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#include "vmxlaunch.hpp"
#include "idt.hpp"
auto drv_entry(PDRIVER_OBJECT driver_object, PUNICODE_STRING registry_path) -> NTSTATUS
vmxon::g_vmx_ctx =
ExAllocatePool(NonPagedPool, sizeof hv::vmx_ctx));
// setup vcpu structures (vmx on region and vmcs...)
cr3 cr3_value;
cr3_value.flags = __readcr3();
cr3_value.address_of_page_directory =
(MmGetPhysicalAddress(mm::pml4).QuadPart >> 12);
memset(mm::pml4, NULL, sizeof mm::pml4);
mm::pml4[PML4_SELF_REF].pfn = cr3_value.address_of_page_directory;
mm::pml4[PML4_SELF_REF].present = true;
mm::pml4[PML4_SELF_REF].rw = true;
mm::pml4[PML4_SELF_REF].user_supervisor = false;
PHYSICAL_ADDRESS current_pml4;
current_pml4.QuadPart =
(cr3{ __readcr3() }.address_of_page_directory << 12);
const auto kernel_pml4 =
// vmxroot will have the same "address space" as the current one being executed in...
memcpy(&mm::pml4[255], &kernel_pml4[255], sizeof(mm::pml4e) * 255);
// setup mapping ptes to be present, writeable, executable, and user supervisor false...
for (auto idx = 0u; idx < 254; ++idx)
reinterpret_cast<mm::ppte>(mm::pml4)[idx].present = true;
reinterpret_cast<mm::ppte>(mm::pml4)[idx].rw = true;
// setup IDT for host....
segment_descriptor_register_64 idt_value;
// copy the guest IDT entries...
memcpy(idt::table, (void*)idt_value.base_address, idt_value.limit);
// change gp, pf, and de to vmxroot handlers...
idt::table[general_protection] = idt::create_entry(hv::idt_addr_t{ __gp_handler }, idt::ist_idx::gp);
idt::table[page_fault] = idt::create_entry(hv::idt_addr_t{ __pf_handler }, idt::ist_idx::pf);
idt::table[divide_error] = idt::create_entry(hv::idt_addr_t{ __de_handler }, idt::ist_idx::de);
// used for SEH in vmxroot fault handler...
idt::image_base = driver_object->DriverStart;
// enable vmx operation on all cores...
KeIpiGenericCall((PKIPI_BROADCAST_WORKER)&vmxon::init_vmxon, NULL);
// setup VMCS for all logical cores...
KeIpiGenericCall((PKIPI_BROADCAST_WORKER)&vmxlaunch::init_vmcs, cr3_value.flags);
// vmxlaunch for all cores...
KeIpiGenericCall((PKIPI_BROADCAST_WORKER)&vmxlaunch::launch, NULL);