include include include include include include include include includelib user32.lib includelib kernel32.lib includelib gdi32.lib includelib shell32.lib includelib comctl32.lib includelib comdlg32.lib includelib masm32.lib include includelib keystone_x86.lib ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; KSExample_x86 Prototypes ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WinMain PROTO :DWORD,:DWORD,:DWORD,:DWORD WndProc PROTO :DWORD,:DWORD,:DWORD,:DWORD DoEncode PROTO :DWORD .CONST ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; KSExample_x86 Constants ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ICO_MAIN equ 101 ; Main Dialog ;KSExample_x86.dlg IDD_DIALOG equ 1000 IDC_TxtAsmToEncode equ 1001 IDC_TxtEncodedBytes equ 1002 IDC_LblAsmToEncode equ 1003 IDC_LblEncodedBytes equ 1004 IDC_BtnExit equ 1005 IDC_BtnEncode equ 1006 ; Main Menu IDM_MENU EQU 10000 IDM_FILE_EXIT EQU 10001 IDM_HELP_ABOUT EQU 10101 .DATA ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; KSExample_x86 Initialized Data ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ClassName DB 'DLGCLASS',0 AppName DB 'LTLI Dialog',0 AboutMsg DB '',13,10,'Copyright © fearless 2014',0 szNull DB 0,0 szFmt DB '%02X ',0 szCODEBuffer DB 256 DUP (0) szCODEInitial DB 'INC ecx; DEC edx',0 szOutput DB 256 DUP (0) szFinalOutput DB 256 DUP (0) ks_engine DD 0 Address DQ 0 ; Note has to be QWORD sized as a parameter for ks_asm Encode DD 0 EncodeSize DD 0 Count DD 0 ks_err DD 0 szKSError DB 'Keystone Error',0 szKSCodeEmpty DB 'Please enter some assembly code to encode.',0 szKSOpenFail DB 'ERROR: failed on ks_open',0 szKSAsmFail DB 'ERROR: ks_asm failed',0 .DATA? ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; KSExample_x86 Uninitialized Data ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- icc INITCOMMONCONTROLSEX <> hInstance DD ? CommandLine DD ? hWnd DD ? hIcoMain DD ? hWhiteBrush DD ? hTxtAsmToEncode DD ? hTxtEncodedBytes DD ?