode in
                                the boot script table.
  @param  Label                 Points to the label which will be inserted in the
                                boot script table.
  @retval EFI_SUCCESS           The operation succeeded. A record was added into
                                the specified script table.
  @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER The parameter is illegal or the given boot script
                                is not supported. If the opcode is unknow or not
                                supported because of the PCD Feature Flags.
  @retval EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES  There is insufficient memory to store the boot script.
  @note   The FRAMEWORK version implementation does not support this API

S3BootScriptLabel (
  IN       BOOLEAN                      BeforeOrAfter,
  IN       BOOLEAN                      CreateIfNotFound,
  IN OUT   VOID                       **Position OPTIONAL,
  IN CONST CHAR8                       *Label
  Compare two positions in the boot script table and return their relative position.
  @param  Position1             The positions in the boot script table to compare
  @param  Position2             The positions in the boot script table to compare
  @param  RelativePosition      On return, points to the result of the comparison

  @retval EFI_SUCCESS           The operation succeeded. A record was added into the
                                specified script table.
  @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER The parameter is illegal or the given boot script
                                is not supported. If the opcode is unknow or not s
                                upported because of the PCD Feature Flags.
  @retval EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES  There is insufficient memory to store the boot script.
  @note   The FRAMEWORK version implementation does not support this API
S3BootScriptCompare (
  IN  UINT8                       *Position1,
  IN  UINT8                       *Position2,
  OUT UINTN                       *RelativePosition
