# Deon programming language V0.9.5 My computer programming language made with LEX/YACC written in C. (interpreted) # Downloads Supported operating systems and downloads: * [Win-32 Download](https://git.hacks.ltd/xerox/deon/uploads/9991a71c059678b0986634b2c71a1a8f/deon.exe) SHA1: 9216C9A0073A66A896346D98FE365E1A3B21C0BC * [Win-64 Download](https://git.hacks.ltd/xerox/deon/uploads/61a72f55863033549064b88126776338/deon.exe) SHA1: AFB2DE7360F34E2C397DD34CE6553A1D37CF1884 * [Linux-32 Download](https://git.hacks.ltd/xerox/deon/uploads/cbcd4097975aa5f5e7a638dd1b335fd1/deon) SHA1: 1df2c25783fd96156da322aa7cd6f26ec84b63c4 * [Linux-64 Download](https://git.hacks.ltd/xerox/deon/uploads/310146a23b042eb7c40b7def35ccf94a/deon) SHA1: 554a1d50dea246b65a6f3e459f02dd6b5fc4ab35 # Hello World. Hello world in Deon. ```c def main: { print["hello world"]; }; call main; ``` # Variables * Variables support "type juggling" where types are assumed at runtime. * Variables can be assigned to each other even if they are different types. ```c /* main function */ def main: { my_var = 121231; /* int */ print[my_var]; my_var = -123.122; /* double */ print[my_var]; my_var = "cool string"; /* null terminating string */ print[my_var]; my_var = 'c'; /* char */ print[my_var]; my_var = { print[ "hello world" ]; }; /* lambda function */ call my_var; }; call main; ``` # Expressions * As ov v0.9.5 expressions are only supported for int types, I need to recode the entire expression parsing system to support up to doubles. ```c def main: { var = 10 + (5 * 2 / (11 % 2)); /* should print 20 */ print[var]; }; call main; ``` # Scope * As of v0.9.5 there is not scope inside of this programming language. ```c /* changes var from 10 to 100 */ def another_function: { var = 100; }; def main: { var = 10; /* should print 10 */ print[var]; call another_function; /* should print 100 */ print[var]; }; call main; ``` # Logic * while loops are if statements * As of version 0.9.5, logic conditions must only be variables. ### If statements * As stated above, if statement conditions must be a variable. ```c def main: { var = 1; if[var]: /* condition must be a variable */ { print["var was 1"]; var = 0; }; if[var]: { print["this wont print! (or shouldnt)"]; }; }; call main; ``` ### While loop ```c def main: { var = 1; /* loop that runs forever */ while[var]: { print["this will run forever"]; print["it also wont stack overflow, so dont worry"]; }; }; call main; ``` # Functions * Functions can be defined as variables (lambda) or defined normally. ```c def my_function: { some_function = { print["hello world"]; }; call some_function; }; call my_function; ``` # Redefinitions * As of v0.9.5 everything in this programming language can be redefined. That means everything, including the function that is currently being executed. ```c def main: { main = { print["i just redefined main"]; }; }; call main; call main; ```