#include "mm.hpp" namespace mm { auto translate(virt_addr_t virt_addr) -> u64 { virt_addr_t cursor{ (u64) vmxroot_pml4 }; if (!reinterpret_cast(cursor.value)[virt_addr.pml4_index].present) return {}; cursor.pt_index = virt_addr.pml4_index; if (!reinterpret_cast(cursor.value)[virt_addr.pdpt_index].present) return {}; // handle 1gb large page... if (reinterpret_cast(cursor.value)[virt_addr.pdpt_index].page_size) return (reinterpret_cast(cursor.value) [virt_addr.pdpt_index].pfn << 12) + virt_addr.offset_1gb; cursor.pd_index = virt_addr.pml4_index; cursor.pt_index = virt_addr.pdpt_index; if (!reinterpret_cast(cursor.value)[virt_addr.pd_index].present) return {}; // handle 2mb large page... if (reinterpret_cast(cursor.value)[virt_addr.pd_index].page_size) return (reinterpret_cast(cursor.value) [virt_addr.pd_index].pfn << 12) + virt_addr.offset_2mb; cursor.pdpt_index = virt_addr.pml4_index; cursor.pd_index = virt_addr.pdpt_index; cursor.pt_index = virt_addr.pd_index; if (!reinterpret_cast(cursor.value)[virt_addr.pt_index].present) return {}; return (reinterpret_cast(cursor.value) [virt_addr.pt_index].pfn << 12) + virt_addr.offset_4kb; } auto translate(virt_addr_t virt_addr, u64 pml4_phys, map_type type) -> u64 { const auto pml4 = reinterpret_cast( map_page(pml4_phys, type)); if (!pml4[virt_addr.pml4_index].present) return {}; const auto pdpt = reinterpret_cast( map_page(pml4[virt_addr .pml4_index].pfn << 12, type)); if (!pdpt[virt_addr.pdpt_index].present) return {}; if (pdpt[virt_addr.pdpt_index].page_size) return (pdpt[virt_addr.pdpt_index].pfn << 12) + virt_addr.offset_1gb; const auto pd = reinterpret_cast( map_page(pdpt[virt_addr .pdpt_index].pfn << 12, type)); if (!pd[virt_addr.pd_index].present) return {}; if (pd[virt_addr.pd_index].page_size) return (pd[virt_addr.pd_index].pfn << 12) + virt_addr.offset_2mb; const auto pt = reinterpret_cast( map_page(pd[virt_addr .pd_index].pfn << 12, type)); if (!pt[virt_addr.pt_index].present) return {}; return (pt[virt_addr.pt_index].pfn << 12) + virt_addr.offset_4kb; } auto map_page(u64 phys_addr, map_type type) -> u64 { cpuid_eax_01 cpuid_value; virt_addr_t result{ (u64) vmxroot_pml4 }; __cpuid((int*)&cpuid_value, 1); result.pt_index = (cpuid_value .cpuid_additional_information .initial_apic_id * 2) + (unsigned)type; reinterpret_cast(vmxroot_pml4) [result.pt_index].pfn = phys_addr >> 12; __invlpg((void*)result.value); result.offset_4kb = phys_addr_t{ phys_addr }.offset_4kb; return result.value; } auto map_virt(u64 dirbase, u64 virt_addr, map_type map_type) -> u64 { const auto phys_addr = translate(virt_addr_t{ virt_addr }, dirbase, map_type); if (!phys_addr) return {}; return map_page(phys_addr, map_type); } auto read_phys(u64 dirbase, u64 guest_phys, u64 guest_virt, u64 size) -> bool { // handle reading over page boundaries // of both src and dest... while (size) { auto dest_current_size = PAGE_SIZE - virt_addr_t{ guest_virt }.offset_4kb; if (size < dest_current_size) dest_current_size = size; auto src_current_size = PAGE_SIZE - phys_addr_t{ guest_phys }.offset_4kb; if (size < src_current_size) src_current_size = size; auto current_size = min(dest_current_size, src_current_size); const auto mapped_dest = reinterpret_cast( map_virt(dirbase, guest_virt, map_type::dest)); if (!mapped_dest) return false; const auto mapped_src = reinterpret_cast( map_page(guest_phys, map_type::src)); if (!mapped_src) return false; memcpy(mapped_dest, mapped_src, current_size); guest_phys += current_size; guest_virt += current_size; size -= current_size; } return true; } auto write_phys(u64 dirbase, u64 guest_phys, u64 guest_virt, u64 size) -> bool { // handle reading over page boundaries // of both src and dest... while (size) { auto dest_current_size = PAGE_SIZE - virt_addr_t{ guest_virt }.offset_4kb; if (size < dest_current_size) dest_current_size = size; auto src_current_size = PAGE_SIZE - phys_addr_t{ guest_phys }.offset_4kb; if (size < src_current_size) src_current_size = size; auto current_size = min(dest_current_size, src_current_size); const auto mapped_src = reinterpret_cast( map_virt(dirbase, guest_virt, map_type::src)); if (!mapped_src) return false; const auto mapped_dest = reinterpret_cast( map_page(guest_phys, map_type::dest)); if (!mapped_src) return false; memcpy(mapped_dest, mapped_src, current_size); guest_phys += current_size; guest_virt += current_size; size -= current_size; } return true; } auto copy_virt(u64 dirbase_src, u64 virt_src, u64 dirbase_dest, u64 virt_dest, u64 size) -> bool { while (size) { auto dest_size = PAGE_SIZE - virt_addr_t{ virt_dest }.offset_4kb; if (size < dest_size) dest_size = size; auto src_size = PAGE_SIZE - virt_addr_t{ virt_src }.offset_4kb; if (size < src_size) src_size = size; const auto mapped_src = reinterpret_cast( map_virt(dirbase_src, virt_src, map_type::src)); if (!mapped_src) return false; const auto mapped_dest = reinterpret_cast( map_virt(dirbase_dest, virt_dest, map_type::dest)); if (!mapped_dest) return false; // copy directly between the two pages... auto current_size = min(dest_size, src_size); memcpy(mapped_dest, mapped_src, current_size); virt_src += current_size; virt_dest += current_size; size -= current_size; } return true; } }