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#include <llodctor/llodctor_pe.hpp>
void llo::s1::dctor_pe_t::generate( lloiff_t &iff )
std::for_each( sections, sections + section_count, [ & ]( const win::section_header_t &section_header ) {
llo::lloiff_t::iff_section_t iff_section{
std::string( ),
{ + section_header.ptr_raw_data, + section_header.ptr_raw_data + section_header.size_raw_data } };
const auto &prots = section_header.prots;
iff_section.characteristics.prot = { prots.mem_execute, prots.mem_write, prots.mem_discardable };
iff_section.characteristics.characteristics = section_header.prots.flags;
// if the section is writable then we want to disassamble the entire section...
if ( iff_section.characteristics.prot.is_executable && )
std::uint32_t offset = 0u;
xed_error_enum_t err;
xed_decoded_inst_t instr;
xed_state_t istate{ XED_MACHINE_MODE_LONG_64, XED_ADDRESS_WIDTH_64b };
xed_decoded_inst_zero_set_mode( &instr, &istate );
// keep looping over the section, lower the number of bytes each time...
while ( ( err = xed_decode( &instr, + offset, iff_section.raw.size() - offset ) ) ==
offset += xed_decoded_inst_get_length( &instr );
iff_section.instrs.push_back( instr );
// need to set this so that instr can be used to decode again...
xed_decoded_inst_zero_set_mode( &instr, &istate );
std::printf( "> err = %d, offset = %d, size = %d\n", err, offset, iff_section.raw.size() );
iff.sections.emplace_back( iff_section );
} );
// run symbol loader pass... this could be pdb, map, etc...
if ( symbol_loader )
symbol_loader->load( iff );