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#include "Code.h"
#include "VmCode.h"
#include "NativeCode.h"
* Structure:
* Instructions:
* - Two byte opcode
* -
* LOC register(Frame pointer):
* - A register for which all local variables are addressed from
* - Specific instructions for quick access of stuff around this ptr
* - Example Frame:
* - [Previous function variables
* - [Return Address
* - [Previous Functions LOC
* - LOC->[Empty Stack Space
* -VmEnter will essentially "call into" the vm and will be created using a function to rearrange and push arguments based on the arguments passed to said function.
BOOL ViValidateNativeCodeBlock(PNATIVE_CODE_BLOCK Block);
BOOL VmEmitEnter(ULONG ArgumentCount, PNATIVE_CODE_BLOCK Block);
BOOL VmEmitExit(ULONG ArgumentCount, PNATIVE_CODE_BLOCK Block);