Update README.md

merge-requests/1/head v1.0
_xeroxz 4 years ago
parent acef2bb493
commit 3420f16fea

@ -21,6 +21,9 @@ have execution in CPL0. If there are any issues with the code make an issue (pos
### What?
nasa-mapper is like every other driver mapper except the driver is not mapped into the kernel, only specific contexts/processes you decide to map the driver into.
There are limitations to this driver mapper. Firstly your driver is not going to be globally mapped. Its only going to be accessable from inside of your context.
You can still call kernel functions, but you cannot switch contexts. In other words do not call `KeStackAttachProcess` directly. You can call MmCopyVirtualMemory though
since the context switch will happen inside of `ntoskrnl` which is globally mapped.
### How?
@ -33,6 +36,8 @@ processes pointing at the allocated driver in the runtimebroker, thus mapping th
Keeping your driver out of the kernels paging tables. Most driver mappers map a driver into a kernel pool (ExAllocatePool). Physmeme, Kdmapper, Drvmapper, all do this, its easily
detected and easy to dump. This keeps your driver inside of your context :)
I guess you can call this physmeme v2? You can use any driver that exposes physical memory read/write with this driver mapper, simply replace the vulnerable driver inside of raw_driver.hpp.
# Spectre
Please disable spectre/meltdown when using nasa-tables/nasa-patch/nasa-mapper. You can download a program to disable spectre/meltdown [here](https://www.grc.com/inspectre.htm).