This section will go into detail about what exactly is going on here. csrss.exe/lsass.exe have handles to all processes and since battleye strips the R/W access of the handle that these processes have
to the game it can cause system instability. Thus bedaisy writes two pages of shellcode to both processes and inline hooks `NtReadVirtualMemory` and `NtWriteVirtualMemory`.
@ -33,11 +51,4 @@ this to read/write any other process you can open a simple handle too. `Rust`, `
this works is two fold, firstly BattlEye assumes that the handle already has this access, secondly BattlEye only uses the handle to get the `EPROCESS` so they can call `MmCopyVirtualMemory`. You can see
this in my runtime logs of `BEDaisy`.
01301313 118.65435028 [GoodEye]MmCopyVirtualMemory called from: 0xFFFFF804DEFE2D64