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3 years ago
* Copyright 2006 - 2050, Hisilicon Tech. Co., Ltd.
* FileName: hi_api_tde.h
* Description:TDE2 API define
* History:
* Version Date Author DefectNum Description
#ifndef _HI_API_TDE2_H_
#define _HI_API_TDE2_H_
#ifdef __cplusplus
#if __cplusplus
extern "C" {
#endif /* __cplusplus */
#endif /* __cplusplus */
#include "hi_type.h"
#include "hi_tde_type.h"
#define HI_TDE_Open HI_TDE2_Open
#define HI_TDE_Close HI_TDE2_Close
#define HI_TDE_BeginJob HI_TDE2_BeginJob
/* TDE2 API define */
* Function: HI_TDE2_Open
* Description: Opens the TDE device
* Input: None
* Output: None
* Return: Success / Error code
* Others: None
* Function: HI_TDE2_Close
* Description: Closes the TDE device
* Input: None
* Output: None
* Return: None
* Others: None
* Function: HI_TDE2_BeginJob
* Description: Creates a TDE job, get a TDE2 job handle
* Input: None
* Output: None
* Return: tde handle / Error code
* Others: None
* Function: HI_TDE2_EndJob
* Description: Submits a TDE2 job
* Input: s32Handle: job handle
* bSync: if synchronous
* bBlock: if blocked
* u32TimeOut: timeout value(in 10ms)
* Output: None
* Return: Success / Error code
* Others: None
HI_S32 HI_TDE2_EndJob(TDE_HANDLE s32Handle, HI_BOOL bSync, HI_BOOL bBlock, HI_U32 u32TimeOut);
* Function: HI_TDE2_CancelJob
* Description: Cancels a specific TDE job, only successful before calling EndJob
* Input: s32Handle: job handle
* Output: None
* Return: Success / Error code
* Others: None
HI_S32 HI_TDE2_CancelJob(TDE_HANDLE s32Handle);
* Function: HI_TDE2_WaitForDone
* Description: Waits for a submitted job to finish
* Input: s32Handle: job handle
* Output: None
* Return: Success / Error code
* Others: None
HI_S32 HI_TDE2_WaitForDone(TDE_HANDLE s32Handle);
* Function: HI_TDE2_WaitAllDone
* Description: Waits for all submitted jobs to finish
* Input: None
* Output: None
* Return: Success / Error code
* Others: None
HI_S32 HI_TDE2_WaitAllDone(HI_VOID);
* Function: HI_TDE2_Reset
* Description: Reset tde
* Input: None
* Output: None
* Return: Success / Error code
* Others: None
HI_S32 HI_TDE2_Reset(HI_VOID);
* Function: HI_TDE2_QuickCopy
* Description: Just quick copy, the size of source region and destination region should be the same, so is the color format
* Input: s32Handle: job handle
* pSrc: the source picture information
* pstSrcRect: the source picture operation region
* pDst: the destination picture information
* pstDstRect: the destination picture operation region
* Output: None
* Return: Success / Error code
* Others: None
HI_S32 HI_TDE2_QuickCopy(TDE_HANDLE s32Handle, TDE2_SURFACE_S* pstSrc, TDE2_RECT_S *pstSrcRect,
TDE2_SURFACE_S* pstDst, TDE2_RECT_S *pstDstRect);
* Function: HI_TDE2_QuickFill
* Description: Quick fill
* Input: s32Handle: job handle
* pDst: the destination picture information
* pstDstRect: the destination picture operation region
* u32FillData: the color value,its format should be the same to the destination picture
* Output: None
* Return: Success / Error code
* Others: None
HI_S32 HI_TDE2_QuickFill(TDE_HANDLE s32Handle, TDE2_SURFACE_S* pstDst, TDE2_RECT_S *pstDstRect,
HI_U32 u32FillData);
* Function: HI_TDE2_QuickResize
* Description: Adds the raster bitmap scaling operation to a TDE job
* Input: s32Handle: job handle
* pSrc: the source picture information
* pstSrcRect: the source picture operation region
* pDst: the destination picture information
* pstDstRect: the destination picture operation region
* Output: None
* Return: Success / Error code
* Others: None
HI_S32 HI_TDE2_QuickResize(TDE_HANDLE s32Handle, TDE2_SURFACE_S* pstSrc, TDE2_RECT_S *pstSrcRect,
TDE2_SURFACE_S* pstDst, TDE2_RECT_S *pstDstRect);
* Function: HI_TDE2_QuickFlicker
* Description: Adds the anti-flicker operation to a TDE job
* Input: s32Handle: job handle
* pSrc: the source picture information
* pstSrcRect: the source picture operation region
* pDst: the destination picture information
* pstDstRect: the destination picture operation region
* Output: None
* Return: Success / Error code
* Others: None
HI_S32 HI_TDE2_QuickDeflicker(TDE_HANDLE s32Handle, TDE2_SURFACE_S* pstSrc, TDE2_RECT_S *pstSrcRect,
TDE2_SURFACE_S* pstDst, TDE2_RECT_S *pstDstRect);
* Function: HI_TDE2_Blit
* Description: Adds the transfer operation with additional functions performed on
the raster bitmap to a TDE task
* Input: s32Handle: job handle
* pstBackGround: the background picture information
* pstBackGroundRect: the background picture operation region
* pstForeGround: the foreground picture information
* pstForeGroundRect: the foreground picture operation region
* pstDst: the destination picture information
* pstDstRect: the destination picture operation region
* pOpt: operation parameter settings
* Output: None
* Return: Success / Error code
* Others: None
HI_S32 HI_TDE2_Bitblit(TDE_HANDLE s32Handle, TDE2_SURFACE_S* pstBackGround, TDE2_RECT_S *pstBackGroundRect,
TDE2_SURFACE_S* pstForeGround, TDE2_RECT_S *pstForeGroundRect, TDE2_SURFACE_S* pstDst,
TDE2_RECT_S *pstDstRect, TDE2_OPT_S* pstOpt);
* Function: HI_TDE2_SolidDraw
* Description: Adds the filling operation with additional functions performed on
the raster bitmap to a TDE task
* Input: s32Handle: job handle
* pstForeGround: the foreground picture information
* pstForeGroundRect: the source picture operation region
* pstDst: the background picture information
* pstDstRect: the destination picture operation region
* pstFillColor: the color value
* pstOpt: operation parameter settings
* Output: None
* Return: Success / Error code
* Others: None
HI_S32 HI_TDE2_SolidDraw(TDE_HANDLE s32Handle, TDE2_SURFACE_S* pstForeGround, TDE2_RECT_S *pstForeGroundRect,
TDE2_RECT_S *pstDstRect, TDE2_FILLCOLOR_S *pstFillColor,
TDE2_OPT_S *pstOpt);
* Function: HI_TDE2_MbBlit
* Description: Adds the transfer operation with additional functions performed on
the macroblock bitmap to a TDE task
* Input: s32Handle: job handle
* pstMB: Surface of the macroblock
* pstDst: Operating region of the macroblock
* pstDstRect: the destination picture operation region
* pstMbOpt: operation parameter settings
* Output: None
* Return: Success / Error code
* Others: None
HI_S32 HI_TDE2_MbBlit(TDE_HANDLE s32Handle, TDE2_MB_S* pstMB, TDE2_RECT_S *pstMbRect, TDE2_SURFACE_S* pstDst, TDE2_RECT_S *pstDstRect,
TDE2_MBOPT_S* pstMbOpt);
* Function: HI_TDE2_BitmapMaskRop
* Description: Adds the mask raster operation (ROP) operation performed
on the raster bitmap to a TDE task.
* Input: s32Handle: job handle
* pstBackGround: the background picture information
* pstBackGroundRect: the background picture operation region
* pstForeGround: the foreground picture information
* pstForeGroundRect: the source picture operation region
* pstMask: mask picture information
* pstMaskRect: operating region of the mask picture
* pstDst: the destination picture information
* pstDstRect: the destination picture operation region
* enRopCode_Color: ROP operation code of the color component
* enRopCode_Alpha: ROP operation code of the alpha component
* Output: None
* Return: Success / Error code
* Others: None
HI_S32 HI_TDE2_BitmapMaskRop(TDE_HANDLE s32Handle,
TDE2_SURFACE_S* pstBackGround, TDE2_RECT_S *pstBackGroundRect,
TDE2_SURFACE_S* pstForeGround, TDE2_RECT_S *pstForeGroundRect,
TDE2_SURFACE_S* pstMask, TDE2_RECT_S *pstMaskRect,
TDE2_SURFACE_S* pstDst, TDE2_RECT_S *pstDstRect,
TDE2_ROP_CODE_E enRopCode_Color, TDE2_ROP_CODE_E enRopCode_Alpha);
* Function: HI_TDE2_BitmapMaskBlend
* Description: Adds the mask blending operation performed on the raster
bitmap to a TDE task
* Input: s32Handle: job handle
* pstBackGround: the background picture information
* pstBackGroundRect: the background picture operation region
* pstForeGround: the foreground picture information
* pstForeGroundRect: the foreground picture operation region
* pstMask: mask picture information
* pstMaskRect: operating region of the mask picture
* pstDst: the destination picture information
* pstDstRect: the destination picture operation region
* u8Alpha: global alpha value during alpha blending
* enBlendMode: alpha blending mode
* Output: None
* Return: Success / Error code
* Others: None
HI_S32 HI_TDE2_BitmapMaskBlend(TDE_HANDLE s32Handle,
TDE2_SURFACE_S* pstBackGround, TDE2_RECT_S *pstBackGroundRect,
TDE2_SURFACE_S* pstForeGround, TDE2_RECT_S *pstForeGroundRect,
TDE2_SURFACE_S* pstMask, TDE2_RECT_S *pstMaskRect,
TDE2_SURFACE_S* pstDst, TDE2_RECT_S *pstDstRect,
HI_U8 u8Alpha, TDE2_ALUCMD_E enBlendMode);
* Function: HI_TDE2_SetDeflickerLevel
* Description: To set the anti-flicker level
* Input: enDeflickerLevel: anti-flicker level
* Output: None
* Return: Success / Error code
* Others: None
HI_S32 HI_TDE2_SetDeflickerLevel(TDE_DEFLICKER_LEVEL_E enDeflickerLevel);
* Function: HI_TDE2_GetDeflickerLevel
* Description: To get the anti-flicker level
* Input: pDeflickerLevel: to save the anti-flicker level
* Output: None
* Return: Success / Error code
* Others: None
HI_S32 HI_TDE2_GetDeflickerLevel(TDE_DEFLICKER_LEVEL_E *pDeflickerLevel);
* Function: HI_TDE2_SetAlphaThresholdValue
* Description: To set the anti-flicker level
* Input: u8ThresholdValue: Alpha threshold
* Output: None
* Return: Success / Error code
* Others: None
HI_S32 HI_TDE2_SetAlphaThresholdValue(HI_U8 u8ThresholdValue);
* Function: HI_TDE2_GetAlphaThresholdValue
* Description: To get the anti-flicker level
* Input: pu8ThresholdValue: to save the alpha threshold
* Output: None
* Return: Success / Error code
* Others: None
HI_S32 HI_TDE2_GetAlphaThresholdValue(HI_U8 *pu8ThresholdValue);
* Function: HI_TDE2_GetAlphaThresholdValue
* Description: To enable or disable alpha judgment
* Input: bEnAlphaThreshold: whether to enable alpha judgment
* Output: None
* Return: Success / Error code
* Others: None
HI_S32 HI_TDE2_SetAlphaThresholdState(HI_BOOL bEnAlphaThreshold);
* Function: HI_TDE2_GetAlphaThresholdState
* Description: To get alpha judgment state
* Input: p_bEnAlphaThreshold: To save the alpha judgment state
* Output: None
* Return: Success / Error code
* Others: None
HI_S32 HI_TDE2_GetAlphaThresholdState(HI_BOOL * p_bEnAlphaThreshold);
* Function: HI_TDE2_PatternFill
* Description: Pattern fill
Input: s32Handle: job handle
* pstBackGround: the background picture information
* pstBackGroundRect: the background picture operation region
* pstForeGround: the foreground picture information
* pstForeGroundRect: the foreground picture operation region
* pstDst: the destination picture information
* pstDstRect: the destination picture operation region
* pstOpt: operation parameter settings
* Output: None
* Return: Success / Error code
* Others: None
HI_S32 HI_TDE2_PatternFill(TDE_HANDLE s32Handle, TDE2_SURFACE_S *pstBackGround,
TDE2_RECT_S *pstBackGroundRect, TDE2_SURFACE_S *pstForeGround,
TDE2_RECT_S *pstForeGroundRect, TDE2_SURFACE_S *pstDst,
TDE2_RECT_S *pstDstRect, TDE2_PATTERN_FILL_OPT_S *pstOpt);
* Function: HI_TDE2_EnableRegionDeflicker
* Description: To enable or disable the regional anti-flicker function
* Input: bRegionDeflicker: enable flag
* Output: None
* Return: Success / Error code
* Others: None
HI_S32 HI_TDE2_EnableRegionDeflicker(HI_BOOL bRegionDeflicker);
* Function: HI_TDE2_MultiBlending
* Description: multi blend surface by surface list
* Input: s32Handle: job handle
pstSurfaceList: composed surface list
* Output: None
* Return: Success / Error code
* Others: None
HI_S32 HI_TDE2_MultiBlending(TDE_HANDLE s32Handle, TDE_SURFACE_LIST_S *pstSurfaceList);
#ifdef __cplusplus
#if __cplusplus
#endif /* __cplusplus */
#endif /* __cplusplus */
#endif /* _HI_API_TDE2_H_ */