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/// @file xed-flags.h
#ifndef XED_FLAGS_H
# define XED_FLAGS_H
#include "xed-types.h"
#include "xed-portability.h"
#include "xed-flag-enum.h"
#include "xed-flag-action-enum.h"
#include "xed-gen-table-defs.h"
/// @ingroup FLAGS
/// a union of flags bits
union xed_flag_set_s {
xed_uint32_t flat;
struct {
xed_uint32_t cf:1; ///< bit 0
xed_uint32_t must_be_1:1;
xed_uint32_t pf:1;
xed_uint32_t must_be_0a:1;
xed_uint32_t af:1; ///< bit 4
xed_uint32_t must_be_0b:1;
xed_uint32_t zf:1;
xed_uint32_t sf:1;
xed_uint32_t tf:1; ///< bit 8
xed_uint32_t _if:1; ///< underscore to avoid token clash
xed_uint32_t df:1;
xed_uint32_t of:1;
xed_uint32_t iopl:2; ///< A 2-bit field, bits 12-13
xed_uint32_t nt:1;
xed_uint32_t must_be_0c:1;
xed_uint32_t rf:1; ///< bit 16
xed_uint32_t vm:1;
xed_uint32_t ac:1;
xed_uint32_t vif:1;
xed_uint32_t vip:1; ///< bit 20
xed_uint32_t id:1; ///< bit 21
xed_uint32_t must_be_0d:2; ///< bits 22-23
xed_uint32_t must_be_0e:4; ///< bits 24-27
// fc0,fc1,fc2,fc3 are not really part of rflags but I put them
// here to save space. These bits are only used for x87
// instructions.
xed_uint32_t fc0:1; ///< x87 flag FC0 (not really part of rflags)
xed_uint32_t fc1:1; ///< x87 flag FC1 (not really part of rflags)
xed_uint32_t fc2:1; ///< x87 flag FC2 (not really part of rflags)
xed_uint32_t fc3:1; ///< x87 flag FC3 (not really part of rflags)
} s;
typedef union xed_flag_set_s xed_flag_set_t;
/// @ingroup FLAGS
/// @name Flag-set accessors
/// @ingroup FLAGS
/// print the flag set in the supplied buffer
XED_DLL_EXPORT int xed_flag_set_print(const xed_flag_set_t* p, char* buf, int buflen);
/// @ingroup FLAGS
/// returns true if this object has a subset of the flags of the
/// "other" object.
XED_DLL_EXPORT xed_bool_t xed_flag_set_is_subset_of(const xed_flag_set_t* p,
const xed_flag_set_t* other);
/// @ingroup FLAGS
/// Associated with each flag field there can be one action.
typedef struct xed_flag_enum_s {
xed_flag_enum_t flag;
// there are at most two actions per flag. The 2nd may be invalid.
xed_flag_action_enum_t action;
} xed_flag_action_t;
/// @ingroup FLAGS
/// @name Lowest-level flag-action accessors
/// @ingroup FLAGS
/// get the name of the flag
XED_DLL_EXPORT xed_flag_enum_t
xed_flag_action_get_flag_name(const xed_flag_action_t* p);
/// @ingroup FLAGS
/// return the action
XED_DLL_EXPORT xed_flag_action_enum_t
xed_flag_action_get_action(const xed_flag_action_t* p, unsigned int i);
/// @ingroup FLAGS
/// returns true if the specified action is invalid. Only the 2nd flag might be invalid.
XED_DLL_EXPORT xed_bool_t
xed_flag_action_action_invalid(const xed_flag_action_enum_t a);
/// @ingroup FLAGS
/// print the flag & actions
XED_DLL_EXPORT int xed_flag_action_print(const xed_flag_action_t* p, char* buf, int buflen);
/// @ingroup FLAGS
/// returns true if either action is a read
XED_DLL_EXPORT xed_bool_t
xed_flag_action_read_flag(const xed_flag_action_t* p );
/// @ingroup FLAGS
/// returns true if either action is a write
XED_DLL_EXPORT xed_bool_t
xed_flag_action_writes_flag(const xed_flag_action_t* p);
/// @ingroup FLAGS
/// test to see if the specific action is a read
XED_DLL_EXPORT xed_bool_t
xed_flag_action_read_action( xed_flag_action_enum_t a);
/// @ingroup FLAGS
/// test to see if a specific action is a write
XED_DLL_EXPORT xed_bool_t
xed_flag_action_write_action( xed_flag_action_enum_t a);
/// @ingroup FLAGS
/// A collection of #xed_flag_action_t's and unions of read and written flags
typedef struct xed_simple_flag_s
///number of flag actions associated with this record
xed_uint8_t nflags;
xed_uint8_t may_write; /* 1/0, only using one bit */
xed_uint8_t must_write; /* 1/0, only using one bit */
///union of read flags
xed_flag_set_t read;
/// union of written flags (includes undefined flags);
xed_flag_set_t written;
/// union of undefined flags;
xed_flag_set_t undefined;
// index in to the xed_flag_action_table. nflags limits the # of entries.
xed_uint16_t fa_index;
} xed_simple_flag_t;
/// @ingroup FLAGS
/// @name Accessing the simple flags (Mid-level access)
/// @ingroup FLAGS
/// returns the number of flag-actions
XED_DLL_EXPORT unsigned int
xed_simple_flag_get_nflags(const xed_simple_flag_t* p);
/// @ingroup FLAGS
/// return union of bits for read flags
XED_DLL_EXPORT const xed_flag_set_t*
xed_simple_flag_get_read_flag_set(const xed_simple_flag_t* p);
/// @ingroup FLAGS
/// return union of bits for written flags
XED_DLL_EXPORT const xed_flag_set_t*
xed_simple_flag_get_written_flag_set(const xed_simple_flag_t* p);
/// @ingroup FLAGS
/// return union of bits for undefined flags
XED_DLL_EXPORT const xed_flag_set_t*
xed_simple_flag_get_undefined_flag_set(const xed_simple_flag_t* p);
/// @ingroup FLAGS
/// Indicates the flags are only conditionally written. Usually MAY-writes
/// of the flags instructions that are dependent on a REP count.
XED_DLL_EXPORT xed_bool_t xed_simple_flag_get_may_write(const xed_simple_flag_t* p);
/// @ingroup FLAGS
/// the flags always written
XED_DLL_EXPORT xed_bool_t xed_simple_flag_get_must_write(const xed_simple_flag_t* p);
/// @ingroup FLAGS
/// return the specific flag-action. Very detailed low level information
XED_DLL_EXPORT const xed_flag_action_t*
xed_simple_flag_get_flag_action(const xed_simple_flag_t* p, unsigned int i);
/// @ingroup FLAGS
/// boolean test to see if flags are read, scans the flags
XED_DLL_EXPORT xed_bool_t
xed_simple_flag_reads_flags(const xed_simple_flag_t* p);
/// @ingroup FLAGS
/// boolean test to see if flags are written, scans the flags
XED_DLL_EXPORT xed_bool_t xed_simple_flag_writes_flags(const xed_simple_flag_t* p);
/// @ingroup FLAGS
/// print the flags
XED_DLL_EXPORT int xed_simple_flag_print(const xed_simple_flag_t* p, char* buf, int buflen);
/// @ingroup FLAGS
/// Return the flags as a mask
static XED_INLINE unsigned int xed_flag_set_mask(const xed_flag_set_t* p) {
return p->flat; // FIXME: could mask out the X87 flags