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#pragma once
#include "../util/util.hpp"
#include "../physmeme/physmeme.hpp"
#include "../util/hook.hpp"
namespace nasa
// offset of function into a physical page
// used for comparing bytes when searching
inline std::uint16_t nt_page_offset{};
// rva of nt function we are going to hook
inline std::uint32_t nt_rva{};
// base address of ntoskrnl (inside of this process)
inline const std::uint8_t* ntoskrnl_buffer{};
// mapping of a syscalls physical memory (for installing hooks)
inline std::atomic<void*> psyscall_func{};
// you can edit this how you choose, im hooking NtShutdownSystem.
inline const std::pair<std::string_view, std::string_view> syscall_hook = { "NtShutdownSystem", "ntdll.dll" };
class kernel_ctx
friend class mem_ctx;
// read kernel memory into buffer
void rkm(void* buffer, void* address, std::size_t size);
// write kernel memory from buffer
void wkm(void* buffer, void* address, std::size_t size);
template <class T>
T rkm(void* addr)
if (!addr)
return {};
T buffer;
rkm((void*)&buffer, addr, sizeof(T));
return buffer;
template <class T>
void wkm(void* addr, const T& data)
if (!addr)
wkm((void*)&data, addr, sizeof(T));
// gets physical address from virtual
void* get_physical(void* virt_addr);
// uses the pfn database to get the virtual address
void* get_virtual(void* virt_addr);
// use this to call any function in the kernel
template <class T, class ... Ts>
std::invoke_result_t<T, Ts...> syscall(void* addr, Ts ... args)
static const auto proc =
if (!proc || !psyscall_func || !addr)
return {};
hook::make_hook(psyscall_func, addr);
auto result = reinterpret_cast<T>(proc)(args ...);
return result;
bool clear_piddb_cache(const std::string& drv_name, const std::uint32_t epoch_time);
// find and map the physical page of a syscall into this process
void map_syscall(std::uintptr_t begin, std::uintptr_t end) const;
// get a pointer to an eprocess given process id.
PEPROCESS get_peprocess(DWORD pid);