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3 years ago
Copyright (C), 2001-2011, Hisilicon Tech. Co., Ltd.
File Name : tde_errcode.h
Version : Initial Draft
Author : Hisilicon multimedia software group
Created : 2005/4/23
Last Modified :
Description : err code define
Function List :
History : May modify the code to errcode.h FOR hi3110
#ifndef __TDE_ERRCODE_H__
#define __TDE_ERRCODE_H__
//#include "hi_debug.h"
#include "hi_type.h"
#ifdef __cplusplus
#if __cplusplus
extern "C"{
#endif /* __cplusplus */
//#define HI_ID_TDE 100
/* tde start err no. */
#define HI_ERR_TDE_BASE ((HI_S32)( ((0x80UL + 0x20UL)<<24) | (100 << 16 ) | (4 << 13) | 1 ))
HI_ERR_TDE_DEV_NOT_OPEN = HI_ERR_TDE_BASE, /**< tde device not open yet */
HI_ERR_TDE_DEV_OPEN_FAILED, /**< open tde device failed */
HI_ERR_TDE_NULL_PTR, /**< input parameters contain null ptr */
HI_ERR_TDE_NO_MEM, /**< malloc failed */
HI_ERR_TDE_INVALID_HANDLE, /**< invalid job handle */
HI_ERR_TDE_INVALID_PARA, /**< invalid parameter */
HI_ERR_TDE_NOT_ALIGNED, /**< aligned error for position, stride, width */
HI_ERR_TDE_MINIFICATION, /**< invalid minification */
HI_ERR_TDE_CLIP_AREA, /**< clip area and operation area have no intersection */
HI_ERR_TDE_JOB_TIMEOUT, /**< blocked job wait timeout */
HI_ERR_TDE_UNSUPPORTED_OPERATION, /**< unsupported operation */
HI_ERR_TDE_QUERY_TIMEOUT, /**< query time out */
HI_ERR_TDE_INTERRUPT /**< blocked job was interrupted */
#ifdef __cplusplus
#if __cplusplus
#endif /* __cplusplus */
#endif /* __TDE_ERRCODE_H__*/