/****************************************************************************** Copyright (C), 2013, Hisilicon Tech. Co., Ltd. ****************************************************************************** File Name : hi_comm_vdec.h Version : Initial Draft Author : Hisilicon multimedia software group Created : 2013/05/08 Description : Common Def Of video decode History : 1.Date : 2013/05/08 Author : l00226816 Modification: Created file ******************************************************************************/ #ifndef __HI_COMM_VDEC_H__ #define __HI_COMM_VDEC_H__ #include "hi_type.h" #include "hi_common.h" #include "hi_errno.h" #include "hi_comm_video.h" #include "hi_comm_vb.h" #include "hi_defines.h" #ifdef __cplusplus #if __cplusplus extern "C"{ #endif #endif /* End of #ifdef __cplusplus */ /*vdec channel attr(user interface)*/ #define HI_IO_BLOCK HI_TRUE #define HI_IO_NOBLOCK HI_FALSE typedef struct hiVDEC_CHN_LUM_S { HI_U64 u64LumPixSum; /* Luma sum of current frame */ HI_U32 u32LumPixAverage; /* Luma average of current frame */ HI_U64 u64Pts; /* PTS of current frame ?? */ } VDEC_CHN_LUM_S; typedef enum hiVIDEO_MODE_E { VIDEO_MODE_STREAM = 0, /*send by stream*/ VIDEO_MODE_FRAME , /*send by frame*/ VIDEO_MODE_BUTT }VIDEO_MODE_E; typedef enum hiVDEC_JPG_COLOR_FMT_E { JPG_COLOR_FMT_YCBCR400, /*YUV400*/ JPG_COLOR_FMT_YCBCR420, /*YUV420*/ JPG_COLOR_FMT_YCBCR422BHP, /*YUV 422 2x1*/ JPG_COLOR_FMT_YCBCR422BVP, /*YUV 422 1x2*/ JPG_COLOR_FMT_YCBCR444, /*YUV 444*/ JPG_COLOR_FMT_BUTT } VDEC_JPG_COLOR_FMT_E; typedef struct hiVDEC_ATTR_JPEG_S { VIDEO_MODE_E enMode; /* video stream mode select */ VDEC_JPG_COLOR_FMT_E enJpegFormat; /* jpeg format select ,may be YUV420,YUV400,YUV422,YUV444*/ }VDEC_ATTR_JPEG_S,*PTR_VDEC_ATTR_JPEG_S; typedef struct hiVDEC_ATTR_VIDEO_S { HI_U32 u32RefFrameNum; /*ref pic num [1,16]*/ VIDEO_MODE_E enMode; /*send by stream or by frame*/ HI_BOOL bTemporalMvpEnable; /* specifies whether temporal motion vector predictors can be used for inter prediction*/ }VDEC_ATTR_VIDEO_S,*PTR_VDEC_ATTR_VIDEO_S; typedef struct hiVDEC_CHN_ATTR_S { PAYLOAD_TYPE_E enType; /* video type to be decoded */ HI_U32 u32BufSize ; /* stream buf size(Byte) */ HI_U32 u32Priority ; /* priority */ HI_U32 u32PicWidth ; /* max pic width */ HI_U32 u32PicHeight ; /* max pic height */ union { VDEC_ATTR_JPEG_S stVdecJpegAttr; /* structure with jpeg or mjpeg type */ VDEC_ATTR_VIDEO_S stVdecVideoAttr; /* structure with video ( h264/mpeg4) */ }; }VDEC_CHN_ATTR_S; typedef struct hiVDEC_STREAM_S { HI_U8* pu8Addr; /* stream address */ HI_U32 u32Len; /* stream len */ HI_U64 u64PTS; /* time stamp */ HI_BOOL bEndOfFrame; /* is the end of a frame */ HI_BOOL bEndOfStream; /* is the end of all stream */ }VDEC_STREAM_S; typedef struct hiVDEC_USERDATA_S{ HI_U8* pu8Addr; /* userdata data vir address */ HI_U32 u32PhyAddr; /* userdata data phy address */ HI_U32 u32Len; /* userdata data len */ HI_BOOL bValid; /* is valid? */ }VDEC_USERDATA_S; typedef struct hi_VDEC_DECODE_ERROR_S { HI_S32 s32FormatErr; /* format error. eg: do not support filed */ HI_S32 s32PicSizeErrSet; /* picture width or height is larger than chnnel width or height*/ HI_S32 s32StreamUnsprt; /* unsupport the stream specification */ HI_S32 s32PackErr; /* stream package error */ HI_S32 s32PrtclNumErrSet; /* protocol num is not enough. eg: slice, pps, sps */ HI_S32 s32RefErrSet; /* refrence num is not enough */ HI_S32 s32PicBufSizeErrSet; /* the buffer size of picture is not enough */ HI_S32 s32VdecStreamNotRelease; /* the stream not released for too long time */ }VDEC_DECODE_ERROR_S; typedef struct hiVDEC_CHN_STAT_S { PAYLOAD_TYPE_E enType; /* video type to be decoded */ HI_U32 u32LeftStreamBytes; /* left stream bytes waiting for decode */ HI_U32 u32LeftStreamFrames; /* left frames waiting for decode,only valid for H264D_MODE_FRAME */ HI_U32 u32LeftPics; /* pics waiting for output */ HI_BOOL bStartRecvStream; /* had started recv stream? */ HI_U32 u32RecvStreamFrames; /* how many frames of stream has been received. valid when send by frame. */ HI_U32 u32DecodeStreamFrames; /* how many frames of stream has been decoded. valid when send by frame. */ VDEC_DECODE_ERROR_S stVdecDecErr; /* information about decode error */ }VDEC_CHN_STAT_S; /* * static parameter: must set after stop sending stream and all stream is decoded. * dynamic parameter: can be set at any time. */ typedef struct hiVDEC_CHN_PARAM_S { HI_S32 s32DisplayFrameNum; /* display frame num */ HI_S32 s32ChanErrThr; /* threshold for stream error process, 0: discard with any error, 100 : keep data with any error */ HI_S32 s32ChanStrmOFThr; /* threshold for stream overflow, 0~ , 0: nothing to do when stream is overflow */ HI_S32 s32DecMode; /* decode mode , 0: deocde IPB frames, 1: only decode I frame & P frame , 2: only decode I frame */ HI_S32 s32DecOrderOutput; /* frames output order ,0: the same with display order , 1: the same width decoder order */ VIDEO_FORMAT_E enVideoFormat; COMPRESS_MODE_E enCompressMode; }VDEC_CHN_PARAM_S; typedef struct hiH264_PRTCL_PARAM_S { HI_S32 s32MaxSliceNum; /* max slice num support */ HI_S32 s32MaxSpsNum; /* max sps num support */ HI_S32 s32MaxPpsNum; /* max pps num support */ }H264_PRTCL_PARAM_S; typedef struct hiH265_PRTCL_PARAM_S { HI_S32 s32MaxSliceSegmentNum; /* max slice segmnet num support */ HI_S32 s32MaxVpsNum; /* max vps num support */ HI_S32 s32MaxSpsNum; /* max sps num support */ HI_S32 s32MaxPpsNum; /* max pps num support */ }H265_PRTCL_PARAM_S; typedef struct hiVDEC_PRTCL_PARAM_S { PAYLOAD_TYPE_E enType; /* video type to be decoded ,only h264 and HEVC supported*/ union { H264_PRTCL_PARAM_S stH264PrtclParam; /* protocol param structure for h264*/ H265_PRTCL_PARAM_S stH265PrtclParam; /* protocol param structure for HEVC*/ }; }VDEC_PRTCL_PARAM_S; typedef struct hiVDEC_CHN_POOL_S { VB_POOL hPicVbPool; VB_POOL hPmvVbPool; }VDEC_CHN_POOL_S; typedef enum hiVDEC_EVNT_E { VDEC_EVNT_STREAM_ERR = 1, VDEC_EVNT_UNSUPPORT, VDEC_EVNT_OVER_REFTHR, VDEC_EVNT_REF_NUM_OVER, VDEC_EVNT_SLICE_NUM_OVER, VDEC_EVNT_SPS_NUM_OVER, VDEC_EVNT_PPS_NUM_OVER, VDEC_EVNT_PICBUF_SIZE_ERR, VDEC_EVNT_SIZE_OVER, VDEC_EVNT_IMG_SIZE_CHANGE, VDEC_EVNT_VPS_NUM_OVER, VDEC_EVNT_BUTT } VDEC_EVNT_E; typedef struct hiVDEC_MOD_PARAM_S { HI_U32 u32MiniBufMode; HI_U32 u32VBSource; } VDEC_MOD_PARAM_S; /************************************************************************************************************************/ /* invlalid channel ID */ #define HI_ERR_VDEC_INVALID_CHNID HI_DEF_ERR(HI_ID_VDEC, EN_ERR_LEVEL_ERROR, EN_ERR_INVALID_CHNID) /* at lease one parameter is illagal ,eg, an illegal enumeration value */ #define HI_ERR_VDEC_ILLEGAL_PARAM HI_DEF_ERR(HI_ID_VDEC, EN_ERR_LEVEL_ERROR, EN_ERR_ILLEGAL_PARAM) /* channel exists */ #define HI_ERR_VDEC_EXIST HI_DEF_ERR(HI_ID_VDEC, EN_ERR_LEVEL_ERROR, EN_ERR_EXIST) /* using a NULL point */ #define HI_ERR_VDEC_NULL_PTR HI_DEF_ERR(HI_ID_VDEC, EN_ERR_LEVEL_ERROR, EN_ERR_NULL_PTR) /* try to enable or initialize system,device or channel, before configing attribute */ #define HI_ERR_VDEC_NOT_CONFIG HI_DEF_ERR(HI_ID_VDEC, EN_ERR_LEVEL_ERROR, EN_ERR_NOT_CONFIG) /* operation is not supported by NOW */ #define HI_ERR_VDEC_NOT_SURPPORT HI_DEF_ERR(HI_ID_VDEC, EN_ERR_LEVEL_ERROR, EN_ERR_NOT_SUPPORT) /* operation is not permitted ,eg, try to change stati attribute */ #define HI_ERR_VDEC_NOT_PERM HI_DEF_ERR(HI_ID_VDEC, EN_ERR_LEVEL_ERROR, EN_ERR_NOT_PERM) /* the channle is not existed */ #define HI_ERR_VDEC_UNEXIST HI_DEF_ERR(HI_ID_VDEC, EN_ERR_LEVEL_ERROR, EN_ERR_UNEXIST) /* failure caused by malloc memory */ #define HI_ERR_VDEC_NOMEM HI_DEF_ERR(HI_ID_VDEC, EN_ERR_LEVEL_ERROR, EN_ERR_NOMEM) /* failure caused by malloc buffer */ #define HI_ERR_VDEC_NOBUF HI_DEF_ERR(HI_ID_VDEC, EN_ERR_LEVEL_ERROR, EN_ERR_NOBUF) /* no data in buffer */ #define HI_ERR_VDEC_BUF_EMPTY HI_DEF_ERR(HI_ID_VDEC, EN_ERR_LEVEL_ERROR, EN_ERR_BUF_EMPTY) /* no buffer for new data */ #define HI_ERR_VDEC_BUF_FULL HI_DEF_ERR(HI_ID_VDEC, EN_ERR_LEVEL_ERROR, EN_ERR_BUF_FULL) /* system is not ready,had not initialed or loaded*/ #define HI_ERR_VDEC_SYS_NOTREADY HI_DEF_ERR(HI_ID_VDEC, EN_ERR_LEVEL_ERROR, EN_ERR_SYS_NOTREADY) /*system busy*/ #define HI_ERR_VDEC_BUSY HI_DEF_ERR(HI_ID_VDEC, EN_ERR_LEVEL_ERROR, EN_ERR_BUSY) /* bad address, eg. used for copy_from_user & copy_to_user */ #define HI_ERR_VDEC_BADADDR HI_DEF_ERR(HI_ID_VDEC, EN_ERR_LEVEL_ERROR, EN_ERR_BADADDR) #ifdef __cplusplus #if __cplusplus } #endif #endif /* End of #ifdef __cplusplus */ #endif /* End of #ifndef __HI_COMM_VDEC_H__ */