#include "RipMovInst.h" BOOL ObfEmitRipRelativeMovD(PNATIVE_CODE_BLOCK Block, INT32 RipDelta, PUCHAR Data) { UCHAR RawData[] = { 0xC7, 0x05, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 }; PNATIVE_CODE_LINK Link = new NATIVE_CODE_LINK(CODE_FLAG_IS_INST, RawData, sizeof(RawData)); *(PINT32)&Link->RawData[DWORD_MOV_INST_RIP_OFFSET] = RipDelta; memcpy(&Link->RawData[DWORD_MOV_INST_MOV_OFFSET], Data, 4); printf("%p memes\n", Link); XedDecode(&Link->XedInstruction, Link->RawData, Link->RawDataSize); NcAppendToBlock(Block, Link); return TRUE; } BOOL ObfEmitRipRelativeMovW(PNATIVE_CODE_BLOCK Block, INT32 RipDelta, PUCHAR Data) { UCHAR RawData[] = { 0x66, 0xC7, 0x05, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 }; PNATIVE_CODE_LINK Link = new NATIVE_CODE_LINK(CODE_FLAG_IS_INST, RawData, sizeof(RawData)); *(PINT32)&Link->RawData[WORD_MOV_INST_RIP_OFFSET] = RipDelta; memcpy(&Link->RawData[WORD_MOV_INST_MOV_OFFSET], Data, 2); XedDecode(&Link->XedInstruction, Link->RawData, Link->RawDataSize); NcAppendToBlock(Block, Link); return TRUE; } BOOL ObfEmitRipRelativeMovB(PNATIVE_CODE_BLOCK Block, INT32 RipDelta, PUCHAR Data) { UCHAR RawData[] = { 0xC6, 0x05, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 }; PNATIVE_CODE_LINK Link = new NATIVE_CODE_LINK(CODE_FLAG_IS_INST, RawData, sizeof(RawData)); *(PINT32)&Link->RawData[BYTE_MOV_INST_RIP_OFFSET] = RipDelta; Link->RawData[BYTE_MOV_INST_MOV_OFFSET] = *Data; XedDecode(&Link->XedInstruction, Link->RawData, Link->RawDataSize); NcAppendToBlock(Block, Link); return TRUE; } PNATIVE_CODE_BLOCK ObfEmitPreMovForInst(PNATIVE_CODE_LINK Link, INT32 DeltaToInst) { ULONG FourByte = Link->RawDataSize / 4; ULONG TwoByte = (Link->RawDataSize - (FourByte * 4)) / 2; ULONG OneByte = (Link->RawDataSize - (FourByte * 4) - (TwoByte * 2)); PNATIVE_CODE_BLOCK Block = new NATIVE_CODE_BLOCK; Block->Start = Block->End = new NATIVE_CODE_LINK; PUCHAR DataOffset = Link->RawData; ULONG Count = FourByte; while (Count) { //Account for remaining MOVs INT32 RipDelta = (((Count - 1) * DWORD_MOV_INST_LENGTH) + (TwoByte * WORD_MOV_INST_LENGTH) + (OneByte * BYTE_MOV_INST_LENGTH)); //Account for already MOVd instructions RipDelta += ((FourByte - Count) * 4); RipDelta += DeltaToInst; //Add the actual instruction printf("%p IS THE DATAOFFSET\n", DataOffset); system("pause"); if (!ObfEmitRipRelativeMovD(Block, RipDelta, DataOffset)) { NcDeleteBlock(Block); delete Block; return NULL; } DataOffset += 4; --Count; } if (TwoByte) { INT32 RipDelta = (OneByte * BYTE_MOV_INST_LENGTH); RipDelta += (FourByte * 4); RipDelta += DeltaToInst; if (!ObfEmitRipRelativeMovW(Block, RipDelta, DataOffset)) { NcDeleteBlock(Block); delete Block; return NULL; } DataOffset += 2; } if (OneByte) { INT32 RipDelta = 0; RipDelta += (FourByte * 4) + (TwoByte * 2); RipDelta += DeltaToInst; if (!ObfEmitRipRelativeMovB(Block, RipDelta, DataOffset)) { NcDeleteBlock(Block); delete Block; return NULL; } } PNATIVE_CODE_LINK StartLink = Block->Start; Block->Start = Block->Start->Next; if (Block->Start) Block->Start->Prev = NULL; delete StartLink; return Block; } PNATIVE_CODE_BLOCK ObfEmitPostMovForInst(PNATIVE_CODE_LINK Link, INT32 DeltaToInst) { ULONG FourByte = Link->RawDataSize / 4; ULONG TwoByte = (Link->RawDataSize - (FourByte * 4)) / 2; ULONG OneByte = (Link->RawDataSize - (FourByte * 4) - (TwoByte * 2)); PNATIVE_CODE_BLOCK Block = new NATIVE_CODE_BLOCK; Block->Start = Block->End = new NATIVE_CODE_LINK; ULONG ZeroValue = 0; ULONG Count = FourByte; while (Count) { INT32 RipDelta = Link->RawDataSize - ((FourByte - Count) * 4); RipDelta += (FourByte - (Count - 1)) * DWORD_MOV_INST_LENGTH; RipDelta *= (-1); RipDelta += DeltaToInst; if (!ObfEmitRipRelativeMovD(Block, RipDelta, (PUCHAR)&ZeroValue)) { NcDeleteBlock(Block); delete Block; return NULL; } --Count; } if (TwoByte) { INT32 RipDelta = Link->RawDataSize - (FourByte * 4); RipDelta += (FourByte * DWORD_MOV_INST_LENGTH); RipDelta += WORD_MOV_INST_LENGTH; RipDelta *= (-1); RipDelta += DeltaToInst; if (!ObfEmitRipRelativeMovW(Block, RipDelta, (PUCHAR)&ZeroValue)) { NcDeleteBlock(Block); delete Block; return NULL; } } if (OneByte) { INT32 RipDelta = Link->RawDataSize - (FourByte * 4) - (TwoByte * 2); RipDelta += (FourByte * DWORD_MOV_INST_LENGTH); RipDelta += WORD_MOV_INST_LENGTH; RipDelta += BYTE_MOV_INST_LENGTH; RipDelta *= (-1); RipDelta += DeltaToInst; if (!ObfEmitRipRelativeMovB(Block, RipDelta, (PUCHAR)&ZeroValue)) { NcDeleteBlock(Block); delete Block; return NULL; } } PNATIVE_CODE_LINK StartLink = Block->Start; Block->Start = Block->Start->Next; if (Block->Start) Block->Start->Prev = NULL; delete StartLink; return Block; }