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#include "map_driver.hpp"
#include "mapper_ctx/mapper_ctx.hpp"
#include "vdm_ctx/vdm_ctx.hpp"
#include "vdm/vdm.hpp"
#include "set_mgr/set_mgr.hpp"
namespace mapper
auto map_driver(std::uint8_t* drv_image, std::size_t image_size, void** entry_data) -> std::pair<mapper_error, void*>
std::vector<std::uint8_t> drv_buffer(drv_image, image_size + drv_image);
if (!drv_buffer.size())
return { mapper_error::image_invalid, nullptr };
const auto [drv_handle, drv_key] = vdm::load_drv();
if (drv_handle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE || drv_key.empty())
return { mapper_error::load_error, nullptr };
const auto runtime_broker_pid =
if (!runtime_broker_pid)
return { mapper_error::failed_to_create_proc, nullptr };
vdm::read_phys_t _read_phys =
[&](void* addr, void* buffer, std::size_t size) -> bool
return vdm::read_phys(addr, buffer, size);
vdm::write_phys_t _write_phys =
[&](void* addr, void* buffer, std::size_t size) -> bool
return vdm::write_phys(addr, buffer, size);
vdm::vdm_ctx v_ctx(_read_phys, _write_phys);
nasa::mem_ctx my_proc(&v_ctx, GetCurrentProcessId());
nasa::mem_ctx runtime_broker(&v_ctx, runtime_broker_pid);
nasa::mapper_ctx mapper(&my_proc, &runtime_broker);
const auto result =
if (result != STATUS_SUCCESS)
return { mapper_error::set_mgr_failure, nullptr };
const auto [drv_base, drv_entry] =;
if (!drv_base || !drv_entry)
return { mapper_error::init_failed, nullptr };
mapper.call_entry(drv_entry, entry_data);
if (!vdm::unload_drv(drv_handle, drv_key))
return { mapper_error::unload_error, nullptr };
return { mapper_error::error_success, drv_base };