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3 years ago
D:\vmhook-eac\vmhook-eac.vcxproj(43,5): warning MSB4011: "G:\vs\MSBuild\Microsoft\VC\v160\BuildCustomizations\masm.props" cannot be imported again. It was already imported at "C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\build\WindowsDriver.Shared.props (352,3)". This is most likely a build authoring error. This subsequent import will be ignored.
D:\vmhook-eac\vmhook-eac.vcxproj(88,5): warning MSB4011: "G:\vs\MSBuild\Microsoft\VC\v160\BuildCustomizations\masm.targets" cannot be imported again. It was already imported at "C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\build\WindowsDriver.common.targets (1878,3)". This is most likely a build authoring error. This subsequent import will be ignored.
Building 'vmhook-eac' with toolset 'WindowsKernelModeDriver10.0' and the 'Universal' target platform.
Building 'ZwSwapCert' with toolset 'WindowsKernelModeDriver10.0' and the 'Universal' target platform.
D:\vmhook-eac\drv_entry.cpp(136,5): warning C4100: 'handler_idx': unreferenced formal parameter
D:\vmhook-eac\drv_entry.cpp(146,5): warning C4100: 'handler_idx': unreferenced formal parameter
vmhook-eac.vcxproj -> D:\vmhook-eac\x64\Release\vmhook-eac.sys
D:\vmhook-eac\vmhook-eac.vcxproj(43,5): warning MSB4011: "G:\vs\MSBuild\Microsoft\VC\v160\BuildCustomizations\masm.props" cannot be imported again. It was already imported at "C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\build\WindowsDriver.Shared.props (352,3)". This is most likely a build authoring error. This subsequent import will be ignored.
D:\vmhook-eac\vmhook-eac.vcxproj(88,5): warning MSB4011: "G:\vs\MSBuild\Microsoft\VC\v160\BuildCustomizations\masm.targets" cannot be imported again. It was already imported at "C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\build\WindowsDriver.common.targets (1878,3)". This is most likely a build authoring error. This subsequent import will be ignored.
Done Adding Additional Store
Successfully signed: D:\vmhook-eac\x64\Release\vmhook-eac.sys
Driver is 'Universal'.
D:\vmhook-eac\vmhook-eac.vcxproj(43,5): warning MSB4011: "G:\vs\MSBuild\Microsoft\VC\v160\BuildCustomizations\masm.props" cannot be imported again. It was already imported at "C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\build\WindowsDriver.Shared.props (352,3)". This is most likely a build authoring error. This subsequent import will be ignored.
D:\vmhook-eac\vmhook-eac.vcxproj(88,5): warning MSB4011: "G:\vs\MSBuild\Microsoft\VC\v160\BuildCustomizations\masm.targets" cannot be imported again. It was already imported at "C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\build\WindowsDriver.common.targets (1878,3)". This is most likely a build authoring error. This subsequent import will be ignored.