/** @file Describes the protocol interface to the EBC interpreter. Copyright (c) 2006 - 2018, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR> This program and the accompanying materials are licensed and made available under the terms and conditions of the BSD License which accompanies this distribution. The full text of the license may be found at http://opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php THE PROGRAM IS DISTRIBUTED UNDER THE BSD LICENSE ON AN "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. **/ #ifndef __EFI_EBC_PROTOCOL_H__ #define __EFI_EBC_PROTOCOL_H__ #define EFI_EBC_INTERPRETER_PROTOCOL_GUID \ { \ 0x13AC6DD1, 0x73D0, 0x11D4, {0xB0, 0x6B, 0x00, 0xAA, 0x00, 0xBD, 0x6D, 0xE7 } \ } // // Define OPCODES // #define OPCODE_BREAK 0x00 #define OPCODE_JMP 0x01 #define OPCODE_JMP8 0x02 #define OPCODE_CALL 0x03 #define OPCODE_RET 0x04 #define OPCODE_CMPEQ 0x05 #define OPCODE_CMPLTE 0x06 #define OPCODE_CMPGTE 0x07 #define OPCODE_CMPULTE 0x08 #define OPCODE_CMPUGTE 0x09 #define OPCODE_NOT 0x0A #define OPCODE_NEG 0x0B #define OPCODE_ADD 0x0C #define OPCODE_SUB 0x0D #define OPCODE_MUL 0x0E #define OPCODE_MULU 0x0F #define OPCODE_DIV 0x10 #define OPCODE_DIVU 0x11 #define OPCODE_MOD 0x12 #define OPCODE_MODU 0x13 #define OPCODE_AND 0x14 #define OPCODE_OR 0x15 #define OPCODE_XOR 0x16 #define OPCODE_SHL 0x17 #define OPCODE_SHR 0x18 #define OPCODE_ASHR 0x19 #define OPCODE_EXTNDB 0x1A #define OPCODE_EXTNDW 0x1B #define OPCODE_EXTNDD 0x1C #define OPCODE_MOVBW 0x1D #define OPCODE_MOVWW 0x1E #define OPCODE_MOVDW 0x1F #define OPCODE_MOVQW 0x20 #define OPCODE_MOVBD 0x21 #define OPCODE_MOVWD 0x22 #define OPCODE_MOVDD 0x23 #define OPCODE_MOVQD 0x24 #define OPCODE_MOVSNW 0x25 // Move signed natural with word index #define OPCODE_MOVSND 0x26 // Move signed natural with dword index // // #define OPCODE_27 0x27 // #define OPCODE_MOVQQ 0x28 // Does this go away? #define OPCODE_LOADSP 0x29 #define OPCODE_STORESP 0x2A #define OPCODE_PUSH 0x2B #define OPCODE_POP 0x2C #define OPCODE_CMPIEQ 0x2D #define OPCODE_CMPILTE 0x2E #define OPCODE_CMPIGTE 0x2F #define OPCODE_CMPIULTE 0x30 #define OPCODE_CMPIUGTE 0x31 #define OPCODE_MOVNW 0x32 #define OPCODE_MOVND 0x33 // // #define OPCODE_34 0x34 // #define OPCODE_PUSHN 0x35 #define OPCODE_POPN 0x36 #define OPCODE_MOVI 0x37 #define OPCODE_MOVIN 0x38 #define OPCODE_MOVREL 0x39 // // Bit masks for opcode encodings // #define OPCODE_M_OPCODE 0x3F // bits of interest for first level decode #define OPCODE_M_IMMDATA 0x80 #define OPCODE_M_IMMDATA64 0x40 #define OPCODE_M_64BIT 0x40 // for CMP #define OPCODE_M_RELADDR 0x10 // for CALL instruction #define OPCODE_M_CMPI32_DATA 0x80 // for CMPI #define OPCODE_M_CMPI64 0x40 // for CMPI 32 or 64 bit comparison #define OPERAND_M_MOVIN_N 0x80 #define OPERAND_M_CMPI_INDEX 0x10 // // Masks for instructions that encode presence of indexes for operand1 and/or // operand2. // #define OPCODE_M_IMMED_OP1 0x80 #define OPCODE_M_IMMED_OP2 0x40 // // Bit masks for operand encodings // #define OPERAND_M_INDIRECT1 0x08 #define OPERAND_M_INDIRECT2 0x80 #define OPERAND_M_OP1 0x07 #define OPERAND_M_OP2 0x70 // // Masks for data manipulation instructions // #define DATAMANIP_M_64 0x40 // 64-bit width operation #define DATAMANIP_M_IMMDATA 0x80 // // For MOV instructions, need a mask for the opcode when immediate // data applies to R2. // #define OPCODE_M_IMMED_OP2 0x40 // // The MOVI/MOVIn instructions use bit 6 of operands byte to indicate // if an index is present. Then bits 4 and 5 are used to indicate the width // of the move. // #define MOVI_M_IMMDATA 0x40 #define MOVI_M_DATAWIDTH 0xC0 #define MOVI_DATAWIDTH16 0x40 #define MOVI_DATAWIDTH32 0x80 #define MOVI_DATAWIDTH64 0xC0 #define MOVI_M_MOVEWIDTH 0x30 #define MOVI_MOVEWIDTH8 0x00 #define MOVI_MOVEWIDTH16 0x10 #define MOVI_MOVEWIDTH32 0x20 #define MOVI_MOVEWIDTH64 0x30 // // Masks for CALL instruction encodings // #define OPERAND_M_RELATIVE_ADDR 0x10 #define OPERAND_M_NATIVE_CALL 0x20 // // Masks for decoding push/pop instructions // #define PUSHPOP_M_IMMDATA 0x80 // opcode bit indicating immediate data #define PUSHPOP_M_64 0x40 // opcode bit indicating 64-bit operation // // Mask for operand of JMP instruction // #define JMP_M_RELATIVE 0x10 #define JMP_M_CONDITIONAL 0x80 #define JMP_M_CS 0x40 // // Macros to determine if a given operand is indirect // #define OPERAND1_INDIRECT(op) ((op) & OPERAND_M_INDIRECT1) #define OPERAND2_INDIRECT(op) ((op) & OPERAND_M_INDIRECT2) // // Macros to extract the operands from second byte of instructions // #define OPERAND1_REGNUM(op) ((op) & OPERAND_M_OP1) #define OPERAND2_REGNUM(op) (((op) & OPERAND_M_OP2) >> 4) #define OPERAND1_CHAR(op) ('0' + OPERAND1_REGNUM (op)) #define OPERAND2_CHAR(op) ('0' + OPERAND2_REGNUM (op)) // // Condition masks usually for byte 1 encodings of code // #define CONDITION_M_CONDITIONAL 0x80 #define CONDITION_M_CS 0x40 /// /// Protocol Guid Name defined in spec. /// #define EFI_EBC_PROTOCOL_GUID EFI_EBC_INTERPRETER_PROTOCOL_GUID /// /// Define for forward reference. /// typedef struct _EFI_EBC_PROTOCOL EFI_EBC_PROTOCOL; /** Creates a thunk for an EBC entry point, returning the address of the thunk. A PE32+ EBC image, like any other PE32+ image, contains an optional header that specifies the entry point for image execution. However, for EBC images, this is the entry point of EBC instructions, so is not directly executable by the native processor. Therefore, when an EBC image is loaded, the loader must call this service to get a pointer to native code (thunk) that can be executed, which will invoke the interpreter to begin execution at the original EBC entry point. @param This A pointer to the EFI_EBC_PROTOCOL instance. @param ImageHandle Handle of image for which the thunk is being created. @param EbcEntryPoint Address of the actual EBC entry point or protocol service the thunk should call. @param Thunk Returned pointer to a thunk created. @retval EFI_SUCCESS The function completed successfully. @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER Image entry point is not 2-byte aligned. @retval EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES Memory could not be allocated for the thunk. **/ typedef EFI_STATUS (EFIAPI *EFI_EBC_CREATE_THUNK)( IN EFI_EBC_PROTOCOL *This, IN EFI_HANDLE ImageHandle, IN VOID *EbcEntryPoint, OUT VOID **Thunk ); /** Called prior to unloading an EBC image from memory. This function is called after an EBC image has exited, but before the image is actually unloaded. It is intended to provide the interpreter with the opportunity to perform any cleanup that may be necessary as a result of loading and executing the image. @param This A pointer to the EFI_EBC_PROTOCOL instance. @param ImageHandle Image handle of the EBC image that is being unloaded from memory. @retval EFI_SUCCESS The function completed successfully. @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER Image handle is not recognized as belonging to an EBC image that has been executed. **/ typedef EFI_STATUS (EFIAPI *EFI_EBC_UNLOAD_IMAGE)( IN EFI_EBC_PROTOCOL *This, IN EFI_HANDLE ImageHandle ); /** This is the prototype for the Flush callback routine. A pointer to a routine of this type is passed to the EBC EFI_EBC_REGISTER_ICACHE_FLUSH protocol service. @param Start The beginning physical address to flush from the processor's instruction cache. @param Length The number of bytes to flush from the processor's instruction cache. @retval EFI_SUCCESS The function completed successfully. **/ typedef EFI_STATUS (EFIAPI *EBC_ICACHE_FLUSH)( IN EFI_PHYSICAL_ADDRESS Start, IN UINT64 Length ); /** Registers a callback function that the EBC interpreter calls to flush the processor instruction cache following creation of thunks. @param This A pointer to the EFI_EBC_PROTOCOL instance. @param Flush Pointer to a function of type EBC_ICACH_FLUSH. @retval EFI_SUCCESS The function completed successfully. **/ typedef EFI_STATUS (EFIAPI *EFI_EBC_REGISTER_ICACHE_FLUSH)( IN EFI_EBC_PROTOCOL *This, IN EBC_ICACHE_FLUSH Flush ); /** Called to get the version of the interpreter. This function is called to get the version of the loaded EBC interpreter. The value and format of the returned version is identical to that returned by the EBC BREAK 1 instruction. @param This A pointer to the EFI_EBC_PROTOCOL instance. @param Version Pointer to where to store the returned version of the interpreter. @retval EFI_SUCCESS The function completed successfully. @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER Version pointer is NULL. **/ typedef EFI_STATUS (EFIAPI *EFI_EBC_GET_VERSION)( IN EFI_EBC_PROTOCOL *This, IN OUT UINT64 *Version ); /// /// The EFI EBC protocol provides services to load and execute EBC images, which will typically be /// loaded into option ROMs. The image loader will load the EBC image, perform standard relocations, /// and invoke the CreateThunk() service to create a thunk for the EBC image's entry point. The /// image can then be run using the standard EFI start image services. /// struct _EFI_EBC_PROTOCOL { EFI_EBC_CREATE_THUNK CreateThunk; EFI_EBC_UNLOAD_IMAGE UnloadImage; EFI_EBC_REGISTER_ICACHE_FLUSH RegisterICacheFlush; EFI_EBC_GET_VERSION GetVersion; }; // // Extern the global EBC protocol GUID // extern EFI_GUID gEfiEbcProtocolGuid; #endif