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#include <llodctor/llodctor_lib.hpp>
void llo::s1::dctor_lib_t::generate( lloiff_t &iff )
// add obj as children to the IFF as the IFF passed in is simply
// the LIB... also add section information for each...
std::for_each( objs.begin(), objs.end(), [ & ]( llo::s1::dctor_lib_t::obj_t &obj ) {
// use llo::lloiff::make to make a std::shared_ptr...
iff.children.push_back( iff.make( std::string( ), obj.raw ) );
// add sections to last IFF...
for ( auto idx = 0u; idx < obj->file_header.num_sections; ++idx )
auto obj_section = obj->get_section( idx );
std::string section_name( obj_section->name.to_string( obj->get_strings() ) );
llo::lloiff_t::iff_section_t section{ section_name };
section.protections.native = obj_section->prots.flags;
section.raw.insert( section.raw.begin(), obj_section->ptr_raw_data +,
obj_section->size_raw_data + obj_section->ptr_raw_data + );
iff.children.back()->sections.push_back( section );
} );
// coff symbol loader...
if ( symbol_loader )
symbol_loader->load( iff );