#include "mapper_ctx.hpp" namespace nasa { mapper_ctx::mapper_ctx ( nasa::mem_ctx* map_into, nasa::mem_ctx* map_from ) : map_into(map_into), map_from(map_from), pml4_idx(0) { const auto map_into_pml4 = reinterpret_cast( map_into->set_page(map_into->dirbase)); // look for an empty pml4e... for (auto idx = 0u; idx < 256; ++idx) { if (!map_into_pml4[idx].value) { this->pml4_idx = idx; break; } } } auto mapper_ctx::map(std::vector& raw_image) -> std::pair { const auto [drv_alloc, drv_entry_addr] = allocate_driver(raw_image); auto [drv_ppml4e, drv_pml4e] = map_from->get_pml4e(drv_alloc); make_kernel_access(drv_alloc); while (!map_from->set_pml4e(drv_ppml4e, pml4e{ NULL })) continue; drv_pml4e.nx = false; drv_pml4e.user_supervisor = false; // ensure we insert the pml4e... while (!map_into->write_phys( reinterpret_cast( map_into->dirbase) + this->pml4_idx, drv_pml4e)) continue; virt_addr_t new_addr = { reinterpret_cast(drv_alloc) }; new_addr.pml4_index = this->pml4_idx; return { new_addr.value, drv_entry_addr }; } void mapper_ctx::call_entry(void* drv_entry, void** hook_handler) const { map_into->v_ctx->syscall(drv_entry, hook_handler); } auto mapper_ctx::allocate_driver(std::vector& raw_image) -> std::pair { nasa::pe_image drv_image(raw_image); const auto process_handle = OpenProcess( PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS, FALSE, map_from->pid ); if (!process_handle) return { {}, {} }; drv_image.fix_imports([&](const char* module_name, const char* export_name) { return reinterpret_cast( util::get_kmodule_export( module_name, export_name )); }); drv_image.map(); const auto drv_alloc_base = reinterpret_cast( VirtualAllocEx( process_handle, nullptr, drv_image.size(), MEM_COMMIT | MEM_RESERVE, PAGE_READWRITE )); if (!drv_alloc_base) return { {}, {} }; virt_addr_t new_addr = { reinterpret_cast(drv_alloc_base) }; new_addr.pml4_index = this->pml4_idx; drv_image.relocate(reinterpret_cast(new_addr.value)); // dont write nt headers... SIZE_T bytes_written = 0; const bool result = WriteProcessMemory ( process_handle, reinterpret_cast((std::uint64_t)drv_alloc_base + drv_image.header_size()), reinterpret_cast((std::uint64_t)drv_image.data() + drv_image.header_size()), drv_image.size() - drv_image.header_size(), &bytes_written ); if (!CloseHandle(process_handle)) return { {}, {} }; return { reinterpret_cast(drv_alloc_base), reinterpret_cast(drv_image.entry_point() + reinterpret_cast(new_addr.value)) }; } void mapper_ctx::make_kernel_access(void* drv_base) { const auto [ppdpte, pdpte] = map_from->get_pdpte(drv_base); auto ppdpte_phys = reinterpret_cast(( reinterpret_cast(ppdpte) >> 12) << 12); // 0 the last 12 bits... auto pdpt_mapping = reinterpret_cast<::ppdpte>( map_from->set_page(ppdpte_phys)); // set pdptes to CPL0 access only and executable... for (auto pdpt_idx = 0u; pdpt_idx < 512; ++pdpt_idx) { if (pdpt_mapping[pdpt_idx].present) { pdpt_mapping[pdpt_idx].user_supervisor = false; pdpt_mapping[pdpt_idx].nx = false; auto pd_mapping = reinterpret_cast( map_from->set_page(reinterpret_cast( pdpt_mapping[pdpt_idx].pfn << 12))); // set pdes to CPL0 access only and executable... for (auto pd_idx = 0u; pd_idx < 512; ++pd_idx) { if (pd_mapping[pd_idx].present) { pd_mapping[pd_idx].user_supervisor = false; pd_mapping[pd_idx].nx = false; auto pt_mapping = reinterpret_cast( map_from->set_page(reinterpret_cast( pd_mapping[pd_idx].pfn << 12))); // set ptes to CPL0 access only and executable... for (auto pt_idx = 0u; pt_idx < 512; ++pt_idx) { if (pt_mapping[pt_idx].present) { pt_mapping[pt_idx].user_supervisor = false; pt_mapping[pt_idx].nx = false; } } // set page back to pd... pd_mapping = reinterpret_cast( map_from->set_page(reinterpret_cast( pdpt_mapping[pdpt_idx].pfn << 12))); } } // set page back to pdpt... pdpt_mapping = reinterpret_cast<::ppdpte>( map_from->set_page(ppdpte_phys)); } } } }