handle elevation using bedaisy. write up can be found here https://back.engineering/21/08/2020/
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xerox 4dcbc06bc0
Update README.md
4 years ago
badeye added system proc read demo 4 years ago
battleye.8.17.2020 added current battleye + badeye project 4 years ago
README.md Update README.md 4 years ago


i am writing this atm so come back later



This section will go into detail about what exactly is going on here. csrss.exe/lsass.exe have handles to all processes and since battleye strips the R/W access of the handle that these processes have to the game it can cause system instability. Thus bedaisy writes two pages of shellcode to both processes and inline hooks NtReadVirtualMemory and NtWriteVirtualMemory.

If you run a battleye protected game, open cheat engine, attach to lsass.exe, and navigate to NtReadVirtualMemory/NtWriteVirtualMemory you will see this inline hook...

This inline hook jumps to shellcode that packages all of the parameter values passed to NtReadVirtualMemory into the stack and then jumps to DeviceIoControl...