#include "BootMgfw.h" #include "SplashScreen.h" SHITHOOK BootMgfwShitHook; EFI_STATUS EFIAPI RestoreBootMgfw(VOID) { UINTN HandleCount = NULL; EFI_STATUS Result; EFI_HANDLE* Handles = NULL; EFI_FILE_HANDLE VolumeHandle; EFI_FILE_HANDLE BootMgfwHandle; EFI_FILE_IO_INTERFACE* FileSystem = NULL; if (EFI_ERROR((Result = gBS->LocateHandleBuffer(ByProtocol, &gEfiSimpleFileSystemProtocolGuid, NULL, &HandleCount, &Handles)))) { DBG_PRINT("error getting file system handles -> 0x%p\n", Result); return Result; } for (UINT32 Idx = 0u; Idx < HandleCount; ++Idx) { if (EFI_ERROR((Result = gBS->OpenProtocol(Handles[Idx], &gEfiSimpleFileSystemProtocolGuid, (VOID**)&FileSystem, gImageHandle, NULL, EFI_OPEN_PROTOCOL_GET_PROTOCOL)))) { DBG_PRINT("error opening protocol -> 0x%p\n", Result); return Result; } if (EFI_ERROR((Result = FileSystem->OpenVolume(FileSystem, &VolumeHandle)))) { DBG_PRINT("error opening file system -> 0x%p\n", Result); return Result; } if (!EFI_ERROR((Result = VolumeHandle->Open(VolumeHandle, &BootMgfwHandle, WINDOWS_BOOTMGFW_PATH, EFI_FILE_MODE_READ, EFI_FILE_READ_ONLY)))) { VolumeHandle->Close(VolumeHandle); EFI_FILE_PROTOCOL* BootMgfwFile = NULL; EFI_DEVICE_PATH* BootMgfwPathProtocol = FileDevicePath(Handles[Idx], WINDOWS_BOOTMGFW_PATH); // open bootmgfw as read/write then delete it... if (EFI_ERROR((Result = EfiOpenFileByDevicePath(&BootMgfwPathProtocol, &BootMgfwFile, EFI_FILE_MODE_WRITE | EFI_FILE_MODE_READ, NULL)))) { DBG_PRINT("error opening bootmgfw... reason -> %r\n", Result); return Result; } if (EFI_ERROR((Result = BootMgfwFile->Delete(BootMgfwFile)))) { DBG_PRINT("error deleting bootmgfw... reason -> %r\n", Result); return Result; } // open bootmgfw.efi.backup BootMgfwPathProtocol = FileDevicePath(Handles[Idx], WINDOWS_BOOTMGFW_BACKUP_PATH); if (EFI_ERROR((Result = EfiOpenFileByDevicePath(&BootMgfwPathProtocol, &BootMgfwFile, EFI_FILE_MODE_WRITE | EFI_FILE_MODE_READ, NULL)))) { DBG_PRINT("failed to open backup file... reason -> %r\n", Result); return Result; } EFI_FILE_INFO* FileInfoPtr = NULL; UINTN FileInfoSize = NULL; // get the size of bootmgfw.efi.backup... if (EFI_ERROR((Result = BootMgfwFile->GetInfo(BootMgfwFile, &gEfiFileInfoGuid, &FileInfoSize, NULL)))) { if (Result == EFI_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL) { gBS->AllocatePool(EfiBootServicesData, FileInfoSize, &FileInfoPtr); if (EFI_ERROR(Result = BootMgfwFile->GetInfo(BootMgfwFile, &gEfiFileInfoGuid, &FileInfoSize, FileInfoPtr))) { DBG_PRINT("get backup file information failed... reason -> %r\n", Result); return Result; } } else { DBG_PRINT("Failed to get file information... reason -> %r\n", Result); return Result; } } VOID* BootMgfwBuffer = NULL; UINTN BootMgfwSize = FileInfoPtr->FileSize; gBS->AllocatePool(EfiBootServicesData, FileInfoPtr->FileSize, &BootMgfwBuffer); // read the backup file into an allocated pool... if (EFI_ERROR((Result = BootMgfwFile->Read(BootMgfwFile, &BootMgfwSize, BootMgfwBuffer)))) { DBG_PRINT("Failed to read backup file into buffer... reason -> %r\n", Result); return Result; } // delete the backup file... if (EFI_ERROR((Result = BootMgfwFile->Delete(BootMgfwFile)))) { DBG_PRINT("unable to delete backup file... reason -> %r\n", Result); return Result; } // create a new bootmgfw file... BootMgfwPathProtocol = FileDevicePath(Handles[Idx], WINDOWS_BOOTMGFW_PATH); if (EFI_ERROR((Result = EfiOpenFileByDevicePath(&BootMgfwPathProtocol, &BootMgfwFile, EFI_FILE_MODE_CREATE | EFI_FILE_MODE_WRITE | EFI_FILE_MODE_READ, EFI_FILE_SYSTEM)))) { DBG_PRINT("unable to create new bootmgfw on disk... reason -> %r\n", Result); return Result; } // write the data from the backup file to the new bootmgfw file... BootMgfwSize = FileInfoPtr->FileSize; if (EFI_ERROR((Result = BootMgfwFile->Write(BootMgfwFile, &BootMgfwSize, BootMgfwBuffer)))) { DBG_PRINT("unable to write to newly created bootmgfw.efi... reason -> %r\n", Result); return Result; } BootMgfwFile->Close(BootMgfwFile); gBS->FreePool(FileInfoPtr); gBS->FreePool(BootMgfwBuffer); return EFI_SUCCESS; } if (EFI_ERROR((Result = gBS->CloseProtocol(Handles[Idx], &gEfiSimpleFileSystemProtocolGuid, gImageHandle, NULL)))) { DBG_PRINT("error closing protocol -> 0x%p\n", Result); return Result; } } gBS->FreePool(Handles); return EFI_ABORTED; } EFI_STATUS EFIAPI InstallBootMgfwHooks(EFI_HANDLE ImageHandle) { EFI_STATUS Result = EFI_SUCCESS; EFI_LOADED_IMAGE* BootMgfw = NULL; if (EFI_ERROR(Result = gBS->HandleProtocol(ImageHandle, &gEfiLoadedImageProtocolGuid, (VOID**)&BootMgfw))) return Result; Print(L"Module base -> 0x%p\n", BootMgfw->ImageBase); Print(L"Module size -> 0x%x\n", BootMgfw->ImageSize); VOID* ArchStartBootApplication = FindPattern( BootMgfw->ImageBase, BootMgfw->ImageSize, START_BOOT_APPLICATION_SIG, START_BOOT_APPLICATION_MASK ); if (!ArchStartBootApplication) return EFI_ABORTED; Print(L"ArchStartBootApplication -> 0x%p\n", RESOLVE_RVA(ArchStartBootApplication, 5, 1)); MakeShitHook(&BootMgfwShitHook, RESOLVE_RVA(ArchStartBootApplication, 5, 1), &ArchStartBootApplicationHook, TRUE); return EFI_SUCCESS; } EFI_STATUS EFIAPI ArchStartBootApplicationHook(VOID* AppEntry, VOID* ImageBase, UINT32 ImageSize, UINT8 BootOption, VOID* ReturnArgs) { DisableShitHook(&BootMgfwShitHook); VOID* ImgLoadPEImageEx = FindPattern( ImageBase, ImageSize, LOAD_PE_IMG_SIG, LOAD_PE_IMG_MASK ); gST->ConOut->ClearScreen(gST->ConOut); gST->ConOut->OutputString(gST->ConOut, AsciiArt); Print(L"\n"); Print(L"Hyper-V PayLoad Size -> 0x%x\n", PayLoadSize()); Print(L"winload.BlImgLoadPEImageEx -> 0x%p\n", RESOLVE_RVA(ImgLoadPEImageEx, 5, 1)); MakeShitHook(&WinLoadImageShitHook, RESOLVE_RVA(ImgLoadPEImageEx, 5, 1), &BlImgLoadPEImageEx, TRUE); return ((IMG_ARCH_START_BOOT_APPLICATION)BootMgfwShitHook.Address)(AppEntry, ImageBase, ImageSize, BootOption, ReturnArgs); }