; Listing generated by Microsoft (R) Optimizing Compiler Version 19.29.30038.1 include listing.inc INCLUDELIB MSVCRTD INCLUDELIB OLDNAMES PUBLIC ?TestBuffer@@3PAEA ; TestBuffer PUBLIC ?TestBufferSize@@3KA ; TestBufferSize PUBLIC ?meme1@@3PAEA ; meme1 PUBLIC ?meme2@@3PAEA ; meme2 msvcjmc SEGMENT __B2D2BA86_ctype@h DB 01H __79C7FC57_basetsd@h DB 01H __1FEB9909_corecrt_memcpy_s@h DB 01H __A751F051_corecrt_memory@h DB 01H __9200769A_corecrt_wstring@h DB 01H __32E5F013_string@h DB 01H __D545DD43_guiddef@h DB 01H __D5DDFBF3_winnt@h DB 01H __439612F0_processthreadsapi@h DB 01H __5733279A_memoryapi@h DB 01H __D4435474_winerror@h DB 01H __B3ED30D4_winbase@h DB 01H __DB057BA3_winuser@h DB 01H __A7113148_winioctl@h DB 01H __B49664B7_stdlib@h DB 01H __EC5BC72C_propidl@h DB 01H __6DA674A0_oleauto@h DB 01H __A118E6DC_stralign@h DB 01H __A2143F22_corecrt_stdio_config@h DB 01H __829E1958_corecrt_wstdio@h DB 01H __6DFAE8B8_stdio@h DB 01H __02E23235_vcruntime_new@h DB 01H __C6E16F6F_corecrt_wconio@h DB 01H __6D390390_corecrt_wio@h DB 01H __1157D6BA_corecrt_wtime@h DB 01H __1DC1E279_stat@h DB 01H __93DC0B45_wchar@h DB 01H __256B8DBF_cstddef DB 01H __741AE07E_corecrt_math@h DB 01H __80A05712_cstdlib DB 01H __44860E64_limits DB 01H __D1154D4E_type_traits DB 01H __20BB4341_malloc@h DB 01H __BDCC0984_vcruntime_exception@h DB 01H __89F7010A_exception DB 01H __7CE971A6_xutility DB 01H __DD38B15A_xmemory DB 01H __CB45C7EF_tuple DB 01H __3033C7F7_xpolymorphic_allocator@h DB 01H __A9EB37C6_xstring DB 01H __8CFB8476_string DB 01H __6D66DEAE_cmath DB 01H __00B93B57_stdexcept DB 01H __79ECA8A5_xcall_once@h DB 01H __A0B61CF9_time@h DB 01H __8476F639_xthreads@h DB 01H __2FB352A6_atomic DB 01H __C6B1BA85_system_error DB 01H __65F43743_vcruntime_typeinfo@h DB 01H __0C3682BF_typeinfo DB 01H __F82802EA_memory DB 01H __D46D55E5_xfacet DB 01H __13BF6177_xlocinfo DB 01H __76D543F7_xlocale DB 01H __2A5A1664_xiosbase DB 01H __E85225E0_xlocnum DB 01H __FD1AE8DD_ios DB 01H __C33030D8_xlocmon DB 01H __B7A2C865_xloctime DB 01H __8660297E_xed-util@h DB 01H __F79B480A_xed-iform-map@h DB 01H __F5B5218E_xed-inst@h DB 01H __68D74A7D_xed-flags@h DB 01H __A4B65E9F_xed-operand-accessors@h DB 01H __E8B35E51_xed-state@h DB 01H __1E3F2A25_xed-encode@h DB 01H __1C89993E_xed-encoder-hl@h DB 01H __0AA8C18B_xed-decoded-inst-api@h DB 01H __0A045E7B_NativeCode@h DB 01H __386EB99F_Main@cpp DB 01H __092B7E84_vector DB 01H __0615AC09_istream DB 01H __65C59933_ostream DB 01H __021983EB_streambuf DB 01H __6D45C6E6_iterator DB 01H __886FDBE2_iosfwd DB 01H __B7ADD299_utility DB 01H __40B2458B_xstddef DB 01H __83FB8DDC_xatomic@h DB 01H msvcjmc ENDS _DATA SEGMENT ?TestBuffer@@3PAEA DB 048H ; 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COMDAT rtc$TMZ rtc$TMZ SEGMENT _RTC_Shutdown.rtc$TMZ DQ FLAT:_RTC_Shutdown rtc$TMZ ENDS ; COMDAT rtc$IMZ rtc$IMZ SEGMENT _RTC_InitBase.rtc$IMZ DQ FLAT:_RTC_InitBase rtc$IMZ ENDS ; COMDAT ??_C@_1BK@MHIKGOKE@?$AA?3?$AAA?$AAM?$AA?3?$AAa?$AAm?$AA?3?$AAP?$AAM?$AA?3?$AAp?$AAm@ CONST SEGMENT ??_C@_1BK@MHIKGOKE@?$AA?3?$AAA?$AAM?$AA?3?$AAa?$AAm?$AA?3?$AAP?$AAM?$AA?3?$AAp?$AAm@ DB ':' DB 00H, 'A', 00H, 'M', 00H, ':', 00H, 'a', 00H, 'm', 00H, ':', 00H DB 'P', 00H, 'M', 00H, ':', 00H, 'p', 00H, 'm', 00H, 00H, 00H ; `string' CONST ENDS ; COMDAT ??_C@_0N@LPFKKEBD@?3AM?3am?3PM?3pm@ CONST SEGMENT ??_C@_0N@LPFKKEBD@?3AM?3am?3PM?3pm@ DB ':AM:am:PM:pm', 00H ; `string' CONST ENDS ; COMDAT ??_C@_06CHBCCLOP@?6?6New?6@ CONST SEGMENT ??_C@_06CHBCCLOP@?6?6New?6@ DB 0aH, 0aH, 'New', 0aH, 00H ; `string' CONST ENDS ; COMDAT ??_C@_0M@INKCCKOG@?6?6Original?6@ CONST SEGMENT ??_C@_0M@INKCCKOG@?6?6Original?6@ DB 0aH, 0aH, 'Original', 0aH, 00H ; `string' CONST ENDS ; COMDAT ??_C@_0GI@IIACENIN@C?3?2Program?5Files?5?$CIx86?$CJ?2Microsof@ CONST SEGMENT ??_C@_0GI@IIACENIN@C?3?2Program?5Files?5?$CIx86?$CJ?2Microsof@ DB 'C:\Pro' DB 'gram Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2019\Community\VC\To' DB 'ols\MSVC\14.29.30037\include\xlocnum', 00H ; `string' CONST ENDS ; COMDAT ?__LINE__Var@?0??_Maklocwcs@std@@YAPEA_WPEB_W@Z@4JA _DATA SEGMENT ?__LINE__Var@?0??_Maklocwcs@std@@YAPEA_WPEB_W@Z@4JA DD 05aH ; `std::_Maklocwcs'::`1'::__LINE__Var _DATA ENDS ; COMDAT ??_C@_0GI@LEPEPCM@C?3?2Program?5Files?5?$CIx86?$CJ?2Microsof@ CONST SEGMENT ??_C@_0GI@LEPEPCM@C?3?2Program?5Files?5?$CIx86?$CJ?2Microsof@ DB 'C:\Prog' DB 'ram Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2019\Community\VC\Too' DB 'ls\MSVC\14.29.30037\include\xlocale', 00H ; `string' CONST ENDS ; COMDAT ??_C@_1CG@JNLFBNGN@?$AA?$CC?$AAi?$AAn?$AAv?$AAa?$AAl?$AAi?$AAd?$AA?5?$AAa?$AAr?$AAg?$AAu?$AAm?$AAe@ CONST SEGMENT ??_C@_1CG@JNLFBNGN@?$AA?$CC?$AAi?$AAn?$AAv?$AAa?$AAl?$AAi?$AAd?$AA?5?$AAa?$AAr?$AAg?$AAu?$AAm?$AAe@ DB '"' DB 00H, 'i', 00H, 'n', 00H, 'v', 00H, 'a', 00H, 'l', 00H, 'i', 00H DB 'd', 00H, ' ', 00H, 'a', 00H, 'r', 00H, 'g', 00H, 'u', 00H, 'm' DB 00H, 'e', 00H, 'n', 00H, 't', 00H, '"', 00H, 00H, 00H ; `string' CONST ENDS ; COMDAT ??_C@_1EK@NIFDJFDG@?$AAs?$AAt?$AAd?$AA?3?$AA?3?$AA_?$AAA?$AAd?$AAj?$AAu?$AAs?$AAt?$AA_?$AAm?$AAa@ CONST SEGMENT ??_C@_1EK@NIFDJFDG@?$AAs?$AAt?$AAd?$AA?3?$AA?3?$AA_?$AAA?$AAd?$AAj?$AAu?$AAs?$AAt?$AA_?$AAm?$AAa@ DB 's' DB 00H, 't', 00H, 'd', 00H, ':', 00H, ':', 00H, '_', 00H, 'A', 00H DB 'd', 00H, 'j', 00H, 'u', 00H, 's', 00H, 't', 00H, '_', 00H, 'm' DB 00H, 'a', 00H, 'n', 00H, 'u', 00H, 'a', 00H, 'l', 00H, 'l', 00H DB 'y', 00H, '_', 00H, 'v', 00H, 'e', 00H, 'c', 00H, 't', 00H, 'o' DB 00H, 'r', 00H, '_', 00H, 'a', 00H, 'l', 00H, 'i', 00H, 'g', 00H DB 'n', 00H, 'e', 00H, 'd', 00H, 00H, 00H ; 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COMDAT xdata xdata SEGMENT $cppxdata$main DB 028H DD imagerel $stateUnwindMap$main DD imagerel $ip2state$main xdata ENDS ; COMDAT xdata xdata SEGMENT $unwind$main DD 025053119H DD 010a230fH DD 07003003dH DD 05002H DD imagerel __GSHandlerCheck_EH4 DD imagerel $cppxdata$main DD 01d2H xdata ENDS ; COMDAT CONST CONST SEGMENT main$rtcName$0 DB 042H DB 06cH DB 06fH DB 063H DB 06bH DB 00H ORG $+2 main$rtcName$1 DB 04eH DB 06fH DB 074H DB 054H DB 061H DB 06bH DB 065H DB 06eH DB 00H ORG $+3 main$rtcName$2 DB 054H DB 061H DB 06bH DB 065H DB 06eH DB 00H ORG $+6 main$rtcVarDesc DD 0c8H DD 030H DQ FLAT:main$rtcName$2 DD 078H DD 030H DQ FLAT:main$rtcName$1 DD 028H DD 030H DQ FLAT:main$rtcName$0 ORG $+144 main$rtcFrameData DD 03H DD 00H DQ FLAT:main$rtcVarDesc CONST ENDS ; COMDAT xdata xdata SEGMENT $unwind$?MakeExecutableBuffer@@YAPEAXPEAXK@Z DD 025051701H DD 01122317H DD 0700b0021H DD 0500aH xdata ENDS ; COMDAT xdata xdata SEGMENT $unwind$??1_NATIVE_CODE_BLOCK@@QEAA@XZ DD 025051301H DD 010e2313H DD 07007001dH DD 05006H xdata ENDS ; 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COMDAT xdata xdata SEGMENT $unwind$??$_Getvals@_W@?$time_get@DV?$istreambuf_iterator@DU?$char_traits@D@std@@@std@@@std@@IEAAX_WAEBV_Locinfo@1@@Z DD 025061e01H DD 0119231eH DD 070120026H DD 050106011H xdata ENDS ; COMDAT xdata xdata SEGMENT $unwind$??$_Maklocstr@D@std@@YAPEADPEBDPEADAEBU_Cvtvec@@@Z DD 035051d01H DD 0118331dH DD 07011002bH DD 05010H xdata ENDS ; COMDAT xdata xdata SEGMENT $unwind$?_Maklocwcs@std@@YAPEA_WPEB_W@Z DD 035051301H DD 010e3313H DD 070070027H DD 05006H xdata ENDS ; COMDAT voltbl voltbl SEGMENT _volmd DW 040H DW 0231H voltbl ENDS ; COMDAT xdata xdata SEGMENT $unwind$??$_Maklocstr@_W@std@@YAPEA_WPEBDPEA_WAEBU_Cvtvec@@@Z DD 035054719H DD 0118331dH DD 070110047H DD 05010H DD imagerel __GSHandlerCheck DD 0228H xdata ENDS ; COMDAT CONST CONST SEGMENT ??$_Maklocstr@_W@std@@YAPEA_WPEBDPEA_WAEBU_Cvtvec@@@Z$rtcName$0 DB 05fH ; std::_Maklocstr DB 057H DB 063H DB 00H ??$_Maklocstr@_W@std@@YAPEA_WPEBDPEA_WAEBU_Cvtvec@@@Z$rtcName$1 DB 05fH ; std::_Maklocstr DB 04dH DB 062H DB 073H DB 074H DB 031H DB 00H ORG $+1 ??$_Maklocstr@_W@std@@YAPEA_WPEBDPEA_WAEBU_Cvtvec@@@Z$rtcName$2 DB 05fH ; 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std::_Container_base12::_Orphan_all_locked DB 04cH DB 06fH DB 063H DB 06bH DB 00H ORG $+10 ?_Orphan_all_locked@_Container_base12@std@@AEAAXXZ$rtcVarDesc DD 024H ; std::_Container_base12::_Orphan_all_locked DD 04H DQ FLAT:?_Orphan_all_locked@_Container_base12@std@@AEAAXXZ$rtcName$0 ORG $+48 ?_Orphan_all_locked@_Container_base12@std@@AEAAXXZ$rtcFrameData DD 01H ; std::_Container_base12::_Orphan_all_locked DD 00H DQ FLAT:?_Orphan_all_locked@_Container_base12@std@@AEAAXXZ$rtcVarDesc CONST ENDS ; COMDAT xdata xdata SEGMENT $unwind$?_Orphan_all_unlocked@_Container_base12@std@@AEAAXXZ DD 025051301H DD 010e2313H DD 070070021H DD 05006H xdata ENDS ; COMDAT xdata xdata SEGMENT $unwind$?_Orphan_all@_Container_base12@std@@QEAAXXZ DD 025051301H DD 010e2313H DD 07007001dH DD 05006H xdata ENDS ; COMDAT xdata xdata SEGMENT $unwind$?_Adjust_manually_vector_aligned@std@@YAXAEAPEAXAEA_K@Z DD 035051801H DD 01133318H DD 0700c002fH DD 0500bH xdata ENDS ; COMDAT xdata xdata SEGMENT $unwind$wmemcpy DD 025051d01H DD 0118231dH DD 07011001dH DD 05010H xdata ENDS ; COMDAT voltbl voltbl SEGMENT _volmd DB 045H DB 0bfH voltbl ENDS ; COMDAT xdata xdata SEGMENT $unwind$printf DD 025054c19H DD 011d2322H DD 07016002bH DD 05015H DD imagerel __GSHandlerCheck DD 0148H xdata ENDS ; COMDAT CONST CONST SEGMENT printf$rtcName$0 DB 05fH DB 041H DB 072H DB 067H DB 04cH DB 069H DB 073H DB 074H DB 00H ORG $+7 printf$rtcVarDesc DD 048H DD 08H DQ FLAT:printf$rtcName$0 ORG $+48 printf$rtcFrameData DD 01H DD 00H DQ FLAT:printf$rtcVarDesc CONST ENDS ; COMDAT xdata xdata SEGMENT $unwind$_vfprintf_l DD 035052201H DD 011d3322H DD 07016001fH DD 05015H xdata ENDS ; COMDAT xdata xdata SEGMENT $unwind$__local_stdio_printf_options DD 025050f01H DD 010a230fH DD 07003001dH DD 05002H xdata ENDS ; COMDAT xdata xdata SEGMENT $unwind$?__empty_global_delete@@YAXPEAX_KW4align_val_t@std@@@Z DD 025051d01H DD 0118231dH DD 07011001dH DD 05010H xdata ENDS ; COMDAT xdata xdata SEGMENT $unwind$?__empty_global_delete@@YAXPEAXW4align_val_t@std@@@Z DD 025051801H DD 01132318H DD 0700c001dH DD 0500bH xdata ENDS ; COMDAT xdata xdata SEGMENT $unwind$?__empty_global_delete@@YAXPEAX_K@Z DD 025051801H DD 01132318H DD 0700c001dH DD 0500bH xdata ENDS ; COMDAT xdata xdata SEGMENT $unwind$?__empty_global_delete@@YAXPEAX@Z DD 025051301H DD 010e2313H DD 07007001dH DD 05006H xdata ENDS ; Function compile flags: /Odt ; COMDAT __JustMyCode_Default _TEXT SEGMENT __JustMyCode_Default PROC ; COMDAT 00000 c2 00 00 ret 0 __JustMyCode_Default ENDP _TEXT ENDS ; Function compile flags: /Odtp /RTCsu /ZI ; File C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2019\Community\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.29.30037\include\xmemory ; COMDAT ?deallocate@?$_Default_allocator_traits@V?$allocator@U_Container_proxy@std@@@std@@@std@@SAXAEAV?$allocator@U_Container_proxy@std@@@2@QEAU_Container_proxy@2@_K@Z _TEXT SEGMENT _Al$ = 224 _Ptr$ = 232 _Count$ = 240 ?deallocate@?$_Default_allocator_traits@V?$allocator@U_Container_proxy@std@@@std@@@std@@SAXAEAV?$allocator@U_Container_proxy@std@@@2@QEAU_Container_proxy@2@_K@Z PROC ; std::_Default_allocator_traits >::deallocate, COMDAT ; 693 : static _CONSTEXPR20_DYNALLOC void deallocate(_Alloc& _Al, const pointer _Ptr, const size_type _Count) { $LN3: 00000 4c 89 44 24 18 mov QWORD PTR [rsp+24], r8 00005 48 89 54 24 10 mov QWORD PTR [rsp+16], rdx 0000a 48 89 4c 24 08 mov QWORD PTR [rsp+8], rcx 0000f 55 push rbp 00010 57 push rdi 00011 48 81 ec e8 00 00 00 sub rsp, 232 ; 000000e8H 00018 48 8d 6c 24 20 lea rbp, QWORD PTR [rsp+32] 0001d 48 8d 0d 00 00 00 00 lea rcx, OFFSET FLAT:__DD38B15A_xmemory 00024 e8 00 00 00 00 call __CheckForDebuggerJustMyCode ; 694 : // no overflow check on the following multiply; we assume _Allocate did that check ; 695 : #ifdef __cpp_lib_constexpr_dynamic_alloc // TRANSITION, GH-1532 ; 696 : if (_STD is_constant_evaluated()) { ; 697 : _Al.deallocate(_Ptr, _Count); ; 698 : } else ; 699 : #endif // __cpp_lib_constexpr_dynamic_alloc ; 700 : { ; 701 : (void) _Al; ; 702 : _Deallocate<_New_alignof>(_Ptr, sizeof(value_type) * _Count); 00029 48 6b 85 f0 00 00 00 10 imul rax, QWORD PTR _Count$[rbp], 16 00031 48 8b d0 mov rdx, rax 00034 48 8b 8d e8 00 00 00 mov rcx, QWORD PTR _Ptr$[rbp] 0003b e8 00 00 00 00 call ??$_Deallocate@$0BA@$0A@@std@@YAXPEAX_K@Z ; std::_Deallocate<16,0> ; 703 : } ; 704 : } 00040 48 8d a5 c8 00 00 00 lea rsp, QWORD PTR [rbp+200] 00047 5f pop rdi 00048 5d pop rbp 00049 c3 ret 0 ?deallocate@?$_Default_allocator_traits@V?$allocator@U_Container_proxy@std@@@std@@@std@@SAXAEAV?$allocator@U_Container_proxy@std@@@2@QEAU_Container_proxy@2@_K@Z ENDP ; std::_Default_allocator_traits >::deallocate _TEXT ENDS ; Function compile flags: /Odtp /RTCsu /ZI ; File C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2019\Community\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.29.30037\include\xmemory ; COMDAT ??$_Deallocate_plain@V?$allocator@U_Container_proxy@std@@@std@@@std@@YAXAEAV?$allocator@U_Container_proxy@std@@@0@QEAU_Container_proxy@0@@Z _TEXT SEGMENT _Al$ = 224 _Ptr$ = 232 ??$_Deallocate_plain@V?$allocator@U_Container_proxy@std@@@std@@@std@@YAXAEAV?$allocator@U_Container_proxy@std@@@0@QEAU_Container_proxy@0@@Z PROC ; std::_Deallocate_plain >, COMDAT ; 985 : _CONSTEXPR20_DYNALLOC void _Deallocate_plain(_Alloc& _Al, typename _Alloc::value_type* const _Ptr) noexcept { $LN3: 00000 48 89 54 24 10 mov QWORD PTR [rsp+16], rdx 00005 48 89 4c 24 08 mov QWORD PTR [rsp+8], rcx 0000a 55 push rbp 0000b 57 push rdi 0000c 48 81 ec e8 00 00 00 sub rsp, 232 ; 000000e8H 00013 48 8d 6c 24 20 lea rbp, QWORD PTR [rsp+32] 00018 48 8d 0d 00 00 00 00 lea rcx, OFFSET FLAT:__DD38B15A_xmemory 0001f e8 00 00 00 00 call __CheckForDebuggerJustMyCode ; 986 : // deallocate a plain pointer using an allocator ; 987 : using _Alloc_traits = allocator_traits<_Alloc>; ; 988 : if constexpr (is_same_v<_Alloc_ptr_t<_Alloc>, typename _Alloc::value_type*>) { ; 989 : _Alloc_traits::deallocate(_Al, _Ptr, 1); 00024 41 b8 01 00 00 00 mov r8d, 1 0002a 48 8b 95 e8 00 00 00 mov rdx, QWORD PTR _Ptr$[rbp] 00031 48 8b 8d e0 00 00 00 mov rcx, QWORD PTR _Al$[rbp] 00038 e8 00 00 00 00 call ?deallocate@?$_Default_allocator_traits@V?$allocator@U_Container_proxy@std@@@std@@@std@@SAXAEAV?$allocator@U_Container_proxy@std@@@2@QEAU_Container_proxy@2@_K@Z ; std::_Default_allocator_traits >::deallocate 0003d 90 npad 1 ; 990 : } else { ; 991 : using _Ptr_traits = pointer_traits<_Alloc_ptr_t<_Alloc>>; ; 992 : _Alloc_traits::deallocate(_Al, _Ptr_traits::pointer_to(*_Ptr), 1); ; 993 : } ; 994 : } 0003e 48 8d a5 c8 00 00 00 lea rsp, QWORD PTR [rbp+200] 00045 5f pop rdi 00046 5d pop rbp 00047 c3 ret 0 ??$_Deallocate_plain@V?$allocator@U_Container_proxy@std@@@std@@@std@@YAXAEAV?$allocator@U_Container_proxy@std@@@0@QEAU_Container_proxy@0@@Z ENDP ; std::_Deallocate_plain > _TEXT ENDS ; Function compile flags: /Odtp /RTCsu /ZI ; File C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2019\Community\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.29.30037\include\xmemory ; COMDAT ??$_Deallocate@$0BA@$0A@@std@@YAXPEAX_K@Z _TEXT SEGMENT _Ptr$ = 224 _Bytes$ = 232 ??$_Deallocate@$0BA@$0A@@std@@YAXPEAX_K@Z PROC ; std::_Deallocate<16,0>, COMDAT ; 251 : _CONSTEXPR20_DYNALLOC void _Deallocate(void* _Ptr, size_t _Bytes) noexcept { $LN4: 00000 48 89 54 24 10 mov QWORD PTR [rsp+16], rdx 00005 48 89 4c 24 08 mov QWORD PTR [rsp+8], rcx 0000a 55 push rbp 0000b 57 push rdi 0000c 48 81 ec e8 00 00 00 sub rsp, 232 ; 000000e8H 00013 48 8d 6c 24 20 lea rbp, QWORD PTR [rsp+32] 00018 48 8d 0d 00 00 00 00 lea rcx, OFFSET FLAT:__DD38B15A_xmemory 0001f e8 00 00 00 00 call __CheckForDebuggerJustMyCode ; 252 : // deallocate storage allocated by _Allocate when !_HAS_ALIGNED_NEW || _Align <= __STDCPP_DEFAULT_NEW_ALIGNMENT__ ; 253 : #ifdef __cpp_lib_constexpr_dynamic_alloc // TRANSITION, GH-1532 ; 254 : if (_STD is_constant_evaluated()) { ; 255 : ::operator delete(_Ptr); ; 256 : } else ; 257 : #endif // __cpp_lib_constexpr_dynamic_alloc ; 258 : { ; 259 : #if defined(_M_IX86) || defined(_M_X64) ; 260 : if (_Bytes >= _Big_allocation_threshold) { // boost the alignment of big allocations to help autovectorization 00024 48 81 bd e8 00 00 00 00 10 00 00 cmp QWORD PTR _Bytes$[rbp], 4096 ; 00001000H 0002f 72 13 jb SHORT $LN2@Deallocate ; 261 : _Adjust_manually_vector_aligned(_Ptr, _Bytes); 00031 48 8d 95 e8 00 00 00 lea rdx, QWORD PTR _Bytes$[rbp] 00038 48 8d 8d e0 00 00 00 lea rcx, QWORD PTR _Ptr$[rbp] 0003f e8 00 00 00 00 call ?_Adjust_manually_vector_aligned@std@@YAXAEAPEAXAEA_K@Z ; std::_Adjust_manually_vector_aligned $LN2@Deallocate: ; 262 : } ; 263 : #endif // defined(_M_IX86) || defined(_M_X64) ; 264 : ::operator delete(_Ptr, _Bytes); 00044 48 8b 95 e8 00 00 00 mov rdx, QWORD PTR _Bytes$[rbp] 0004b 48 8b 8d e0 00 00 00 mov rcx, QWORD PTR _Ptr$[rbp] 00052 e8 00 00 00 00 call ??3@YAXPEAX_K@Z ; operator delete 00057 90 npad 1 ; 265 : } ; 266 : } 00058 48 8d a5 c8 00 00 00 lea rsp, QWORD PTR [rbp+200] 0005f 5f pop rdi 00060 5d pop rbp 00061 c3 ret 0 ??$_Deallocate@$0BA@$0A@@std@@YAXPEAX_K@Z ENDP ; std::_Deallocate<16,0> _TEXT ENDS ; Function compile flags: /Odtp /RTCsu /ZI ; File C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2019\Community\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.29.30037\include\xmemory ; COMDAT ??$_Destroy_range@V?$allocator@K@std@@@std@@YAXPEAKQEAKAEAV?$allocator@K@0@@Z _TEXT SEGMENT _First$ = 224 _Last$ = 232 _Al$ = 240 ??$_Destroy_range@V?$allocator@K@std@@@std@@YAXPEAKQEAKAEAV?$allocator@K@0@@Z PROC ; std::_Destroy_range >, COMDAT ; 945 : _Alloc_ptr_t<_Alloc> _First, const _Alloc_ptr_t<_Alloc> _Last, _Alloc& _Al) noexcept { $LN3: 00000 4c 89 44 24 18 mov QWORD PTR [rsp+24], r8 00005 48 89 54 24 10 mov QWORD PTR [rsp+16], rdx 0000a 48 89 4c 24 08 mov QWORD PTR [rsp+8], rcx 0000f 55 push rbp 00010 57 push rdi 00011 48 81 ec e8 00 00 00 sub rsp, 232 ; 000000e8H 00018 48 8d 6c 24 20 lea rbp, QWORD PTR [rsp+32] 0001d 48 8d 0d 00 00 00 00 lea rcx, OFFSET FLAT:__DD38B15A_xmemory 00024 e8 00 00 00 00 call __CheckForDebuggerJustMyCode ; 946 : // note that this is an optimization for debug mode codegen; in release mode the BE removes all of this ; 947 : using _Ty = typename _Alloc::value_type; ; 948 : if constexpr (!conjunction_v, _Uses_default_destroy<_Alloc, _Ty*>>) { ; 949 : for (; _First != _Last; ++_First) { ; 950 : allocator_traits<_Alloc>::destroy(_Al, _Unfancy(_First)); ; 951 : } ; 952 : } ; 953 : } 00029 48 8d a5 c8 00 00 00 lea rsp, QWORD PTR [rbp+200] 00030 5f pop rdi 00031 5d pop rbp 00032 c3 ret 0 ??$_Destroy_range@V?$allocator@K@std@@@std@@YAXPEAKQEAKAEAV?$allocator@K@0@@Z ENDP ; std::_Destroy_range > _TEXT ENDS ; Function compile flags: /Odtp /RTCsu /ZI ; File C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2019\Community\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.29.30037\include\xmemory ; COMDAT ??$_Delete_plain_internal@V?$allocator@U_Container_proxy@std@@@std@@@std@@YAXAEAV?$allocator@U_Container_proxy@std@@@0@QEAU_Container_proxy@0@@Z _TEXT SEGMENT _Al$ = 224 _Ptr$ = 232 ??$_Delete_plain_internal@V?$allocator@U_Container_proxy@std@@@std@@@std@@YAXAEAV?$allocator@U_Container_proxy@std@@@0@QEAU_Container_proxy@0@@Z PROC ; std::_Delete_plain_internal >, COMDAT ; 998 : _CONSTEXPR20_DYNALLOC void _Delete_plain_internal(_Alloc& _Al, typename _Alloc::value_type* const _Ptr) noexcept { $LN3: 00000 48 89 54 24 10 mov QWORD PTR [rsp+16], rdx 00005 48 89 4c 24 08 mov QWORD PTR [rsp+8], rcx 0000a 55 push rbp 0000b 57 push rdi 0000c 48 81 ec e8 00 00 00 sub rsp, 232 ; 000000e8H 00013 48 8d 6c 24 20 lea rbp, QWORD PTR [rsp+32] 00018 48 8d 0d 00 00 00 00 lea rcx, OFFSET FLAT:__DD38B15A_xmemory 0001f e8 00 00 00 00 call __CheckForDebuggerJustMyCode ; 999 : // destroy *_Ptr in place, then deallocate _Ptr using _Al; used for internal container types the user didn't name ; 1000 : using _Ty = typename _Alloc::value_type; ; 1001 : _Ptr->~_Ty(); ; 1002 : _Deallocate_plain(_Al, _Ptr); 00024 48 8b 95 e8 00 00 00 mov rdx, QWORD PTR _Ptr$[rbp] 0002b 48 8b 8d e0 00 00 00 mov rcx, QWORD PTR _Al$[rbp] 00032 e8 00 00 00 00 call ??$_Deallocate_plain@V?$allocator@U_Container_proxy@std@@@std@@@std@@YAXAEAV?$allocator@U_Container_proxy@std@@@0@QEAU_Container_proxy@0@@Z ; std::_Deallocate_plain > ; 1003 : } 00037 48 8d a5 c8 00 00 00 lea rsp, QWORD PTR [rbp+200] 0003e 5f pop rdi 0003f 5d pop rbp 00040 c3 ret 0 ??$_Delete_plain_internal@V?$allocator@U_Container_proxy@std@@@std@@@std@@YAXAEAV?$allocator@U_Container_proxy@std@@@0@QEAU_Container_proxy@0@@Z ENDP ; std::_Delete_plain_internal > _TEXT ENDS ; Function compile flags: /Odtp /RTCsu /ZI ; File C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2019\Community\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.29.30037\include\utility ; COMDAT ??$exchange@PEAU_Container_proxy@std@@$$T@std@@YAPEAU_Container_proxy@0@AEAPEAU10@$$QEA$$T@Z _TEXT SEGMENT _Old_val$ = 8 _Val$ = 256 _New_val$ = 264 ??$exchange@PEAU_Container_proxy@std@@$$T@std@@YAPEAU_Container_proxy@0@AEAPEAU10@$$QEA$$T@Z PROC ; std::exchange, COMDAT ; 614 : conjunction_v, is_nothrow_assignable<_Ty&, _Other>>) /* strengthened */ { $LN3: 00000 48 89 54 24 10 mov QWORD PTR [rsp+16], rdx 00005 48 89 4c 24 08 mov QWORD PTR [rsp+8], rcx 0000a 55 push rbp 0000b 57 push rdi 0000c 48 81 ec 08 01 00 00 sub rsp, 264 ; 00000108H 00013 48 8d 6c 24 20 lea rbp, QWORD PTR [rsp+32] 00018 48 8d 0d 00 00 00 00 lea rcx, OFFSET FLAT:__B7ADD299_utility 0001f e8 00 00 00 00 call __CheckForDebuggerJustMyCode ; 615 : // assign _New_val to _Val, return previous _Val ; 616 : _Ty _Old_val = static_cast<_Ty&&>(_Val); 00024 48 8b 85 00 01 00 00 mov rax, QWORD PTR _Val$[rbp] 0002b 48 8b 00 mov rax, QWORD PTR [rax] 0002e 48 89 45 08 mov QWORD PTR _Old_val$[rbp], rax ; 617 : _Val = static_cast<_Other&&>(_New_val); 00032 48 8b 85 00 01 00 00 mov rax, QWORD PTR _Val$[rbp] 00039 48 8b 8d 08 01 00 00 mov rcx, QWORD PTR _New_val$[rbp] 00040 48 8b 09 mov rcx, QWORD PTR [rcx] 00043 48 89 08 mov QWORD PTR [rax], rcx ; 618 : return _Old_val; 00046 48 8b 45 08 mov rax, QWORD PTR _Old_val$[rbp] ; 619 : } 0004a 48 8d a5 e8 00 00 00 lea rsp, QWORD PTR [rbp+232] 00051 5f pop rdi 00052 5d pop rbp 00053 c3 ret 0 ??$exchange@PEAU_Container_proxy@std@@$$T@std@@YAPEAU_Container_proxy@0@AEAPEAU10@$$QEA$$T@Z ENDP ; std::exchange _TEXT ENDS ; Function compile flags: /Odtp /RTCsu /ZI ; File C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2019\Community\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.29.30037\include\xmemory ; COMDAT ??$?0K@?$allocator@U_Container_proxy@std@@@std@@QEAA@AEBV?$allocator@K@1@@Z _TEXT SEGMENT this$ = 224 __formal$ = 232 ??$?0K@?$allocator@U_Container_proxy@std@@@std@@QEAA@AEBV?$allocator@K@1@@Z PROC ; std::allocator::allocator, COMDAT ; 829 : constexpr allocator(const allocator<_Other>&) noexcept {} $LN3: 00000 48 89 54 24 10 mov QWORD PTR [rsp+16], rdx 00005 48 89 4c 24 08 mov QWORD PTR [rsp+8], rcx 0000a 55 push rbp 0000b 57 push rdi 0000c 48 81 ec e8 00 00 00 sub rsp, 232 ; 000000e8H 00013 48 8d 6c 24 20 lea rbp, QWORD PTR [rsp+32] 00018 48 8d 0d 00 00 00 00 lea rcx, OFFSET FLAT:__DD38B15A_xmemory 0001f e8 00 00 00 00 call __CheckForDebuggerJustMyCode 00024 48 8b 85 e0 00 00 00 mov rax, QWORD PTR this$[rbp] 0002b 48 8d a5 c8 00 00 00 lea rsp, QWORD PTR [rbp+200] 00032 5f pop rdi 00033 5d pop rbp 00034 c3 ret 0 ??$?0K@?$allocator@U_Container_proxy@std@@@std@@QEAA@AEBV?$allocator@K@1@@Z ENDP ; std::allocator::allocator _TEXT ENDS ; Function compile flags: /Odtp /RTCsu /ZI ; File C:\@\Work\code-virtualizer\CodeVirtualizer\Main.cpp ; COMDAT main _TEXT SEGMENT Block$ = 8 NotTaken$ = 88 Taken$ = 168 tv135 = 420 tv133 = 424 __$ArrayPad$ = 432 main PROC ; COMDAT ; 44 : { $LN6: 00000 40 55 push rbp 00002 57 push rdi 00003 48 81 ec e8 01 00 00 sub rsp, 488 ; 000001e8H 0000a 48 8d 6c 24 20 lea rbp, QWORD PTR [rsp+32] 0000f 48 8d 7c 24 20 lea rdi, QWORD PTR [rsp+32] 00014 b9 42 00 00 00 mov ecx, 66 ; 00000042H 00019 b8 cc cc cc cc mov eax, -858993460 ; ccccccccH 0001e f3 ab rep stosd 00020 48 8b 05 00 00 00 00 mov rax, QWORD PTR __security_cookie 00027 48 33 c5 xor rax, rbp 0002a 48 89 85 b0 01 00 00 mov QWORD PTR __$ArrayPad$[rbp], rax 00031 48 8d 0d 00 00 00 00 lea rcx, OFFSET FLAT:__386EB99F_Main@cpp 00038 e8 00 00 00 00 call __CheckForDebuggerJustMyCode ; 45 : XedTablesInit(); 0003d e8 00 00 00 00 call xed_tables_init ; 46 : srand(time(NULL)); 00042 33 c9 xor ecx, ecx 00044 e8 00 00 00 00 call time 00049 8b c8 mov ecx, eax 0004b ff 15 00 00 00 00 call QWORD PTR __imp_srand ; 47 : ; 48 : ; 49 : NATIVE_CODE_BLOCK Block; 00051 48 8d 4d 08 lea rcx, QWORD PTR Block$[rbp] 00055 e8 00 00 00 00 call ??0_NATIVE_CODE_BLOCK@@QEAA@XZ ; _NATIVE_CODE_BLOCK::_NATIVE_CODE_BLOCK 0005a 90 npad 1 ; 50 : NcDisassemble(&Block, TestBuffer, TestBufferSize); 0005b 44 8b 05 00 00 00 00 mov r8d, DWORD PTR ?TestBufferSize@@3KA ; TestBufferSize 00062 48 8d 15 00 00 00 00 lea rdx, OFFSET FLAT:?TestBuffer@@3PAEA ; TestBuffer 00069 48 8d 4d 08 lea rcx, QWORD PTR Block$[rbp] 0006d e8 00 00 00 00 call ?NcDisassemble@@YAHPEAU_NATIVE_CODE_BLOCK@@PEAXK@Z ; NcDisassemble ; 51 : NATIVE_CODE_BLOCK NotTaken; 00072 48 8d 4d 58 lea rcx, QWORD PTR NotTaken$[rbp] 00076 e8 00 00 00 00 call ??0_NATIVE_CODE_BLOCK@@QEAA@XZ ; _NATIVE_CODE_BLOCK::_NATIVE_CODE_BLOCK 0007b 90 npad 1 ; 52 : NATIVE_CODE_BLOCK Taken; 0007c 48 8d 8d a8 00 00 00 lea rcx, QWORD PTR Taken$[rbp] 00083 e8 00 00 00 00 call ??0_NATIVE_CODE_BLOCK@@QEAA@XZ ; _NATIVE_CODE_BLOCK::_NATIVE_CODE_BLOCK 00088 90 npad 1 ; 53 : printf("\n\nOriginal\n"); 00089 48 8d 0d 00 00 00 00 lea rcx, OFFSET FLAT:??_C@_0M@INKCCKOG@?6?6Original?6@ 00090 e8 00 00 00 00 call printf ; 54 : NcDebugPrint(&Block); 00095 48 8d 4d 08 lea rcx, QWORD PTR Block$[rbp] 00099 e8 00 00 00 00 call ?NcDebugPrint@@YAXPEAU_NATIVE_CODE_BLOCK@@@Z ; NcDebugPrint ; 55 : ObfCreateOpaqueBranches(Block.Start->Next, Block.Start->Next->Next->Next->Next, &NotTaken, &Taken); 0009e 48 8b 45 08 mov rax, QWORD PTR Block$[rbp] 000a2 48 8b 00 mov rax, QWORD PTR [rax] 000a5 48 8b 00 mov rax, QWORD PTR [rax] 000a8 48 8b 00 mov rax, QWORD PTR [rax] 000ab 4c 8d 8d a8 00 00 00 lea r9, QWORD PTR Taken$[rbp] 000b2 4c 8d 45 58 lea r8, QWORD PTR NotTaken$[rbp] 000b6 48 8b 10 mov rdx, QWORD PTR [rax] 000b9 48 8b 45 08 mov rax, QWORD PTR Block$[rbp] 000bd 48 8b 08 mov rcx, QWORD PTR [rax] 000c0 e8 00 00 00 00 call ?ObfCreateOpaqueBranches@@YAHPEAU_NATIVE_CODE_LINK@@0PEAU_NATIVE_CODE_BLOCK@@1@Z ; ObfCreateOpaqueBranches ; 56 : //printf("\n\nNotTaken\n"); ; 57 : //NcDebugPrint(&NotTaken); ; 58 : //printf("\n\nTaken\n"); ; 59 : //NcDebugPrint(&Taken); ; 60 : //printf("\n\nCombined\n"); ; 61 : ObfCombineOpaqueBranches(&NotTaken, &Taken, NcGenUnusedLabelId(&Block), NcGenUnusedLabelId(&Block)); 000c5 48 8d 4d 08 lea rcx, QWORD PTR Block$[rbp] 000c9 e8 00 00 00 00 call ?NcGenUnusedLabelId@@YAKPEAU_NATIVE_CODE_BLOCK@@@Z ; NcGenUnusedLabelId 000ce 89 85 a4 01 00 00 mov DWORD PTR tv135[rbp], eax 000d4 48 8d 4d 08 lea rcx, QWORD PTR Block$[rbp] 000d8 e8 00 00 00 00 call ?NcGenUnusedLabelId@@YAKPEAU_NATIVE_CODE_BLOCK@@@Z ; NcGenUnusedLabelId 000dd 89 85 a8 01 00 00 mov DWORD PTR tv133[rbp], eax 000e3 44 8b 8d a4 01 00 00 mov r9d, DWORD PTR tv135[rbp] 000ea 44 8b 85 a8 01 00 00 mov r8d, DWORD PTR tv133[rbp] 000f1 48 8d 95 a8 00 00 00 lea rdx, QWORD PTR Taken$[rbp] 000f8 48 8d 4d 58 lea rcx, QWORD PTR NotTaken$[rbp] 000fc e8 00 00 00 00 call ?ObfCombineOpaqueBranches@@YAHPEAU_NATIVE_CODE_BLOCK@@0KK@Z ; ObfCombineOpaqueBranches ; 62 : ObfInsertOpaqueBranchBlock(Block.Start->Next, Block.Start->Next->Next->Next->Next, &NotTaken); 00101 48 8b 45 08 mov rax, QWORD PTR Block$[rbp] 00105 48 8b 00 mov rax, QWORD PTR [rax] 00108 48 8b 00 mov rax, QWORD PTR [rax] 0010b 48 8b 00 mov rax, QWORD PTR [rax] 0010e 4c 8d 45 58 lea r8, QWORD PTR NotTaken$[rbp] 00112 48 8b 10 mov rdx, QWORD PTR [rax] 00115 48 8b 45 08 mov rax, QWORD PTR Block$[rbp] 00119 48 8b 08 mov rcx, QWORD PTR [rax] 0011c e8 00 00 00 00 call ?ObfInsertOpaqueBranchBlock@@YAHPEAU_NATIVE_CODE_LINK@@0PEAU_NATIVE_CODE_BLOCK@@@Z ; ObfInsertOpaqueBranchBlock ; 63 : printf("\n\nNew\n"); 00121 48 8d 0d 00 00 00 00 lea rcx, OFFSET FLAT:??_C@_06CHBCCLOP@?6?6New?6@ 00128 e8 00 00 00 00 call printf ; 64 : NcDebugPrint(&Block); 0012d 48 8d 4d 08 lea rcx, QWORD PTR Block$[rbp] 00131 e8 00 00 00 00 call ?NcDebugPrint@@YAXPEAU_NATIVE_CODE_BLOCK@@@Z ; NcDebugPrint 00136 90 npad 1 ; 65 : ; 66 : ; 67 : ; 68 : //PNATIVE_CODE_LINK Return1776 = new NATIVE_CODE_LINK(CODE_FLAG_IS_INST, meme1, sizeof(meme1)); ; 69 : //PNATIVE_CODE_LINK RetInst = new NATIVE_CODE_LINK(CODE_FLAG_IS_INST, meme2, sizeof(meme2)); ; 70 : //PNATIVE_CODE_BLOCK Pre1 = JitEmitPreRipMov(Return1776); ; 71 : //PNATIVE_CODE_BLOCK Post1 = JitEmitPostRipMov(Return1776); ; 72 : //PNATIVE_CODE_BLOCK Pre2 = JitEmitPreRipMov(RetInst); ; 73 : //PNATIVE_CODE_BLOCK Post2 = JitEmitPostRipMov(RetInst); ; 74 : ; 75 : //NcAppendToBlock(Pre1, Return1776); ; 76 : //NcInsertBlockAfter(Pre1->End, Post1, 0); ; 77 : //Pre1->End = Post1->End; ; 78 : //NcInsertBlockAfter(Pre1->End, Pre2, 0); ; 79 : //Pre1->End = Pre2->End; ; 80 : //NcAppendToBlock(Pre1, RetInst); ; 81 : //NcInsertBlockAfter(Pre1->End, Post2, 0); ; 82 : //Pre1->End = Post2->End; ; 83 : ; 84 : ///*Pre->Start = Return1776; ; 85 : //Pre->End = Return1776;*/ ; 86 : ; 87 : //for (ULONG i = 0; i < Return1776->RawDataSize; i++) ; 88 : // Return1776->RawData[i] = (UCHAR)rand(); ; 89 : //for (ULONG i = 0; i < RetInst->RawDataSize; i++) ; 90 : // RetInst->RawData[i] = (UCHAR)rand(); ; 91 : ; 92 : ; 93 : ; 94 : //ULONG AsmLen; ; 95 : //PVOID Asm = NcAssemble(Pre1, &AsmLen); ; 96 : //PUCHAR Tb = (PUCHAR)Asm; ; 97 : //for (uint32_t i = 0; i < AsmLen; i++) ; 98 : //{ ; 99 : // std::cout << std::hex << std::setw(2) << std::setfill('0') << (int)Tb[i] << ' '; ; 100 : //} ; 101 : ; 102 : //system("pause"); ; 103 : ; 104 : //typedef ULONG64(*FnGet1776)(); ; 105 : //FnGet1776 ExecBuffer = (FnGet1776)MakeExecutableBuffer(Asm, AsmLen); ; 106 : //if (ExecBuffer) ; 107 : //{ ; 108 : // printf("The numba was: %X\n", ExecBuffer()); ; 109 : // printf("The numba was: %X\n", ExecBuffer()); ; 110 : ; 111 : // printf("The numba was: %X\n", ExecBuffer()); ; 112 : ; 113 : // printf("The numba was: %X\n", ExecBuffer()); ; 114 : ; 115 : //} ; 116 : ; 117 : ; 118 : //NcDebugPrint(Post); ; 119 : ; 120 : ; 121 : ; 122 : /*NATIVE_CODE_BLOCK Block; ; 123 : NcDisassemble(&Block, TestBuffer, TestBufferSize); ; 124 : PNATIVE_CODE_LINK NewLink = new NATIVE_CODE_LINK(CODE_FLAG_IS_INST, meme1, sizeof(meme1)); ; 125 : ; 126 : NcInsertLinkBefore(Block.End->Prev->Prev->Prev->Prev, NewLink); ; 127 : ULONG AssembledSize; ; 128 : PVOID AssembledBlock = NcAssemble(&Block, &AssembledSize); ; 129 : if (!AssembledBlock || !AssembledSize) ; 130 : { ; 131 : printf("Something failed nicka.\n"); ; 132 : system("pause"); ; 133 : return -1; ; 134 : } ; 135 : PUCHAR Tb = (PUCHAR)AssembledBlock; ; 136 : for (uint32_t i = 0; i < AssembledSize; i++) ; 137 : { ; 138 : std::cout << std::hex << std::setw(2) << std::setfill('0') << (int)Tb[i] << ' '; ; 139 : } ; 140 : */ ; 141 : ; 142 : ; 143 : //PNATIVE_CODE_BLOCK OpaqueBranch = ObfGenOpaqueBranch(Block.Start, Block.End); ; 144 : //NcDebugPrint(OpaqueBranch); ; 145 : ; 146 : ; 147 : ; 148 : /*NATIVE_CODE_LINK T; ; 149 : T.RawDataSize = 10; ; 150 : T.RawData = new UCHAR[10]; ; 151 : memset(T.RawData, 0xAA, 10); ; 152 : JIT_BITWISE_DATA Data; ; 153 : RtlSecureZeroMemory(&Data, sizeof(JIT_BITWISE_DATA)); ; 154 : PNATIVE_CODE_BLOCK NewBlock = JitEmitPreRipMov(&T); ; 155 : if (NewBlock) ; 156 : { ; 157 : printf("\n"); ; 158 : NcDebugPrint(NewBlock); ; 159 : printf("\n"); ; 160 : NcPrintBlockCode(NewBlock); ; 161 : } ; 162 : system("pause");*/ ; 163 : ; 164 : } 00137 48 8d 8d a8 00 00 00 lea rcx, QWORD PTR Taken$[rbp] 0013e e8 00 00 00 00 call ??1_NATIVE_CODE_BLOCK@@QEAA@XZ 00143 90 npad 1 00144 48 8d 4d 58 lea rcx, QWORD PTR NotTaken$[rbp] 00148 e8 00 00 00 00 call ??1_NATIVE_CODE_BLOCK@@QEAA@XZ 0014d 90 npad 1 0014e 48 8d 4d 08 lea rcx, QWORD PTR Block$[rbp] 00152 e8 00 00 00 00 call ??1_NATIVE_CODE_BLOCK@@QEAA@XZ 00157 33 c0 xor eax, eax 00159 8b f8 mov edi, eax 0015b 48 8d 4d e0 lea rcx, QWORD PTR [rbp-32] 0015f 48 8d 15 00 00 00 00 lea rdx, OFFSET FLAT:main$rtcFrameData 00166 e8 00 00 00 00 call _RTC_CheckStackVars 0016b 8b c7 mov eax, edi 0016d 48 8b 8d b0 01 00 00 mov rcx, QWORD PTR __$ArrayPad$[rbp] 00174 48 33 cd xor rcx, rbp 00177 e8 00 00 00 00 call __security_check_cookie 0017c 48 8d a5 c8 01 00 00 lea rsp, QWORD PTR [rbp+456] 00183 5f pop rdi 00184 5d pop rbp 00185 c3 ret 0 main ENDP _TEXT ENDS ; COMDAT text$x text$x SEGMENT Block$ = 8 NotTaken$ = 88 Taken$ = 168 tv135 = 420 tv133 = 424 __$ArrayPad$ = 432 main$dtor$0 PROC 00000 48 89 4c 24 08 mov QWORD PTR [rsp+8], rcx 00005 48 89 54 24 10 mov QWORD PTR [rsp+16], rdx 0000a 55 push rbp 0000b 57 push rdi 0000c 48 83 ec 28 sub rsp, 40 ; 00000028H 00010 48 8d 6a 20 lea rbp, QWORD PTR [rdx+32] 00014 48 8d 4d 08 lea rcx, QWORD PTR Block$[rbp] 00018 e8 00 00 00 00 call ??1_NATIVE_CODE_BLOCK@@QEAA@XZ 0001d 48 83 c4 28 add rsp, 40 ; 00000028H 00021 5f pop rdi 00022 5d pop rbp 00023 c3 ret 0 main$dtor$0 ENDP text$x ENDS ; COMDAT text$x text$x SEGMENT Block$ = 8 NotTaken$ = 88 Taken$ = 168 tv135 = 420 tv133 = 424 __$ArrayPad$ = 432 main$dtor$1 PROC 00000 48 89 4c 24 08 mov QWORD PTR [rsp+8], rcx 00005 48 89 54 24 10 mov QWORD PTR [rsp+16], rdx 0000a 55 push rbp 0000b 57 push rdi 0000c 48 83 ec 28 sub rsp, 40 ; 00000028H 00010 48 8d 6a 20 lea rbp, QWORD PTR [rdx+32] 00014 48 8d 4d 58 lea rcx, QWORD PTR NotTaken$[rbp] 00018 e8 00 00 00 00 call ??1_NATIVE_CODE_BLOCK@@QEAA@XZ 0001d 48 83 c4 28 add rsp, 40 ; 00000028H 00021 5f pop rdi 00022 5d pop rbp 00023 c3 ret 0 main$dtor$1 ENDP text$x ENDS ; COMDAT text$x text$x SEGMENT Block$ = 8 NotTaken$ = 88 Taken$ = 168 tv135 = 420 tv133 = 424 __$ArrayPad$ = 432 main$dtor$2 PROC 00000 48 89 4c 24 08 mov QWORD PTR [rsp+8], rcx 00005 48 89 54 24 10 mov QWORD PTR [rsp+16], rdx 0000a 55 push rbp 0000b 57 push rdi 0000c 48 83 ec 28 sub rsp, 40 ; 00000028H 00010 48 8d 6a 20 lea rbp, QWORD PTR [rdx+32] 00014 48 8d 8d a8 00 00 00 lea rcx, QWORD PTR Taken$[rbp] 0001b e8 00 00 00 00 call ??1_NATIVE_CODE_BLOCK@@QEAA@XZ 00020 48 83 c4 28 add rsp, 40 ; 00000028H 00024 5f pop rdi 00025 5d pop rbp 00026 c3 ret 0 main$dtor$2 ENDP text$x ENDS ; Function compile flags: /Odtp /RTCsu /ZI ; COMDAT text$x text$x SEGMENT Block$ = 8 NotTaken$ = 88 Taken$ = 168 tv135 = 420 tv133 = 424 __$ArrayPad$ = 432 main$dtor$0 PROC 00000 48 89 4c 24 08 mov QWORD PTR [rsp+8], rcx 00005 48 89 54 24 10 mov QWORD PTR [rsp+16], rdx 0000a 55 push rbp 0000b 57 push rdi 0000c 48 83 ec 28 sub rsp, 40 ; 00000028H 00010 48 8d 6a 20 lea rbp, QWORD PTR [rdx+32] 00014 48 8d 4d 08 lea rcx, QWORD PTR Block$[rbp] 00018 e8 00 00 00 00 call ??1_NATIVE_CODE_BLOCK@@QEAA@XZ 0001d 48 83 c4 28 add rsp, 40 ; 00000028H 00021 5f pop rdi 00022 5d pop rbp 00023 c3 ret 0 main$dtor$0 ENDP text$x ENDS ; Function compile flags: /Odtp /RTCsu /ZI ; COMDAT text$x text$x SEGMENT Block$ = 8 NotTaken$ = 88 Taken$ = 168 tv135 = 420 tv133 = 424 __$ArrayPad$ = 432 main$dtor$1 PROC 00000 48 89 4c 24 08 mov QWORD PTR [rsp+8], rcx 00005 48 89 54 24 10 mov QWORD PTR [rsp+16], rdx 0000a 55 push rbp 0000b 57 push rdi 0000c 48 83 ec 28 sub rsp, 40 ; 00000028H 00010 48 8d 6a 20 lea rbp, QWORD PTR [rdx+32] 00014 48 8d 4d 58 lea rcx, QWORD PTR NotTaken$[rbp] 00018 e8 00 00 00 00 call ??1_NATIVE_CODE_BLOCK@@QEAA@XZ 0001d 48 83 c4 28 add rsp, 40 ; 00000028H 00021 5f pop rdi 00022 5d pop rbp 00023 c3 ret 0 main$dtor$1 ENDP text$x ENDS ; Function compile flags: /Odtp /RTCsu /ZI ; COMDAT text$x text$x SEGMENT Block$ = 8 NotTaken$ = 88 Taken$ = 168 tv135 = 420 tv133 = 424 __$ArrayPad$ = 432 main$dtor$2 PROC 00000 48 89 4c 24 08 mov QWORD PTR [rsp+8], rcx 00005 48 89 54 24 10 mov QWORD PTR [rsp+16], rdx 0000a 55 push rbp 0000b 57 push rdi 0000c 48 83 ec 28 sub rsp, 40 ; 00000028H 00010 48 8d 6a 20 lea rbp, QWORD PTR [rdx+32] 00014 48 8d 8d a8 00 00 00 lea rcx, QWORD PTR Taken$[rbp] 0001b e8 00 00 00 00 call ??1_NATIVE_CODE_BLOCK@@QEAA@XZ 00020 48 83 c4 28 add rsp, 40 ; 00000028H 00024 5f pop rdi 00025 5d pop rbp 00026 c3 ret 0 main$dtor$2 ENDP text$x ENDS ; Function compile flags: /Odtp /RTCsu /ZI ; File C:\@\Work\code-virtualizer\CodeVirtualizer\Main.cpp ; COMDAT ?MakeExecutableBuffer@@YAPEAXPEAXK@Z _TEXT SEGMENT ExecBuffer$ = 8 Buffer$ = 256 BufferSize$ = 264 ?MakeExecutableBuffer@@YAPEAXPEAXK@Z PROC ; MakeExecutableBuffer, COMDAT ; 14 : { $LN4: 00000 89 54 24 10 mov DWORD PTR [rsp+16], edx 00004 48 89 4c 24 08 mov QWORD PTR [rsp+8], rcx 00009 55 push rbp 0000a 57 push rdi 0000b 48 81 ec 08 01 00 00 sub rsp, 264 ; 00000108H 00012 48 8d 6c 24 20 lea rbp, QWORD PTR [rsp+32] 00017 48 8d 0d 00 00 00 00 lea rcx, OFFSET FLAT:__386EB99F_Main@cpp 0001e e8 00 00 00 00 call __CheckForDebuggerJustMyCode ; 15 : PVOID ExecBuffer = VirtualAlloc(nullptr, BufferSize, MEM_COMMIT, PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE); 00023 8b 85 08 01 00 00 mov eax, DWORD PTR BufferSize$[rbp] 00029 41 b9 40 00 00 00 mov r9d, 64 ; 00000040H 0002f 41 b8 00 10 00 00 mov r8d, 4096 ; 00001000H 00035 8b d0 mov edx, eax 00037 33 c9 xor ecx, ecx 00039 ff 15 00 00 00 00 call QWORD PTR __imp_VirtualAlloc 0003f 48 89 45 08 mov QWORD PTR ExecBuffer$[rbp], rax ; 16 : if (!ExecBuffer) 00043 48 83 7d 08 00 cmp QWORD PTR ExecBuffer$[rbp], 0 00048 75 04 jne SHORT $LN2@MakeExecut ; 17 : return NULL; 0004a 33 c0 xor eax, eax 0004c eb 19 jmp SHORT $LN1@MakeExecut $LN2@MakeExecut: ; 18 : RtlCopyMemory(ExecBuffer, Buffer, BufferSize); 0004e 8b 85 08 01 00 00 mov eax, DWORD PTR BufferSize$[rbp] 00054 44 8b c0 mov r8d, eax 00057 48 8b 95 00 01 00 00 mov rdx, QWORD PTR Buffer$[rbp] 0005e 48 8b 4d 08 mov rcx, QWORD PTR ExecBuffer$[rbp] 00062 e8 00 00 00 00 call memcpy $LN1@MakeExecut: ; 19 : } 00067 48 8d a5 e8 00 00 00 lea rsp, QWORD PTR [rbp+232] 0006e 5f pop rdi 0006f 5d pop rbp 00070 c3 ret 0 ?MakeExecutableBuffer@@YAPEAXPEAXK@Z ENDP ; MakeExecutableBuffer _TEXT ENDS ; Function compile flags: /Odtp /RTCsu /ZI ; COMDAT ??1_NATIVE_CODE_BLOCK@@QEAA@XZ _TEXT SEGMENT this$ = 224 ??1_NATIVE_CODE_BLOCK@@QEAA@XZ PROC ; _NATIVE_CODE_BLOCK::~_NATIVE_CODE_BLOCK, COMDAT $LN3: 00000 48 89 4c 24 08 mov QWORD PTR [rsp+8], rcx 00005 55 push rbp 00006 57 push rdi 00007 48 81 ec e8 00 00 00 sub rsp, 232 ; 000000e8H 0000e 48 8d 6c 24 20 lea rbp, QWORD PTR [rsp+32] 00013 48 8b 85 e0 00 00 00 mov rax, QWORD PTR this$[rbp] 0001a 48 83 c0 10 add rax, 16 0001e 48 8b c8 mov rcx, rax 00021 e8 00 00 00 00 call ??1?$vector@KV?$allocator@K@std@@@std@@QEAA@XZ ; std::vector >::~vector > 00026 48 8d a5 c8 00 00 00 lea rsp, QWORD PTR [rbp+200] 0002d 5f pop rdi 0002e 5d pop rbp 0002f c3 ret 0 ??1_NATIVE_CODE_BLOCK@@QEAA@XZ ENDP ; _NATIVE_CODE_BLOCK::~_NATIVE_CODE_BLOCK _TEXT ENDS ; Function compile flags: /Odtp /RTCsu /ZI ; File C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2019\Community\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.29.30037\include\xmemory ; COMDAT ?_Get_first@?$_Compressed_pair@V?$allocator@K@std@@V?$_Vector_val@U?$_Simple_types@K@std@@@2@$00@std@@QEAAAEAV?$allocator@K@2@XZ _TEXT SEGMENT this$ = 224 ?_Get_first@?$_Compressed_pair@V?$allocator@K@std@@V?$_Vector_val@U?$_Simple_types@K@std@@@2@$00@std@@QEAAAEAV?$allocator@K@2@XZ PROC ; std::_Compressed_pair,std::_Vector_val >,1>::_Get_first, COMDAT ; 1377 : constexpr _Ty1& _Get_first() noexcept { $LN3: 00000 48 89 4c 24 08 mov QWORD PTR [rsp+8], rcx 00005 55 push rbp 00006 57 push rdi 00007 48 81 ec e8 00 00 00 sub rsp, 232 ; 000000e8H 0000e 48 8d 6c 24 20 lea rbp, QWORD PTR [rsp+32] 00013 48 8d 0d 00 00 00 00 lea rcx, OFFSET FLAT:__DD38B15A_xmemory 0001a e8 00 00 00 00 call __CheckForDebuggerJustMyCode ; 1378 : return *this; 0001f 48 8b 85 e0 00 00 00 mov rax, QWORD PTR this$[rbp] ; 1379 : } 00026 48 8d a5 c8 00 00 00 lea rsp, QWORD PTR [rbp+200] 0002d 5f pop rdi 0002e 5d pop rbp 0002f c3 ret 0 ?_Get_first@?$_Compressed_pair@V?$allocator@K@std@@V?$_Vector_val@U?$_Simple_types@K@std@@@2@$00@std@@QEAAAEAV?$allocator@K@2@XZ ENDP ; std::_Compressed_pair,std::_Vector_val >,1>::_Get_first _TEXT ENDS ; Function compile flags: /Odtp /RTCsu /ZI ; File C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2019\Community\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.29.30037\include\vector ; COMDAT ?_Getal@?$vector@KV?$allocator@K@std@@@std@@AEAAAEAV?$allocator@K@2@XZ _TEXT SEGMENT this$ = 224 ?_Getal@?$vector@KV?$allocator@K@std@@@std@@AEAAAEAV?$allocator@K@2@XZ PROC ; std::vector >::_Getal, COMDAT ; 1817 : _NODISCARD _CONSTEXPR20_CONTAINER _Alty& _Getal() noexcept { $LN3: 00000 48 89 4c 24 08 mov QWORD PTR [rsp+8], rcx 00005 55 push rbp 00006 57 push rdi 00007 48 81 ec e8 00 00 00 sub rsp, 232 ; 000000e8H 0000e 48 8d 6c 24 20 lea rbp, QWORD PTR [rsp+32] 00013 48 8d 0d 00 00 00 00 lea rcx, OFFSET FLAT:__092B7E84_vector 0001a e8 00 00 00 00 call __CheckForDebuggerJustMyCode ; 1818 : return _Mypair._Get_first(); 0001f 48 8b 85 e0 00 00 00 mov rax, QWORD PTR this$[rbp] 00026 48 8b c8 mov rcx, rax 00029 e8 00 00 00 00 call ?_Get_first@?$_Compressed_pair@V?$allocator@K@std@@V?$_Vector_val@U?$_Simple_types@K@std@@@2@$00@std@@QEAAAEAV?$allocator@K@2@XZ ; std::_Compressed_pair,std::_Vector_val >,1>::_Get_first ; 1819 : } 0002e 48 8d a5 c8 00 00 00 lea rsp, QWORD PTR [rbp+200] 00035 5f pop rdi 00036 5d pop rbp 00037 c3 ret 0 ?_Getal@?$vector@KV?$allocator@K@std@@@std@@AEAAAEAV?$allocator@K@2@XZ ENDP ; std::vector >::_Getal _TEXT ENDS ; Function compile flags: /Odtp /RTCsu /ZI ; File C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2019\Community\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.29.30037\include\vector ; COMDAT ?_Tidy@?$vector@KV?$allocator@K@std@@@std@@AEAAXXZ _TEXT SEGMENT _My_data$ = 8 _Myfirst$ = 40 _Mylast$ = 72 _Myend$ = 104 tv90 = 312 tv88 = 320 tv86 = 328 this$ = 368 ?_Tidy@?$vector@KV?$allocator@K@std@@@std@@AEAAXXZ PROC ; std::vector >::_Tidy, COMDAT ; 1755 : _CONSTEXPR20_CONTAINER void _Tidy() noexcept { // free all storage $LN4: 00000 48 89 4c 24 08 mov QWORD PTR [rsp+8], rcx 00005 55 push rbp 00006 57 push rdi 00007 48 81 ec 78 01 00 00 sub rsp, 376 ; 00000178H 0000e 48 8d 6c 24 20 lea rbp, QWORD PTR [rsp+32] 00013 48 8d 0d 00 00 00 00 lea rcx, OFFSET FLAT:__092B7E84_vector 0001a e8 00 00 00 00 call __CheckForDebuggerJustMyCode ; 1756 : auto& _My_data = _Mypair._Myval2; 0001f 48 8b 85 70 01 00 00 mov rax, QWORD PTR this$[rbp] 00026 48 89 45 08 mov QWORD PTR _My_data$[rbp], rax ; 1757 : pointer& _Myfirst = _My_data._Myfirst; 0002a 48 8b 45 08 mov rax, QWORD PTR _My_data$[rbp] 0002e 48 83 c0 08 add rax, 8 00032 48 89 45 28 mov QWORD PTR _Myfirst$[rbp], rax ; 1758 : pointer& _Mylast = _My_data._Mylast; 00036 48 8b 45 08 mov rax, QWORD PTR _My_data$[rbp] 0003a 48 83 c0 10 add rax, 16 0003e 48 89 45 48 mov QWORD PTR _Mylast$[rbp], rax ; 1759 : pointer& _Myend = _My_data._Myend; 00042 48 8b 45 08 mov rax, QWORD PTR _My_data$[rbp] 00046 48 83 c0 18 add rax, 24 0004a 48 89 45 68 mov QWORD PTR _Myend$[rbp], rax ; 1760 : ; 1761 : _My_data._Orphan_all(); 0004e 48 8b 4d 08 mov rcx, QWORD PTR _My_data$[rbp] 00052 e8 00 00 00 00 call ?_Orphan_all@_Container_base12@std@@QEAAXXZ ; std::_Container_base12::_Orphan_all ; 1762 : ; 1763 : if (_Myfirst) { // destroy and deallocate old array 00057 48 8b 45 28 mov rax, QWORD PTR _Myfirst$[rbp] 0005b 48 83 38 00 cmp QWORD PTR [rax], 0 0005f 0f 84 92 00 00 00 je $LN2@Tidy ; 1764 : _Destroy(_Myfirst, _Mylast); 00065 48 8b 45 48 mov rax, QWORD PTR _Mylast$[rbp] 00069 4c 8b 00 mov r8, QWORD PTR [rax] 0006c 48 8b 45 28 mov rax, QWORD PTR _Myfirst$[rbp] 00070 48 8b 10 mov rdx, QWORD PTR [rax] 00073 48 8b 8d 70 01 00 00 mov rcx, QWORD PTR this$[rbp] 0007a e8 00 00 00 00 call ?_Destroy@?$vector@KV?$allocator@K@std@@@std@@AEAAXPEAK0@Z ; std::vector >::_Destroy ; 1765 : _Getal().deallocate(_Myfirst, static_cast(_Myend - _Myfirst)); 0007f 48 8b 8d 70 01 00 00 mov rcx, QWORD PTR this$[rbp] 00086 e8 00 00 00 00 call ?_Getal@?$vector@KV?$allocator@K@std@@@std@@AEAAAEAV?$allocator@K@2@XZ ; std::vector >::_Getal 0008b 48 89 85 38 01 00 00 mov QWORD PTR tv90[rbp], rax 00092 48 8b 45 68 mov rax, QWORD PTR _Myend$[rbp] 00096 48 8b 4d 28 mov rcx, QWORD PTR _Myfirst$[rbp] 0009a 48 8b 09 mov rcx, QWORD PTR [rcx] 0009d 48 8b 00 mov rax, QWORD PTR [rax] 000a0 48 2b c1 sub rax, rcx 000a3 48 c1 f8 02 sar rax, 2 000a7 48 89 85 40 01 00 00 mov QWORD PTR tv88[rbp], rax 000ae 48 8b 45 28 mov rax, QWORD PTR _Myfirst$[rbp] 000b2 48 8b 00 mov rax, QWORD PTR [rax] 000b5 48 89 85 48 01 00 00 mov QWORD PTR tv86[rbp], rax 000bc 4c 8b 85 40 01 00 00 mov r8, QWORD PTR tv88[rbp] 000c3 48 8b 95 48 01 00 00 mov rdx, QWORD PTR tv86[rbp] 000ca 48 8b 8d 38 01 00 00 mov rcx, QWORD PTR tv90[rbp] 000d1 e8 00 00 00 00 call ?deallocate@?$allocator@K@std@@QEAAXQEAK_K@Z ; std::allocator::deallocate ; 1766 : ; 1767 : _Myfirst = nullptr; 000d6 48 8b 45 28 mov rax, QWORD PTR _Myfirst$[rbp] 000da 48 c7 00 00 00 00 00 mov QWORD PTR [rax], 0 ; 1768 : _Mylast = nullptr; 000e1 48 8b 45 48 mov rax, QWORD PTR _Mylast$[rbp] 000e5 48 c7 00 00 00 00 00 mov QWORD PTR [rax], 0 ; 1769 : _Myend = nullptr; 000ec 48 8b 45 68 mov rax, QWORD PTR _Myend$[rbp] 000f0 48 c7 00 00 00 00 00 mov QWORD PTR [rax], 0 $LN2@Tidy: ; 1770 : } ; 1771 : } 000f7 48 8d a5 58 01 00 00 lea rsp, QWORD PTR [rbp+344] 000fe 5f pop rdi 000ff 5d pop rbp 00100 c3 ret 0 ?_Tidy@?$vector@KV?$allocator@K@std@@@std@@AEAAXXZ ENDP ; std::vector >::_Tidy _TEXT ENDS ; Function compile flags: /Odtp /RTCsu /ZI ; File C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2019\Community\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.29.30037\include\vector ; COMDAT ?_Destroy@?$vector@KV?$allocator@K@std@@@std@@AEAAXPEAK0@Z _TEXT SEGMENT this$ = 224 _First$ = 232 _Last$ = 240 ?_Destroy@?$vector@KV?$allocator@K@std@@@std@@AEAAXPEAK0@Z PROC ; std::vector >::_Destroy, COMDAT ; 1678 : _CONSTEXPR20_CONTAINER void _Destroy(pointer _First, pointer _Last) { $LN3: 00000 4c 89 44 24 18 mov QWORD PTR [rsp+24], r8 00005 48 89 54 24 10 mov QWORD PTR [rsp+16], rdx 0000a 48 89 4c 24 08 mov QWORD PTR [rsp+8], rcx 0000f 55 push rbp 00010 57 push rdi 00011 48 81 ec e8 00 00 00 sub rsp, 232 ; 000000e8H 00018 48 8d 6c 24 20 lea rbp, QWORD PTR [rsp+32] 0001d 48 8d 0d 00 00 00 00 lea rcx, OFFSET FLAT:__092B7E84_vector 00024 e8 00 00 00 00 call __CheckForDebuggerJustMyCode ; 1679 : // destroy [_First, _Last) using allocator ; 1680 : _Destroy_range(_First, _Last, _Getal()); 00029 48 8b 8d e0 00 00 00 mov rcx, QWORD PTR this$[rbp] 00030 e8 00 00 00 00 call ?_Getal@?$vector@KV?$allocator@K@std@@@std@@AEAAAEAV?$allocator@K@2@XZ ; std::vector >::_Getal 00035 4c 8b c0 mov r8, rax 00038 48 8b 95 f0 00 00 00 mov rdx, QWORD PTR _Last$[rbp] 0003f 48 8b 8d e8 00 00 00 mov rcx, QWORD PTR _First$[rbp] 00046 e8 00 00 00 00 call ??$_Destroy_range@V?$allocator@K@std@@@std@@YAXPEAKQEAKAEAV?$allocator@K@0@@Z ; std::_Destroy_range > ; 1681 : } 0004b 48 8d a5 c8 00 00 00 lea rsp, QWORD PTR [rbp+200] 00052 5f pop rdi 00053 5d pop rbp 00054 c3 ret 0 ?_Destroy@?$vector@KV?$allocator@K@std@@@std@@AEAAXPEAK0@Z ENDP ; std::vector >::_Destroy _TEXT ENDS ; Function compile flags: /Odtp /RTCsu /ZI ; File C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2019\Community\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.29.30037\include\vector ; COMDAT ??1?$vector@KV?$allocator@K@std@@@std@@QEAA@XZ _TEXT SEGMENT _Alproxy$ = 8 $S1$ = 36 $T4 = 260 __$ArrayPad$ = 280 this$ = 320 ??1?$vector@KV?$allocator@K@std@@@std@@QEAA@XZ PROC ; std::vector >::~vector >, COMDAT ; 711 : _CONSTEXPR20_CONTAINER ~vector() noexcept { $LN3: 00000 48 89 4c 24 08 mov QWORD PTR [rsp+8], rcx 00005 55 push rbp 00006 57 push rdi 00007 48 81 ec 48 01 00 00 sub rsp, 328 ; 00000148H 0000e 48 8d 6c 24 20 lea rbp, QWORD PTR [rsp+32] 00013 48 8d 7c 24 20 lea rdi, QWORD PTR [rsp+32] 00018 b9 1a 00 00 00 mov ecx, 26 0001d b8 cc cc cc cc mov eax, -858993460 ; ccccccccH 00022 f3 ab rep stosd 00024 48 8b 8c 24 68 01 00 00 mov rcx, QWORD PTR [rsp+360] 0002c 48 8b 05 00 00 00 00 mov rax, QWORD PTR __security_cookie 00033 48 33 c5 xor rax, rbp 00036 48 89 85 18 01 00 00 mov QWORD PTR __$ArrayPad$[rbp], rax 0003d 48 8d 0d 00 00 00 00 lea rcx, OFFSET FLAT:__092B7E84_vector 00044 e8 00 00 00 00 call __CheckForDebuggerJustMyCode ; 712 : _Tidy(); 00049 48 8b 8d 40 01 00 00 mov rcx, QWORD PTR this$[rbp] 00050 e8 00 00 00 00 call ?_Tidy@?$vector@KV?$allocator@K@std@@@std@@AEAAXXZ ; std::vector >::_Tidy ; 713 : #if _ITERATOR_DEBUG_LEVEL != 0 ; 714 : auto&& _Alproxy = _GET_PROXY_ALLOCATOR(_Alty, _Getal()); 00055 48 8b 8d 40 01 00 00 mov rcx, QWORD PTR this$[rbp] 0005c e8 00 00 00 00 call ?_Getal@?$vector@KV?$allocator@K@std@@@std@@AEAAAEAV?$allocator@K@2@XZ ; std::vector >::_Getal 00061 48 8b d0 mov rdx, rax 00064 48 8d 4d 24 lea rcx, QWORD PTR $S1$[rbp] 00068 e8 00 00 00 00 call ??$?0K@?$allocator@U_Container_proxy@std@@@std@@QEAA@AEBV?$allocator@K@1@@Z ; std::allocator::allocator 0006d 48 8d 45 24 lea rax, QWORD PTR $S1$[rbp] 00071 48 89 45 08 mov QWORD PTR _Alproxy$[rbp], rax ; 715 : _Delete_plain_internal(_Alproxy, _STD exchange(_Mypair._Myval2._Myproxy, nullptr)); 00075 48 c7 85 04 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 mov QWORD PTR $T4[rbp], 0 00080 48 8b 85 40 01 00 00 mov rax, QWORD PTR this$[rbp] 00087 48 8d 95 04 01 00 00 lea rdx, QWORD PTR $T4[rbp] 0008e 48 8b c8 mov rcx, rax 00091 e8 00 00 00 00 call ??$exchange@PEAU_Container_proxy@std@@$$T@std@@YAPEAU_Container_proxy@0@AEAPEAU10@$$QEA$$T@Z ; std::exchange 00096 48 8b d0 mov rdx, rax 00099 48 8b 4d 08 mov rcx, QWORD PTR _Alproxy$[rbp] 0009d e8 00 00 00 00 call ??$_Delete_plain_internal@V?$allocator@U_Container_proxy@std@@@std@@@std@@YAXAEAV?$allocator@U_Container_proxy@std@@@0@QEAU_Container_proxy@0@@Z ; std::_Delete_plain_internal > ; 716 : #endif // _ITERATOR_DEBUG_LEVEL != 0 ; 717 : } 000a2 48 8d 4d e0 lea rcx, QWORD PTR [rbp-32] 000a6 48 8d 15 00 00 00 00 lea rdx, OFFSET FLAT:??1?$vector@KV?$allocator@K@std@@@std@@QEAA@XZ$rtcFrameData 000ad e8 00 00 00 00 call _RTC_CheckStackVars 000b2 48 8b 8d 18 01 00 00 mov rcx, QWORD PTR __$ArrayPad$[rbp] 000b9 48 33 cd xor rcx, rbp 000bc e8 00 00 00 00 call __security_check_cookie 000c1 48 8d a5 28 01 00 00 lea rsp, QWORD PTR [rbp+296] 000c8 5f pop rdi 000c9 5d pop rbp 000ca c3 ret 0 ??1?$vector@KV?$allocator@K@std@@@std@@QEAA@XZ ENDP ; std::vector >::~vector > _TEXT ENDS ; Function compile flags: /Odtp /RTCsu /ZI ; File C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2019\Community\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.29.30037\include\xmemory ; COMDAT ?deallocate@?$allocator@K@std@@QEAAXQEAK_K@Z _TEXT SEGMENT this$ = 224 _Ptr$ = 232 _Count$ = 240 ?deallocate@?$allocator@K@std@@QEAAXQEAK_K@Z PROC ; std::allocator::deallocate, COMDAT ; 833 : _CONSTEXPR20_DYNALLOC void deallocate(_Ty* const _Ptr, const size_t _Count) { $LN3: 00000 4c 89 44 24 18 mov QWORD PTR [rsp+24], r8 00005 48 89 54 24 10 mov QWORD PTR [rsp+16], rdx 0000a 48 89 4c 24 08 mov QWORD PTR [rsp+8], rcx 0000f 55 push rbp 00010 57 push rdi 00011 48 81 ec e8 00 00 00 sub rsp, 232 ; 000000e8H 00018 48 8d 6c 24 20 lea rbp, QWORD PTR [rsp+32] 0001d 48 8d 0d 00 00 00 00 lea rcx, OFFSET FLAT:__DD38B15A_xmemory 00024 e8 00 00 00 00 call __CheckForDebuggerJustMyCode ; 834 : // no overflow check on the following multiply; we assume _Allocate did that check ; 835 : _Deallocate<_New_alignof<_Ty>>(_Ptr, sizeof(_Ty) * _Count); 00029 48 8b 85 f0 00 00 00 mov rax, QWORD PTR _Count$[rbp] 00030 48 c1 e0 02 shl rax, 2 00034 48 8b d0 mov rdx, rax 00037 48 8b 8d e8 00 00 00 mov rcx, QWORD PTR _Ptr$[rbp] 0003e e8 00 00 00 00 call ??$_Deallocate@$0BA@$0A@@std@@YAXPEAX_K@Z ; std::_Deallocate<16,0> ; 836 : } 00043 48 8d a5 c8 00 00 00 lea rsp, QWORD PTR [rbp+200] 0004a 5f pop rdi 0004b 5d pop rbp 0004c c3 ret 0 ?deallocate@?$allocator@K@std@@QEAAXQEAK_K@Z ENDP ; std::allocator::deallocate _TEXT ENDS ; Function compile flags: /Odtp /RTCsu /ZI ; File C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2019\Community\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.29.30037\include\xloctime ; COMDAT ??$_Getvals@_W@?$time_get@_WV?$istreambuf_iterator@_WU?$char_traits@_W@std@@@std@@@std@@IEAAX_WAEBV_Locinfo@1@@Z _TEXT SEGMENT $T1 = 200 tv93 = 264 tv85 = 264 this$ = 304 __formal$ = 312 _Lobj$ = 320 ??$_Getvals@_W@?$time_get@_WV?$istreambuf_iterator@_WU?$char_traits@_W@std@@@std@@@std@@IEAAX_WAEBV_Locinfo@1@@Z PROC ; std::time_get > >::_Getvals, COMDAT ; 173 : void __CLR_OR_THIS_CALL _Getvals(_Elem2, const _Locinfo& _Lobj) { // get values $LN5: 00000 4c 89 44 24 18 mov QWORD PTR [rsp+24], r8 00005 66 89 54 24 10 mov WORD PTR [rsp+16], dx 0000a 48 89 4c 24 08 mov QWORD PTR [rsp+8], rcx 0000f 55 push rbp 00010 56 push rsi 00011 57 push rdi 00012 48 81 ec 30 01 00 00 sub rsp, 304 ; 00000130H 00019 48 8d 6c 24 20 lea rbp, QWORD PTR [rsp+32] 0001e 48 8d 0d 00 00 00 00 lea rcx, OFFSET FLAT:__B7A2C865_xloctime 00025 e8 00 00 00 00 call __CheckForDebuggerJustMyCode ; 174 : _Cvt = _Lobj._Getcvt(); 0002a 48 8d 95 c8 00 00 00 lea rdx, QWORD PTR $T1[rbp] 00031 48 8b 8d 40 01 00 00 mov rcx, QWORD PTR _Lobj$[rbp] 00038 ff 15 00 00 00 00 call QWORD PTR __imp_?_Getcvt@_Locinfo@std@@QEBA?AU_Cvtvec@@XZ 0003e 48 8b 8d 30 01 00 00 mov rcx, QWORD PTR this$[rbp] 00045 48 8d 79 2c lea rdi, QWORD PTR [rcx+44] 00049 48 8b f0 mov rsi, rax 0004c b9 2c 00 00 00 mov ecx, 44 ; 0000002cH 00051 f3 a4 rep movsb ; 175 : ; 176 : if (is_same_v<_Elem2, wchar_t>) { 00053 33 c0 xor eax, eax 00055 83 f8 01 cmp eax, 1 00058 74 5c je SHORT $LN2@Getvals ; 177 : _Days = reinterpret_cast(_Maklocwcs(reinterpret_cast(_Lobj._W_Getdays()))); 0005a 48 8b 8d 40 01 00 00 mov rcx, QWORD PTR _Lobj$[rbp] 00061 ff 15 00 00 00 00 call QWORD PTR __imp_?_W_Getdays@_Locinfo@std@@QEBAPEBGXZ 00067 48 8b c8 mov rcx, rax 0006a e8 00 00 00 00 call ?_Maklocwcs@std@@YAPEA_WPEB_W@Z ; std::_Maklocwcs 0006f 48 8b 8d 30 01 00 00 mov rcx, QWORD PTR this$[rbp] 00076 48 89 41 10 mov QWORD PTR [rcx+16], rax ; 178 : _Months = 0007a 48 8b 8d 40 01 00 00 mov rcx, QWORD PTR _Lobj$[rbp] 00081 ff 15 00 00 00 00 call QWORD PTR __imp_?_W_Getmonths@_Locinfo@std@@QEBAPEBGXZ 00087 48 8b c8 mov rcx, rax 0008a e8 00 00 00 00 call ?_Maklocwcs@std@@YAPEA_WPEB_W@Z ; std::_Maklocwcs 0008f 48 8b 8d 30 01 00 00 mov rcx, QWORD PTR this$[rbp] 00096 48 89 41 18 mov QWORD PTR [rcx+24], rax ; 179 : reinterpret_cast(_Maklocwcs(reinterpret_cast(_Lobj._W_Getmonths()))); ; 180 : _Ampm = reinterpret_cast(_Maklocwcs(L":AM:am:PM:pm")); 0009a 48 8d 0d 00 00 00 00 lea rcx, OFFSET FLAT:??_C@_1BK@MHIKGOKE@?$AA?3?$AAA?$AAM?$AA?3?$AAa?$AAm?$AA?3?$AAP?$AAM?$AA?3?$AAp?$AAm@ 000a1 e8 00 00 00 00 call ?_Maklocwcs@std@@YAPEA_WPEB_W@Z ; std::_Maklocwcs 000a6 48 8b 8d 30 01 00 00 mov rcx, QWORD PTR this$[rbp] 000ad 48 89 41 20 mov QWORD PTR [rcx+32], rax ; 181 : } else { 000b1 e9 a3 00 00 00 jmp $LN3@Getvals $LN2@Getvals: ; 182 : _Days = _Maklocstr(_Lobj._Getdays(), static_cast<_Elem*>(nullptr), _Cvt); 000b6 48 8b 85 30 01 00 00 mov rax, QWORD PTR this$[rbp] 000bd 48 83 c0 2c add rax, 44 ; 0000002cH 000c1 48 89 85 08 01 00 00 mov QWORD PTR tv85[rbp], rax 000c8 48 8b 8d 40 01 00 00 mov rcx, QWORD PTR _Lobj$[rbp] 000cf ff 15 00 00 00 00 call QWORD PTR __imp_?_Getdays@_Locinfo@std@@QEBAPEBDXZ 000d5 48 8b 8d 08 01 00 00 mov rcx, QWORD PTR tv85[rbp] 000dc 4c 8b c1 mov r8, rcx 000df 33 d2 xor edx, edx 000e1 48 8b c8 mov rcx, rax 000e4 e8 00 00 00 00 call ??$_Maklocstr@_W@std@@YAPEA_WPEBDPEA_WAEBU_Cvtvec@@@Z ; std::_Maklocstr 000e9 48 8b 8d 30 01 00 00 mov rcx, QWORD PTR this$[rbp] 000f0 48 89 41 10 mov QWORD PTR [rcx+16], rax ; 183 : _Months = _Maklocstr(_Lobj._Getmonths(), static_cast<_Elem*>(nullptr), _Cvt); 000f4 48 8b 85 30 01 00 00 mov rax, QWORD PTR this$[rbp] 000fb 48 83 c0 2c add rax, 44 ; 0000002cH 000ff 48 89 85 08 01 00 00 mov QWORD PTR tv93[rbp], rax 00106 48 8b 8d 40 01 00 00 mov rcx, QWORD PTR _Lobj$[rbp] 0010d ff 15 00 00 00 00 call QWORD PTR __imp_?_Getmonths@_Locinfo@std@@QEBAPEBDXZ 00113 48 8b 8d 08 01 00 00 mov rcx, QWORD PTR tv93[rbp] 0011a 4c 8b c1 mov r8, rcx 0011d 33 d2 xor edx, edx 0011f 48 8b c8 mov rcx, rax 00122 e8 00 00 00 00 call ??$_Maklocstr@_W@std@@YAPEA_WPEBDPEA_WAEBU_Cvtvec@@@Z ; std::_Maklocstr 00127 48 8b 8d 30 01 00 00 mov rcx, QWORD PTR this$[rbp] 0012e 48 89 41 18 mov QWORD PTR [rcx+24], rax ; 184 : _Ampm = _Maklocstr(":AM:am:PM:pm", static_cast<_Elem*>(nullptr), _Cvt); 00132 48 8b 85 30 01 00 00 mov rax, QWORD PTR this$[rbp] 00139 48 83 c0 2c add rax, 44 ; 0000002cH 0013d 4c 8b c0 mov r8, rax 00140 33 d2 xor edx, edx 00142 48 8d 0d 00 00 00 00 lea rcx, OFFSET FLAT:??_C@_0N@LPFKKEBD@?3AM?3am?3PM?3pm@ 00149 e8 00 00 00 00 call ??$_Maklocstr@_W@std@@YAPEA_WPEBDPEA_WAEBU_Cvtvec@@@Z ; std::_Maklocstr 0014e 48 8b 8d 30 01 00 00 mov rcx, QWORD PTR this$[rbp] 00155 48 89 41 20 mov QWORD PTR [rcx+32], rax $LN3@Getvals: ; 185 : } ; 186 : } 00159 48 8d a5 10 01 00 00 lea rsp, QWORD PTR [rbp+272] 00160 5f pop rdi 00161 5e pop rsi 00162 5d pop rbp 00163 c3 ret 0 ??$_Getvals@_W@?$time_get@_WV?$istreambuf_iterator@_WU?$char_traits@_W@std@@@std@@@std@@IEAAX_WAEBV_Locinfo@1@@Z ENDP ; std::time_get > >::_Getvals _TEXT ENDS ; Function compile flags: /Odtp /RTCsu /ZI ; File C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2019\Community\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.29.30037\include\xloctime ; COMDAT ??$_Getvals@_W@?$time_get@DV?$istreambuf_iterator@DU?$char_traits@D@std@@@std@@@std@@IEAAX_WAEBV_Locinfo@1@@Z _TEXT SEGMENT $T1 = 200 tv93 = 264 tv85 = 264 this$ = 304 __formal$ = 312 _Lobj$ = 320 ??$_Getvals@_W@?$time_get@DV?$istreambuf_iterator@DU?$char_traits@D@std@@@std@@@std@@IEAAX_WAEBV_Locinfo@1@@Z PROC ; std::time_get > >::_Getvals, COMDAT ; 173 : void __CLR_OR_THIS_CALL _Getvals(_Elem2, const _Locinfo& _Lobj) { // get values $LN5: 00000 4c 89 44 24 18 mov QWORD PTR [rsp+24], r8 00005 66 89 54 24 10 mov WORD PTR [rsp+16], dx 0000a 48 89 4c 24 08 mov QWORD PTR [rsp+8], rcx 0000f 55 push rbp 00010 56 push rsi 00011 57 push rdi 00012 48 81 ec 30 01 00 00 sub rsp, 304 ; 00000130H 00019 48 8d 6c 24 20 lea rbp, QWORD PTR [rsp+32] 0001e 48 8d 0d 00 00 00 00 lea rcx, OFFSET FLAT:__B7A2C865_xloctime 00025 e8 00 00 00 00 call __CheckForDebuggerJustMyCode ; 174 : _Cvt = _Lobj._Getcvt(); 0002a 48 8d 95 c8 00 00 00 lea rdx, QWORD PTR $T1[rbp] 00031 48 8b 8d 40 01 00 00 mov rcx, QWORD PTR _Lobj$[rbp] 00038 ff 15 00 00 00 00 call QWORD PTR __imp_?_Getcvt@_Locinfo@std@@QEBA?AU_Cvtvec@@XZ 0003e 48 8b 8d 30 01 00 00 mov rcx, QWORD PTR this$[rbp] 00045 48 8d 79 2c lea rdi, QWORD PTR [rcx+44] 00049 48 8b f0 mov rsi, rax 0004c b9 2c 00 00 00 mov ecx, 44 ; 0000002cH 00051 f3 a4 rep movsb ; 175 : ; 176 : if (is_same_v<_Elem2, wchar_t>) { 00053 33 c0 xor eax, eax 00055 83 f8 01 cmp eax, 1 00058 74 5c je SHORT $LN2@Getvals ; 177 : _Days = reinterpret_cast(_Maklocwcs(reinterpret_cast(_Lobj._W_Getdays()))); 0005a 48 8b 8d 40 01 00 00 mov rcx, QWORD PTR _Lobj$[rbp] 00061 ff 15 00 00 00 00 call QWORD PTR __imp_?_W_Getdays@_Locinfo@std@@QEBAPEBGXZ 00067 48 8b c8 mov rcx, rax 0006a e8 00 00 00 00 call ?_Maklocwcs@std@@YAPEA_WPEB_W@Z ; std::_Maklocwcs 0006f 48 8b 8d 30 01 00 00 mov rcx, QWORD PTR this$[rbp] 00076 48 89 41 10 mov QWORD PTR [rcx+16], rax ; 178 : _Months = 0007a 48 8b 8d 40 01 00 00 mov rcx, QWORD PTR _Lobj$[rbp] 00081 ff 15 00 00 00 00 call QWORD PTR __imp_?_W_Getmonths@_Locinfo@std@@QEBAPEBGXZ 00087 48 8b c8 mov rcx, rax 0008a e8 00 00 00 00 call ?_Maklocwcs@std@@YAPEA_WPEB_W@Z ; std::_Maklocwcs 0008f 48 8b 8d 30 01 00 00 mov rcx, QWORD PTR this$[rbp] 00096 48 89 41 18 mov QWORD PTR [rcx+24], rax ; 179 : reinterpret_cast(_Maklocwcs(reinterpret_cast(_Lobj._W_Getmonths()))); ; 180 : _Ampm = reinterpret_cast(_Maklocwcs(L":AM:am:PM:pm")); 0009a 48 8d 0d 00 00 00 00 lea rcx, OFFSET FLAT:??_C@_1BK@MHIKGOKE@?$AA?3?$AAA?$AAM?$AA?3?$AAa?$AAm?$AA?3?$AAP?$AAM?$AA?3?$AAp?$AAm@ 000a1 e8 00 00 00 00 call ?_Maklocwcs@std@@YAPEA_WPEB_W@Z ; std::_Maklocwcs 000a6 48 8b 8d 30 01 00 00 mov rcx, QWORD PTR this$[rbp] 000ad 48 89 41 20 mov QWORD PTR [rcx+32], rax ; 181 : } else { 000b1 e9 a3 00 00 00 jmp $LN3@Getvals $LN2@Getvals: ; 182 : _Days = _Maklocstr(_Lobj._Getdays(), static_cast<_Elem*>(nullptr), _Cvt); 000b6 48 8b 85 30 01 00 00 mov rax, QWORD PTR this$[rbp] 000bd 48 83 c0 2c add rax, 44 ; 0000002cH 000c1 48 89 85 08 01 00 00 mov QWORD PTR tv85[rbp], rax 000c8 48 8b 8d 40 01 00 00 mov rcx, QWORD PTR _Lobj$[rbp] 000cf ff 15 00 00 00 00 call QWORD PTR __imp_?_Getdays@_Locinfo@std@@QEBAPEBDXZ 000d5 48 8b 8d 08 01 00 00 mov rcx, QWORD PTR tv85[rbp] 000dc 4c 8b c1 mov r8, rcx 000df 33 d2 xor edx, edx 000e1 48 8b c8 mov rcx, rax 000e4 e8 00 00 00 00 call ??$_Maklocstr@D@std@@YAPEADPEBDPEADAEBU_Cvtvec@@@Z ; std::_Maklocstr 000e9 48 8b 8d 30 01 00 00 mov rcx, QWORD PTR this$[rbp] 000f0 48 89 41 10 mov QWORD PTR [rcx+16], rax ; 183 : _Months = _Maklocstr(_Lobj._Getmonths(), static_cast<_Elem*>(nullptr), _Cvt); 000f4 48 8b 85 30 01 00 00 mov rax, QWORD PTR this$[rbp] 000fb 48 83 c0 2c add rax, 44 ; 0000002cH 000ff 48 89 85 08 01 00 00 mov QWORD PTR tv93[rbp], rax 00106 48 8b 8d 40 01 00 00 mov rcx, QWORD PTR _Lobj$[rbp] 0010d ff 15 00 00 00 00 call QWORD PTR __imp_?_Getmonths@_Locinfo@std@@QEBAPEBDXZ 00113 48 8b 8d 08 01 00 00 mov rcx, QWORD PTR tv93[rbp] 0011a 4c 8b c1 mov r8, rcx 0011d 33 d2 xor edx, edx 0011f 48 8b c8 mov rcx, rax 00122 e8 00 00 00 00 call ??$_Maklocstr@D@std@@YAPEADPEBDPEADAEBU_Cvtvec@@@Z ; std::_Maklocstr 00127 48 8b 8d 30 01 00 00 mov rcx, QWORD PTR this$[rbp] 0012e 48 89 41 18 mov QWORD PTR [rcx+24], rax ; 184 : _Ampm = _Maklocstr(":AM:am:PM:pm", static_cast<_Elem*>(nullptr), _Cvt); 00132 48 8b 85 30 01 00 00 mov rax, QWORD PTR this$[rbp] 00139 48 83 c0 2c add rax, 44 ; 0000002cH 0013d 4c 8b c0 mov r8, rax 00140 33 d2 xor edx, edx 00142 48 8d 0d 00 00 00 00 lea rcx, OFFSET FLAT:??_C@_0N@LPFKKEBD@?3AM?3am?3PM?3pm@ 00149 e8 00 00 00 00 call ??$_Maklocstr@D@std@@YAPEADPEBDPEADAEBU_Cvtvec@@@Z ; std::_Maklocstr 0014e 48 8b 8d 30 01 00 00 mov rcx, QWORD PTR this$[rbp] 00155 48 89 41 20 mov QWORD PTR [rcx+32], rax $LN3@Getvals: ; 185 : } ; 186 : } 00159 48 8d a5 10 01 00 00 lea rsp, QWORD PTR [rbp+272] 00160 5f pop rdi 00161 5e pop rsi 00162 5d pop rbp 00163 c3 ret 0 ??$_Getvals@_W@?$time_get@DV?$istreambuf_iterator@DU?$char_traits@D@std@@@std@@@std@@IEAAX_WAEBV_Locinfo@1@@Z ENDP ; std::time_get > >::_Getvals _TEXT ENDS ; Function compile flags: /Odtp /RTCsu /ZI ; File C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2019\Community\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.29.30037\include\xlocale ; COMDAT ??$_Maklocstr@D@std@@YAPEADPEBDPEADAEBU_Cvtvec@@@Z _TEXT SEGMENT _Count$ = 8 _Ptrdest$ = 40 _Ptrnext$1 = 72 _Ptr$ = 320 __formal$ = 328 __formal$ = 336 ??$_Maklocstr@D@std@@YAPEADPEBDPEADAEBU_Cvtvec@@@Z PROC ; std::_Maklocstr, COMDAT ; 522 : _Elem* __CRTDECL _Maklocstr(const char* _Ptr, _Elem*, const _Locinfo::_Cvtvec&) { $LN7: 00000 4c 89 44 24 18 mov QWORD PTR [rsp+24], r8 00005 48 89 54 24 10 mov QWORD PTR [rsp+16], rdx 0000a 48 89 4c 24 08 mov QWORD PTR [rsp+8], rcx 0000f 55 push rbp 00010 57 push rdi 00011 48 81 ec 58 01 00 00 sub rsp, 344 ; 00000158H 00018 48 8d 6c 24 30 lea rbp, QWORD PTR [rsp+48] 0001d 48 8d 0d 00 00 00 00 lea rcx, OFFSET FLAT:__76D543F7_xlocale 00024 e8 00 00 00 00 call __CheckForDebuggerJustMyCode ; 523 : // convert C string to _Elem sequence using _Cvtvec ; 524 : size_t _Count = _CSTD strlen(_Ptr) + 1; 00029 48 8b 8d 40 01 00 00 mov rcx, QWORD PTR _Ptr$[rbp] 00030 e8 00 00 00 00 call strlen 00035 48 ff c0 inc rax 00038 48 89 45 08 mov QWORD PTR _Count$[rbp], rax ; 525 : ; 526 : _Elem* _Ptrdest = static_cast<_Elem*>(_calloc_dbg(_Count, sizeof(_Elem), _CRT_BLOCK, __FILE__, __LINE__)); 0003c c7 44 24 20 0e 02 00 00 mov DWORD PTR [rsp+32], 526 ; 0000020eH 00044 4c 8d 0d 00 00 00 00 lea r9, OFFSET FLAT:??_C@_0GI@LEPEPCM@C?3?2Program?5Files?5?$CIx86?$CJ?2Microsof@ 0004b 41 b8 02 00 00 00 mov r8d, 2 00051 ba 01 00 00 00 mov edx, 1 00056 48 8b 4d 08 mov rcx, QWORD PTR _Count$[rbp] 0005a ff 15 00 00 00 00 call QWORD PTR __imp__calloc_dbg 00060 48 89 45 28 mov QWORD PTR _Ptrdest$[rbp], rax ; 527 : ; 528 : if (!_Ptrdest) { 00064 48 83 7d 28 00 cmp QWORD PTR _Ptrdest$[rbp], 0 00069 75 05 jne SHORT $LN5@Maklocstr ; 529 : _Xbad_alloc(); 0006b e8 00 00 00 00 call ?_Xbad_alloc@std@@YAXXZ ; std::_Xbad_alloc $LN5@Maklocstr: ; 530 : } ; 531 : ; 532 : for (_Elem* _Ptrnext = _Ptrdest; 0 < _Count; --_Count, ++_Ptrnext, ++_Ptr) { 00070 48 8b 45 28 mov rax, QWORD PTR _Ptrdest$[rbp] 00074 48 89 45 48 mov QWORD PTR _Ptrnext$1[rbp], rax 00078 eb 27 jmp SHORT $LN4@Maklocstr $LN2@Maklocstr: 0007a 48 8b 45 08 mov rax, QWORD PTR _Count$[rbp] 0007e 48 ff c8 dec rax 00081 48 89 45 08 mov QWORD PTR _Count$[rbp], rax 00085 48 8b 45 48 mov rax, QWORD PTR _Ptrnext$1[rbp] 00089 48 ff c0 inc rax 0008c 48 89 45 48 mov QWORD PTR _Ptrnext$1[rbp], rax 00090 48 8b 85 40 01 00 00 mov rax, QWORD PTR _Ptr$[rbp] 00097 48 ff c0 inc rax 0009a 48 89 85 40 01 00 00 mov QWORD PTR _Ptr$[rbp], rax $LN4@Maklocstr: 000a1 48 83 7d 08 00 cmp QWORD PTR _Count$[rbp], 0 000a6 76 12 jbe SHORT $LN3@Maklocstr ; 533 : *_Ptrnext = static_cast<_Elem>(static_cast(*_Ptr)); 000a8 48 8b 45 48 mov rax, QWORD PTR _Ptrnext$1[rbp] 000ac 48 8b 8d 40 01 00 00 mov rcx, QWORD PTR _Ptr$[rbp] 000b3 0f b6 09 movzx ecx, BYTE PTR [rcx] 000b6 88 08 mov BYTE PTR [rax], cl ; 534 : } 000b8 eb c0 jmp SHORT $LN2@Maklocstr $LN3@Maklocstr: ; 535 : ; 536 : return _Ptrdest; 000ba 48 8b 45 28 mov rax, QWORD PTR _Ptrdest$[rbp] $LN6@Maklocstr: ; 537 : } 000be 48 8d a5 28 01 00 00 lea rsp, QWORD PTR [rbp+296] 000c5 5f pop rdi 000c6 5d pop rbp 000c7 c3 ret 0 ??$_Maklocstr@D@std@@YAPEADPEBDPEADAEBU_Cvtvec@@@Z ENDP ; std::_Maklocstr _TEXT ENDS ; Function compile flags: /Odtp /RTCsu /ZI ; File C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2019\Community\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.29.30037\include\xlocnum ; COMDAT ?_Maklocwcs@std@@YAPEA_WPEB_W@Z _TEXT SEGMENT _Count$ = 8 _Ptrdest$ = 40 _Ptr$ = 288 ?_Maklocwcs@std@@YAPEA_WPEB_W@Z PROC ; std::_Maklocwcs, COMDAT ; 90 : inline wchar_t* _Maklocwcs(const wchar_t* _Ptr) { // copy NTWCS to allocated storage $LN4: 00000 48 89 4c 24 08 mov QWORD PTR [rsp+8], rcx 00005 55 push rbp 00006 57 push rdi 00007 48 81 ec 38 01 00 00 sub rsp, 312 ; 00000138H 0000e 48 8d 6c 24 30 lea rbp, QWORD PTR [rsp+48] 00013 48 8d 0d 00 00 00 00 lea rcx, OFFSET FLAT:__E85225E0_xlocnum 0001a e8 00 00 00 00 call __CheckForDebuggerJustMyCode ; 91 : const size_t _Count = _CSTD wcslen(_Ptr) + 1; 0001f 48 8b 8d 20 01 00 00 mov rcx, QWORD PTR _Ptr$[rbp] 00026 ff 15 00 00 00 00 call QWORD PTR __imp_wcslen 0002c 48 ff c0 inc rax 0002f 48 89 45 08 mov QWORD PTR _Count$[rbp], rax ; 92 : ; 93 : wchar_t* _Ptrdest = static_cast(_calloc_dbg(_Count, sizeof(wchar_t), _CRT_BLOCK, __FILE__, __LINE__)); 00033 8b 05 00 00 00 00 mov eax, DWORD PTR ?__LINE__Var@?0??_Maklocwcs@std@@YAPEA_WPEB_W@Z@4JA 00039 83 c0 03 add eax, 3 0003c 89 44 24 20 mov DWORD PTR [rsp+32], eax 00040 4c 8d 0d 00 00 00 00 lea r9, OFFSET FLAT:??_C@_0GI@IIACENIN@C?3?2Program?5Files?5?$CIx86?$CJ?2Microsof@ 00047 41 b8 02 00 00 00 mov r8d, 2 0004d ba 02 00 00 00 mov edx, 2 00052 48 8b 4d 08 mov rcx, QWORD PTR _Count$[rbp] 00056 ff 15 00 00 00 00 call QWORD PTR __imp__calloc_dbg 0005c 48 89 45 28 mov QWORD PTR _Ptrdest$[rbp], rax ; 94 : ; 95 : if (!_Ptrdest) { 00060 48 83 7d 28 00 cmp QWORD PTR _Ptrdest$[rbp], 0 00065 75 05 jne SHORT $LN2@Maklocwcs ; 96 : _Xbad_alloc(); 00067 e8 00 00 00 00 call ?_Xbad_alloc@std@@YAXXZ ; std::_Xbad_alloc $LN2@Maklocwcs: ; 97 : } ; 98 : ; 99 : _CSTD wmemcpy(_Ptrdest, _Ptr, _Count); 0006c 4c 8b 45 08 mov r8, QWORD PTR _Count$[rbp] 00070 48 8b 95 20 01 00 00 mov rdx, QWORD PTR _Ptr$[rbp] 00077 48 8b 4d 28 mov rcx, QWORD PTR _Ptrdest$[rbp] 0007b e8 00 00 00 00 call wmemcpy ; 100 : return _Ptrdest; 00080 48 8b 45 28 mov rax, QWORD PTR _Ptrdest$[rbp] $LN3@Maklocwcs: ; 101 : } 00084 48 8d a5 08 01 00 00 lea rsp, QWORD PTR [rbp+264] 0008b 5f pop rdi 0008c 5d pop rbp 0008d c3 ret 0 ?_Maklocwcs@std@@YAPEA_WPEB_W@Z ENDP ; std::_Maklocwcs _TEXT ENDS ; Function compile flags: /Odtp /RTCsu /ZI ; File C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2019\Community\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.29.30037\include\xlocale ; COMDAT ??$_Maklocstr@_W@std@@YAPEA_WPEBDPEA_WAEBU_Cvtvec@@@Z _TEXT SEGMENT _Count$ = 8 _Count1$ = 40 _Wchars$ = 72 _Ptr1$ = 104 _Bytes$ = 132 _Wc$ = 164 _Mbst1$ = 200 _Ptrdest$ = 232 _Ptrnext$ = 264 _Mbst2$ = 296 __$ArrayPad$ = 504 _Ptr$ = 544 __formal$ = 552 _Cvt$ = 560 ??$_Maklocstr@_W@std@@YAPEA_WPEBDPEA_WAEBU_Cvtvec@@@Z PROC ; std::_Maklocstr, COMDAT ; 540 : inline wchar_t* __CRTDECL _Maklocstr(const char* _Ptr, wchar_t*, const _Locinfo::_Cvtvec& _Cvt) { $LN12: 00000 4c 89 44 24 18 mov QWORD PTR [rsp+24], r8 00005 48 89 54 24 10 mov QWORD PTR [rsp+16], rdx 0000a 48 89 4c 24 08 mov QWORD PTR [rsp+8], rcx 0000f 55 push rbp 00010 57 push rdi 00011 48 81 ec 38 02 00 00 sub rsp, 568 ; 00000238H 00018 48 8d 6c 24 30 lea rbp, QWORD PTR [rsp+48] 0001d 48 8d 7c 24 30 lea rdi, QWORD PTR [rsp+48] 00022 b9 52 00 00 00 mov ecx, 82 ; 00000052H 00027 b8 cc cc cc cc mov eax, -858993460 ; ccccccccH 0002c f3 ab rep stosd 0002e 48 8b 8c 24 58 02 00 00 mov rcx, QWORD PTR [rsp+600] 00036 48 8b 05 00 00 00 00 mov rax, QWORD PTR __security_cookie 0003d 48 33 c5 xor rax, rbp 00040 48 89 85 f8 01 00 00 mov QWORD PTR __$ArrayPad$[rbp], rax 00047 48 8d 0d 00 00 00 00 lea rcx, OFFSET FLAT:__76D543F7_xlocale 0004e e8 00 00 00 00 call __CheckForDebuggerJustMyCode ; 541 : // convert C string to wchar_t sequence using _Cvtvec ; 542 : size_t _Count; ; 543 : size_t _Count1; ; 544 : size_t _Wchars; ; 545 : const char* _Ptr1; ; 546 : int _Bytes; ; 547 : wchar_t _Wc; ; 548 : mbstate_t _Mbst1 = {}; 00053 48 8d 85 c8 00 00 00 lea rax, QWORD PTR _Mbst1$[rbp] 0005a 48 8b f8 mov rdi, rax 0005d 33 c0 xor eax, eax 0005f b9 08 00 00 00 mov ecx, 8 00064 f3 aa rep stosb ; 549 : ; 550 : _Count1 = _CSTD strlen(_Ptr) + 1; 00066 48 8b 8d 20 02 00 00 mov rcx, QWORD PTR _Ptr$[rbp] 0006d e8 00 00 00 00 call strlen 00072 48 ff c0 inc rax 00075 48 89 45 28 mov QWORD PTR _Count1$[rbp], rax ; 551 : for (_Count = _Count1, _Wchars = 0, _Ptr1 = _Ptr; 0 < _Count; _Count -= _Bytes, _Ptr1 += _Bytes, ++_Wchars) { 00079 48 8b 45 28 mov rax, QWORD PTR _Count1$[rbp] 0007d 48 89 45 08 mov QWORD PTR _Count$[rbp], rax 00081 48 c7 45 48 00 00 00 00 mov QWORD PTR _Wchars$[rbp], 0 00089 48 8b 85 20 02 00 00 mov rax, QWORD PTR _Ptr$[rbp] 00090 48 89 45 68 mov QWORD PTR _Ptr1$[rbp], rax 00094 eb 35 jmp SHORT $LN4@Maklocstr $LN2@Maklocstr: 00096 48 63 85 84 00 00 00 movsxd rax, DWORD PTR _Bytes$[rbp] 0009d 48 8b 4d 08 mov rcx, QWORD PTR _Count$[rbp] 000a1 48 2b c8 sub rcx, rax 000a4 48 8b c1 mov rax, rcx 000a7 48 89 45 08 mov QWORD PTR _Count$[rbp], rax 000ab 48 63 85 84 00 00 00 movsxd rax, DWORD PTR _Bytes$[rbp] 000b2 48 8b 4d 68 mov rcx, QWORD PTR _Ptr1$[rbp] 000b6 48 03 c8 add rcx, rax 000b9 48 8b c1 mov rax, rcx 000bc 48 89 45 68 mov QWORD PTR _Ptr1$[rbp], rax 000c0 48 8b 45 48 mov rax, QWORD PTR _Wchars$[rbp] 000c4 48 ff c0 inc rax 000c7 48 89 45 48 mov QWORD PTR _Wchars$[rbp], rax $LN4@Maklocstr: 000cb 48 83 7d 08 00 cmp QWORD PTR _Count$[rbp], 0 000d0 76 3a jbe SHORT $LN3@Maklocstr ; 552 : if ((_Bytes = _Mbrtowc(&_Wc, _Ptr1, _Count, &_Mbst1, &_Cvt)) <= 0) { 000d2 48 8b 85 30 02 00 00 mov rax, QWORD PTR _Cvt$[rbp] 000d9 48 89 44 24 20 mov QWORD PTR [rsp+32], rax 000de 4c 8d 8d c8 00 00 00 lea r9, QWORD PTR _Mbst1$[rbp] 000e5 4c 8b 45 08 mov r8, QWORD PTR _Count$[rbp] 000e9 48 8b 55 68 mov rdx, QWORD PTR _Ptr1$[rbp] 000ed 48 8d 8d a4 00 00 00 lea rcx, QWORD PTR _Wc$[rbp] 000f4 e8 00 00 00 00 call _Mbrtowc 000f9 89 85 84 00 00 00 mov DWORD PTR _Bytes$[rbp], eax 000ff 83 bd 84 00 00 00 00 cmp DWORD PTR _Bytes$[rbp], 0 00106 7f 02 jg SHORT $LN8@Maklocstr ; 553 : break; 00108 eb 02 jmp SHORT $LN3@Maklocstr $LN8@Maklocstr: ; 554 : } ; 555 : } 0010a eb 8a jmp SHORT $LN2@Maklocstr $LN3@Maklocstr: ; 556 : ; 557 : ++_Wchars; // count terminating nul 0010c 48 8b 45 48 mov rax, QWORD PTR _Wchars$[rbp] 00110 48 ff c0 inc rax 00113 48 89 45 48 mov QWORD PTR _Wchars$[rbp], rax ; 558 : ; 559 : wchar_t* _Ptrdest = static_cast(_calloc_dbg(_Wchars, sizeof(wchar_t), _CRT_BLOCK, __FILE__, __LINE__)); 00117 c7 44 24 20 2f 02 00 00 mov DWORD PTR [rsp+32], 559 ; 0000022fH 0011f 4c 8d 0d 00 00 00 00 lea r9, OFFSET FLAT:??_C@_0GI@LEPEPCM@C?3?2Program?5Files?5?$CIx86?$CJ?2Microsof@ 00126 41 b8 02 00 00 00 mov r8d, 2 0012c ba 02 00 00 00 mov edx, 2 00131 48 8b 4d 48 mov rcx, QWORD PTR _Wchars$[rbp] 00135 ff 15 00 00 00 00 call QWORD PTR __imp__calloc_dbg 0013b 48 89 85 e8 00 00 00 mov QWORD PTR _Ptrdest$[rbp], rax ; 560 : ; 561 : if (!_Ptrdest) { 00142 48 83 bd e8 00 00 00 00 cmp QWORD PTR _Ptrdest$[rbp], 0 0014a 75 05 jne SHORT $LN9@Maklocstr ; 562 : _Xbad_alloc(); 0014c e8 00 00 00 00 call ?_Xbad_alloc@std@@YAXXZ ; std::_Xbad_alloc $LN9@Maklocstr: ; 563 : } ; 564 : ; 565 : wchar_t* _Ptrnext = _Ptrdest; 00151 48 8b 85 e8 00 00 00 mov rax, QWORD PTR _Ptrdest$[rbp] 00158 48 89 85 08 01 00 00 mov QWORD PTR _Ptrnext$[rbp], rax ; 566 : mbstate_t _Mbst2 = {}; 0015f 48 8d 85 28 01 00 00 lea rax, QWORD PTR _Mbst2$[rbp] 00166 48 8b f8 mov rdi, rax 00169 33 c0 xor eax, eax 0016b b9 08 00 00 00 mov ecx, 8 00170 f3 aa rep stosb ; 567 : ; 568 : for (; 0 < _Wchars; _Count -= _Bytes, _Ptr += _Bytes, --_Wchars, ++_Ptrnext) { 00172 eb 4d jmp SHORT $LN7@Maklocstr $LN5@Maklocstr: 00174 48 63 85 84 00 00 00 movsxd rax, DWORD PTR _Bytes$[rbp] 0017b 48 8b 4d 08 mov rcx, QWORD PTR _Count$[rbp] 0017f 48 2b c8 sub rcx, rax 00182 48 8b c1 mov rax, rcx 00185 48 89 45 08 mov QWORD PTR _Count$[rbp], rax 00189 48 63 85 84 00 00 00 movsxd rax, DWORD PTR _Bytes$[rbp] 00190 48 8b 8d 20 02 00 00 mov rcx, QWORD PTR _Ptr$[rbp] 00197 48 03 c8 add rcx, rax 0019a 48 8b c1 mov rax, rcx 0019d 48 89 85 20 02 00 00 mov QWORD PTR _Ptr$[rbp], rax 001a4 48 8b 45 48 mov rax, QWORD PTR _Wchars$[rbp] 001a8 48 ff c8 dec rax 001ab 48 89 45 48 mov QWORD PTR _Wchars$[rbp], rax 001af 48 8b 85 08 01 00 00 mov rax, QWORD PTR _Ptrnext$[rbp] 001b6 48 83 c0 02 add rax, 2 001ba 48 89 85 08 01 00 00 mov QWORD PTR _Ptrnext$[rbp], rax $LN7@Maklocstr: 001c1 48 83 7d 48 00 cmp QWORD PTR _Wchars$[rbp], 0 001c6 76 40 jbe SHORT $LN6@Maklocstr ; 569 : if ((_Bytes = _Mbrtowc(_Ptrnext, _Ptr, _Count1, &_Mbst2, &_Cvt)) <= 0) { 001c8 48 8b 85 30 02 00 00 mov rax, QWORD PTR _Cvt$[rbp] 001cf 48 89 44 24 20 mov QWORD PTR [rsp+32], rax 001d4 4c 8d 8d 28 01 00 00 lea r9, QWORD PTR _Mbst2$[rbp] 001db 4c 8b 45 28 mov r8, QWORD PTR _Count1$[rbp] 001df 48 8b 95 20 02 00 00 mov rdx, QWORD PTR _Ptr$[rbp] 001e6 48 8b 8d 08 01 00 00 mov rcx, QWORD PTR _Ptrnext$[rbp] 001ed e8 00 00 00 00 call _Mbrtowc 001f2 89 85 84 00 00 00 mov DWORD PTR _Bytes$[rbp], eax 001f8 83 bd 84 00 00 00 00 cmp DWORD PTR _Bytes$[rbp], 0 001ff 7f 02 jg SHORT $LN10@Maklocstr ; 570 : break; 00201 eb 05 jmp SHORT $LN6@Maklocstr $LN10@Maklocstr: ; 571 : } ; 572 : } 00203 e9 6c ff ff ff jmp $LN5@Maklocstr $LN6@Maklocstr: ; 573 : ; 574 : *_Ptrnext = L'\0'; 00208 33 c0 xor eax, eax 0020a 48 8b 8d 08 01 00 00 mov rcx, QWORD PTR _Ptrnext$[rbp] 00211 66 89 01 mov WORD PTR [rcx], ax ; 575 : ; 576 : return _Ptrdest; 00214 48 8b 85 e8 00 00 00 mov rax, QWORD PTR _Ptrdest$[rbp] $LN11@Maklocstr: ; 577 : } 0021b 48 8b f8 mov rdi, rax 0021e 48 8d 4d d0 lea rcx, QWORD PTR [rbp-48] 00222 48 8d 15 00 00 00 00 lea rdx, OFFSET FLAT:??$_Maklocstr@_W@std@@YAPEA_WPEBDPEA_WAEBU_Cvtvec@@@Z$rtcFrameData 00229 e8 00 00 00 00 call _RTC_CheckStackVars 0022e 48 8b c7 mov rax, rdi 00231 48 8b 8d f8 01 00 00 mov rcx, QWORD PTR __$ArrayPad$[rbp] 00238 48 33 cd xor rcx, rbp 0023b e8 00 00 00 00 call __security_check_cookie 00240 48 8d a5 08 02 00 00 lea rsp, QWORD PTR [rbp+520] 00247 5f pop rdi 00248 5d pop rbp 00249 c3 ret 0 ??$_Maklocstr@_W@std@@YAPEA_WPEBDPEA_WAEBU_Cvtvec@@@Z ENDP ; std::_Maklocstr _TEXT ENDS ; Function compile flags: /Odtp /RTCsu /ZI ; File C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\Include\10.0.19041.0\ucrt\time.h ; COMDAT time _TEXT SEGMENT _Time$ = 224 time PROC ; COMDAT ; 521 : { 00000 48 89 4c 24 08 mov QWORD PTR [rsp+8], rcx 00005 55 push rbp 00006 57 push rdi 00007 48 81 ec e8 00 00 00 sub rsp, 232 ; 000000e8H 0000e 48 8d 6c 24 20 lea rbp, QWORD PTR [rsp+32] 00013 48 8d 0d 00 00 00 00 lea rcx, OFFSET FLAT:__A0B61CF9_time@h 0001a e8 00 00 00 00 call __CheckForDebuggerJustMyCode ; 522 : return _time64(_Time); 0001f 48 8b 8d e0 00 00 00 mov rcx, QWORD PTR _Time$[rbp] 00026 ff 15 00 00 00 00 call QWORD PTR __imp__time64 ; 523 : } 0002c 48 8d a5 c8 00 00 00 lea rsp, QWORD PTR [rbp+200] 00033 5f pop rdi 00034 5d pop rbp 00035 c3 ret 0 time ENDP _TEXT ENDS ; Function compile flags: /Odtp /RTCsu /ZI ; File C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2019\Community\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.29.30037\include\xmemory ; COMDAT ?_Orphan_all_locked@_Container_base12@std@@AEAAXXZ _TEXT SEGMENT _Lock$ = 4 __$ArrayPad$ = 216 this$ = 256 ?_Orphan_all_locked@_Container_base12@std@@AEAAXXZ PROC ; std::_Container_base12::_Orphan_all_locked, COMDAT ; 1095 : void _Orphan_all_locked() noexcept { $LN3: 00000 48 89 4c 24 08 mov QWORD PTR [rsp+8], rcx 00005 55 push rbp 00006 57 push rdi 00007 48 81 ec 08 01 00 00 sub rsp, 264 ; 00000108H 0000e 48 8d 6c 24 20 lea rbp, QWORD PTR [rsp+32] 00013 48 8d 7c 24 20 lea rdi, QWORD PTR [rsp+32] 00018 b9 0a 00 00 00 mov ecx, 10 0001d b8 cc cc cc cc mov eax, -858993460 ; ccccccccH 00022 f3 ab rep stosd 00024 48 8b 8c 24 28 01 00 00 mov rcx, QWORD PTR [rsp+296] 0002c 48 8b 05 00 00 00 00 mov rax, QWORD PTR __security_cookie 00033 48 33 c5 xor rax, rbp 00036 48 89 85 d8 00 00 00 mov QWORD PTR __$ArrayPad$[rbp], rax 0003d 48 8d 0d 00 00 00 00 lea rcx, OFFSET FLAT:__DD38B15A_xmemory 00044 e8 00 00 00 00 call __CheckForDebuggerJustMyCode ; 1096 : _Lockit _Lock(_LOCK_DEBUG); 00049 ba 03 00 00 00 mov edx, 3 0004e 48 8d 4d 04 lea rcx, QWORD PTR _Lock$[rbp] 00052 ff 15 00 00 00 00 call QWORD PTR __imp_??0_Lockit@std@@QEAA@H@Z ; 1097 : _Orphan_all_unlocked(); 00058 48 8b 8d 00 01 00 00 mov rcx, QWORD PTR this$[rbp] 0005f e8 00 00 00 00 call ?_Orphan_all_unlocked@_Container_base12@std@@AEAAXXZ ; std::_Container_base12::_Orphan_all_unlocked ; 1098 : } 00064 48 8d 4d 04 lea rcx, QWORD PTR _Lock$[rbp] 00068 ff 15 00 00 00 00 call QWORD PTR __imp_??1_Lockit@std@@QEAA@XZ 0006e 48 8d 4d e0 lea rcx, QWORD PTR [rbp-32] 00072 48 8d 15 00 00 00 00 lea rdx, OFFSET FLAT:?_Orphan_all_locked@_Container_base12@std@@AEAAXXZ$rtcFrameData 00079 e8 00 00 00 00 call _RTC_CheckStackVars 0007e 48 8b 8d d8 00 00 00 mov rcx, QWORD PTR __$ArrayPad$[rbp] 00085 48 33 cd xor rcx, rbp 00088 e8 00 00 00 00 call __security_check_cookie 0008d 48 8d a5 e8 00 00 00 lea rsp, QWORD PTR [rbp+232] 00094 5f pop rdi 00095 5d pop rbp 00096 c3 ret 0 ?_Orphan_all_locked@_Container_base12@std@@AEAAXXZ ENDP ; std::_Container_base12::_Orphan_all_locked _TEXT ENDS ; Function compile flags: /Odtp /RTCsu /ZI ; File C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2019\Community\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.29.30037\include\xmemory ; COMDAT ?_Orphan_all_unlocked@_Container_base12@std@@AEAAXXZ _TEXT SEGMENT _Pnext$1 = 8 this$ = 256 ?_Orphan_all_unlocked@_Container_base12@std@@AEAAXXZ PROC ; std::_Container_base12::_Orphan_all_unlocked, COMDAT ; 1220 : _CONSTEXPR20_CONTAINER void _Container_base12::_Orphan_all_unlocked() noexcept { $LN6: 00000 48 89 4c 24 08 mov QWORD PTR [rsp+8], rcx 00005 55 push rbp 00006 57 push rdi 00007 48 81 ec 08 01 00 00 sub rsp, 264 ; 00000108H 0000e 48 8d 6c 24 20 lea rbp, QWORD PTR [rsp+32] 00013 48 8d 0d 00 00 00 00 lea rcx, OFFSET FLAT:__DD38B15A_xmemory 0001a e8 00 00 00 00 call __CheckForDebuggerJustMyCode ; 1221 : for (auto& _Pnext = _Myproxy->_Myfirstiter; _Pnext; _Pnext = _Pnext->_Mynextiter) { // TRANSITION, VSO-1269037 0001f 48 8b 85 00 01 00 00 mov rax, QWORD PTR this$[rbp] 00026 48 8b 00 mov rax, QWORD PTR [rax] 00029 48 83 c0 08 add rax, 8 0002d 48 89 45 08 mov QWORD PTR _Pnext$1[rbp], rax 00031 eb 12 jmp SHORT $LN4@Orphan_all $LN2@Orphan_all: 00033 48 8b 45 08 mov rax, QWORD PTR _Pnext$1[rbp] 00037 48 8b 00 mov rax, QWORD PTR [rax] 0003a 48 8b 4d 08 mov rcx, QWORD PTR _Pnext$1[rbp] 0003e 48 8b 40 08 mov rax, QWORD PTR [rax+8] 00042 48 89 01 mov QWORD PTR [rcx], rax $LN4@Orphan_all: 00045 48 8b 45 08 mov rax, QWORD PTR _Pnext$1[rbp] 00049 48 83 38 00 cmp QWORD PTR [rax], 0 0004d 74 10 je SHORT $LN3@Orphan_all ; 1222 : _Pnext->_Myproxy = nullptr; 0004f 48 8b 45 08 mov rax, QWORD PTR _Pnext$1[rbp] 00053 48 8b 00 mov rax, QWORD PTR [rax] 00056 48 c7 00 00 00 00 00 mov QWORD PTR [rax], 0 ; 1223 : } 0005d eb d4 jmp SHORT $LN2@Orphan_all $LN3@Orphan_all: ; 1224 : _Myproxy->_Myfirstiter = nullptr; 0005f 48 8b 85 00 01 00 00 mov rax, QWORD PTR this$[rbp] 00066 48 8b 00 mov rax, QWORD PTR [rax] 00069 48 c7 40 08 00 00 00 00 mov QWORD PTR [rax+8], 0 ; 1225 : } 00071 48 8d a5 e8 00 00 00 lea rsp, QWORD PTR [rbp+232] 00078 5f pop rdi 00079 5d pop rbp 0007a c3 ret 0 ?_Orphan_all_unlocked@_Container_base12@std@@AEAAXXZ ENDP ; std::_Container_base12::_Orphan_all_unlocked _TEXT ENDS ; Function compile flags: /Odtp /RTCsu /ZI ; File C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2019\Community\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.29.30037\include\xmemory ; COMDAT ?_Orphan_all@_Container_base12@std@@QEAAXXZ _TEXT SEGMENT this$ = 224 ?_Orphan_all@_Container_base12@std@@QEAAXXZ PROC ; std::_Container_base12::_Orphan_all, COMDAT ; 1227 : _CONSTEXPR20_CONTAINER void _Container_base12::_Orphan_all() noexcept { $LN4: 00000 48 89 4c 24 08 mov QWORD PTR [rsp+8], rcx 00005 55 push rbp 00006 57 push rdi 00007 48 81 ec e8 00 00 00 sub rsp, 232 ; 000000e8H 0000e 48 8d 6c 24 20 lea rbp, QWORD PTR [rsp+32] 00013 48 8d 0d 00 00 00 00 lea rcx, OFFSET FLAT:__DD38B15A_xmemory 0001a e8 00 00 00 00 call __CheckForDebuggerJustMyCode ; 1228 : #if _ITERATOR_DEBUG_LEVEL == 2 ; 1229 : if (_Myproxy) { // proxy allocated, drain it 0001f 48 8b 85 e0 00 00 00 mov rax, QWORD PTR this$[rbp] 00026 48 83 38 00 cmp QWORD PTR [rax], 0 0002a 74 0c je SHORT $LN2@Orphan_all ; 1230 : #ifdef __cpp_lib_constexpr_dynamic_alloc ; 1231 : if (_STD is_constant_evaluated()) { ; 1232 : _Orphan_all_unlocked(); ; 1233 : } else ; 1234 : #endif // __cpp_lib_constexpr_dynamic_alloc ; 1235 : { ; 1236 : _Orphan_all_locked(); 0002c 48 8b 8d e0 00 00 00 mov rcx, QWORD PTR this$[rbp] 00033 e8 00 00 00 00 call ?_Orphan_all_locked@_Container_base12@std@@AEAAXXZ ; std::_Container_base12::_Orphan_all_locked $LN2@Orphan_all: ; 1237 : } ; 1238 : } ; 1239 : #endif // _ITERATOR_DEBUG_LEVEL == 2 ; 1240 : } 00038 48 8d a5 c8 00 00 00 lea rsp, QWORD PTR [rbp+200] 0003f 5f pop rdi 00040 5d pop rbp 00041 c3 ret 0 ?_Orphan_all@_Container_base12@std@@QEAAXXZ ENDP ; std::_Container_base12::_Orphan_all _TEXT ENDS ; Function compile flags: /Odtp /RTCsu /ZI ; File C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2019\Community\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.29.30037\include\xmemory ; COMDAT ?_Adjust_manually_vector_aligned@std@@YAXAEAPEAXAEA_K@Z _TEXT SEGMENT _Ptr_user$ = 8 _Ptr_container$ = 40 _Min_back_shift$ = 72 _Back_shift$ = 104 _Ptr$ = 352 _Bytes$ = 360 ?_Adjust_manually_vector_aligned@std@@YAXAEAPEAXAEA_K@Z PROC ; std::_Adjust_manually_vector_aligned, COMDAT ; 153 : inline void _Adjust_manually_vector_aligned(void*& _Ptr, size_t& _Bytes) { $LN21: 00000 48 89 54 24 10 mov QWORD PTR [rsp+16], rdx 00005 48 89 4c 24 08 mov QWORD PTR [rsp+8], rcx 0000a 55 push rbp 0000b 57 push rdi 0000c 48 81 ec 78 01 00 00 sub rsp, 376 ; 00000178H 00013 48 8d 6c 24 30 lea rbp, QWORD PTR [rsp+48] 00018 48 8d 0d 00 00 00 00 lea rcx, OFFSET FLAT:__DD38B15A_xmemory 0001f e8 00 00 00 00 call __CheckForDebuggerJustMyCode ; 154 : // adjust parameters from _Allocate_manually_vector_aligned to pass to operator delete ; 155 : _Bytes += _Non_user_size; 00024 48 8b 85 68 01 00 00 mov rax, QWORD PTR _Bytes$[rbp] 0002b 48 8b 00 mov rax, QWORD PTR [rax] 0002e 48 83 c0 2f add rax, 47 ; 0000002fH 00032 48 8b 8d 68 01 00 00 mov rcx, QWORD PTR _Bytes$[rbp] 00039 48 89 01 mov QWORD PTR [rcx], rax ; 156 : ; 157 : const uintptr_t* const _Ptr_user = reinterpret_cast(_Ptr); 0003c 48 8b 85 60 01 00 00 mov rax, QWORD PTR _Ptr$[rbp] 00043 48 8b 00 mov rax, QWORD PTR [rax] 00046 48 89 45 08 mov QWORD PTR _Ptr_user$[rbp], rax ; 158 : const uintptr_t _Ptr_container = _Ptr_user[-1]; 0004a b8 08 00 00 00 mov eax, 8 0004f 48 6b c0 ff imul rax, rax, -1 00053 48 8b 4d 08 mov rcx, QWORD PTR _Ptr_user$[rbp] 00057 48 8b 04 01 mov rax, QWORD PTR [rcx+rax] 0005b 48 89 45 28 mov QWORD PTR _Ptr_container$[rbp], rax $LN4@Adjust_man: ; 159 : ; 160 : // If the following asserts, it likely means that we are performing ; 161 : // an aligned delete on memory coming from an unaligned allocation. ; 162 : _STL_ASSERT(_Ptr_user[-2] == _Big_allocation_sentinel, "invalid argument"); 0005f b8 08 00 00 00 mov eax, 8 00064 48 6b c0 fe imul rax, rax, -2 00068 48 8b 4d 08 mov rcx, QWORD PTR _Ptr_user$[rbp] 0006c 48 ba fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa mov rdx, -361700864190383366 ; fafafafafafafafaH 00076 48 39 14 01 cmp QWORD PTR [rcx+rax], rdx 0007a 75 02 jne SHORT $LN14@Adjust_man 0007c eb 77 jmp SHORT $LN15@Adjust_man $LN14@Adjust_man: $LN7@Adjust_man: 0007e 8b 05 00 00 00 00 mov eax, DWORD PTR ?__LINE__Var@?0??_Adjust_manually_vector_aligned@std@@YAXAEAPEAXAEA_K@Z@4JA 00084 83 c0 09 add eax, 9 00087 48 8d 0d 00 00 00 00 lea rcx, OFFSET FLAT:??_C@_0BB@FCMFBGOM@invalid?5argument@ 0008e 48 89 4c 24 28 mov QWORD PTR [rsp+40], rcx 00093 48 8d 0d 00 00 00 00 lea rcx, OFFSET FLAT:??_C@_02DKCKIIND@?$CFs@ 0009a 48 89 4c 24 20 mov QWORD PTR [rsp+32], rcx 0009f 45 33 c9 xor r9d, r9d 000a2 44 8b c0 mov r8d, eax 000a5 48 8d 15 00 00 00 00 lea rdx, OFFSET FLAT:??_C@_0GI@KDIDHNIL@C?3?2Program?5Files?5?$CIx86?$CJ?2Microsof@ 000ac b9 02 00 00 00 mov ecx, 2 000b1 ff 15 00 00 00 00 call QWORD PTR __imp__CrtDbgReport 000b7 83 f8 01 cmp eax, 1 000ba 75 03 jne SHORT $LN19@Adjust_man 000bc cc int 3 000bd 33 c0 xor eax, eax $LN19@Adjust_man: 000bf 8b 05 00 00 00 00 mov eax, DWORD PTR ?__LINE__Var@?0??_Adjust_manually_vector_aligned@std@@YAXAEAPEAXAEA_K@Z@4JA 000c5 83 c0 09 add eax, 9 000c8 48 c7 44 24 20 00 00 00 00 mov QWORD PTR [rsp+32], 0 000d1 44 8b c8 mov r9d, eax 000d4 4c 8d 05 00 00 00 00 lea r8, OFFSET FLAT:??_C@_1NA@FOAKNOEL@?$AAC?$AA?3?$AA?2?$AAP?$AAr?$AAo?$AAg?$AAr?$AAa?$AAm?$AA?5?$AAF?$AAi?$AAl?$AAe@ 000db 48 8d 15 00 00 00 00 lea rdx, OFFSET FLAT:??_C@_1EK@NIFDJFDG@?$AAs?$AAt?$AAd?$AA?3?$AA?3?$AA_?$AAA?$AAd?$AAj?$AAu?$AAs?$AAt?$AA_?$AAm?$AAa@ 000e2 48 8d 0d 00 00 00 00 lea rcx, OFFSET FLAT:??_C@_1CG@JNLFBNGN@?$AA?$CC?$AAi?$AAn?$AAv?$AAa?$AAl?$AAi?$AAd?$AA?5?$AAa?$AAr?$AAg?$AAu?$AAm?$AAe@ 000e9 ff 15 00 00 00 00 call QWORD PTR __imp__invalid_parameter 000ef 33 c0 xor eax, eax 000f1 85 c0 test eax, eax 000f3 75 89 jne SHORT $LN7@Adjust_man $LN15@Adjust_man: 000f5 33 c0 xor eax, eax 000f7 85 c0 test eax, eax 000f9 0f 85 60 ff ff ff jne $LN4@Adjust_man ; 163 : ; 164 : // Extra paranoia on aligned allocation/deallocation; ensure _Ptr_container is ; 165 : // in range [_Min_back_shift, _Non_user_size] ; 166 : #ifdef _DEBUG ; 167 : constexpr uintptr_t _Min_back_shift = 2 * sizeof(void*); 000ff 48 c7 45 48 10 00 00 00 mov QWORD PTR _Min_back_shift$[rbp], 16 ; 168 : #else // ^^^ _DEBUG ^^^ // vvv !_DEBUG vvv ; 169 : constexpr uintptr_t _Min_back_shift = sizeof(void*); ; 170 : #endif // _DEBUG ; 171 : const uintptr_t _Back_shift = reinterpret_cast(_Ptr) - _Ptr_container; 00107 48 8b 85 60 01 00 00 mov rax, QWORD PTR _Ptr$[rbp] 0010e 48 8b 4d 28 mov rcx, QWORD PTR _Ptr_container$[rbp] 00112 48 8b 00 mov rax, QWORD PTR [rax] 00115 48 2b c1 sub rax, rcx 00118 48 89 45 68 mov QWORD PTR _Back_shift$[rbp], rax $LN10@Adjust_man: ; 172 : _STL_VERIFY(_Back_shift >= _Min_back_shift && _Back_shift <= _Non_user_size, "invalid argument"); 0011c 48 83 7d 68 10 cmp QWORD PTR _Back_shift$[rbp], 16 00121 72 09 jb SHORT $LN16@Adjust_man 00123 48 83 7d 68 2f cmp QWORD PTR _Back_shift$[rbp], 47 ; 0000002fH 00128 77 02 ja SHORT $LN16@Adjust_man 0012a eb 77 jmp SHORT $LN17@Adjust_man $LN16@Adjust_man: $LN13@Adjust_man: 0012c 8b 05 00 00 00 00 mov eax, DWORD PTR ?__LINE__Var@?0??_Adjust_manually_vector_aligned@std@@YAXAEAPEAXAEA_K@Z@4JA 00132 83 c0 13 add eax, 19 00135 48 8d 0d 00 00 00 00 lea rcx, OFFSET FLAT:??_C@_0BB@FCMFBGOM@invalid?5argument@ 0013c 48 89 4c 24 28 mov QWORD PTR [rsp+40], rcx 00141 48 8d 0d 00 00 00 00 lea rcx, OFFSET FLAT:??_C@_02DKCKIIND@?$CFs@ 00148 48 89 4c 24 20 mov QWORD PTR [rsp+32], rcx 0014d 45 33 c9 xor r9d, r9d 00150 44 8b c0 mov r8d, eax 00153 48 8d 15 00 00 00 00 lea rdx, OFFSET FLAT:??_C@_0GI@KDIDHNIL@C?3?2Program?5Files?5?$CIx86?$CJ?2Microsof@ 0015a b9 02 00 00 00 mov ecx, 2 0015f ff 15 00 00 00 00 call QWORD PTR __imp__CrtDbgReport 00165 83 f8 01 cmp eax, 1 00168 75 03 jne SHORT $LN20@Adjust_man 0016a cc int 3 0016b 33 c0 xor eax, eax $LN20@Adjust_man: 0016d 8b 05 00 00 00 00 mov eax, DWORD PTR ?__LINE__Var@?0??_Adjust_manually_vector_aligned@std@@YAXAEAPEAXAEA_K@Z@4JA 00173 83 c0 13 add eax, 19 00176 48 c7 44 24 20 00 00 00 00 mov QWORD PTR [rsp+32], 0 0017f 44 8b c8 mov r9d, eax 00182 4c 8d 05 00 00 00 00 lea r8, OFFSET FLAT:??_C@_1NA@FOAKNOEL@?$AAC?$AA?3?$AA?2?$AAP?$AAr?$AAo?$AAg?$AAr?$AAa?$AAm?$AA?5?$AAF?$AAi?$AAl?$AAe@ 00189 48 8d 15 00 00 00 00 lea rdx, OFFSET FLAT:??_C@_1EK@NIFDJFDG@?$AAs?$AAt?$AAd?$AA?3?$AA?3?$AA_?$AAA?$AAd?$AAj?$AAu?$AAs?$AAt?$AA_?$AAm?$AAa@ 00190 48 8d 0d 00 00 00 00 lea rcx, OFFSET FLAT:??_C@_1CG@JNLFBNGN@?$AA?$CC?$AAi?$AAn?$AAv?$AAa?$AAl?$AAi?$AAd?$AA?5?$AAa?$AAr?$AAg?$AAu?$AAm?$AAe@ 00197 ff 15 00 00 00 00 call QWORD PTR __imp__invalid_parameter 0019d 33 c0 xor eax, eax 0019f 85 c0 test eax, eax 001a1 75 89 jne SHORT $LN13@Adjust_man $LN17@Adjust_man: 001a3 33 c0 xor eax, eax 001a5 85 c0 test eax, eax 001a7 0f 85 6f ff ff ff jne $LN10@Adjust_man ; 173 : _Ptr = reinterpret_cast(_Ptr_container); 001ad 48 8b 85 60 01 00 00 mov rax, QWORD PTR _Ptr$[rbp] 001b4 48 8b 4d 28 mov rcx, QWORD PTR _Ptr_container$[rbp] 001b8 48 89 08 mov QWORD PTR [rax], rcx ; 174 : } 001bb 48 8d a5 48 01 00 00 lea rsp, QWORD PTR [rbp+328] 001c2 5f pop rdi 001c3 5d pop rbp 001c4 c3 ret 0 ?_Adjust_manually_vector_aligned@std@@YAXAEAPEAXAEA_K@Z ENDP ; std::_Adjust_manually_vector_aligned _TEXT ENDS ; Function compile flags: /Odtp /RTCsu /ZI ; File C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\Include\10.0.19041.0\ucrt\wchar.h ; COMDAT wmemcpy _TEXT SEGMENT _S1$ = 224 _S2$ = 232 _N$ = 240 wmemcpy PROC ; COMDAT ; 234 : { $LN3: 00000 4c 89 44 24 18 mov QWORD PTR [rsp+24], r8 00005 48 89 54 24 10 mov QWORD PTR [rsp+16], rdx 0000a 48 89 4c 24 08 mov QWORD PTR [rsp+8], rcx 0000f 55 push rbp 00010 57 push rdi 00011 48 81 ec e8 00 00 00 sub rsp, 232 ; 000000e8H 00018 48 8d 6c 24 20 lea rbp, QWORD PTR [rsp+32] 0001d 48 8d 0d 00 00 00 00 lea rcx, OFFSET FLAT:__93DC0B45_wchar@h 00024 e8 00 00 00 00 call __CheckForDebuggerJustMyCode ; 235 : #pragma warning(suppress: 6386) // Buffer overrun ; 236 : return (wchar_t*)memcpy(_S1, _S2, _N*sizeof(wchar_t)); 00029 48 8b 85 f0 00 00 00 mov rax, QWORD PTR _N$[rbp] 00030 48 d1 e0 shl rax, 1 00033 4c 8b c0 mov r8, rax 00036 48 8b 95 e8 00 00 00 mov rdx, QWORD PTR _S2$[rbp] 0003d 48 8b 8d e0 00 00 00 mov rcx, QWORD PTR _S1$[rbp] 00044 e8 00 00 00 00 call memcpy ; 237 : } 00049 48 8d a5 c8 00 00 00 lea rsp, QWORD PTR [rbp+200] 00050 5f pop rdi 00051 5d pop rbp 00052 c3 ret 0 wmemcpy ENDP _TEXT ENDS ; Function compile flags: /Odtp /RTCsu /ZI ; File C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\Include\10.0.19041.0\ucrt\stdio.h ; COMDAT printf _TEXT SEGMENT _Result$ = 4 _ArgList$ = 40 tv77 = 280 tv75 = 288 __$ArrayPad$ = 296 _Format$ = 336 printf PROC ; COMDAT ; 956 : { $LN3: 00000 48 89 4c 24 08 mov QWORD PTR [rsp+8], rcx 00005 48 89 54 24 10 mov QWORD PTR [rsp+16], rdx 0000a 4c 89 44 24 18 mov QWORD PTR [rsp+24], r8 0000f 4c 89 4c 24 20 mov QWORD PTR [rsp+32], r9 00014 55 push rbp 00015 57 push rdi 00016 48 81 ec 58 01 00 00 sub rsp, 344 ; 00000158H 0001d 48 8d 6c 24 20 lea rbp, QWORD PTR [rsp+32] 00022 48 8d 7c 24 20 lea rdi, QWORD PTR [rsp+32] 00027 b9 1e 00 00 00 mov ecx, 30 0002c b8 cc cc cc cc mov eax, -858993460 ; ccccccccH 00031 f3 ab rep stosd 00033 48 8b 8c 24 78 01 00 00 mov rcx, QWORD PTR [rsp+376] 0003b 48 8b 05 00 00 00 00 mov rax, QWORD PTR __security_cookie 00042 48 33 c5 xor rax, rbp 00045 48 89 85 28 01 00 00 mov QWORD PTR __$ArrayPad$[rbp], rax 0004c 48 8d 0d 00 00 00 00 lea rcx, OFFSET FLAT:__6DFAE8B8_stdio@h 00053 e8 00 00 00 00 call __CheckForDebuggerJustMyCode ; 957 : int _Result; ; 958 : va_list _ArgList; ; 959 : __crt_va_start(_ArgList, _Format); 00058 48 8d 85 58 01 00 00 lea rax, QWORD PTR _Format$[rbp+8] 0005f 48 89 45 28 mov QWORD PTR _ArgList$[rbp], rax ; 960 : _Result = _vfprintf_l(stdout, _Format, NULL, _ArgList); 00063 48 8b 45 28 mov rax, QWORD PTR _ArgList$[rbp] 00067 48 89 85 18 01 00 00 mov QWORD PTR tv77[rbp], rax 0006e b9 01 00 00 00 mov ecx, 1 00073 ff 15 00 00 00 00 call QWORD PTR __imp___acrt_iob_func 00079 48 89 85 20 01 00 00 mov QWORD PTR tv75[rbp], rax 00080 4c 8b 8d 18 01 00 00 mov r9, QWORD PTR tv77[rbp] 00087 45 33 c0 xor r8d, r8d 0008a 48 8b 95 50 01 00 00 mov rdx, QWORD PTR _Format$[rbp] 00091 48 8b 8d 20 01 00 00 mov rcx, QWORD PTR tv75[rbp] 00098 e8 00 00 00 00 call _vfprintf_l 0009d 89 45 04 mov DWORD PTR _Result$[rbp], eax ; 961 : __crt_va_end(_ArgList); 000a0 48 c7 45 28 00 00 00 00 mov QWORD PTR _ArgList$[rbp], 0 ; 962 : return _Result; 000a8 8b 45 04 mov eax, DWORD PTR _Result$[rbp] ; 963 : } 000ab 8b f8 mov edi, eax 000ad 48 8d 4d e0 lea rcx, QWORD PTR [rbp-32] 000b1 48 8d 15 00 00 00 00 lea rdx, OFFSET FLAT:printf$rtcFrameData 000b8 e8 00 00 00 00 call _RTC_CheckStackVars 000bd 8b c7 mov eax, edi 000bf 48 8b 8d 28 01 00 00 mov rcx, QWORD PTR __$ArrayPad$[rbp] 000c6 48 33 cd xor rcx, rbp 000c9 e8 00 00 00 00 call __security_check_cookie 000ce 48 8d a5 38 01 00 00 lea rsp, QWORD PTR [rbp+312] 000d5 5f pop rdi 000d6 5d pop rbp 000d7 c3 ret 0 printf ENDP _TEXT ENDS ; Function compile flags: /Odtp /RTCsu /ZI ; File C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\Include\10.0.19041.0\ucrt\stdio.h ; COMDAT _vfprintf_l _TEXT SEGMENT _Stream$ = 224 _Format$ = 232 _Locale$ = 240 _ArgList$ = 248 _vfprintf_l PROC ; COMDAT ; 644 : { $LN3: 00000 4c 89 4c 24 20 mov QWORD PTR [rsp+32], r9 00005 4c 89 44 24 18 mov QWORD PTR [rsp+24], r8 0000a 48 89 54 24 10 mov QWORD PTR [rsp+16], rdx 0000f 48 89 4c 24 08 mov QWORD PTR [rsp+8], rcx 00014 55 push rbp 00015 57 push rdi 00016 48 81 ec f8 00 00 00 sub rsp, 248 ; 000000f8H 0001d 48 8d 6c 24 30 lea rbp, QWORD PTR [rsp+48] 00022 48 8d 0d 00 00 00 00 lea rcx, OFFSET FLAT:__6DFAE8B8_stdio@h 00029 e8 00 00 00 00 call __CheckForDebuggerJustMyCode ; 645 : return __stdio_common_vfprintf(_CRT_INTERNAL_LOCAL_PRINTF_OPTIONS, _Stream, _Format, _Locale, _ArgList); 0002e e8 00 00 00 00 call __local_stdio_printf_options 00033 48 8b 8d f8 00 00 00 mov rcx, QWORD PTR _ArgList$[rbp] 0003a 48 89 4c 24 20 mov QWORD PTR [rsp+32], rcx 0003f 4c 8b 8d f0 00 00 00 mov r9, QWORD PTR _Locale$[rbp] 00046 4c 8b 85 e8 00 00 00 mov r8, QWORD PTR _Format$[rbp] 0004d 48 8b 95 e0 00 00 00 mov rdx, QWORD PTR _Stream$[rbp] 00054 48 8b 08 mov rcx, QWORD PTR [rax] 00057 ff 15 00 00 00 00 call QWORD PTR __imp___stdio_common_vfprintf ; 646 : } 0005d 48 8d a5 c8 00 00 00 lea rsp, QWORD PTR [rbp+200] 00064 5f pop rdi 00065 5d pop rbp 00066 c3 ret 0 _vfprintf_l ENDP _TEXT ENDS ; Function compile flags: /Odtp /RTCsu /ZI ; File C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\Include\10.0.19041.0\ucrt\corecrt_stdio_config.h ; COMDAT __local_stdio_printf_options _TEXT SEGMENT __local_stdio_printf_options PROC ; COMDAT ; 90 : { $LN3: 00000 40 55 push rbp 00002 57 push rdi 00003 48 81 ec e8 00 00 00 sub rsp, 232 ; 000000e8H 0000a 48 8d 6c 24 20 lea rbp, QWORD PTR [rsp+32] 0000f 48 8d 0d 00 00 00 00 lea rcx, OFFSET FLAT:__A2143F22_corecrt_stdio_config@h 00016 e8 00 00 00 00 call __CheckForDebuggerJustMyCode ; 91 : static unsigned __int64 _OptionsStorage; ; 92 : return &_OptionsStorage; 0001b 48 8d 05 00 00 00 00 lea rax, OFFSET FLAT:?_OptionsStorage@?1??__local_stdio_printf_options@@9@4_KA ; `__local_stdio_printf_options'::`2'::_OptionsStorage ; 93 : } 00022 48 8d a5 c8 00 00 00 lea rsp, QWORD PTR [rbp+200] 00029 5f pop rdi 0002a 5d pop rbp 0002b c3 ret 0 __local_stdio_printf_options ENDP _TEXT ENDS ; Function compile flags: /Odtp /RTCsu /ZI ; File C:\@\Work\code-virtualizer\CodeVirtualizer\Main.cpp ; COMDAT ?__empty_global_delete@@YAXPEAX_KW4align_val_t@std@@@Z _TEXT SEGMENT __formal$ = 224 __formal$ = 232 __formal$ = 240 ?__empty_global_delete@@YAXPEAX_KW4align_val_t@std@@@Z PROC ; __empty_global_delete, COMDAT $LN3: 00000 4c 89 44 24 18 mov QWORD PTR [rsp+24], r8 00005 48 89 54 24 10 mov QWORD PTR [rsp+16], rdx 0000a 48 89 4c 24 08 mov QWORD PTR [rsp+8], rcx 0000f 55 push rbp 00010 57 push rdi 00011 48 81 ec e8 00 00 00 sub rsp, 232 ; 000000e8H 00018 48 8d 6c 24 20 lea rbp, QWORD PTR [rsp+32] 0001d 48 8d 0d 00 00 00 00 lea rcx, OFFSET FLAT:__386EB99F_Main@cpp 00024 e8 00 00 00 00 call __CheckForDebuggerJustMyCode 00029 48 8d a5 c8 00 00 00 lea rsp, QWORD PTR [rbp+200] 00030 5f pop rdi 00031 5d pop rbp 00032 c3 ret 0 ?__empty_global_delete@@YAXPEAX_KW4align_val_t@std@@@Z ENDP ; __empty_global_delete _TEXT ENDS ; Function compile flags: /Odtp /RTCsu /ZI ; File C:\@\Work\code-virtualizer\CodeVirtualizer\Main.cpp ; COMDAT ?__empty_global_delete@@YAXPEAXW4align_val_t@std@@@Z _TEXT SEGMENT __formal$ = 224 __formal$ = 232 ?__empty_global_delete@@YAXPEAXW4align_val_t@std@@@Z PROC ; __empty_global_delete, COMDAT $LN3: 00000 48 89 54 24 10 mov QWORD PTR [rsp+16], rdx 00005 48 89 4c 24 08 mov QWORD PTR [rsp+8], rcx 0000a 55 push rbp 0000b 57 push rdi 0000c 48 81 ec e8 00 00 00 sub rsp, 232 ; 000000e8H 00013 48 8d 6c 24 20 lea rbp, QWORD PTR [rsp+32] 00018 48 8d 0d 00 00 00 00 lea rcx, OFFSET FLAT:__386EB99F_Main@cpp 0001f e8 00 00 00 00 call __CheckForDebuggerJustMyCode 00024 48 8d a5 c8 00 00 00 lea rsp, QWORD PTR [rbp+200] 0002b 5f pop rdi 0002c 5d pop rbp 0002d c3 ret 0 ?__empty_global_delete@@YAXPEAXW4align_val_t@std@@@Z ENDP ; __empty_global_delete _TEXT ENDS ; Function compile flags: /Odtp /RTCsu /ZI ; File C:\@\Work\code-virtualizer\CodeVirtualizer\Main.cpp ; COMDAT ?__empty_global_delete@@YAXPEAX_K@Z _TEXT SEGMENT __formal$ = 224 __formal$ = 232 ?__empty_global_delete@@YAXPEAX_K@Z PROC ; __empty_global_delete, COMDAT $LN3: 00000 48 89 54 24 10 mov QWORD PTR [rsp+16], rdx 00005 48 89 4c 24 08 mov QWORD PTR [rsp+8], rcx 0000a 55 push rbp 0000b 57 push rdi 0000c 48 81 ec e8 00 00 00 sub rsp, 232 ; 000000e8H 00013 48 8d 6c 24 20 lea rbp, QWORD PTR [rsp+32] 00018 48 8d 0d 00 00 00 00 lea rcx, OFFSET FLAT:__386EB99F_Main@cpp 0001f e8 00 00 00 00 call __CheckForDebuggerJustMyCode 00024 48 8d a5 c8 00 00 00 lea rsp, QWORD PTR [rbp+200] 0002b 5f pop rdi 0002c 5d pop rbp 0002d c3 ret 0 ?__empty_global_delete@@YAXPEAX_K@Z ENDP ; __empty_global_delete _TEXT ENDS ; Function compile flags: /Odtp /RTCsu /ZI ; File C:\@\Work\code-virtualizer\CodeVirtualizer\Main.cpp ; COMDAT ?__empty_global_delete@@YAXPEAX@Z _TEXT SEGMENT __formal$ = 224 ?__empty_global_delete@@YAXPEAX@Z PROC ; __empty_global_delete, COMDAT $LN3: 00000 48 89 4c 24 08 mov QWORD PTR [rsp+8], rcx 00005 55 push rbp 00006 57 push rdi 00007 48 81 ec e8 00 00 00 sub rsp, 232 ; 000000e8H 0000e 48 8d 6c 24 20 lea rbp, QWORD PTR [rsp+32] 00013 48 8d 0d 00 00 00 00 lea rcx, OFFSET FLAT:__386EB99F_Main@cpp 0001a e8 00 00 00 00 call __CheckForDebuggerJustMyCode 0001f 48 8d a5 c8 00 00 00 lea rsp, QWORD PTR [rbp+200] 00026 5f pop rdi 00027 5d pop rbp 00028 c3 ret 0 ?__empty_global_delete@@YAXPEAX@Z ENDP ; __empty_global_delete _TEXT ENDS END