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3 years ago
#pragma once
#include "kutils.hpp"
#define WIN32K_SYSCALL_FILTER_MASK "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx????xxx"
#define WIN32K_SYSCALL_FILTER_SIG "\x48\x89\x4C\x24\x20\x48\x89\x54\x24\x28\x4C\x89\x44\x24\x30\x4C\x89\x4C\x24\x38\x48\xC7\xC1\x00\x00\x00\x00\x48\xFF\x15"
static_assert(sizeof WIN32K_SYSCALL_FILTER_SIG == sizeof WIN32K_SYSCALL_FILTER_MASK, "signature and mask len invalid...");
typedef union _MISC_THREAD_VALUES
ULONG ThreadFlagsSpare : 2; //0x78
ULONG AutoAlignment : 1; //0x78
ULONG DisableBoost : 1; //0x78
ULONG AlertedByThreadId : 1; //0x78
ULONG QuantumDonation : 1; //0x78
ULONG EnableStackSwap : 1; //0x78
ULONG GuiThread : 1; //0x78
ULONG DisableQuantum : 1; //0x78
ULONG ChargeOnlySchedulingGroup : 1; //0x78
ULONG DeferPreemption : 1; //0x78
ULONG QueueDeferPreemption : 1; //0x78
ULONG ForceDeferSchedule : 1; //0x78
ULONG SharedReadyQueueAffinity : 1; //0x78
ULONG FreezeCount : 1; //0x78
ULONG TerminationApcRequest : 1; //0x78
ULONG AutoBoostEntriesExhausted : 1; //0x78
ULONG KernelStackResident : 1; //0x78
ULONG TerminateRequestReason : 2; //0x78
ULONG ProcessStackCountDecremented : 1; //0x78
ULONG RestrictedGuiThread : 1; //0x78
ULONG VpBackingThread : 1; //0x78
ULONG ThreadFlagsSpare2 : 1; //0x78
ULONG EtwStackTraceApcInserted : 8; //0x78
volatile LONG ThreadFlags; //0x78
typedef struct _syscall_args_t
u64 rcx, rdx, r8, r9;
} syscall_args_t, *psyscall_args_t;
inline void* original_function = nullptr;
// handler is designed to get the arguments passed in registers...
extern "C" void asm_hook_handler_2004(unsigned syscall_number);
extern "C" void asm_hook_handler(unsigned syscall_number);
namespace nt
inline auto enable_filter(HANDLE tid) -> bool
PETHREAD thread;
if (PsLookupThreadByThreadId(tid, &thread) == STATUS_SUCCESS)
const auto thread_misc_values =
reinterpret_cast<unsigned char*>(thread) + 0x78);
// make the thread gui and restricted...
thread_misc_values->GuiThread = 1;
thread_misc_values->RestrictedGuiThread = 1;
return true;
return false;
inline auto enable_filter(PETHREAD thread) -> void
const auto thread_misc_values =
reinterpret_cast<unsigned char*>(thread) + 0x78);
// make the thread gui and restricted...
thread_misc_values->GuiThread = 1;
thread_misc_values->RestrictedGuiThread = 1;
namespace win32k
inline auto hook_filter(void* hook_func) -> void*
KAPC_STATE apc_state;
const auto explorer_pid = kutils::process::get_pid(L"explorer.exe");
PsLookupProcessByProcessId((HANDLE)explorer_pid, &peproc);
// attach to an address space that contains win32k.sys
KeStackAttachProcess(peproc, &apc_state);
const auto win32k = kutils::driver::get_driver_base("win32k.sys");
if (version.dwBuildNumber >= 19041) // if 2004 and above...
* .text:FFFFF97FFF0172E4 48 89 4C 24 20 mov [rsp+48h+var_28], rcx
* .text:FFFFF97FFF0172E9 48 89 54 24 28 mov [rsp+48h+var_20], rdx
* .text:FFFFF97FFF0172EE 4C 89 44 24 30 mov [rsp+48h+var_18], r8
* .text:FFFFF97FFF0172F3 4C 89 4C 24 38 mov [rsp+48h+var_10], r9
* .text:FFFFF97FFF0172F8 48 C7 C1 00 00 00 00 mov rcx, 0 ; _QWORD
* .text:FFFFF97FFF0172FF 48 FF 15 [B2 A4 03 00] call cs:__imp_IsWin32KSyscallFiltered <==== 30 bytes to this RVA...
auto sig_result = reinterpret_cast<u64>(
const auto sig_rva = *reinterpret_cast<int*>(sig_result + 30); // + 30 from above...
sig_result = sig_result + sig_rva + 34; // 34 bytes to RIP...
if (sig_result)
* .rdata:FFFFF97FFF0517B8 ; __int64 (__fastcall *IsWin32KSyscallFiltered)(_QWORD)
* .rdata:FFFFF97FFF0517B8 E4 05 01 FF 7F F9 FF FF __imp_IsWin32KSyscallFiltered dq offset IsWin32KSyscallFiltered <=== deference this....
const auto win32k_filter_func =
* .text:FFFFF97FFF0105E4 IsWin32KSyscallFiltered proc near
* .text:FFFFF97FFF0105E4 48 83 EC 28 sub rsp, 28h
* .text:FFFFF97FFF0105E8 48 8B 05 [A1 67 05 00] mov rax, cs:qword_FFFFF97FFF066D90 <======= + 7 bytes to this RVA....
* .text:FFFFF97FFF0105EF 48 85 C0 test rax, rax
* .text:FFFFF97FFF0105F2 74 06 jz short loc_FFFFF97FFF0105FA
* .text:FFFFF97FFF0105F4 FF 15 66 43 06 00 call cs:__guard_dispatch_icall_fptr
const auto ptr_swap_rva = *reinterpret_cast<int*>(win32k_filter_func + 7); // + 7 from above^
const auto win32k_syscall_filter_ptr = reinterpret_cast<void**>(ptr_swap_rva + win32k_filter_func + 11); // + 7 because 11 bytes in is the next instruction after the mov rax, cs....
const auto result = *win32k_syscall_filter_ptr;
*win32k_syscall_filter_ptr = hook_func;
return result;
else // else 1909 and below (IAT hook)...
auto result = kutils::driver::iat_hook(
win32k, "IsWin32KSyscallFiltered", hook_func);
return result;
return nullptr;
inline auto unhook_filter(void* original_function) -> void
KAPC_STATE apc_state;
const auto explorer_pid = kutils::process::get_pid(L"explorer.exe");
PsLookupProcessByProcessId((HANDLE)explorer_pid, &peproc);
// attach to an address space that contains win32k.sys
KeStackAttachProcess(peproc, &apc_state);
const auto win32k = kutils::driver::get_driver_base("win32k.sys");
if (version.dwBuildNumber >= 19041) // if 2004 and above...
* .text:FFFFF97FFF0172E4 48 89 4C 24 20 mov [rsp+48h+var_28], rcx
* .text:FFFFF97FFF0172E9 48 89 54 24 28 mov [rsp+48h+var_20], rdx
* .text:FFFFF97FFF0172EE 4C 89 44 24 30 mov [rsp+48h+var_18], r8
* .text:FFFFF97FFF0172F3 4C 89 4C 24 38 mov [rsp+48h+var_10], r9
* .text:FFFFF97FFF0172F8 48 C7 C1 00 00 00 00 mov rcx, 0 ; _QWORD
* .text:FFFFF97FFF0172FF 48 FF 15 [B2 A4 03 00] call cs:__imp_IsWin32KSyscallFiltered <==== 30 bytes to this RVA...
auto sig_result = reinterpret_cast<u64>(
const auto sig_rva = *reinterpret_cast<int*>(sig_result + 30); // + 30 from above...
sig_result = sig_result + sig_rva + 34; // 34 bytes to RIP...
if (sig_result)
* .rdata:FFFFF97FFF0517B8 ; __int64 (__fastcall *IsWin32KSyscallFiltered)(_QWORD)
* .rdata:FFFFF97FFF0517B8 E4 05 01 FF 7F F9 FF FF __imp_IsWin32KSyscallFiltered dq offset IsWin32KSyscallFiltered <=== deference this....
const auto win32k_filter_func =
* .text:FFFFF97FFF0105E4 IsWin32KSyscallFiltered proc near
* .text:FFFFF97FFF0105E4 48 83 EC 28 sub rsp, 28h
* .text:FFFFF97FFF0105E8 48 8B 05 [A1 67 05 00] mov rax, cs:qword_FFFFF97FFF066D90 <======= + 7 bytes to this RVA....
* .text:FFFFF97FFF0105EF 48 85 C0 test rax, rax
* .text:FFFFF97FFF0105F2 74 06 jz short loc_FFFFF97FFF0105FA
* .text:FFFFF97FFF0105F4 FF 15 66 43 06 00 call cs:__guard_dispatch_icall_fptr
const auto ptr_swap_rva = *reinterpret_cast<int*>(win32k_filter_func + 7); // + 7 from above^
const auto win32k_syscall_filter_ptr = reinterpret_cast<void**>(ptr_swap_rva + win32k_filter_func + 11); // + 7 because 11 bytes in is the next instruction after the mov rax, cs....
*win32k_syscall_filter_ptr = original_function;
else // else 1909 and below (IAT hook)...
// restore IAT...
"IsWin32KSyscallFiltered", original_function);