You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

304 lines
13 KiB

using Discord.API.Rest;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Collections.Immutable;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Model = Discord.API.Message;
namespace Discord.Rest
internal static class MessageHelper
/// <summary>
/// Regex used to check if some text is formatted as inline code.
/// </summary>
private static readonly Regex InlineCodeRegex = new Regex(@"[^\\]?(`).+?[^\\](`)", RegexOptions.Compiled | RegexOptions.Multiline | RegexOptions.Singleline);
/// <summary>
/// Regex used to check if some text is formatted as a code block.
/// </summary>
private static readonly Regex BlockCodeRegex = new Regex(@"[^\\]?(```).+?[^\\](```)", RegexOptions.Compiled | RegexOptions.Multiline | RegexOptions.Singleline);
/// <exception cref="InvalidOperationException">Only the author of a message may modify the message.</exception>
/// <exception cref="ArgumentOutOfRangeException">Message content is too long, length must be less or equal to <see cref="DiscordConfig.MaxMessageSize"/>.</exception>
public static async Task<Model> ModifyAsync(IMessage msg, BaseDiscordClient client, Action<MessageProperties> func,
RequestOptions options)
if (msg.Author.Id != client.CurrentUser.Id)
throw new InvalidOperationException("Only the author of a message may modify the message.");
var args = new MessageProperties();
bool hasText = args.Content.IsSpecified ? !string.IsNullOrEmpty(args.Content.Value) : !string.IsNullOrEmpty(msg.Content);
bool hasEmbed = args.Embed.IsSpecified ? args.Embed.Value != null : msg.Embeds.Any();
if (!hasText && !hasEmbed)
Preconditions.NotNullOrEmpty(args.Content.IsSpecified ? args.Content.Value : string.Empty, nameof(args.Content));
var apiArgs = new API.Rest.ModifyMessageParams
Content = args.Content,
Embed = args.Embed.IsSpecified ? args.Embed.Value.ToModel() : Optional.Create<API.Embed>()
return await client.ApiClient.ModifyMessageAsync(msg.Channel.Id, msg.Id, apiArgs, options).ConfigureAwait(false);
public static Task DeleteAsync(IMessage msg, BaseDiscordClient client, RequestOptions options)
=> DeleteAsync(msg.Channel.Id, msg.Id, client, options);
public static async Task DeleteAsync(ulong channelId, ulong msgId, BaseDiscordClient client,
RequestOptions options)
await client.ApiClient.DeleteMessageAsync(channelId, msgId, options).ConfigureAwait(false);
public static async Task SuppressEmbedsAsync(IMessage msg, BaseDiscordClient client, bool suppress, RequestOptions options)
var apiArgs = new API.Rest.SuppressEmbedParams
Suppressed = suppress
await client.ApiClient.SuppressEmbedAsync(msg.Channel.Id, msg.Id, apiArgs, options).ConfigureAwait(false);
public static async Task AddReactionAsync(IMessage msg, IEmote emote, BaseDiscordClient client, RequestOptions options)
await client.ApiClient.AddReactionAsync(msg.Channel.Id, msg.Id, emote is Emote e ? $"{e.Name}:{e.Id}" : emote.Name, options).ConfigureAwait(false);
public static async Task RemoveReactionAsync(IMessage msg, ulong userId, IEmote emote, BaseDiscordClient client, RequestOptions options)
await client.ApiClient.RemoveReactionAsync(msg.Channel.Id, msg.Id, userId, emote is Emote e ? $"{e.Name}:{e.Id}" : emote.Name, options).ConfigureAwait(false);
public static async Task RemoveAllReactionsAsync(IMessage msg, BaseDiscordClient client, RequestOptions options)
await client.ApiClient.RemoveAllReactionsAsync(msg.Channel.Id, msg.Id, options).ConfigureAwait(false);
public static async Task RemoveAllReactionsForEmoteAsync(IMessage msg, IEmote emote, BaseDiscordClient client, RequestOptions options)
await client.ApiClient.RemoveAllReactionsForEmoteAsync(msg.Channel.Id, msg.Id, emote is Emote e ? $"{e.Name}:{e.Id}" : emote.Name, options).ConfigureAwait(false);
public static IAsyncEnumerable<IReadOnlyCollection<IUser>> GetReactionUsersAsync(IMessage msg, IEmote emote,
int? limit, BaseDiscordClient client, RequestOptions options)
Preconditions.NotNull(emote, nameof(emote));
var emoji = (emote is Emote e ? $"{e.Name}:{e.Id}" : emote.Name);
return new PagedAsyncEnumerable<IUser>(
async (info, ct) =>
var args = new GetReactionUsersParams
Limit = info.PageSize
if (info.Position != null)
args.AfterUserId = info.Position.Value;
var models = await client.ApiClient.GetReactionUsersAsync(msg.Channel.Id, msg.Id, emoji, args, options).ConfigureAwait(false);
return models.Select(x => RestUser.Create(client, x)).ToImmutableArray();
nextPage: (info, lastPage) =>
if (lastPage.Count != DiscordConfig.MaxUserReactionsPerBatch)
return false;
info.Position = lastPage.Max(x => x.Id);
return true;
count: limit
public static async Task PinAsync(IMessage msg, BaseDiscordClient client,
RequestOptions options)
await client.ApiClient.AddPinAsync(msg.Channel.Id, msg.Id, options).ConfigureAwait(false);
public static async Task UnpinAsync(IMessage msg, BaseDiscordClient client,
RequestOptions options)
await client.ApiClient.RemovePinAsync(msg.Channel.Id, msg.Id, options).ConfigureAwait(false);
public static ImmutableArray<ITag> ParseTags(string text, IMessageChannel channel, IGuild guild, IReadOnlyCollection<IUser> userMentions)
var tags = ImmutableArray.CreateBuilder<ITag>();
int index = 0;
var codeIndex = 0;
// checks if the tag being parsed is wrapped in code blocks
bool CheckWrappedCode()
// util to check if the index of a tag is within the bounds of the codeblock
bool EnclosedInBlock(Match m)
=> m.Groups[1].Index < index && index < m.Groups[2].Index;
// loop through all code blocks that are before the start of the tag
while (codeIndex < index)
var blockMatch = BlockCodeRegex.Match(text, codeIndex);
if (blockMatch.Success)
if (EnclosedInBlock(blockMatch))
return true;
// continue if the end of the current code was before the start of the tag
codeIndex += blockMatch.Groups[2].Index + blockMatch.Groups[2].Length;
if (codeIndex < index)
return false;
var inlineMatch = InlineCodeRegex.Match(text, codeIndex);
if (inlineMatch.Success)
if (EnclosedInBlock(inlineMatch))
return true;
// continue if the end of the current code was before the start of the tag
codeIndex += inlineMatch.Groups[2].Index + inlineMatch.Groups[2].Length;
if (codeIndex < index)
return false;
return false;
return false;
while (true)
index = text.IndexOf('<', index);
if (index == -1) break;
int endIndex = text.IndexOf('>', index + 1);
if (endIndex == -1) break;
if (CheckWrappedCode()) break;
string content = text.Substring(index, endIndex - index + 1);
if (MentionUtils.TryParseUser(content, out ulong id))
IUser mentionedUser = null;
foreach (var mention in userMentions)
if (mention.Id == id)
mentionedUser = channel?.GetUserAsync(id, CacheMode.CacheOnly).GetAwaiter().GetResult();
if (mentionedUser == null)
mentionedUser = mention;
tags.Add(new Tag<IUser>(TagType.UserMention, index, content.Length, id, mentionedUser));
else if (MentionUtils.TryParseChannel(content, out id))
IChannel mentionedChannel = null;
if (guild != null)
mentionedChannel = guild.GetChannelAsync(id, CacheMode.CacheOnly).GetAwaiter().GetResult();
tags.Add(new Tag<IChannel>(TagType.ChannelMention, index, content.Length, id, mentionedChannel));
else if (MentionUtils.TryParseRole(content, out id))
IRole mentionedRole = null;
if (guild != null)
mentionedRole = guild.GetRole(id);
tags.Add(new Tag<IRole>(TagType.RoleMention, index, content.Length, id, mentionedRole));
else if (Emote.TryParse(content, out var emoji))
tags.Add(new Tag<Emote>(TagType.Emoji, index, content.Length, emoji.Id, emoji));
else //Bad Tag
index = index + 1;
index = endIndex + 1;
index = 0;
codeIndex = 0;
while (true)
index = text.IndexOf("@everyone", index);
if (index == -1) break;
if (CheckWrappedCode()) break;
var tagIndex = FindIndex(tags, index);
if (tagIndex.HasValue)
tags.Insert(tagIndex.Value, new Tag<IRole>(TagType.EveryoneMention, index, "@everyone".Length, 0, guild?.EveryoneRole));
index = 0;
codeIndex = 0;
while (true)
index = text.IndexOf("@here", index);
if (index == -1) break;
if (CheckWrappedCode()) break;
var tagIndex = FindIndex(tags, index);
if (tagIndex.HasValue)
tags.Insert(tagIndex.Value, new Tag<IRole>(TagType.HereMention, index, "@here".Length, 0, guild?.EveryoneRole));
return tags.ToImmutable();
private static int? FindIndex(IReadOnlyList<ITag> tags, int index)
int i = 0;
for (; i < tags.Count; i++)
var tag = tags[i];
if (index < tag.Index)
break; //Position before this tag
if (i > 0 && index < tags[i - 1].Index + tags[i - 1].Length)
return null; //Overlaps tag before this
return i;
public static ImmutableArray<ulong> FilterTagsByKey(TagType type, ImmutableArray<ITag> tags)
return tags
.Where(x => x.Type == type)
.Select(x => x.Key)
public static ImmutableArray<T> FilterTagsByValue<T>(TagType type, ImmutableArray<ITag> tags)
return tags
.Where(x => x.Type == type)
.Select(x => (T)x.Value)
.Where(x => x != null)
public static MessageSource GetSource(Model msg)
if (msg.Type != MessageType.Default)
return MessageSource.System;
else if (msg.WebhookId.IsSpecified)
return MessageSource.Webhook;
else if (msg.Author.GetValueOrDefault()?.Bot.GetValueOrDefault(false) == true)
return MessageSource.Bot;
return MessageSource.User;
public static Task CrosspostAsync(IMessage msg, BaseDiscordClient client, RequestOptions options)
=> CrosspostAsync(msg.Channel.Id, msg.Id, client, options);
public static async Task CrosspostAsync(ulong channelId, ulong msgId, BaseDiscordClient client,
RequestOptions options)
await client.ApiClient.CrosspostAsync(channelId, msgId, options).ConfigureAwait(false);