using System;
namespace Discord.Commands
/// Marks the aliases for a command.
/// This attribute allows a command to have one or multiple aliases. In other words, the base command can have
/// multiple aliases when triggering the command itself, giving the end-user more freedom of choices when giving
/// hot-words to trigger the desired command. See the example for a better illustration.
/// In the following example, the command can be triggered with the base name, "stats", or either "stat" or
/// "info".
/// [Command("stats")]
/// [Alias("stat", "info")]
/// public async Task GetStatsAsync(IUser user)
/// {
/// // ...pull stats
/// }
[AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Class | AttributeTargets.Method, AllowMultiple = false, Inherited = true)]
public class AliasAttribute : Attribute
/// Gets the aliases which have been defined for the command.
public string[] Aliases { get; }
/// Creates a new with the given aliases.
public AliasAttribute(params string[] aliases)
Aliases = aliases;