You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

247 lines
15 KiB

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
namespace Discord
/// <summary>
/// Represents a container for a series of overwrite permissions.
/// </summary>
public struct OverwritePermissions
/// <summary>
/// Gets a blank <see cref="OverwritePermissions" /> that inherits all permissions.
/// </summary>
public static OverwritePermissions InheritAll { get; } = new OverwritePermissions();
/// <summary>
/// Gets a <see cref="OverwritePermissions" /> that grants all permissions for the given channel.
/// </summary>
/// <exception cref="ArgumentException">Unknown channel type.</exception>
public static OverwritePermissions AllowAll(IChannel channel)
=> new OverwritePermissions(ChannelPermissions.All(channel).RawValue, 0);
/// <summary>
/// Gets a <see cref="OverwritePermissions" /> that denies all permissions for the given channel.
/// </summary>
/// <exception cref="ArgumentException">Unknown channel type.</exception>
public static OverwritePermissions DenyAll(IChannel channel)
=> new OverwritePermissions(0, ChannelPermissions.All(channel).RawValue);
/// <summary>
/// Gets a packed value representing all the allowed permissions in this <see cref="OverwritePermissions"/>.
/// </summary>
public ulong AllowValue { get; }
/// <summary>
/// Gets a packed value representing all the denied permissions in this <see cref="OverwritePermissions"/>.
/// </summary>
public ulong DenyValue { get; }
/// <summary> If Allowed, a user may create invites. </summary>
public PermValue CreateInstantInvite => Permissions.GetValue(AllowValue, DenyValue, ChannelPermission.CreateInstantInvite);
/// <summary> If Allowed, a user may create, delete and modify this channel. </summary>
public PermValue ManageChannel => Permissions.GetValue(AllowValue, DenyValue, ChannelPermission.ManageChannels);
/// <summary> If Allowed, a user may add reactions. </summary>
public PermValue AddReactions => Permissions.GetValue(AllowValue, DenyValue, ChannelPermission.AddReactions);
/// <summary> If Allowed, a user may join channels. </summary>
[Obsolete("Use ViewChannel instead.")]
public PermValue ReadMessages => ViewChannel;
/// <summary> If Allowed, a user may join channels. </summary>
public PermValue ViewChannel => Permissions.GetValue(AllowValue, DenyValue, ChannelPermission.ViewChannel);
/// <summary> If Allowed, a user may send messages. </summary>
public PermValue SendMessages => Permissions.GetValue(AllowValue, DenyValue, ChannelPermission.SendMessages);
/// <summary> If Allowed, a user may send text-to-speech messages. </summary>
public PermValue SendTTSMessages => Permissions.GetValue(AllowValue, DenyValue, ChannelPermission.SendTTSMessages);
/// <summary> If Allowed, a user may delete messages. </summary>
public PermValue ManageMessages => Permissions.GetValue(AllowValue, DenyValue, ChannelPermission.ManageMessages);
/// <summary> If Allowed, Discord will auto-embed links sent by this user. </summary>
public PermValue EmbedLinks => Permissions.GetValue(AllowValue, DenyValue, ChannelPermission.EmbedLinks);
/// <summary> If Allowed, a user may send files. </summary>
public PermValue AttachFiles => Permissions.GetValue(AllowValue, DenyValue, ChannelPermission.AttachFiles);
/// <summary> If Allowed, a user may read previous messages. </summary>
public PermValue ReadMessageHistory => Permissions.GetValue(AllowValue, DenyValue, ChannelPermission.ReadMessageHistory);
/// <summary> If Allowed, a user may mention @everyone. </summary>
public PermValue MentionEveryone => Permissions.GetValue(AllowValue, DenyValue, ChannelPermission.MentionEveryone);
/// <summary> If Allowed, a user may use custom emoji from other guilds. </summary>
public PermValue UseExternalEmojis => Permissions.GetValue(AllowValue, DenyValue, ChannelPermission.UseExternalEmojis);
/// <summary> If Allowed, a user may connect to a voice channel. </summary>
public PermValue Connect => Permissions.GetValue(AllowValue, DenyValue, ChannelPermission.Connect);
/// <summary> If Allowed, a user may speak in a voice channel. </summary>
public PermValue Speak => Permissions.GetValue(AllowValue, DenyValue, ChannelPermission.Speak);
/// <summary> If Allowed, a user may mute users. </summary>
public PermValue MuteMembers => Permissions.GetValue(AllowValue, DenyValue, ChannelPermission.MuteMembers);
/// <summary> If Allowed, a user may deafen users. </summary>
public PermValue DeafenMembers => Permissions.GetValue(AllowValue, DenyValue, ChannelPermission.DeafenMembers);
/// <summary> If Allowed, a user may move other users between voice channels. </summary>
public PermValue MoveMembers => Permissions.GetValue(AllowValue, DenyValue, ChannelPermission.MoveMembers);
/// <summary> If Allowed, a user may use voice-activity-detection rather than push-to-talk. </summary>
public PermValue UseVAD => Permissions.GetValue(AllowValue, DenyValue, ChannelPermission.UseVAD);
/// <summary> If Allowed, a user may use priority speaker in a voice channel. </summary>
public PermValue PrioritySpeaker => Permissions.GetValue(AllowValue, DenyValue, ChannelPermission.PrioritySpeaker);
/// <summary> If Allowed, a user may go live in a voice channel. </summary>
public PermValue Stream => Permissions.GetValue(AllowValue, DenyValue, ChannelPermission.Stream);
/// <summary> If Allowed, a user may adjust role permissions. This also implicitly grants all other permissions. </summary>
public PermValue ManageRoles => Permissions.GetValue(AllowValue, DenyValue, ChannelPermission.ManageRoles);
/// <summary> If True, a user may edit the webhooks for this channel. </summary>
public PermValue ManageWebhooks => Permissions.GetValue(AllowValue, DenyValue, ChannelPermission.ManageWebhooks);
/// <summary> Creates a new OverwritePermissions with the provided allow and deny packed values. </summary>
public OverwritePermissions(ulong allowValue, ulong denyValue)
AllowValue = allowValue;
DenyValue = denyValue;
private OverwritePermissions(ulong allowValue, ulong denyValue,
PermValue? createInstantInvite = null,
PermValue? manageChannel = null,
PermValue? addReactions = null,
PermValue? viewChannel = null,
PermValue? sendMessages = null,
PermValue? sendTTSMessages = null,
PermValue? manageMessages = null,
PermValue? embedLinks = null,
PermValue? attachFiles = null,
PermValue? readMessageHistory = null,
PermValue? mentionEveryone = null,
PermValue? useExternalEmojis = null,
PermValue? connect = null,
PermValue? speak = null,
PermValue? muteMembers = null,
PermValue? deafenMembers = null,
PermValue? moveMembers = null,
PermValue? useVoiceActivation = null,
PermValue? manageRoles = null,
PermValue? manageWebhooks = null,
PermValue? prioritySpeaker = null,
PermValue? stream = null)
Permissions.SetValue(ref allowValue, ref denyValue, createInstantInvite, ChannelPermission.CreateInstantInvite);
Permissions.SetValue(ref allowValue, ref denyValue, manageChannel, ChannelPermission.ManageChannels);
Permissions.SetValue(ref allowValue, ref denyValue, addReactions, ChannelPermission.AddReactions);
Permissions.SetValue(ref allowValue, ref denyValue, viewChannel, ChannelPermission.ViewChannel);
Permissions.SetValue(ref allowValue, ref denyValue, sendMessages, ChannelPermission.SendMessages);
Permissions.SetValue(ref allowValue, ref denyValue, sendTTSMessages, ChannelPermission.SendTTSMessages);
Permissions.SetValue(ref allowValue, ref denyValue, manageMessages, ChannelPermission.ManageMessages);
Permissions.SetValue(ref allowValue, ref denyValue, embedLinks, ChannelPermission.EmbedLinks);
Permissions.SetValue(ref allowValue, ref denyValue, attachFiles, ChannelPermission.AttachFiles);
Permissions.SetValue(ref allowValue, ref denyValue, readMessageHistory, ChannelPermission.ReadMessageHistory);
Permissions.SetValue(ref allowValue, ref denyValue, mentionEveryone, ChannelPermission.MentionEveryone);
Permissions.SetValue(ref allowValue, ref denyValue, useExternalEmojis, ChannelPermission.UseExternalEmojis);
Permissions.SetValue(ref allowValue, ref denyValue, connect, ChannelPermission.Connect);
Permissions.SetValue(ref allowValue, ref denyValue, speak, ChannelPermission.Speak);
Permissions.SetValue(ref allowValue, ref denyValue, muteMembers, ChannelPermission.MuteMembers);
Permissions.SetValue(ref allowValue, ref denyValue, deafenMembers, ChannelPermission.DeafenMembers);
Permissions.SetValue(ref allowValue, ref denyValue, moveMembers, ChannelPermission.MoveMembers);
Permissions.SetValue(ref allowValue, ref denyValue, useVoiceActivation, ChannelPermission.UseVAD);
Permissions.SetValue(ref allowValue, ref denyValue, prioritySpeaker, ChannelPermission.PrioritySpeaker);
Permissions.SetValue(ref allowValue, ref denyValue, stream, ChannelPermission.Stream);
Permissions.SetValue(ref allowValue, ref denyValue, manageRoles, ChannelPermission.ManageRoles);
Permissions.SetValue(ref allowValue, ref denyValue, manageWebhooks, ChannelPermission.ManageWebhooks);
AllowValue = allowValue;
DenyValue = denyValue;
/// <summary>
/// Initializes a new <see cref="ChannelPermissions"/> struct with the provided permissions.
/// </summary>
public OverwritePermissions(
PermValue createInstantInvite = PermValue.Inherit,
PermValue manageChannel = PermValue.Inherit,
PermValue addReactions = PermValue.Inherit,
PermValue viewChannel = PermValue.Inherit,
PermValue sendMessages = PermValue.Inherit,
PermValue sendTTSMessages = PermValue.Inherit,
PermValue manageMessages = PermValue.Inherit,
PermValue embedLinks = PermValue.Inherit,
PermValue attachFiles = PermValue.Inherit,
PermValue readMessageHistory = PermValue.Inherit,
PermValue mentionEveryone = PermValue.Inherit,
PermValue useExternalEmojis = PermValue.Inherit,
PermValue connect = PermValue.Inherit,
PermValue speak = PermValue.Inherit,
PermValue muteMembers = PermValue.Inherit,
PermValue deafenMembers = PermValue.Inherit,
PermValue moveMembers = PermValue.Inherit,
PermValue useVoiceActivation = PermValue.Inherit,
PermValue manageRoles = PermValue.Inherit,
PermValue manageWebhooks = PermValue.Inherit,
PermValue prioritySpeaker = PermValue.Inherit,
PermValue stream = PermValue.Inherit)
: this(0, 0, createInstantInvite, manageChannel, addReactions, viewChannel, sendMessages, sendTTSMessages, manageMessages,
embedLinks, attachFiles, readMessageHistory, mentionEveryone, useExternalEmojis, connect, speak, muteMembers, deafenMembers,
moveMembers, useVoiceActivation, manageRoles, manageWebhooks, prioritySpeaker, stream) { }
/// <summary>
/// Initializes a new <see cref="OverwritePermissions" /> from the current one, changing the provided
/// non-null permissions.
/// </summary>
public OverwritePermissions Modify(
PermValue? createInstantInvite = null,
PermValue? manageChannel = null,
PermValue? addReactions = null,
PermValue? viewChannel = null,
PermValue? sendMessages = null,
PermValue? sendTTSMessages = null,
PermValue? manageMessages = null,
PermValue? embedLinks = null,
PermValue? attachFiles = null,
PermValue? readMessageHistory = null,
PermValue? mentionEveryone = null,
PermValue? useExternalEmojis = null,
PermValue? connect = null,
PermValue? speak = null,
PermValue? muteMembers = null,
PermValue? deafenMembers = null,
PermValue? moveMembers = null,
PermValue? useVoiceActivation = null,
PermValue? manageRoles = null,
PermValue? manageWebhooks = null,
PermValue? prioritySpeaker = null,
PermValue? stream = null)
=> new OverwritePermissions(AllowValue, DenyValue, createInstantInvite, manageChannel, addReactions, viewChannel, sendMessages, sendTTSMessages, manageMessages,
embedLinks, attachFiles, readMessageHistory, mentionEveryone, useExternalEmojis, connect, speak, muteMembers, deafenMembers,
moveMembers, useVoiceActivation, manageRoles, manageWebhooks, prioritySpeaker, stream);
/// <summary>
/// Creates a <see cref="List{T}"/> of all the <see cref="ChannelPermission"/> values that are allowed.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>A <see cref="List{T}"/> of all allowed <see cref="ChannelPermission"/> flags. If none, the list will be empty.</returns>
public List<ChannelPermission> ToAllowList()
var perms = new List<ChannelPermission>();
for (byte i = 0; i < Permissions.MaxBits; i++)
// first operand must be long or ulong to shift >31 bits
ulong flag = ((ulong)1 << i);
if ((AllowValue & flag) != 0)
return perms;
/// <summary>
/// Creates a <see cref="List{T}"/> of all the <see cref="ChannelPermission"/> values that are denied.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>A <see cref="List{T}"/> of all denied <see cref="ChannelPermission"/> flags. If none, the list will be empty.</returns>
public List<ChannelPermission> ToDenyList()
var perms = new List<ChannelPermission>();
for (byte i = 0; i < Permissions.MaxBits; i++)
ulong flag = ((ulong)1 << i);
if ((DenyValue & flag) != 0)
return perms;
public override string ToString() => $"Allow {AllowValue}, Deny {DenyValue}";
private string DebuggerDisplay =>
$"Allow {string.Join(", ", ToAllowList())}, " +
$"Deny {string.Join(", ", ToDenyList())}";