using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Collections.Immutable;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Linq;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Model = Discord.API.GuildMember;
namespace Discord.Rest
/// Represents a REST-based guild user.
public class RestGuildUser : RestUser, IGuildUser
private long? _premiumSinceTicks;
private long? _joinedAtTicks;
private ImmutableArray _roleIds;
public string Nickname { get; private set; }
internal IGuild Guild { get; private set; }
public bool IsDeafened { get; private set; }
public bool IsMuted { get; private set; }
public DateTimeOffset? PremiumSince => DateTimeUtils.FromTicks(_premiumSinceTicks);
public ulong GuildId => Guild.Id;
/// Resolving permissions requires the parent guild to be downloaded.
public GuildPermissions GuildPermissions
if (!Guild.Available)
throw new InvalidOperationException("Resolving permissions requires the parent guild to be downloaded.");
return new GuildPermissions(Permissions.ResolveGuild(Guild, this));
public IReadOnlyCollection RoleIds => _roleIds;
public DateTimeOffset? JoinedAt => DateTimeUtils.FromTicks(_joinedAtTicks);
internal RestGuildUser(BaseDiscordClient discord, IGuild guild, ulong id)
: base(discord, id)
Guild = guild;
internal static RestGuildUser Create(BaseDiscordClient discord, IGuild guild, Model model)
var entity = new RestGuildUser(discord, guild, model.User.Id);
return entity;
internal void Update(Model model)
if (model.JoinedAt.IsSpecified)
_joinedAtTicks = model.JoinedAt.Value.UtcTicks;
if (model.Nick.IsSpecified)
Nickname = model.Nick.Value;
if (model.Deaf.IsSpecified)
IsDeafened = model.Deaf.Value;
if (model.Mute.IsSpecified)
IsMuted = model.Mute.Value;
if (model.Roles.IsSpecified)
if (model.PremiumSince.IsSpecified)
_premiumSinceTicks = model.PremiumSince.Value?.UtcTicks;
private void UpdateRoles(ulong[] roleIds)
var roles = ImmutableArray.CreateBuilder(roleIds.Length + 1);
for (int i = 0; i < roleIds.Length; i++)
_roleIds = roles.ToImmutable();
public override async Task UpdateAsync(RequestOptions options = null)
var model = await Discord.ApiClient.GetGuildMemberAsync(GuildId, Id, options).ConfigureAwait(false);
public async Task ModifyAsync(Action func, RequestOptions options = null)
var args = await UserHelper.ModifyAsync(this, Discord, func, options).ConfigureAwait(false);
if (args.Deaf.IsSpecified)
IsDeafened = args.Deaf.Value;
if (args.Mute.IsSpecified)
IsMuted = args.Mute.Value;
if (args.Nickname.IsSpecified)
Nickname = args.Nickname.Value;
if (args.Roles.IsSpecified)
UpdateRoles(args.Roles.Value.Select(x => x.Id).ToArray());
else if (args.RoleIds.IsSpecified)
public Task KickAsync(string reason = null, RequestOptions options = null)
=> UserHelper.KickAsync(this, Discord, reason, options);
public Task AddRoleAsync(IRole role, RequestOptions options = null)
=> AddRolesAsync(new[] { role }, options);
public Task AddRolesAsync(IEnumerable roles, RequestOptions options = null)
=> UserHelper.AddRolesAsync(this, Discord, roles, options);
public Task RemoveRoleAsync(IRole role, RequestOptions options = null)
=> RemoveRolesAsync(new[] { role }, options);
public Task RemoveRolesAsync(IEnumerable roles, RequestOptions options = null)
=> UserHelper.RemoveRolesAsync(this, Discord, roles, options);
/// Resolving permissions requires the parent guild to be downloaded.
public ChannelPermissions GetPermissions(IGuildChannel channel)
var guildPerms = GuildPermissions;
return new ChannelPermissions(Permissions.ResolveChannel(Guild, this, channel, guildPerms.RawValue));
IGuild IGuildUser.Guild
if (Guild != null)
return Guild;
throw new InvalidOperationException("Unable to return this entity's parent unless it was fetched through that object.");
bool IVoiceState.IsSelfDeafened => false;
bool IVoiceState.IsSelfMuted => false;
bool IVoiceState.IsSuppressed => false;
IVoiceChannel IVoiceState.VoiceChannel => null;
string IVoiceState.VoiceSessionId => null;
bool IVoiceState.IsStreaming => false;