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all versions of windows 10 working on amd
4 years ago
AbsolutePointer.h all versions of windows 10 working on amd 4 years ago
AcpiSystemDescriptionTable.h all versions of windows 10 working on amd 4 years ago
AcpiTable.h all versions of windows 10 working on amd 4 years ago
AdapterInformation.h all versions of windows 10 working on amd 4 years ago
Arp.h all versions of windows 10 working on amd 4 years ago
AtaPassThru.h all versions of windows 10 working on amd 4 years ago
AuthenticationInfo.h all versions of windows 10 working on amd 4 years ago
Bds.h all versions of windows 10 working on amd 4 years ago
Bis.h all versions of windows 10 working on amd 4 years ago
BlockIo.h all versions of windows 10 working on amd 4 years ago
BlockIo2.h all versions of windows 10 working on amd 4 years ago
BlockIoCrypto.h all versions of windows 10 working on amd 4 years ago
BluetoothAttribute.h all versions of windows 10 working on amd 4 years ago
BluetoothConfig.h all versions of windows 10 working on amd 4 years ago
BluetoothHc.h all versions of windows 10 working on amd 4 years ago
BluetoothIo.h all versions of windows 10 working on amd 4 years ago
BluetoothLeConfig.h all versions of windows 10 working on amd 4 years ago
BootManagerPolicy.h all versions of windows 10 working on amd 4 years ago
BusSpecificDriverOverride.h all versions of windows 10 working on amd 4 years ago
Capsule.h all versions of windows 10 working on amd 4 years ago
ComponentName.h all versions of windows 10 working on amd 4 years ago
ComponentName2.h all versions of windows 10 working on amd 4 years ago
Cpu.h all versions of windows 10 working on amd 4 years ago
CpuIo2.h all versions of windows 10 working on amd 4 years ago
DebugPort.h all versions of windows 10 working on amd 4 years ago
DebugSupport.h all versions of windows 10 working on amd 4 years ago
Decompress.h all versions of windows 10 working on amd 4 years ago
DeferredImageLoad.h all versions of windows 10 working on amd 4 years ago
DeviceIo.h all versions of windows 10 working on amd 4 years ago
DevicePath.h all versions of windows 10 working on amd 4 years ago
DevicePathFromText.h all versions of windows 10 working on amd 4 years ago
DevicePathToText.h all versions of windows 10 working on amd 4 years ago
DevicePathUtilities.h all versions of windows 10 working on amd 4 years ago
Dhcp4.h all versions of windows 10 working on amd 4 years ago
Dhcp6.h all versions of windows 10 working on amd 4 years ago
DiskInfo.h all versions of windows 10 working on amd 4 years ago
DiskIo.h all versions of windows 10 working on amd 4 years ago
DiskIo2.h all versions of windows 10 working on amd 4 years ago
Dns4.h all versions of windows 10 working on amd 4 years ago
Dns6.h all versions of windows 10 working on amd 4 years ago
DriverBinding.h all versions of windows 10 working on amd 4 years ago
DriverConfiguration.h all versions of windows 10 working on amd 4 years ago
DriverConfiguration2.h all versions of windows 10 working on amd 4 years ago
DriverDiagnostics.h all versions of windows 10 working on amd 4 years ago
DriverDiagnostics2.h all versions of windows 10 working on amd 4 years ago
DriverFamilyOverride.h all versions of windows 10 working on amd 4 years ago
DriverHealth.h all versions of windows 10 working on amd 4 years ago
DriverSupportedEfiVersion.h all versions of windows 10 working on amd 4 years ago
DxeMmReadyToLock.h all versions of windows 10 working on amd 4 years ago
DxeSmmReadyToLock.h all versions of windows 10 working on amd 4 years ago
Eap.h all versions of windows 10 working on amd 4 years ago
EapConfiguration.h all versions of windows 10 working on amd 4 years ago
EapManagement.h all versions of windows 10 working on amd 4 years ago
EapManagement2.h all versions of windows 10 working on amd 4 years ago
Ebc.h all versions of windows 10 working on amd 4 years ago
EdidActive.h all versions of windows 10 working on amd 4 years ago
EdidDiscovered.h all versions of windows 10 working on amd 4 years ago
EdidOverride.h all versions of windows 10 working on amd 4 years ago
EraseBlock.h all versions of windows 10 working on amd 4 years ago
ExtendedSalBootService.h all versions of windows 10 working on amd 4 years ago
ExtendedSalServiceClasses.h all versions of windows 10 working on amd 4 years ago
FirmwareManagement.h all versions of windows 10 working on amd 4 years ago
FirmwareVolume2.h all versions of windows 10 working on amd 4 years ago
FirmwareVolumeBlock.h all versions of windows 10 working on amd 4 years ago
FormBrowser2.h all versions of windows 10 working on amd 4 years ago
Ftp4.h all versions of windows 10 working on amd 4 years ago
GraphicsOutput.h all versions of windows 10 working on amd 4 years ago
GuidedSectionExtraction.h all versions of windows 10 working on amd 4 years ago
Hash.h all versions of windows 10 working on amd 4 years ago
Hash2.h all versions of windows 10 working on amd 4 years ago
HiiConfigAccess.h all versions of windows 10 working on amd 4 years ago
HiiConfigKeyword.h all versions of windows 10 working on amd 4 years ago
HiiConfigRouting.h all versions of windows 10 working on amd 4 years ago
HiiDatabase.h all versions of windows 10 working on amd 4 years ago
HiiFont.h all versions of windows 10 working on amd 4 years ago
HiiImage.h all versions of windows 10 working on amd 4 years ago
HiiImageDecoder.h all versions of windows 10 working on amd 4 years ago
HiiImageEx.h all versions of windows 10 working on amd 4 years ago
HiiPackageList.h all versions of windows 10 working on amd 4 years ago
HiiPopup.h all versions of windows 10 working on amd 4 years ago
HiiString.h all versions of windows 10 working on amd 4 years ago
Http.h all versions of windows 10 working on amd 4 years ago
HttpBootCallback.h all versions of windows 10 working on amd 4 years ago
HttpUtilities.h all versions of windows 10 working on amd 4 years ago
I2cBusConfigurationManagement.h all versions of windows 10 working on amd 4 years ago
I2cEnumerate.h all versions of windows 10 working on amd 4 years ago
I2cHost.h all versions of windows 10 working on amd 4 years ago
I2cIo.h all versions of windows 10 working on amd 4 years ago
I2cMaster.h all versions of windows 10 working on amd 4 years ago
IScsiInitiatorName.h all versions of windows 10 working on amd 4 years ago
IdeControllerInit.h all versions of windows 10 working on amd 4 years ago
IncompatiblePciDeviceSupport.h all versions of windows 10 working on amd 4 years ago
Ip4.h all versions of windows 10 working on amd 4 years ago
Ip4Config.h all versions of windows 10 working on amd 4 years ago
Ip4Config2.h all versions of windows 10 working on amd 4 years ago
Ip6.h all versions of windows 10 working on amd 4 years ago
Ip6Config.h all versions of windows 10 working on amd 4 years ago
IpSec.h all versions of windows 10 working on amd 4 years ago
IpSecConfig.h all versions of windows 10 working on amd 4 years ago
IsaHc.h all versions of windows 10 working on amd 4 years ago
Kms.h all versions of windows 10 working on amd 4 years ago
LegacyRegion2.h all versions of windows 10 working on amd 4 years ago
LegacySpiController.h all versions of windows 10 working on amd 4 years ago
LegacySpiFlash.h all versions of windows 10 working on amd 4 years ago
LegacySpiSmmController.h all versions of windows 10 working on amd 4 years ago
LegacySpiSmmFlash.h all versions of windows 10 working on amd 4 years ago
LoadFile.h all versions of windows 10 working on amd 4 years ago
LoadFile2.h all versions of windows 10 working on amd 4 years ago
LoadedImage.h all versions of windows 10 working on amd 4 years ago
ManagedNetwork.h all versions of windows 10 working on amd 4 years ago
McaInitPmi.h all versions of windows 10 working on amd 4 years ago
Metronome.h all versions of windows 10 working on amd 4 years ago
MmAccess.h all versions of windows 10 working on amd 4 years ago
MmBase.h all versions of windows 10 working on amd 4 years ago
MmCommunication.h all versions of windows 10 working on amd 4 years ago
MmConfiguration.h all versions of windows 10 working on amd 4 years ago
MmControl.h all versions of windows 10 working on amd 4 years ago
MmCpu.h all versions of windows 10 working on amd 4 years ago
MmCpuIo.h all versions of windows 10 working on amd 4 years ago
MmEndOfDxe.h all versions of windows 10 working on amd 4 years ago
MmGpiDispatch.h all versions of windows 10 working on amd 4 years ago
MmIoTrapDispatch.h all versions of windows 10 working on amd 4 years ago
MmPciRootBridgeIo.h all versions of windows 10 working on amd 4 years ago
MmPeriodicTimerDispatch.h all versions of windows 10 working on amd 4 years ago
MmPowerButtonDispatch.h all versions of windows 10 working on amd 4 years ago
MmReadyToLock.h all versions of windows 10 working on amd 4 years ago
MmReportStatusCodeHandler.h all versions of windows 10 working on amd 4 years ago
MmStandbyButtonDispatch.h all versions of windows 10 working on amd 4 years ago
MmStatusCode.h all versions of windows 10 working on amd 4 years ago
MmSwDispatch.h all versions of windows 10 working on amd 4 years ago
MmSxDispatch.h all versions of windows 10 working on amd 4 years ago
MmUsbDispatch.h all versions of windows 10 working on amd 4 years ago
MonotonicCounter.h all versions of windows 10 working on amd 4 years ago
MpService.h all versions of windows 10 working on amd 4 years ago
Mtftp4.h all versions of windows 10 working on amd 4 years ago
Mtftp6.h all versions of windows 10 working on amd 4 years ago
NetworkInterfaceIdentifier.h all versions of windows 10 working on amd 4 years ago
NvdimmLabel.h all versions of windows 10 working on amd 4 years ago
NvmExpressPassthru.h all versions of windows 10 working on amd 4 years ago
PartitionInfo.h all versions of windows 10 working on amd 4 years ago
Pcd.h all versions of windows 10 working on amd 4 years ago
PcdInfo.h all versions of windows 10 working on amd 4 years ago
PciEnumerationComplete.h all versions of windows 10 working on amd 4 years ago
PciHostBridgeResourceAllocation.h all versions of windows 10 working on amd 4 years ago
PciHotPlugInit.h all versions of windows 10 working on amd 4 years ago
PciHotPlugRequest.h all versions of windows 10 working on amd 4 years ago
PciIo.h all versions of windows 10 working on amd 4 years ago
PciOverride.h all versions of windows 10 working on amd 4 years ago
PciPlatform.h all versions of windows 10 working on amd 4 years ago
PciRootBridgeIo.h all versions of windows 10 working on amd 4 years ago
PiPcd.h all versions of windows 10 working on amd 4 years ago
PiPcdInfo.h all versions of windows 10 working on amd 4 years ago
Pkcs7Verify.h all versions of windows 10 working on amd 4 years ago
PlatformDriverOverride.h all versions of windows 10 working on amd 4 years ago
PlatformToDriverConfiguration.h all versions of windows 10 working on amd 4 years ago
PxeBaseCode.h all versions of windows 10 working on amd 4 years ago
PxeBaseCodeCallBack.h all versions of windows 10 working on amd 4 years ago
RamDisk.h all versions of windows 10 working on amd 4 years ago
RealTimeClock.h all versions of windows 10 working on amd 4 years ago
RegularExpressionProtocol.h all versions of windows 10 working on amd 4 years ago
ReportStatusCodeHandler.h all versions of windows 10 working on amd 4 years ago
Reset.h all versions of windows 10 working on amd 4 years ago
ResetNotification.h all versions of windows 10 working on amd 4 years ago
Rest.h all versions of windows 10 working on amd 4 years ago
Rng.h all versions of windows 10 working on amd 4 years ago
Runtime.h all versions of windows 10 working on amd 4 years ago
S3SaveState.h all versions of windows 10 working on amd 4 years ago
S3SmmSaveState.h all versions of windows 10 working on amd 4 years ago
ScsiIo.h all versions of windows 10 working on amd 4 years ago
ScsiPassThru.h all versions of windows 10 working on amd 4 years ago
ScsiPassThruExt.h all versions of windows 10 working on amd 4 years ago
SdMmcPassThru.h all versions of windows 10 working on amd 4 years ago
Security.h all versions of windows 10 working on amd 4 years ago
Security2.h all versions of windows 10 working on amd 4 years ago
SecurityPolicy.h all versions of windows 10 working on amd 4 years ago
SerialIo.h all versions of windows 10 working on amd 4 years ago
ServiceBinding.h all versions of windows 10 working on amd 4 years ago
Shell.h all versions of windows 10 working on amd 4 years ago
ShellDynamicCommand.h all versions of windows 10 working on amd 4 years ago
ShellParameters.h all versions of windows 10 working on amd 4 years ago
SimpleFileSystem.h all versions of windows 10 working on amd 4 years ago
SimpleNetwork.h all versions of windows 10 working on amd 4 years ago
SimplePointer.h all versions of windows 10 working on amd 4 years ago
SimpleTextIn.h all versions of windows 10 working on amd 4 years ago
SimpleTextInEx.h all versions of windows 10 working on amd 4 years ago
SimpleTextOut.h all versions of windows 10 working on amd 4 years ago
SmartCardEdge.h all versions of windows 10 working on amd 4 years ago
SmartCardReader.h all versions of windows 10 working on amd 4 years ago
Smbios.h all versions of windows 10 working on amd 4 years ago
SmbusHc.h all versions of windows 10 working on amd 4 years ago
SmmAccess2.h all versions of windows 10 working on amd 4 years ago
SmmBase2.h all versions of windows 10 working on amd 4 years ago
SmmCommunication.h all versions of windows 10 working on amd 4 years ago
SmmConfiguration.h all versions of windows 10 working on amd 4 years ago
SmmControl2.h all versions of windows 10 working on amd 4 years ago
SmmCpu.h all versions of windows 10 working on amd 4 years ago
SmmCpuIo2.h all versions of windows 10 working on amd 4 years ago
SmmEndOfDxe.h all versions of windows 10 working on amd 4 years ago
SmmGpiDispatch2.h all versions of windows 10 working on amd 4 years ago
SmmIoTrapDispatch2.h all versions of windows 10 working on amd 4 years ago
SmmPciRootBridgeIo.h all versions of windows 10 working on amd 4 years ago
SmmPeriodicTimerDispatch2.h all versions of windows 10 working on amd 4 years ago
SmmPowerButtonDispatch2.h all versions of windows 10 working on amd 4 years ago
SmmReadyToLock.h all versions of windows 10 working on amd 4 years ago
SmmReportStatusCodeHandler.h all versions of windows 10 working on amd 4 years ago
SmmStandbyButtonDispatch2.h all versions of windows 10 working on amd 4 years ago
SmmStatusCode.h all versions of windows 10 working on amd 4 years ago
SmmSwDispatch2.h all versions of windows 10 working on amd 4 years ago
SmmSxDispatch2.h all versions of windows 10 working on amd 4 years ago
SmmUsbDispatch2.h all versions of windows 10 working on amd 4 years ago
SpiConfiguration.h all versions of windows 10 working on amd 4 years ago
SpiHc.h all versions of windows 10 working on amd 4 years ago
SpiIo.h all versions of windows 10 working on amd 4 years ago
SpiNorFlash.h all versions of windows 10 working on amd 4 years ago
SpiSmmConfiguration.h all versions of windows 10 working on amd 4 years ago
SpiSmmHc.h all versions of windows 10 working on amd 4 years ago
SpiSmmNorFlash.h all versions of windows 10 working on amd 4 years ago
StatusCode.h all versions of windows 10 working on amd 4 years ago
StorageSecurityCommand.h all versions of windows 10 working on amd 4 years ago
SuperIo.h all versions of windows 10 working on amd 4 years ago
SuperIoControl.h all versions of windows 10 working on amd 4 years ago
Supplicant.h all versions of windows 10 working on amd 4 years ago
TapeIo.h all versions of windows 10 working on amd 4 years ago
Tcg2Protocol.h all versions of windows 10 working on amd 4 years ago
TcgService.h all versions of windows 10 working on amd 4 years ago
Tcp4.h all versions of windows 10 working on amd 4 years ago
Tcp6.h all versions of windows 10 working on amd 4 years ago
Timer.h all versions of windows 10 working on amd 4 years ago
Timestamp.h all versions of windows 10 working on amd 4 years ago
Tls.h all versions of windows 10 working on amd 4 years ago
TlsConfig.h all versions of windows 10 working on amd 4 years ago
TrEEProtocol.h all versions of windows 10 working on amd 4 years ago
Udp4.h all versions of windows 10 working on amd 4 years ago
Udp6.h all versions of windows 10 working on amd 4 years ago
UfsDeviceConfig.h all versions of windows 10 working on amd 4 years ago
UgaDraw.h all versions of windows 10 working on amd 4 years ago
UgaIo.h all versions of windows 10 working on amd 4 years ago
UnicodeCollation.h all versions of windows 10 working on amd 4 years ago
Usb2HostController.h all versions of windows 10 working on amd 4 years ago
UsbFunctionIo.h all versions of windows 10 working on amd 4 years ago
UsbHostController.h all versions of windows 10 working on amd 4 years ago
UsbIo.h all versions of windows 10 working on amd 4 years ago
UserCredential.h all versions of windows 10 working on amd 4 years ago
UserCredential2.h all versions of windows 10 working on amd 4 years ago
UserManager.h all versions of windows 10 working on amd 4 years ago
Variable.h all versions of windows 10 working on amd 4 years ago
VariableWrite.h all versions of windows 10 working on amd 4 years ago
VlanConfig.h all versions of windows 10 working on amd 4 years ago
WatchdogTimer.h all versions of windows 10 working on amd 4 years ago
WiFi.h all versions of windows 10 working on amd 4 years ago
WiFi2.h all versions of windows 10 working on amd 4 years ago