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Copyright (c) 2021 Intel Corporation
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
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/// @file xed-encode.h
#ifndef XED_ENCODE_H
# define XED_ENCODE_H
#include "xed-common-hdrs.h"
#include "xed-types.h"
#include "xed-error-enum.h"
#include "xed-operand-values-interface.h"
#include "xed-operand-width-enum.h"
#include "xed-encoder-iforms.h" //generated
#include "xed-encoder-gen-defs.h" //generated
// we now (mostly) share the decode data structure
#include "xed-decoded-inst.h"
// establish a type equivalence for the xed_encoder_request_t and the
// corresponding xed_decoded_inst_t.
/// @ingroup ENC
typedef struct xed_decoded_inst_s xed_encoder_request_s;
/// @ingroup ENC
typedef xed_decoded_inst_t xed_encoder_request_t;
/// @ingroup ENC
XED_DLL_EXPORT xed_iclass_enum_t
xed_encoder_request_get_iclass( const xed_encoder_request_t* p);
// set functions
/// @ingroup ENC
xed_encoder_request_set_iclass( xed_encoder_request_t* p,
xed_iclass_enum_t iclass);
/// @name Primary Encode Functions
/// @ingroup ENC
xed_encoder_request_set_effective_operand_width( xed_encoder_request_t* p,
xed_uint_t width_bits);
/// @ingroup ENC
xed_encoder_request_set_effective_address_size( xed_encoder_request_t* p,
xed_uint_t width_bits);
/*! @ingroup ENC
* Set the operands array element indexed by operand to the actual register
* name reg.
* @param[in] p xed_encoder_request_t
* @param[in] operand indicates which register operand storage field to use
* @param[in] reg the actual register represented (EAX, etc.) to store.
XED_DLL_EXPORT void xed_encoder_request_set_reg(xed_encoder_request_t* p,
xed_operand_enum_t operand,
xed_reg_enum_t reg);
/// @name Operand Order
/*! @ingroup ENC
* Specify the name as the n'th operand in the operand order.
* The complication of this function is that the register operand names are
* specific to the position of the operand (REG0, REG1, REG2...). One can
* use this function for registers or one can use the
* xed_encoder_request_set_operand_name_reg() which takes integers instead
* of operand names.
* @param[in] p #xed_encoder_request_t
* @param[in] operand_index xed_uint_t representing n'th operand position
* @param[in] name #xed_operand_enum_t operand name.
xed_encoder_request_set_operand_order(xed_encoder_request_t* p,
xed_uint_t operand_index,
xed_operand_enum_t name);
/*! @ingroup ENC
* Retrieve the name of the n'th operand in the operand order.
* @param[in] p #xed_encoder_request_t
* @param[in] operand_index xed_uint_t representing n'th operand position
* @return The #xed_operand_enum_t operand name.
XED_DLL_EXPORT xed_operand_enum_t
xed_encoder_request_get_operand_order(xed_encoder_request_t* p,
xed_uint_t operand_index);
/// @ingroup ENC
/// Retrieve the number of entries in the encoder operand order array
/// @return The number of entries in the encoder operand order array
static XED_INLINE xed_uint_t
xed_encoder_request_operand_order_entries(xed_encoder_request_t* p)
return p->_n_operand_order;
/// @name branches and far pointers
/// @ingroup ENC
XED_DLL_EXPORT void xed_encoder_request_set_relbr(xed_encoder_request_t* p);
/// @ingroup ENC
xed_encoder_request_set_branch_displacement(xed_encoder_request_t* p,
xed_int32_t brdisp,
xed_uint_t nbytes);
/// @ingroup ENC
XED_DLL_EXPORT void xed_encoder_request_set_ptr(xed_encoder_request_t* p);
/// @name Immediates
/// @ingroup ENC
/// Set the uimm0 using a BYTE width.
XED_DLL_EXPORT void xed_encoder_request_set_uimm0(xed_encoder_request_t* p,
xed_uint64_t uimm,
xed_uint_t nbytes);
/// @ingroup ENC
/// Set the uimm0 using a BIT width.
XED_DLL_EXPORT void xed_encoder_request_set_uimm0_bits(xed_encoder_request_t* p,
xed_uint64_t uimm,
xed_uint_t nbits);
/// @ingroup ENC
XED_DLL_EXPORT void xed_encoder_request_set_uimm1(xed_encoder_request_t* p,
xed_uint8_t uimm);
/// @ingroup ENC
/// same storage as uimm0
XED_DLL_EXPORT void xed_encoder_request_set_simm(xed_encoder_request_t* p,
xed_int32_t simm,
xed_uint_t nbytes);
/// @name Memory
/// @ingroup ENC
xed_encoder_request_set_memory_displacement(xed_encoder_request_t* p,
xed_int64_t memdisp,
xed_uint_t nbytes);
/// @ingroup ENC
XED_DLL_EXPORT void xed_encoder_request_set_agen(xed_encoder_request_t* p);
/// @ingroup ENC
XED_DLL_EXPORT void xed_encoder_request_set_mem0(xed_encoder_request_t* p);
/// @ingroup ENC
XED_DLL_EXPORT void xed_encoder_request_set_mem1(xed_encoder_request_t* p);
/// @ingroup ENC
xed_encoder_request_set_memory_operand_length(xed_encoder_request_t* p,
xed_uint_t nbytes);
/// @ingroup ENC
XED_DLL_EXPORT void xed_encoder_request_set_seg0(xed_encoder_request_t* p,
xed_reg_enum_t seg_reg);
/// @ingroup ENC
XED_DLL_EXPORT void xed_encoder_request_set_seg1(xed_encoder_request_t* p,
xed_reg_enum_t seg_reg);
/// @ingroup ENC
XED_DLL_EXPORT void xed_encoder_request_set_base0(xed_encoder_request_t* p,
xed_reg_enum_t base_reg);
/// @ingroup ENC
XED_DLL_EXPORT void xed_encoder_request_set_base1(xed_encoder_request_t* p,
xed_reg_enum_t base_reg) ;
/// @ingroup ENC
XED_DLL_EXPORT void xed_encoder_request_set_index(xed_encoder_request_t* p,
xed_reg_enum_t index_reg);
/// @ingroup ENC
xed_encoder_request_set_scale(xed_encoder_request_t* p,
xed_uint_t scale);
/// @ingroup ENC
static XED_INLINE const xed_operand_values_t*
xed_encoder_request_operands_const(const xed_encoder_request_t* p) {
return p;
/// @ingroup ENC
static XED_INLINE xed_operand_values_t*
xed_encoder_request_operands(xed_encoder_request_t* p) {
return p;
/// @name Initialization
/*! @ingroup ENC
* clear the operand order array
* @param[in] p xed_encoder_request_t
xed_encoder_request_zero_operand_order(xed_encoder_request_t* p);
/// @ingroup ENC
xed_encoder_request_zero_set_mode(xed_encoder_request_t* p,
const xed_state_t* dstate);
/// @ingroup ENC
XED_DLL_EXPORT void xed_encoder_request_zero(xed_encoder_request_t* p) ;
struct xed_decoded_inst_s; //fwd decl
/// @ingroup ENC
/// Converts an decoder request to a valid encoder request.
xed_encoder_request_init_from_decode(struct xed_decoded_inst_s* d);
/// @name String Printing
/// @ingroup ENC
XED_DLL_EXPORT void xed_encode_request_print(const xed_encoder_request_t* p,
char* buf, xed_uint_t buflen);
/// @name Encoding
/// This is the main interface to the encoder. The array should be
/// at most 15 bytes long. The ilen parameter should indicate
/// this length. If the array is too short, the encoder may fail to
/// encode the request. Failure is indicated by a return value of
/// type #xed_error_enum_t that is not equal to
/// #XED_ERROR_NONE. Otherwise, #XED_ERROR_NONE is returned and the
/// length of the encoded instruction is returned in olen.
/// @param r encoder request description (#xed_encoder_request_t), includes mode info
/// @param array the encoded instruction bytes are stored here
/// @param ilen the input length of array.
/// @param olen the actual length of array used for encoding
/// @return success/failure as a #xed_error_enum_t
/// @ingroup ENC
XED_DLL_EXPORT xed_error_enum_t
xed_encode(xed_encoder_request_t* r,
xed_uint8_t* array,
const unsigned int ilen,
unsigned int* olen);
/// This function will attempt to encode a NOP of exactly ilen
/// bytes. If such a NOP is not encodeable, then false will be returned.
/// @param array the encoded instruction bytes are stored here
/// @param ilen the input length array.
/// @return success/failure as a #xed_error_enum_t
/// @ingroup ENC
XED_DLL_EXPORT xed_error_enum_t
xed_encode_nop(xed_uint8_t* array,
const unsigned int ilen);