/****************************************************************************** Copyright (C), 2001-2011, Hisilicon Tech. Co., Ltd. ****************************************************************************** File Name : hifb.h Version : Initial Draft Author : Hisilicon multimedia software group Created : Description : History : 1.Date : 2009/03/12 Author : Modification: Created file ******************************************************************************/ #ifndef __HIFB_H__ #define __HIFB_H__ #ifdef __cplusplus #if __cplusplus extern "C"{ #endif #endif /* __cplusplus */ #include "hi_type.h" #include /*************************** Structure Definition ****************************/ #define IOC_TYPE_HIFB 'F' /** To obtain the colorkey of an overlay layer */ #define FBIOGET_COLORKEY_HIFB _IOR(IOC_TYPE_HIFB, 90, HIFB_COLORKEY_S) /** To set the colorkey of an overlay layer */ #define FBIOPUT_COLORKEY_HIFB _IOW(IOC_TYPE_HIFB, 91, HIFB_COLORKEY_S) /** To get the alpha of an overlay layer */ #define FBIOGET_ALPHA_HIFB _IOR(IOC_TYPE_HIFB, 92, HIFB_ALPHA_S) /** To set the alpha of an overlay layer */ #define FBIOPUT_ALPHA_HIFB _IOW(IOC_TYPE_HIFB, 93, HIFB_ALPHA_S) /** To get the origin of an overlay layer on the screen */ #define FBIOGET_SCREEN_ORIGIN_HIFB _IOR(IOC_TYPE_HIFB, 94, HIFB_POINT_S) /** To set the origin of an overlay layer on the screen */ #define FBIOPUT_SCREEN_ORIGIN_HIFB _IOW(IOC_TYPE_HIFB, 95, HIFB_POINT_S) /** To obtain the anti-flicker setting of an overlay layer */ #define FBIOGET_DEFLICKER_HIFB _IOR(IOC_TYPE_HIFB, 98, HIFB_DEFLICKER_S) /** To set the anti-flicker setting of an overlay layer */ #define FBIOPUT_DEFLICKER_HIFB _IOW(IOC_TYPE_HIFB, 99, HIFB_DEFLICKER_S) /** To wait for the vertical blanking region of an overlay layer */ #define FBIOGET_VBLANK_HIFB _IO(IOC_TYPE_HIFB, 100) /** To set the display state of an overlay layer */ #define FBIOPUT_SHOW_HIFB _IOW(IOC_TYPE_HIFB, 101, HI_BOOL) /** To obtain the display state of an overlay layer */ #define FBIOGET_SHOW_HIFB _IOR(IOC_TYPE_HIFB, 102, HI_BOOL) /** to obtain the capability of an overlay layer */ #define FBIOGET_CAPABILITY_HIFB _IOR(IOC_TYPE_HIFB, 103, HIFB_CAPABILITY_S) /** set the screen output size */ #define FBIOPUT_SCREENSIZE _IOW(IOC_TYPE_HIFB, 130, HIFB_SIZE_S*) /** get the screen output size */ #define FBIOGET_SCREENSIZE _IOR(IOC_TYPE_HIFB, 131, HIFB_SIZE_S*) /** To display multiple surfaces in turn and set the alpha and colorkey attributes */ #define FBIOFLIP_SURFACE _IOW(IOC_TYPE_HIFB, 132, HIFB_SURFACEEX_S) /**To set the compression function status of an overlay layer*/ #define FBIOPUT_COMPRESSION_HIFB _IOW(IOC_TYPE_HIFB, 133, HI_BOOL) /**To obtain the compression function status of an overlay layer*/ #define FBIOGET_COMPRESSION_HIFB _IOR(IOC_TYPE_HIFB, 134, HI_BOOL) typedef struct { HI_U32 u32Width; HI_U32 u32Height; }HIFB_SIZE_S; static inline HI_U8 hifb_rgb(const struct fb_bitfield* pBit, HI_S32 color) { return ((HI_U8)((((HI_U32)color)>>pBit->offset) << (8-pBit->length)) + ((HI_U8)(((HI_U32)(color)>>pBit->offset) << (8-pBit->length)) >> pBit->length)); } static inline HI_S32 hifb_color2key(const struct fb_var_screeninfo* pVar, HI_S32 color) { if (pVar->bits_per_pixel <= 8) { return color; } else { HI_U8 r, g, b; r = hifb_rgb(&pVar->red, color); g = hifb_rgb(&pVar->green, color); b = hifb_rgb(&pVar->blue, color); return (r<<16) + (g<<8) + b; } } typedef struct { HI_BOOL bKeyEnable; /* colorkey enable flag */ HI_U32 u32Key; /* colorkey value, maybe contains alpha */ }HIFB_COLORKEY_S; typedef struct { HI_S32 x; HI_S32 y; HI_S32 w; HI_S32 h; } HIFB_RECT; typedef struct { HI_S32 s32XPos; /**< horizontal position */ HI_S32 s32YPos; /**< vertical position */ }HIFB_POINT_S; typedef struct hiHIFB_DEFLICKER_S { HI_U32 u32HDfLevel; /**< horizontal deflicker level */ HI_U32 u32VDfLevel; /**< vertical deflicker level */ HI_U8 *pu8HDfCoef; /**< horizontal deflicker coefficient */ HI_U8 *pu8VDfCoef; /**< vertical deflicker coefficient */ }HIFB_DEFLICKER_S; /** Alpha info */ typedef struct { HI_BOOL bAlphaEnable; /**< alpha enable flag */ HI_BOOL bAlphaChannel; /**< alpha channel enable flag */ HI_U8 u8Alpha0; /**< alpha0 value, used in ARGB1555 */ HI_U8 u8Alpha1; /**< alpha1 value, used in ARGB1555 */ HI_U8 u8GlobalAlpha; /**< global alpha value */ HI_U8 u8Reserved; }HIFB_ALPHA_S; typedef enum { HIFB_FMT_RGB565 = 0, HIFB_FMT_RGB888, /**< RGB888 24bpp */ HIFB_FMT_KRGB444, /**< RGB444 16bpp */ HIFB_FMT_KRGB555, /**< RGB555 16bpp */ HIFB_FMT_KRGB888, /**< RGB888 32bpp */ HIFB_FMT_ARGB4444, /**< ARGB4444 */ HIFB_FMT_ARGB1555, /**< ARGB1555 */ HIFB_FMT_ARGB8888, /**< ARGB8888 */ HIFB_FMT_ARGB8565, /**< ARGB8565 */ HIFB_FMT_RGBA4444, /**< ARGB4444 */ HIFB_FMT_RGBA5551, /**< RGBA5551 */ HIFB_FMT_RGBA5658, /**< RGBA5658 */ HIFB_FMT_RGBA8888, /**< RGBA8888 */ HIFB_FMT_BGR565, /**< BGR565 */ HIFB_FMT_BGR888, /**< BGR888 */ HIFB_FMT_ABGR4444, /**< ABGR4444 */ HIFB_FMT_ABGR1555, /**< ABGR1555 */ HIFB_FMT_ABGR8888, /**< ABGR8888 */ HIFB_FMT_ABGR8565, /**< ABGR8565 */ HIFB_FMT_KBGR444, /**< BGR444 16bpp */ HIFB_FMT_KBGR555, /**< BGR555 16bpp */ HIFB_FMT_KBGR888, /**< BGR888 32bpp */ HIFB_FMT_1BPP, /**< clut1 */ HIFB_FMT_2BPP, /**< clut2 */ HIFB_FMT_4BPP, /**< clut4 */ HIFB_FMT_8BPP, /**< clut8 */ HIFB_FMT_ACLUT44, /**< AClUT44*/ HIFB_FMT_ACLUT88, /**< ACLUT88 */ HIFB_FMT_PUYVY, /**< UYVY */ HIFB_FMT_PYUYV, /**< YUYV */ HIFB_FMT_PYVYU, /**< YVYU */ HIFB_FMT_YUV888, /**< YUV888 */ HIFB_FMT_AYUV8888, /**< AYUV8888 */ HIFB_FMT_YUVA8888, /**< YUVA8888 */ HIFB_FMT_BUTT }HIFB_COLOR_FMT_E; typedef struct { HI_BOOL bKeyRgb; HI_BOOL bKeyAlpha; /**< whether support colorkey alpha */ HI_BOOL bGlobalAlpha; /**< whether support global alpha */ HI_BOOL bCmap; /**< whether support color map */ HI_BOOL bHasCmapReg; /**< whether has color map register*/ HI_BOOL bColFmt[HIFB_FMT_BUTT]; /**< support which color format */ HI_BOOL bVoScale; /**< support vo scale*/ HI_BOOL bLayerSupported; /**< whether support a certain layer, for example:x5 HD support HIFB_SD_0 not support HIFB_SD_1*/ HI_U32 u32MaxWidth; /**< the max pixels per line */ HI_U32 u32MaxHeight; /**< the max lines */ HI_U32 u32MinWidth; /**< the min pixels per line */ HI_U32 u32MinHeight; /**< the min lines */ HI_U32 u32VDefLevel; /**< vertical deflicker level, 0 means vertical deflicker is unsupported */ HI_U32 u32HDefLevel; /**< horizontal deflicker level, 0 means horizontal deflicker is unsupported */ HI_BOOL bDcmp; HI_BOOL bPreMul; }HIFB_CAPABILITY_S; /*refresh mode*/ typedef enum { HIFB_LAYER_BUF_DOUBLE = 0x0, /**< 2 display buf in fb */ HIFB_LAYER_BUF_ONE = 0x1, /**< 1 display buf in fb */ HIFB_LAYER_BUF_NONE = 0x2, /**< no display buf in fb,the buf user refreshed will be directly set to VO*/ HIFB_LAYER_BUF_DOUBLE_IMMEDIATE=0x3, /**< 2 display buf in fb, each refresh will be displayed*/ HIFB_LAYER_BUF_BUTT } HIFB_LAYER_BUF_E; /* surface info */ typedef struct { HI_U32 u32PhyAddr; /**< start physical address */ HI_U32 u32Width; /**< width pixels */ HI_U32 u32Height; /**< height pixels */ HI_U32 u32Pitch; /**< line pixels */ HIFB_COLOR_FMT_E enFmt; /**< color format */ }HIFB_SURFACE_S; typedef struct { HI_U32 u32PhyAddr; HIFB_ALPHA_S stAlpha; HIFB_COLORKEY_S stColorkey; }HIFB_SURFACEEX_S; /* refresh surface info */ typedef struct { HIFB_SURFACE_S stCanvas; HIFB_RECT UpdateRect; /* refresh region*/ }HIFB_BUFFER_S; /* cursor info */ typedef struct { HIFB_SURFACE_S stCursor; HIFB_POINT_S stHotPos; } HIFB_CURSOR_S; /* DDR detect zone info */ typedef struct { HI_U32 u32StartSection; HI_U32 u32ZoneNums; } HIFB_DDRZONE_S; /* crusor handle */ /* Attention:surface in cursor will be released by user*/ #define FBIOPUT_CURSOR_INFO _IOW(IOC_TYPE_HIFB, 104, HIFB_CURSOR_S *) #define FBIOGET_CURSOR_INFO _IOW(IOC_TYPE_HIFB, 105, HIFB_CURSOR_S *) #define FBIOPUT_CURSOR_STATE _IOW(IOC_TYPE_HIFB, 106, HI_BOOL *) #define FBIOGET_CURSOR_STATE _IOW(IOC_TYPE_HIFB, 107, HI_BOOL *) #define FBIOPUT_CURSOR_POS _IOW(IOC_TYPE_HIFB, 108, HIFB_POINT_S *) #define FBIOGET_CURSOR_POS _IOR(IOC_TYPE_HIFB, 109, HIFB_POINT_S *) #define FBIOPUT_CURSOR_COLORKEY _IOR(IOC_TYPE_HIFB, 110, HIFB_COLORKEY_S *) #define FBIOGET_CURSOR_COLORKEY _IOW(IOC_TYPE_HIFB, 111, HIFB_COLORKEY_S *) #define FBIOPUT_CURSOR_ALPHA _IOR(IOC_TYPE_HIFB, 112, HIFB_ALPHA_S *) #define FBIOGET_CURSOR_ALPHA _IOW(IOC_TYPE_HIFB, 113, HIFB_ALPHA_S *) /** cursor will be separated from attached layer automatically if you attach cursor to another layer,that means cursor can be attached to only one layer at any time*/ #define FBIOPUT_CURSOR_ATTCHCURSOR _IOW(IOC_TYPE_HIFB, 114, HI_U32 *) #define FBIOPUT_CURSOR_DETACHCURSOR _IOW(IOC_TYPE_HIFB, 115, HI_U32 *) /**antiflicker level*/ /**Auto means fb will choose a appropriate antiflicker level automatically according to the color info of map*/ typedef enum { HIFB_LAYER_ANTIFLICKER_NONE = 0x0, /**< no antiflicker*/ HIFB_LAYER_ANTIFLICKER_LOW = 0x1, /**< low level*/ HIFB_LAYER_ANTIFLICKER_MIDDLE = 0x2,/**< middle level*/ HIFB_LAYER_ANTIFLICKER_HIGH = 0x3, /**< high level*/ HIFB_LAYER_ANTIFLICKER_AUTO = 0x4, /**< auto*/ HIFB_LAYER_ANTIFLICKER_BUTT }HIFB_LAYER_ANTIFLICKER_LEVEL_E; /*layer info maskbit*/ typedef enum { HIFB_LAYERMASK_BUFMODE = 0x1, /**< BUFMODE bitmask */ HIFB_LAYERMASK_ANTIFLICKER_MODE = 0x2, /**< ANTIFLICKER_MODE bitmask */ HIFB_LAYERMASK_POS = 0x4, /**< the position bitmask */ HIFB_LAYERMASK_CANVASSIZE = 0x8, /**< canvassize bitmask */ HIFB_LAYERMASK_DISPSIZE = 0x10, /**< displaysize bitmask */ HIFB_LAYERMASK_SCREENSIZE = 0x20, /**< screensize bitmask */ HIFB_LAYERMASK_BMUL = 0x40, /**< pre-mult bitmask */ HIFB_LAYERMASK_BUTT }HIFB_LAYER_INFO_MASKBIT; /**layer info*/ typedef struct { HIFB_LAYER_BUF_E BufMode; HIFB_LAYER_ANTIFLICKER_LEVEL_E eAntiflickerLevel; HI_S32 s32XPos; /**< the x pos of origion point in screen */ HI_S32 s32YPos; /**< the y pos of origion point in screen */ HI_S32 u32CanvasWidth; /**< the width of canvas buffer */ HI_S32 u32CanvasHeight; /**< the height of canvas buffer */ HI_U32 u32DisplayWidth; /**< the width of display buf in fb.for 0 buf ,there is no display buf in fb, so it's effectless*/ HI_U32 u32DisplayHeight; /**< the height of display buf in fb. */ HI_U32 u32ScreenWidth; /**< the width of screen */ HI_U32 u32ScreenHeight; /**< the height of screen */ HI_BOOL bPreMul; /**< The data drawed in buf is premul data or not*/ HI_U32 u32Mask; /**< param modify mask bit*/ }HIFB_LAYER_INFO_S; /** To set the layer information */ #define FBIOPUT_LAYER_INFO _IOW(IOC_TYPE_HIFB, 120, HIFB_LAYER_INFO_S*) /** To get the layer information */ #define FBIOGET_LAYER_INFO _IOR(IOC_TYPE_HIFB, 121, HIFB_LAYER_INFO_S*) /** To get canvas buf */ #define FBIOGET_CANVAS_BUFFER _IOR(IOC_TYPE_HIFB, 123, HIFB_BUFFER_S*) /** To refresh the displayed contents in extended mode */ #define FBIO_REFRESH _IOW(IOC_TYPE_HIFB, 124, HIFB_BUFFER_S*) /**sync refresh*/ #define FBIO_WAITFOR_FREFRESH_DONE _IO(IOC_TYPE_HIFB, 125) /**To set the DDR detect zone of an overlay layer*/ #define FBIOPUT_MDDRDETECT_HIFB _IOW(IOC_TYPE_HIFB, 135, HIFB_DDRZONE_S*) /**To get the DDR detect zone of an overlay layer*/ #define FBIOGET_MDDRDETECT_HIFB _IOW(IOC_TYPE_HIFB, 136, HIFB_DDRZONE_S*) #ifdef __cplusplus #if __cplusplus } #endif #endif /* __cplusplus */ #endif /* __HIFB_H__ */