Any driver exposing MmMapIoSpace/MmUnmapIoSpace or ZwMapViewOfSection/ZwUnmapViewOfSection can be exploited. This means bios flashing utils, fan speed utils
(like MSI Afterburner), or general windows system utilities that expose physical read/write.
First lets start with a given, controlled writes can be leveraged to gain execution. I think people call this "write what where", but nevertheless if you
know where you are writing you can leverage it to gain execution in places that might not have been accessable proir. Now that we have that agreed upon, lets get into the details of how this works.
To start, lets first understand that one page of memory reguardless of physical or virtual is typically 0x1000 bytes or 4096 bytes. Now, given a relative virtual address of a syscall
(an address relative to the base of the module) we can modulus the address with the size of a page (0x1000) and get the index into the page.
auto nt_syscall_offset = rva % 0x1000;
This index, combined with the iteraction of each physical page and a comparison of bytes will result in us finding the physical page of a syscall (and its mapped into our process).
This then allows us the ability to install hooks, call the syscall, and then uninstall the hook. The "hook" being `ExAllocatePool`, `ExAllocatePoolWithTag`, and `MmCopyMemory`.
This scanning takes under a second since each physical range is scanned with a seperate thread. To increase speeds i also map 2mb at a time and scan each page (512 pages).
There are four functions that need to be altered to make this mapper work for you. I will cover each one by one. These functions are defined inside of a `physmeme.hpp` and need
to stay inside of this file. This allows people to make different `physmeme.hpp` files for each driver they want to abuse. Modular code.
This function must take the virtual address of the mapping (the address returned from map_phys) and the size that was mapped. If this function is unable to free the memory
you will blue screen because you will run out of ram (happend a few times to me).
please code this function depending on your method of physical read/write.