#pragma once #include #include #include #include #include "bedaisy.hpp" char print_buffer[0x1000]; namespace utils { struct nt_peb { std::uintptr_t res[2]; std::uintptr_t image_base; std::uintptr_t ldr; std::uintptr_t proc_params; }; inline uint32_t get_pid(const std::wstring_view process_name) { const auto handle = CreateToolhelp32Snapshot(TH32CS_SNAPPROCESS, 0); if (handle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) return !CloseHandle(handle); PROCESSENTRY32W process_entry{ sizeof(PROCESSENTRY32W) }; for (Process32FirstW(handle, &process_entry); Process32NextW(handle, &process_entry); ) { if (std::wcscmp(process_name.data(), process_entry.szExeFile) == NULL) { CloseHandle(handle); return process_entry.th32ProcessID; } } CloseHandle(handle); return NULL; } inline PPEB get_process_peb(const HANDLE process_handle) { PROCESS_BASIC_INFORMATION process_info{}; ULONG bytes_returned; if (NtQueryInformationProcess ( process_handle, ProcessBasicInformation, &process_info, sizeof(process_info), &bytes_returned ) != ERROR_SUCCESS) return nullptr; return process_info.PebBaseAddress; } // could do a snapshot but i have this code handy atm... inline std::uintptr_t get_proc_base(const HANDLE proc_handle) { if (!proc_handle) return {}; const auto ppeb = reinterpret_cast(get_process_peb(proc_handle)); const auto peb = bedaisy::read(proc_handle, ppeb); return peb.image_base; } // could do a snapshot but i have this code handy atm... inline std::uintptr_t get_module_base(const HANDLE proc_handle, const wchar_t* module_handle) { const auto ppeb = reinterpret_cast(get_process_peb(proc_handle)); const auto peb = bedaisy::read(proc_handle, ppeb); wchar_t full_file_name[MAX_PATH]; std::uintptr_t module_base, file_name_ptr; const auto module_list_entry = bedaisy::read(proc_handle, peb.ldr); const auto first_entry = reinterpret_cast( module_list_entry.InMemoryOrderModuleList.Flink); auto current_entry = bedaisy::read(proc_handle, first_entry); while (current_entry != first_entry) { // read full module unicode_string structure. file_name_ptr = bedaisy::read(proc_handle, current_entry + 0x40); // read full file path. bedaisy::read ( proc_handle, file_name_ptr, full_file_name, MAX_PATH ); module_base = bedaisy::read(proc_handle, current_entry + 0x20); if (std::wcsstr(full_file_name, module_handle)) return module_base; current_entry = bedaisy::read(proc_handle, current_entry); } return NULL; } }