#include #include "kernel_ctx/kernel_ctx.h" #include "mem_ctx/mem_ctx.hpp" int __cdecl main(int argc, char** argv) { // only time driver needs to be loaded is to init physmeme/kernel_ctx... nasa::load_drv(); nasa::kernel_ctx kernel; if (kernel.clear_piddb_cache(nasa::drv_key, util::get_file_header((void*)raw_driver)->TimeDateStamp)) std::cout << "[+] flushed PIDDB Cache for physmeme driver..." << std::endl; nasa::unload_drv(); const std::pair my_proc_data = { GetCurrentProcessId(), virt_addr_t{ GetModuleHandle(NULL) } }; std::cout << "[+] my pid: " << std::hex << my_proc_data.first << std::endl; std::cout << "[+] my base: " << std::showbase << std::hex << my_proc_data.second.value << std::endl; nasa::mem_ctx my_proc(kernel, my_proc_data.first); const auto module_base = my_proc_data.second; std::cout << "[+] base address pml4e: " << std::hex << my_proc[module_base.pml4_index].value << std::endl; std::cout << "[+] base address pdpte: " << std::hex << my_proc[{module_base.pml4_index, module_base.pdpt_index}].value << std::endl; std::cout << "[+] base address pde: " << std::hex << my_proc[{module_base.pml4_index, module_base.pdpt_index, module_base.pd_index}].value << std::endl; std::cout << "[+] base address pte: " << std::hex << my_proc[{module_base.pml4_index, module_base.pdpt_index, module_base.pd_index, module_base.pt_index}].value << std::endl; std::cin.get(); }