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3 years ago
# Changes
### Names
- The `KeystoneNET` namespace was renamed to `Keystone`.
- The `Keystone` and `KeystoneEncoded` classes were respectively renamed to `Engine` and `EncodedData`.
- The `KeystoneArchitecture`, `KeystoneMode`, `KeystoneOptionType` and `KeystoneOptionValue` enums had their names changed, dropping the `Keystone` prefix (ie: `Architecture`, `Mode`, ...). Furthermore, their members were renamed, dropping the `KS_MODE_`, `KS_ARCH_`, and `KS_OPT_` prefixes.
### The `Engine` class
- The `Engine` constructor no longer takes `bool throwOnError`. Instead, the public `ThrowOnError` property now has both a getter and a setter, making it possible to alter the error behavior after initialization.
- Errors are no longer reported as `InvalidOperationException`, but instead as `KeystoneException`, a custom class which stores the returned error code.
- An error encountered in the constructor or when setting `ResolveSymbol` will throw an exception, regardless of the value of `ThrowOnError`.
- `AppendAssemble` was renamed to `Assemble`, and no longer accepts `ICollection<byte>`. Instead it accepts a `byte[]` buffer and an `int` index, and writes much more efficiently into it. A new overload accepting a `Stream` has also been added.
- The `out uint statements` parameter has been replaced by an `out int statementCount` parameter. It will always be positive, but better integrates into the C# language.
# Examples
### Namespace
using KeystoneNET;
using Keystone;
### Initialization
using (var ks = new Keystone(KeystoneArchitecture.KS_ARCH_X86,
throwOnError: false))
using (var ks = new Engine(Architecture.X86, Mode.X32)
{ ThrowOnError = true })
### Catching errors
ks.SymbolResolver += Callback;
catch (InvalidOperationException e)
ks.SymbolResolver += Callback;
catch (KeystoneException e)
### Assembling data
var data = new List<byte>();
ks.AppendAssemble("add eax, eax", data);
var data = new byte[1024];
ks.Assemble("add eax, eax", data);
using (var ms = new MemoryStream())
ks.Assemble("add eax, eax", ms);