9 Commits (462157b22c3d99ba78ca3ed3f82be7e320f255a9)

Author SHA1 Message Date
xtremegamer1 462157b22c Added load delta and push order
1 year ago
John Doe b018ca7999 removed a print statement...
2 years ago
John Doe 4c4bcf8a18 fixed a bug in the deadstore removal algo...
2 years ago
John Doe 79c3695828 profilers will now have access to unicorn-engine traces so generators
2 years ago
John Doe 14b145acc5 added test, added code to vmctx to get vip and vsp native register usage
2 years ago
John Doe 70cb770db0 added test case stuff and added vmutils..
2 years ago
John Doe 23cb317be5 still configuring the project how i like it
2 years ago
xerox cbac337a60 blew the tires off vmctx for now... fixed a bug in vmlocate... working now...
2 years ago
xerox 2e7281f900 added a new vmctx which removes calc_jmp and such
2 years ago