* [@drew](https://twitter.com/drewbervisor) - pointing out AC bit in RFLAGS can be set in usermode. I originally assumed since the `STAC` instruction could not be executed in usermode that `POPFQ` would throw an exception if AC bit was high and CPL was greater then zero. Without this key information the project would have been a complete mess. Thank you!
* [@0xnemi](https://twitter.com/0xnemi) / [@everdox](https://twitter.com/nickeverdox) - [mov ss/pop ss exploit](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iU_No7gdcwc) 0xnemi's use of syscall and the fact that RSP is not changed + use of ROP made me think about how there are alot of vulnerable drivers that expose arbitrary wrmsr which could be used to change LSTAR and effectivlly replicate his solution...
* [@Ch3rn0byl](https://twitter.com/notCh3rn0byl) - donation of a few vulnerable drivers which exposed arbitrary WRMSR/helped test with KVA shadowing enabled/disabled.
* [@namazso](https://twitter.com/namazso) - originally hinting at this project many months ago. its finally done :)